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Debs thoughts on Einstein etc.

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Hi Deb and everyone. I haven't been keeping up with the latest posts

since I've been busy with life and trying to catch up on what's going

on. I was going to read the list from the beginning but... that might

leave me out of the loop for weeks!! My reading backlog has gotten

longer so I didn't even see this message till today (sunday) or

Chris's request for my thoughts. On to more interesting things than

my personal guilt ;)


My most important realization in regards to science was " Mathematics

is a language " . Math is merely a tool to describe the world around

us, but since it is relatively new to us we seem to think the

limitations of the language are because of our puny human brains that

haven't gotten it right yet. I disagree, math is a language and

suffers the same problems as when we try to describe our dreams in

plain language. The most obvious proof of this was given to me by the

book " The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the

Human Mind " . This book details the search for infinity by

mathematicians throughout time, and the ones that made the greatest

breakthroughs ended up going insane by contemplating the problems

(never solved) of infinity. Oddly, the biggest stumbling block to the

study came from the " axiom of choice " which they had to assume to be true.


Back to Einstein... He was a very religious man that believed in

" God " who ordered the universe down to the last quark, etc. In order

to reconcile science and religion, Einstein needed to show how the

universe could be exactly described by God. Thus he hated quantum

mechanics because it showed that beneath everything matter did

inexplicable things. QM showed that things happened in a

probabalistic manner that could NOT be predicted, and thus an

omnipotent God was doomed. The only defense was to say that " God

doesn't play dice. "


I seem to remember my QM professor saying that QM becomes just like

general relativity when you look at large systems (like a baseball,

human, or whatever). Don't worry about the fact that they aren't

" united " because it boils down to mathematical problems (dividing by

zero, etc. which happens to give infinity:). The exact equations can

never be equal because they start with fundamentally different ideas!

Einstein believes matter to be inert, doing only what physics tells

it to. QM says matter will do whatever it wants, and I like to

imagine that every bit of matter (matter <=> energy ) IS conscious and

DOES do what it wants :) Scientists in general don't venture into the

realm of consciousness and thus just call it " probability " . On the

cosmic scale matter behaves in a very predictable way much like how

large groups of humans will behave in a very predictable way to

specific forces, but on the small scale you begin to see consciousness

peeking through! That last sentence is my personal belief and not

scientifically proven (I always have to put clauses like that on what

I say :)


String theory is really neat because it is a possible solution to QM

and General relativity's problems. Deb you pretty much have all there

is to know about string theory. There are REALLY tiny " strings " of

energy or whatever that vibrate, and at different frequencies the

strings become different sub-atomic particles, and thus the rest of

the universe. However, the problem is that there are probably an

infinite number of solutions to the equations. So which solution is

correct? Also, different solutions use different numbers of

dimensions. Personally I don't think there is some specific number of

dimensions, or that they are somehow separate from one another. I

like the idea that behind space-time is the realm of consciousness

that operates on an infinite vibrational level, and space-time is the

manifestation of the mass-consciousness.


The black hole part of string theory I'm not entirely sure what it has

to do with it. However, the black hole is just another extreme of the

universe. The sub-atomic realm is an extreme, things traveling at the

speed of light is an extreme, and black holes are just gravitational

extremes. There is so much gravitational power that matter is pulled

in faster than it can go outward, even light can not escape. As far

as the black hole getting smaller, well that is just mathematics

again. That is what we predict, however if black holes become

wormholes to other galaxies or universes, then they don't really have

a " size " like we would think!


I really like the holographic universe idea. So far science believes

in the big bang, and it seems that for the most part it is correct.

Thus everything came from nothing, and the very first bit of energy to

emerge was all there was. Every bit of energy is then a small piece

of the universe that is the same as the universe was for some small

bit of time. If everything works on vibrational levels (which so far

is true by science) then every bit of energy is a vibration of the

whole, and the whole is a vibration of everything at once. However,

with holograms when you cut them into smaller pieces the pieces have

the whole image but are fuzzier. So the more you divide the whole

into pieces, the more information you lose. So an atom might only

retain the very basic nature of the universe, such as the physical

laws by which it operated. A human being could tell you a lot more

than an atom, etc.


Well, I think I've rambled on for longer than I've seen anyone ever

post to this forum.... Hopefully it was entertaining by this point,

if not just ask me to make shorter replies and will do :)

A book I read which really inspired me and does a great job of

explaining QM and relativity without all the math is " The Dancing Wu

Li Masters " I believe. Oh yeah, time doesn't exist the way we usually

think of it. Inches measure distance, joules measure energy, seconds

measure change!!









(I deleted the messages deb replied to so it wouldn't be AS long :P)


> Yes - I'm sure at the deepest level of truth, you are


> Although I have in my physical life attracted (and been influenced

by) quite

> a few alcoholics and drug users. Hence, my worries of what I might


> on an astral level. I tend to think that pain or fear attracts

beings who

> " induce " the like, as well. Even if one does not " fit the

category. " But more,

> if one is somehow " receptive " to the category, by self-esteem issues,

> perhaps? Although these dominating fear or pain inducers are

somewhat disappearing

> from my " experience, " so I must be doing something right. Or

better than

> " before " at least.


> I watched NOVA tonight. Apparently it comes on every Tuesday

night at

> 7:00 Central time. From what I gathered about it, Einstein firmly


> that the Universe is controlled and " uniform " by set laws, and he

came up with

> his Law of General Relativity. Hence, his famous quote " God does

not play

> dice. " From what I can understand, his theories were more of a

" cosmic " way

> of looking at things, mostly centering around the theory of Gravity.


> When the theorists of Quantum Mechanics came along, it

centered more

> around the smaller atoms of the Universe and somehow coincided with

> Electro-Magnetic theories. Or put it this way, they say that

mathematically, it all

> worked out in equations. But the mathematical equations did not

match up with

> the Relativity-Gravity equations. Quantum Mechanics is based on

more of a

> " random " theory of the Universe. Einstein apparently refused to

believe that

> the Universe is " random. " (Although, I tend to question this.)


> So they said that if Einstein's theories explain " everything " and

> Quantum Mechanic theories explain " everything " - you cannot have two

> " everythings. " In other words, mathematically, they did not match.

So where was the

> connection?


> So, the newest thing in Quantum Physics is called the " String

Theory. "

> This says that strings of energy are vibrating, much like the


> strings in a guitar or other musical instrument. This is what is

known as the

> " Theory of Everything. " Because, although in its infancy, it seems

to connect

> the two theories together. They say this has something to do with

the black

> hole, in which the center gets smaller and smaller, yet heavier and


> I didn't quite get that. I mean, on the surface I get what they

are saying,

> but beneath the surface, I don't understand " how, " exactly.


> I have some questions (of course) that I could not ask. First, I

> wonder if Einstein's theory of General Relativity which relates to

the cosmic (or

> larger) versions of what is going on in the Universe, and Quantum


> theories which relate to the tiniest versions of what is going on

in the

> Universe - what does this all have to do with the Holographic

Theory, which says

> that the Whole contains all of the parts and the parts each contain


> Whole? They did not bring that up. Yet - I see a connection.


> Second - I am giving much thought to this " vibrating " String

Theory and

> how it relates to the vibrations that many of us have experienced

when going

> into an OBE state. Changing consciously from one dimension to


> perhaps? Obviously, this would have to occur on a " vibrational "

level. And

> third, they mentioned that there are 11 dimensions, but they did

not elaborate on

> this. I would like to ask them to elaborate! (Maybe next show.)


> I bring all of this up because I am convinced that it relates to

> Kundalini Awakening and OBE's. I see a connection - although I am not

> knowledgeable enough to explain exactly what that connection is.

Perhaps my triad buddy

> Mike has some input?


> Okay, that's it for my thoughts for tonight. Next, I plan to try

> meditation and see what happens!


> Deb

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Gabriel - I'm going to get back with you on this. After my long posts

already tonight, I am mentally too exhausted to address this one! This calls


another night with a clearer head! Talk to you then!





PS to Lisa: Thanks for the mad-scientist update! It fits! LOL! That

shaman style riverboat workshop sounds too fun. Maybe one day!






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Hey again Gabriel - yes, let's not talk about personal guilt. LOL!


I was fortunate enough to have an excellent algebra teacher in college

who changed my whole perception of the subject. Unfortunately, I have

forgotten most of it. I also read a couple of books about Kabbalah - also

forgotten. So for me, the biggest stumbling block seems to be retrieving the

information when I need it! (Like now, for example.)


Yes, I am beginning to understand that QM shows that things happen in a

probablistic manner and cannot be predicted. I have come to believe in

paradoxes - that perhaps Einstein and QM are both correct. Just different


of the same coin. Now that I read on, I think you said the same thing - the

cosmic scale and the smaller scale. Two different measurements, both

correctly describing two different perspectives (or equations.)


Your post was very interesting and helpful to me. Rather than just

repeating what you said, I will add something that I read by Bill Harris today

which relates. He said something to the effect that if you have 3 or 4 balls

suspended in space, that they all appear to be moving, but this can only

happen in relation to each other. Multiply that by billions of stars and you

have the same thing. But this is what he said that interested me: That each

star is the " center of the universe " from its own point of reference, extending

out to infinity, as you say. Everything is happening in relation to the

center, the point of reference. So everything that is happening in our own

personal universe, is happening in relation to our own point of reference.


Just a different twist on this same subject. But again, something else

to think about!


Thanks so much for your thoughts. Very much appreciated!








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