Guest guest Posted August 15, 2006 Report Share Posted August 15, 2006 I have not covered this yet but Dharmawayfarer's experience asks for a discussion of this practice. I have heard the internal tones all of my life. Sometimes I harmonize with them. I hear the " One " tone constantly now. Here is an article about the Vipassana. Vipassana Meditation: The Sound Current and Vipassana Meditation By Kiara Windrider The practice of the ?sound current,? also known as the ?divine sound,? is a foundational practice of linking directly with the soul and I AM Presence. It comes from the Himalayan masters of ancient India, and is a foundation for the practice of ?nada yoga,? ?sahaj yoga,? Babaji?s ?kriya yoga,? as well as Sikh practices like ?shabda yoga.? When electricity runs through a power line it produces a humming sound. Likewise, when higher spiritual energies run through the circuitry of the human body, there is an interface between the two energy fields that we can hear within our heads as a current of sound. All creation is a manifestation of sound, the eternal ?OM.? This same sound can be heard and felt within our own bodies. You might first experience this as a very subtle tone, so subtle it is almost subliminal. Later, or in deeper states of meditation, it could become so loud it drowns out everything else in its vibrancy. The sound current could be experienced differently, depending on the degree of one?s inner attunement. You might hear it as a buzzing, or a ringing, or the sound of waves along the shore. It could be a clear ringing tone or the roar of thunder. However it is first experienced, as you bring your attention to that sound it becomes stronger and more coherent, until it eventually merges into the ? music of the spheres,? the primordial sound. The sound current is a very sweet sensation of subtle sound. In the beginning it might help to cover the ears, or go someplace where you can be absolutely quiet. As you become more accomplished with this practice, you hear this tone constantly, and it serves as a continuous link with the soul. After some practice you might notice that this pitch changes as your brain wave rhythms change. It also changes when you are in the presence of higher vibrational beings like the ascended masters. You can begin to distinguish the energies of the different masters by the difference in tone. Likewise, when you are out in nature, taking the time to soak in the vibrancy of sounds and colors around, you begin to notice changes in the sound current as you connect with various ele-mental energies and nature spirits. As you match frequency with another being through the sound current, you might find that there is a deeper level of communication that begins to happen. This same principle also applies to areas within your own body. The state of cellular health has to do with the frequency to which it vibrates. As we pay attention to the sound current, it lifts the vibrational frequency of each cell into greater octaves of health and vibrancy. You begin to communicate with your cells, and they begin to communicate with you. This is the foundation for ascension mastery on the physical level. Most people first experience this tone inside the head, perhaps closer to one ear or the other. In Shabda Yoga, the sound current is said to usually enter through the right ear, and practitioners are warned not to go out on the sound if it came in through the left ear. If it stays in the right ear, practitioners are encouraged to experience it in the very center of the head. Notice where you hear this sound current. Over time, you may find that you begin to hear it through every cell of your?body. You begin to observe how it corresponds with various sensations, until eventually the denser sensations give way to subtle currents of blissful light. The practice of vipassana is an ancient Buddhist teaching for experiencing full body enlightenment through the awareness of sensations. The term ?vipassana? means ?insight,? -insight into the truths of impermanence, suffering, and liberation from suffering through experience of the ?no-self.? The Buddha taught that sensations in the body are the doorway to the deepest levels of the mind, and therefore the deepest levels of enlightenment. Energy follows attention, and as we bring our awareness into our body, its vibrational resonance begins to change. We find over time that what we have experienced as gross matter is teeming with subatomic currents of light. Eventually we enter into these currents, and experience ourselves in bodies of light. We begin by learning to simply experience things?for what they are, without trying to change anything, without trying to repress unpleasant sensations, without craving for pleasant sensations. As we experience sensations for what they are, we experience the loosening up of karmic knots that we have carried in our consciousness for lifetimes. We bring our attention back and forth through the body, from head to feet and feet to head, all the while remaining in a state of equanimity. Like the sound current, the practice of vipassana meditation is deceptively simple, yet capable of leading us to the highest realms of spiritual experience. Emotions may come up to be cleared. As that happens, we simply look to see where we experience those emotions, and translate them into sensations in the body. It is not important to ?process? these through the mind. The body carries karmic imprints known as ? sankaras? or ?miasms.? When these are seen for what they are, without resistance and without attachment, they simply dissolve. Profound physical and emotional healing is possible in this manner, as well as deep levels of soul or God-realization. Please be aware that all the meditations in this section of the book are designed to take you into deep altered states where unified consciousness can occur. If you find yourself falling ?asleep? in the beginning, know that your submerged mind is still receiving the energy. Eventually, as the bridge gets made, you will find yourself able to access your multidimensional self more consciously. The following narration incorporates the ?sound current? and ? vipassana? meditation. For further information on the practice of vipassana meditation retreats worldwide, please visit? Let yourself listen now to the sounds around you. You are reaching out with all of your senses as you listen. You are -listening for every sound, the spaces between the sounds, and -letting the external sounds take you deeper and deeper into the silence within. Now turn your attention inwards. Listen to the silence. Listen to the ?sound current? within that silence as you let your breath become slow and subtle. The sound current is a rich subtle tone or hum that you hear, either subliminally or audibly, in the center of your head. It is the still, small voice of God within. It is your soul?s link into your central nervous system. As you open into that silence, feel the gratitude and joy of just being, of being a part of this great divine plan of creation in every moment. Let yourself deepen now into the experience of the sound current???. And now we will combine the practice of listening to the sound current with becoming aware of sensations through the body as part of the practice of vipassana meditation. Bring your attention to the top of your head and become aware of sensations in your body. It could be any sensation?it could be vibration, pulsing, or tingling; it could be throbbing, or a sense of pressure, or even pain. You might experience heat or coolness, or perhaps subtle energies that feel balanced or even. Or perhaps you experience numbness or the absence of any feeling. It is not even necessary to find a name for what you are experiencing. Just experience whatever it is that you are sensing without trying to change anything. Slowly move your attention through different parts of your body. From the top of your head, bring your attention into your forehead and along the temples, along every part of the scalp, and then the eyes, and deep into the eyeballs. Become aware of sensations and then simultaneously listen beyond the sensations to the tone, to the sound current. It?s like a cellular frequency, a cellular vibration. Gradually moving down to your nose, your cheeks, out to your ears, down to your mouth, your lips, chin, and jaw. Moving down the back of the neck, down to the throat, and then moving your attention from one side of the head through the center of the head, slowly moving through to the other side and then back. And then from the front of your head slowly moving through to the back of your head and then once again to the front. As you bring your attention to every cell within the body, surface as well as deep, energy follows your attention. Your body is waking up, reclaiming itself, remembering. Make sure you are experiencing actual physical sensations directly within the body, rather than something you are only visualizing in your mind?s eye. And now moving from the throat down the shoulders, perhaps one shoulder, one arm at a time. Become aware of any tightness, any soreness in that shoulder, any tingling or vibration or pulsing, the grosser sensations as well as the subtler sensations. Just being aware of whatever you experience without in any way trying to change it, or judge it. Moving down the arm to the elbow, the surface of the body as well as the deeper muscle tissue and bone. Notice the differences of sensation in different densities. Let your breath become circular, the inhale following the exhale, which follows the inhale, without pausing in between. As you continue to breathe in a circle, become aware of places where you tend to hold your breath. This is where energy patterns have become stuck in the body. Allow yourself to breathe right through these places. Move down to the wrist now, and then the palm of the hand and the back of the hand, all the way down to each finger, and the tips of each finger, experiencing all the sensations, surface and deep, not leaving out any part of your body. Now starting down the other shoulder and arm, moving your attention slowly part by part down the arm experiencing all the sensations you possibly can without labeling them, without trying to define them or judge?them. Just experience it as sensation, pure?sensation. Down to the elbow now, moving down to the forearm and the wrist. If you experience pain, become aware of the components of this pain, where it begins, how far it extends, what it is made of. Become aware of sub-sensations within that pain. Moving down your hand, the fingers, front and back, and then the fingertips, aware of slight variances at different depths and layers, vibration, pulsing, pressure, and temperature. Now move your attention down the front of your body?from the throat down to the chest, the lung cavity, the rib cage and the sternum, down through your heart and the internal organs. Slowly moving down to the abdominal area, the solar plexus, the belly, the internal organs in your belly cavity, down to the pelvis and the genitals. You are aware of sensations, whatever sensations you experience, simply being aware, all the while remaining totally equanamous. Moving down the back now, starting with the shoulders and the shoulder blades, experiencing sensations within your spine, the muscles along your back, the tissues, and the bones. Slowly moving down to the middle back and then to the lower back. Now allow your awareness to penetrate right through the body, from the front of the body through the center and out the back, and then from the back of the body through the center and out the front. Continue this way as you slowly move down the trunk of the body, beginning from the throat, moving through the layers down to the waist and the pelvis. Then bring your awareness from the right side of your body through the center and out the left, and then from the left side of your body through the center and out the right, passing through all the deeper organs, bones, tissues. Allow your breath to continue flowing in a circular fashion without holding or interference. Let your breath become very, very subtle. The more subtle?the breath, the more you can feel the subtle sensations. And we come down to the buttocks. And now move your attention down one leg, down the thigh, surface as well as deep, front and back, and side to side. Just paying attention to any and all feelings, any and all sensations. Again, without trying to change them in any way, just observing, witnessing, being with, allowing. Let yourself feel gratitude for your body, this wonderful, amazing body, this intricate network of cells and organs held together and functioning in such a miraculous way. Moving down now to the knee and the lower leg, really being with your body now, aware of the energy flows, noticing how each flow of energy is arising and falling, arising and falling, in continual change. Moving down to the lower leg, the ankle, the top and bottom of the foot, down to the extremities. Allow yourself to feel all the pulsing rhythms, every -sensation. Allow your breath to be natural. It might change from time to time as your body opens up. Now moving down the other leg. Down the thigh, slowly moving down to the knee, back and front, and then side to side. Down through the lower leg, feeling the subtle electricity, down to the ankle, the top and bottom of that foot, and all the way down to your toes. And now we are going to switch directions and start moving up the body. This time let?s do it simultaneously up both legs, and then simultaneously up both arms. A little faster this time. Once you become aware of your body part by part, you can also ?sweep? through your body, and experience the flows of energy through the electrical channels. So, a little faster this time. Moving up both legs together, starting with the toes, moving up the feet, up the ankles, the lower legs, front and back, up to the knees, up the thighs, through the entire pelvic region. Moving up the front of your body, sweeping up to your throat, then moving up the back of the body, sweeping up to your neck. And now starting with the fingertips, moving up both arms simultaneously - up the hands, the wrists, forearms, up to your elbows, upper arms. And then from the shoulders, moving up into the neck, front and back; moving up the face, experiencing all the sensations as you go along?up to the chin, mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes, temples, ears, and forehead. Moving up the back of the neck, all along the scalp and up to the very top of your head once more. (Depending on time available, you may wish to go back and forth from head to feet several times more.) Now, get a sense of your whole body, together, as a single unit. And again, listen for the sound current. Notice if it?s changed or deepened, and listen again to all sounds within and without, noticing how you?ve become a part of each sound. A subtle current of sound begins to vibrate through your entire body, and takes you into a deep, deep stillness. Remain in this profound stillness now, letting go of any thoughts, any effort, any activity. When you?re ready, gently come back into outer awareness. ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 15, 2006 Report Share Posted August 15, 2006 Hi Chris, Kiara's recounting of the Vipassana guided mediation practice/process is very accurate. Arising out of doors to the subtler awarenesses that are opened with this practice (with emphasis of long and frequent sits to really go deep), the likelihood of encountering the 'music of the spheres' (as Plato referred to the Divine Hummmm) increases considerably. It's something that I experienced, or was aware of off and on for a lot of my life, but paid no attention to it. Since the full awakening, it progressively became a non-stop constant (be still for a second and it's 'there'), just as is the continuous experience of the micro-macro cosmic orbit, with every subtle breath, the flow is infused, whether standing at the check-out counter at the supermarket, driving to work, or sitting - the sensation of all the enlivened bhindus/molecules (like tiny effervescent bubbles) throughout the body, gentle surges, sometimes strong ones, pulsating (like a strong hand progressively gripping and squeezing the spinal cord), the merging of energies in the heart which expands, just becomes the 'new normal' ... always happening in the background, and never further away than just placing for a micro-second, attention on subtle breath ... and one becomes aware that the 'wind channels' (as the Tibetans refer to it I believe) are widening until I think in completion stages even the sense of channel dissolves ... and becomes all and only flow, with the completed mixing of energies in the heart. At around this time, the sense of flow while still 'sensable' from the base of the spine, becomes more pronounced, at least in my experience of it, but is superceded with awareness of a a seemingly stronger smaller orbit from the heart/plexus to throat, third eye and crown - often with the crown feeling as if it truly is one, that rings the head and is alight and is circulating energy both ways. At this time, while acknowledging and surrendering to the activity of the crown and third eye (it kinda does it's own thing , I choose to place and try and redirect most of my emphasis on the heart, invoking deity to merge, expand and be welcome there, expressing Metta, loving kindness. Alex chrism <> wrote: I have not covered this yet but Dharmawayfarer's experience asks for a discussion of this practice. I have heard the internal tones all of my life. Sometimes I harmonize with them. I hear the " One " tone constantly now. Here is an article about the Vipassana. Vipassana Meditation: The Sound Current and Vipassana Meditation By Kiara Windrider The practice of the ?sound current,? also known as the ?divine sound,? is a foundational practice of linking directly with the soul and I AM Presence. It comes from the Himalayan masters of ancient India, and is a foundation for the practice of ?nada yoga,? ?sahaj yoga,? Babaji?s ?kriya yoga,? as well as Sikh practices like ?shabda yoga.? When electricity runs through a power line it produces a humming sound. Likewise, when higher spiritual energies run through the circuitry of the human body, there is an interface between the two energy fields that we can hear within our heads as a current of sound. All creation is a manifestation of sound, the eternal ?OM.? This same sound can be heard and felt within our own bodies. You might first experience this as a very subtle tone, so subtle it is almost subliminal. Later, or in deeper states of meditation, it could become so loud it drowns out everything else in its vibrancy. The sound current could be experienced differently, depending on the degree of one?s inner attunement. You might hear it as a buzzing, or a ringing, or the sound of waves along the shore. It could be a clear ringing tone or the roar of thunder. However it is first experienced, as you bring your attention to that sound it becomes stronger and more coherent, until it eventually merges into the ? music of the spheres,? the primordial sound. The sound current is a very sweet sensation of subtle sound. In the beginning it might help to cover the ears, or go someplace where you can be absolutely quiet. As you become more accomplished with this practice, you hear this tone constantly, and it serves as a continuous link with the soul. After some practice you might notice that this pitch changes as your brain wave rhythms change. It also changes when you are in the presence of higher vibrational beings like the ascended masters. You can begin to distinguish the energies of the different masters by the difference in tone. Likewise, when you are out in nature, taking the time to soak in the vibrancy of sounds and colors around, you begin to notice changes in the sound current as you connect with various ele-mental energies and nature spirits. As you match frequency with another being through the sound current, you might find that there is a deeper level of communication that begins to happen. This same principle also applies to areas within your own body. The state of cellular health has to do with the frequency to which it vibrates. As we pay attention to the sound current, it lifts the vibrational frequency of each cell into greater octaves of health and vibrancy. You begin to communicate with your cells, and they begin to communicate with you. This is the foundation for ascension mastery on the physical level. Most people first experience this tone inside the head, perhaps closer to one ear or the other. In Shabda Yoga, the sound current is said to usually enter through the right ear, and practitioners are warned not to go out on the sound if it came in through the left ear. If it stays in the right ear, practitioners are encouraged to experience it in the very center of the head. Notice where you hear this sound current. Over time, you may find that you begin to hear it through every cell of your?body. You begin to observe how it corresponds with various sensations, until eventually the denser sensations give way to subtle currents of blissful light. The practice of vipassana is an ancient Buddhist teaching for experiencing full body enlightenment through the awareness of sensations. The term ?vipassana? means ?insight,? -insight into the truths of impermanence, suffering, and liberation from suffering through experience of the ?no-self.? The Buddha taught that sensations in the body are the doorway to the deepest levels of the mind, and therefore the deepest levels of enlightenment. Energy follows attention, and as we bring our awareness into our body, its vibrational resonance begins to change. We find over time that what we have experienced as gross matter is teeming with subatomic currents of light. Eventually we enter into these currents, and experience ourselves in bodies of light. We begin by learning to simply experience things?for what they are, without trying to change anything, without trying to repress unpleasant sensations, without craving for pleasant sensations. As we experience sensations for what they are, we experience the loosening up of karmic knots that we have carried in our consciousness for lifetimes. We bring our attention back and forth through the body, from head to feet and feet to head, all the while remaining in a state of equanimity. Like the sound current, the practice of vipassana meditation is deceptively simple, yet capable of leading us to the highest realms of spiritual experience. Emotions may come up to be cleared. As that happens, we simply look to see where we experience those emotions, and translate them into sensations in the body. It is not important to ?process? these through the mind. The body carries karmic imprints known as ? sankaras? or ?miasms.? When these are seen for what they are, without resistance and without attachment, they simply dissolve. Profound physical and emotional healing is possible in this manner, as well as deep levels of soul or God-realization. Please be aware that all the meditations in this section of the book are designed to take you into deep altered states where unified consciousness can occur. If you find yourself falling ?asleep? in the beginning, know that your submerged mind is still receiving the energy. Eventually, as the bridge gets made, you will find yourself able to access your multidimensional self more consciously. The following narration incorporates the ?sound current? and ? vipassana? meditation. For further information on the practice of vipassana meditation retreats worldwide, please visit? Let yourself listen now to the sounds around you. You are reaching out with all of your senses as you listen. You are -listening for every sound, the spaces between the sounds, and -letting the external sounds take you deeper and deeper into the silence within. Now turn your attention inwards. Listen to the silence. Listen to the ?sound current? within that silence as you let your breath become slow and subtle. The sound current is a rich subtle tone or hum that you hear, either subliminally or audibly, in the center of your head. It is the still, small voice of God within. It is your soul?s link into your central nervous system. As you open into that silence, feel the gratitude and joy of just being, of being a part of this great divine plan of creation in every moment. Let yourself deepen now into the experience of the sound current???. And now we will combine the practice of listening to the sound current with becoming aware of sensations through the body as part of the practice of vipassana meditation. Bring your attention to the top of your head and become aware of sensations in your body. It could be any sensation?it could be vibration, pulsing, or tingling; it could be throbbing, or a sense of pressure, or even pain. You might experience heat or coolness, or perhaps subtle energies that feel balanced or even. Or perhaps you experience numbness or the absence of any feeling. It is not even necessary to find a name for what you are experiencing. Just experience whatever it is that you are sensing without trying to change anything. Slowly move your attention through different parts of your body. From the top of your head, bring your attention into your forehead and along the temples, along every part of the scalp, and then the eyes, and deep into the eyeballs. Become aware of sensations and then simultaneously listen beyond the sensations to the tone, to the sound current. It?s like a cellular frequency, a cellular vibration. Gradually moving down to your nose, your cheeks, out to your ears, down to your mouth, your lips, chin, and jaw. Moving down the back of the neck, down to the throat, and then moving your attention from one side of the head through the center of the head, slowly moving through to the other side and then back. And then from the front of your head slowly moving through to the back of your head and then once again to the front. As you bring your attention to every cell within the body, surface as well as deep, energy follows your attention. Your body is waking up, reclaiming itself, remembering. Make sure you are experiencing actual physical sensations directly within the body, rather than something you are only visualizing in your mind?s eye. And now moving from the throat down the shoulders, perhaps one shoulder, one arm at a time. Become aware of any tightness, any soreness in that shoulder, any tingling or vibration or pulsing, the grosser sensations as well as the subtler sensations. Just being aware of whatever you experience without in any way trying to change it, or judge it. Moving down the arm to the elbow, the surface of the body as well as the deeper muscle tissue and bone. Notice the differences of sensation in different densities. Let your breath become circular, the inhale following the exhale, which follows the inhale, without pausing in between. As you continue to breathe in a circle, become aware of places where you tend to hold your breath. This is where energy patterns have become stuck in the body. Allow yourself to breathe right through these places. Move down to the wrist now, and then the palm of the hand and the back of the hand, all the way down to each finger, and the tips of each finger, experiencing all the sensations, surface and deep, not leaving out any part of your body. Now starting down the other shoulder and arm, moving your attention slowly part by part down the arm experiencing all the sensations you possibly can without labeling them, without trying to define them or judge?them. Just experience it as sensation, pure?sensation. Down to the elbow now, moving down to the forearm and the wrist. If you experience pain, become aware of the components of this pain, where it begins, how far it extends, what it is made of. Become aware of sub-sensations within that pain. Moving down your hand, the fingers, front and back, and then the fingertips, aware of slight variances at different depths and layers, vibration, pulsing, pressure, and temperature. Now move your attention down the front of your body?from the throat down to the chest, the lung cavity, the rib cage and the sternum, down through your heart and the internal organs. Slowly moving down to the abdominal area, the solar plexus, the belly, the internal organs in your belly cavity, down to the pelvis and the genitals. You are aware of sensations, whatever sensations you experience, simply being aware, all the while remaining totally equanamous. Moving down the back now, starting with the shoulders and the shoulder blades, experiencing sensations within your spine, the muscles along your back, the tissues, and the bones. Slowly moving down to the middle back and then to the lower back. Now allow your awareness to penetrate right through the body, from the front of the body through the center and out the back, and then from the back of the body through the center and out the front. Continue this way as you slowly move down the trunk of the body, beginning from the throat, moving through the layers down to the waist and the pelvis. Then bring your awareness from the right side of your body through the center and out the left, and then from the left side of your body through the center and out the right, passing through all the deeper organs, bones, tissues. Allow your breath to continue flowing in a circular fashion without holding or interference. Let your breath become very, very subtle. The more subtle?the breath, the more you can feel the subtle sensations. And we come down to the buttocks. And now move your attention down one leg, down the thigh, surface as well as deep, front and back, and side to side. Just paying attention to any and all feelings, any and all sensations. Again, without trying to change them in any way, just observing, witnessing, being with, allowing. Let yourself feel gratitude for your body, this wonderful, amazing body, this intricate network of cells and organs held together and functioning in such a miraculous way. Moving down now to the knee and the lower leg, really being with your body now, aware of the energy flows, noticing how each flow of energy is arising and falling, arising and falling, in continual change. Moving down to the lower leg, the ankle, the top and bottom of the foot, down to the extremities. Allow yourself to feel all the pulsing rhythms, every -sensation. Allow your breath to be natural. It might change from time to time as your body opens up. Now moving down the other leg. Down the thigh, slowly moving down to the knee, back and front, and then side to side. Down through the lower leg, feeling the subtle electricity, down to the ankle, the top and bottom of that foot, and all the way down to your toes. And now we are going to switch directions and start moving up the body. This time let?s do it simultaneously up both legs, and then simultaneously up both arms. A little faster this time. Once you become aware of your body part by part, you can also ?sweep? through your body, and experience the flows of energy through the electrical channels. So, a little faster this time. Moving up both legs together, starting with the toes, moving up the feet, up the ankles, the lower legs, front and back, up to the knees, up the thighs, through the entire pelvic region. Moving up the front of your body, sweeping up to your throat, then moving up the back of the body, sweeping up to your neck. And now starting with the fingertips, moving up both arms simultaneously - up the hands, the wrists, forearms, up to your elbows, upper arms. And then from the shoulders, moving up into the neck, front and back; moving up the face, experiencing all the sensations as you go along?up to the chin, mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes, temples, ears, and forehead. Moving up the back of the neck, all along the scalp and up to the very top of your head once more. (Depending on time available, you may wish to go back and forth from head to feet several times more.) Now, get a sense of your whole body, together, as a single unit. And again, listen for the sound current. Notice if it?s changed or deepened, and listen again to all sounds within and without, noticing how you?ve become a part of each sound. A subtle current of sound begins to vibrate through your entire body, and takes you into a deep, deep stillness. Remain in this profound stillness now, letting go of any thoughts, any effort, any activity. When you?re ready, gently come back into outer awareness. ? Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. 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Guest guest Posted August 15, 2006 Report Share Posted August 15, 2006 Thanks for the instruction on vipassana. I was under the impression that vipassana was simply breath awareness. Instead, the practice you describe is way more intriguing, and well worth a try. Now I can see why vipassana folks scoff at visions when they get them: it's all samskaras coming loose, not divinity speaking to you. I guess the (very Buddhist) idea is that, once you get rid of all the maya-induced ignorance that constitutes your self, you get to the emptiness within. Like peeling an onion, yes? Sel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 15, 2006 Report Share Posted August 15, 2006 Yes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 26, 2006 Report Share Posted August 26, 2006 I have been listening to my signature tone for years. I came to the conclusion that this was my soul signature, it was the bases of who I am. I came to believe that everyone has their own distinct tone/frequency. The tone would change and every time I would sit and listen to my tone, it would become deafening. I claimed that we actually can never hear complete silence, since our frequency occupies silence. Many people that I have discussed this to have no idea of this and sometimes can not hear it. I am so glad there is an answer or more, someone else who can concur with my beliefs as well. Thank you for giving this a name, I will continue to call it my signature frequency since its stuck in my head Lisa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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