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Spontanous Vibrations

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Another cross-post from OBE_Newsletter. I thought some of you here might

find some of this to be of interest:




Thanks Tia, Mike and Wen for sharing your spontaneous vibration

stories! Mike, I think you are right that waking up out of sleep helps to keep


" grabbing onto it " feeling away. That is what happened to me, also.


Yesterday, I read a lot more of " Astral Dynamics. " Some chapters of that

book totally captivate me, and then other chapters are more difficult to get

through. It takes so much discipline to make it through 550 pages! So, I'm

picking up a lot, but missing a lot too, I think. But overall, it is helping

me to better understand many things. And this book is actually easing my

fears, where his other book did not.


For example, he said that when you have a spontaneous vibration, that

you may think that your body is actually vibrating, but in reality your body

is completely still and it is your astral body (or I think he calls it the

projection double) that is vibrating and no one can actually see this. I wish


would have known this before I told my husband, " If you happen to see my

body vibrating, it is nothing to worry about. " LOL! (Because I was really

getting worried that he might see this, since it had been happening more

frequently.) Come to find out, I could have just kept my mouth shut! Because


you, Wen, my husband doesn't even remember his dreams and cannot relate to all

of this. So, FYI - no need to worry! Nobody can see this happening. Hard

to believe, I know, since it feels like an earthquake hit the bed! But, good

to know!


Another thing he said about fear - he said that most people feel fear

because they are trying to project at night. He said that this can cause dark

and gloomy experiences because the real-time level is such a close

resemblence to the physical world, that even if we are not afraid of the dark,

it is

normal to be fearful and leary when you are unable to see what you are

encountering. Makes sense to me. He said a good cure - try projecting during

daylight hours. Which I was going to try today, but ended up at the emergency

room with my stepmother instead. They sent her home and she is fine. But,

there went the daylight hours! (Damn-it!) Something else good to know,



He also said that if you find yourself in a scary place, that it is

just like being in a " bad neighborhood. " He said to concentrate on moving

upward or forward and to " think " or " will " yourself to a happier place, and you

will go there. He talked a lot about the Akashic Records which was

interesting, but I won't get into all of that. He also talked of an Akashic

wind and an

Akashic pulse. He said that the Akashic wind is the Akasha breathing in all

thoughts and experiences, and the Akashic pulse is breathing it back out,

causing events (such as disasters and wars) to happen. I think that is what he

said, anyway. A very brief recap. But an interesting perspective.


One more thing - last night I did the 5 Tibetans and nostral breathing,

and then meditated for awhile on allowing the Holy Spirit to help me to

shift my perception of, well, life in general. I was feeling really good and

went to sleep. I had another experience. This time, I don't remember any

vibrations, but clearly remember floating. I was conscious of it and knew that


was happening and remembered it! But I wasn't able to bring anything into

focus. Actually, I was enjoying it so much, I didn't really try. Must be

that " floaty " feeling that talks about! Or it could have been a " void "

that Robert Bruce talks about, which is normal and nothing to worry about,

according to him. This could explain that " gray matter " also.


I'll let you know if there is anything else interesting to report! I

have my " dry spells " because of a busy lifestyle, but whenever I get a chance

to really spend time on this, interesting things definitely do happen, I have



Oh - one more thing (again) that I found of interest. Robert Bruce

says that when you are just beginning to experiment with OBE, it takes a while

for you to be able to coordinate and gain control because these skills are not

fully developed yet. He compared it to a baby learning to walk. He said

when a baby first tries to walk, they wobble and fall down. But once they get

the hang of it, there they go! In other words, once you've got it, you've

got it. Personally, I'm still wobbling and falling down a lot! But at least I

am standing a little! Anyway, I liked the way he explained that. I thought

that others might find these explanations as interesting as I did.









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