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RE: Seven Rays, entities, guru poorinima

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Dear Elekra


I think you friend is correct though I don't believe it is law as such

otherwise to my beliefs, the laws has been broken many times. Rather it

is a systematic order in much the same was as gravity is, entities will

overshadow the souls of men there are many examples of this: Alcohol and

drugs are in fact taking in the the system deva lives that they can

experience human existence as men can also partially experience there

existence. Jesus has been said to be overshadowed by the Christ by some.

Swami Satyandanda Sarraswati made a packed with an higher being for a 20

year period to build the Satyananda Ashram After the 20 year period

Satyananda forgot the agreement would not allow the entity to go, the

entity wanted out and tried to kill Satyananda before he re remembered

the agreement and had to renounce his ashram

constructs as well as renouncing his many disciples that lived in many

countries throughout the world. Now he tries to live his life purely as

an ordinary sadhaka. I felt for him at the time to such a loss as it

appeared to me it may effect him in the similar way as many women suffer

from post natal depression, as in feeling somewhat at a loss.

I considered him my guru for many years as when I met him I did not know

of any greater soul, though when I heard of this I enquired to my inner

self who or what would take that place the answer returned there is no

difference between him Djwall Kull, Moya, Katoomie as I had a lot to do

with a disiple of Katoomie already or Jesus Christ or any other at my

stage. Fore they all teach the same. I know the techniques may differ,

though basically they represent the evolution of knowledge and the

realization of the expansion of soul. Some friends told me I belong to

the ashram of synthesis because I understand all teachings though that

means very little to me at this stage. I am yet to see a true

representation of this ashram. I would love to see its construction and

I am glad others have seen it as in thought.

In India there is a Baba who supposes to continually exchange his body

and appearance that he may take the body of a disciple that has given it

up willfully. It is hearsay to me, Though my mind remain open to more



Diseases that are of a viral type are no more than diva entities seeking


Then of cause there are the stories of exorcisms. Though no one no thing

at all, no governments (political or religious or family) or devas or

gods alike should have no rights nor should they have anything over you

if you don't give permission nor seek there interference, A true Guru

Disciple ship relation ship should only be based on mutual respect and

free will and nothing to do with subservience. To me it is about seeking

freedom of spirit from the confines of the material world.


It is not so much a law but is an order. An entity that is of lower

frequency than a host cannot enter the host or hold sway up it. It is

the weakening of the body and its lowering of the vibration frequency

that allows the devic essences that do damage into the astral web

substance. Where as the higher vibration bodies will be less effected.

Homeopathic remedies are diva life essences that human souls with

etheric vision find they can collect as the first dew that has been

peaced by the early morning sunlight and that has been programmed by the

plant it sits on. Same as the smells of aroma therapy these devas raise

against the lower vibrational forms that create diseases, Colored

lighting and reflections and as well as mantric sounds set devas into

response. This world is a lot more than what we are led to belive.


It is very difficult for a higher soul to enter the lower realms of the

emotion confused person or state. This is also the case in the event

that a higher more evolved soul choose not to be born of a women or into

this world as it is. Thus, many higher souls don't choose to take

incarnation the normal way. Nor do they wish to go though the

developments of the mind over again as children do. So they are quite

particular in that any vehicle they choose, that it is needed to be

eloquently refined. I deduce that Joseph and Mary were refined enough to

spore the vehicle for baby Jesus in womb. The spiritual adept who became

known as Jesus I believe would have made an agreement with the Christ as

a disciple prior to the day he was born, to prepare a physical being to

allow for Christs over shadowing. It is not that the Christ could not

create his own body in either physical or Astral form it is more that he

has better things to do and this planet although a priority enough for

his expressions. Was not vibrating high enough to enable full

expressions of The Christ, though if Christ was and he made it so for

that time it may have been more damaging than constructive. He

vibrations would be to high. Thus it is up to the brother hood of

humanity to raise the vibration level to create conditions for Christ

return. I have my doubts that he will take any physical form other than

a sort of dense astral, however in the case that humanity in general

awakens there heart centre as a whole we may witness and see The Christ

in each and every one of us. Thus the awakening of K the is necessary

to raise our vibrations to establish a new era of love and friendship

between the nations of what we know of to be humanity as well as this

planet and everything on it and universally.


Wishing you all well

John Mathieson

'Where there is joy, bliss, delight and pleasure of inexpressible

variety, where all wishes are fulfilled, there make me immortal.' Rig

Veda 9th mandala, 113th sukta, 1st mantra




On Behalf Of

Elektra Fire

Monday, 10 July 2006 3:14 AM


RE: Re: Seven Rays, religious



Hi ,

I have been following this discussion and have to say that I agree with

you and John.

I was once told by a friend (who meditated for hours daily) that it's

against cosmic law for higher beings or angels to take over anothers

conciousness or body and that they would never do this kind of thing. It

makes sense to me as it is a distraction , an entertaining one, but a

distraction none the less. It's far more empowering to develope your own

informations and connections to the divine then to seek it through


I do believe it to be possible to hear the words of the others through

devoted meditation or prayer, but the need to stand on a stage telling

everyone the answers to their questions would probably be more ego based

and coming from other realms.


Still, all is in perfection and all is god, so it must be there for a

reason. :)


my thoughts, with love Elektra x x x


chrism <@ <%40> > wrote:

Hi John, Angel,

Yes there are sooo many channeling Djwal Khul now it seems a practice in

futility to even try to decipher who is what and where and it just isnt

of interest to me really. Although Angel, I did at one point look very

carefully at the Baily work. Much of it was attractive but much also

depended on a persons following the channelings in a way that kind of

addicted them to that information. Even now on other groups there are

folks doing the bidding of Djwal Khul blindly and obediantly.




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Thanks John for that wonderfully written message,


When I use the term " Law " , I am describing a natural vibrational process that

dictates what can be and what can't be, so to me the word, " order " or " law "

are describing the same thing. It's like in science, certain causes have certain

effects , things happen in certain ways. Pattern, Law, Order, these are words I

use to describe certain unchanging principles.


I'm sure that many interactive experiences can be beneficial and I to class

all things as devas and elemental life force energy.


The story of this guru in India is a very interesting one, one things for

sure, whatever happens people have to invite the experience to themselves

through free will.

Whether they are aware of it or not.


Everything has it's place and reason for being.


love Elektra x x x






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