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FW: The Green Laurel and prophesy of Omai Be Sorong

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Dear Miguel and Jolene

How true?

Even if one was to see well in to the past and tune our self’s into past

life then we would have to be able to decipher a maize of symbols and

analogies that only belong to then not only but also now. So much would

be duly effected by imagination thus colored as laws we have now is to

be. A true concept would be completely unrealistic. Evan to the extent

that much of what is written in the timeline as of the claims made in

the secret doctrine. Even to beyond the extent that history it self has

been altered to suit differing factions and of governments. Also

religious doctrines we can never really get the complete as well full

story being revealed. Our present physical mental instruments we have

that has be clogged up with so many inter-alia and meaningless thoughts.

Evan to the extent that there are those who claim to observed the

akaishic records still need to have it symbolized by a book stand or a

an immense library is only a coloring of thought as to what lays hidden

in the DNA which is only the physical representation of the akasia.

Where as akaisia and has nothing to do of what we perceive thing to be

in material existence. In as much most cases needs the support of symbol

logy for any access to reason.


May be I am wrong and there is a means and way to decipher. How ever I

with many doubts have attempted to understand how these things could not

be colored. Unless we was able to see though every lie every cheat; yet

not have the detachment though understanding in that every thing and

every deed weather what may be seemingly good or bad does in fact have a

purpose toward the present expansion of the universe. Yet the universe

at the same time is beyond in that, it is within itself beyond the

boundaries of space and time.


What may be possible is that we have a glimpse of a symbolist packet of

information from our dreams that is interpreted by our conscious mind,

also an array of other coloring possibilities but how ever to do this

properly we need to be true to our self’s and in that be absolute

seekers of truth. It would be necessary In that all fears doubts guilt

or whatever that that causes blockages in circuits of the etheric web

and be open to the souls of the far of extensions of the universe. There

must be no effect no effect on the DL package for it would only go to

give it color to it decipher it correctly. As if a coloring should be

such it would be like a virus that causes a lie to be further

perpetrated until there anti virus was put in place. Then the antivirus

would then have to remove the full packet complete with the otherwise

genuine programs that also have been infected alike If we chose to go

down that path an exploit ½ truths without careful scrutiny of integrity

of how much is a truth and how much is a lie.


The current system of law is not a truthful system, it is colored to

give protection solely to financial dealings, however that said it does

not mean it has no purpose toward discloser of truth. One of the

problems is that the money system is a lie, in that most people believe

that it has backed by gold and/or silver and even if it was that would

be a colored lie. After all in all it comes down into believing in what

is only a presumed value.


At present the money is created by the federal reserve as to its “own

credit” and accord based on the need of the population, That in it self

makes allowances available as a debt to cater for the expansion of

commerce. In this system ever body or “persons” whether knowingly or not

by their own living breathing soul with in its vehicle is designated to

being a corporate entity. It is by a quasi trust in a all caps lock

letter name, that looks and sounds like the living breathing souls name;

given to them by there mother some where around the time of the process

of leaving the womb. As well along with the corporate jurisdiction of

the caps lock SIR-NAME. As such is codified in such an extent to come

under a cestui que trust of the law merchant protocols. It is thus

subjecting the living breathing soul towards to the law of the merchant

seas in admiralty jurisdiction.


Now we all know there are factions within factions, We all know that the

hierarchy and the hidden government is against the past use of gold

because of it disintegration of being not used as an honest weights I

know this as it has been hinted at in the texts. I have also seen it

written that the hierarchy has been about gaining members to gain

control over the money supply and has been doing so for some time.

Further more I have seen it stated they wish to eventually get rid of

money and all its rife that it causes.

And if you look at history over the last say 180 years you may notice

many notorious aristocracies have gone against the bankers have been

unplugged. Education has been greatly increased and disputes between

factions may be settled on the mental plane rather than the physical in

areas of private settlements. As well as civil settlements with in due

process without the need of caused out and out war on the physical

plane. Yet there are the one who wish to drag humanity back into the

physical arena of explosive combat. So it seems our eyes have been

blinded to the truth and to the reasoning of positive gains because of



When we all wake up to the fact that money is only a exchange of value

for goods; and as such it is needed to sustain life in the modern system

we have now; Also that life is about expression of material creativity

or rather creativity on the physical plane to wards a deeper

understanding of the universe and its true characteristic value. At such

a time in history of what I believe we are on the threshold of I don’t

see there is any need for money as such as we know it. I believe it

could be and should be kept based on the properties of the quasi trust

name, though not in the matter of debt that one needs to return there

credit but towards a credit in order to return there debt though there

expressions of service without the implementation of usury. Thus I

believe that the only reason we have the system we have now is due to

the fact there is not enough people awakened spiritually enough to

express creative thoughts and as such would be more of a danger to so

many of humanity that is unable to express them self’s in higher

creative terms. It is my theory of what might lay in the future of

mankind where as the energies are no longer showed seemingly to rise

from below up as in the old yoga’s and the truth is exposed that the

energies actually come from above down to be exposed as by the ideals of

the yoga of fire. Yet as it is in all yoga’s the heart that as the crux,

it is always the positive expression of energy.


Wishing you all well

John Mathieson

'Where there is joy, bliss, delight and pleasure of inexpressible

variety, where all wishes are fulfilled, there make me immortal.' Rig

Veda 9th mandala, 113th sukta, 1st mantra



On Behalf Of Miguel J. De Puigdorfila




Once the Dalai LAma was asked about this issue, past lives, and his

alleged being the 13th Dalai LAma. He said that if one is to be strictly

scientific, there is no tangible proof of reincarnation. Only so called

reminiscences and memories. If we lose memories of this life/ how do we

pretend to keep the memories of a prior one? As Master M says, if we

play with the dust of the past we infect our noses.

THis is why I much rather study history to understand cycles and how

they repeat in the present situations so as to learn and create a better

future with adecuate decisions in the present. After all, today is

yesterday's tomorrow, and I didn't say this first....

Although there are counted instances of people remembering past lives to

the point of speaking foreign tongues and knowing people and details,

most are in the East. In the west we need to recurr to hipnosis. This is

a very subjective subject. My younguer briother was telling me of a

study he rad about how an experience-memory changes every time it is

revisited in hipnosis. Even controlled situations as having the

experience recorded and witneses describe the situation, the patient

begins to narrate events that never took place and see people that were

not there.

As you said, better to concentrate in the here and now, to leave good

imprints for ourselves 3,000 years from now.




" Joleen D. Du Bois " <joleen



While one of the threads on the forum seems to be a discussion about

past lives, I was thinking it would be a nice balance to consider the

future, and in so doing, came across the following verse from

Supermundane I. It makes for a very interesting read for those who were

leaders/warriors in the past . I was thinking, asking myself, of those

who recall their past life of leadership, I wonder how many were, at the

same time, sensitive to the " Counsels of the Brotherhood " during the

course of their leadership? Meanwhile who is the reference " Green

Laurel? " Or is it important to know?



Supermundane I, 25. " Urusvati has explained to many why We are called

“The Invisible Government.” Truly, everyone to some degree feels that

there is somewhere a focus of knowledge. Where there is knowledge there

is also power. Not without reason do some people dream about Us,

although others hate Us and want to destroy Our Abode.

" Those who observe world events may perceive something higher than

human logic. Even some who are devoted to Us have accused Us many times

of delay and indifference, but that is because these hasty accusers have

seen only part of the events. They could not possibly know their causes

or effects, or be able to compare the attendant circumstances. They

could not foresee exactly when decisive blows had to be struck. Who,

then, can know the Plan and the steps leading to it?

" Because of their partial understanding, people insist upon their

own ways, but Our disciples will never forcibly hinder the decision of

their Teacher. They understand how to harmonize their free will with Our

decisions. One must possess great equilibrium to understand the wisdom

of Our Guidance without crippling his own free will. We care a great

deal about such balance. The best leaders of nations had this balance,

and it was therefore easier to send them Our decisions.

" The “Green Laurel”1 about whom you have often spoken could

combine leadership with sensitivity to the Counsels of the Brotherhood.

He accepted the directions of Saint Germain with full confidence. In

this lay his success. Perhaps Saint Germain came especially to prepare

this future leader.

" All over the world one can find established landmarks of Our

Guidance. Some enlightened people accepted it, but some poor parodies of

monarchs rejected Our Counsel and thereby plunged their countries into

calamity. But even these situations We turned to good. You are

acquainted with Tactica Adversa.

" One may recall an arrogant monarch who, before the Great War2,

received Our warnings, but preferred to lose his throne by rejecting Our

Advice. Likewise, another head of state did not want to listen to Our

Ambassador and preferred to plunge his country into confusion.

" It cannot be said that in ancient times Indications were given

more often. Now also many such Counsels are given, but as usual the ear

of humanity is deaf.

" We stand vigil the world over. "







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