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Welcome Bob Westcott, Have a look at these safeties with an eye towards bringing them into your life on a daily basis. This is a preparation. Also the 5 Tibetans these are done daily and are micro activations. Be advised that the five Tibetans alone can bring about a full blown kundalini awakening just by themselves. This would be the case for a person who has a pre-disposition for this energy. - blessings and welcome again - if you have any questions please feel free to ask. - chrism "SAFETIESTONGUE UP - This completes the cranial circuit allowing excessenergy to bleed down the sides of the neck. Cultivate the positionof the tip of the tongue resting on the fleshy mound right behindyour

upper front teeth . Make this a new habit.WATER - As the Kundalini rises it will stimulate and activatethe kidneys and the adrenal glands. The adrenals and the kidneys canbecome hot. Really hot and feel as if they are expanding. Theadrenals will release amounts of adrenachrome, or the bodies versionof speed. This can be very disconcerting, and can help you to fear.So plenty of living water i.e. water that is from a spring oranother source that isn't chlorinated or from the tap of a city, butif the city water is what you've got - drink it.PROGRAMMING (TV, movies, books, music, friends, family,church) - In our culture we are seeing and reading and hearing, fromvarious sources, many negative and fear evoking forms ofentertainment, news and communications. This is not helpful when aperson is newly activated with the Kundalini. Fear, excessive lust,hateful attitudes, can be quite painful and damaging to the

newKundalyn energies and many unfortunate events can be created by theKundalini exposed to such energies. So, no scary movies, or books orradio shows unless you want to experience them in real-time with youas the unwitting star. Music that is angry or hateful or hurtfuleven if the melody is sweet need to be curtailed. Inter familialproblems are sometimes hard to dismiss. Try as much as possible tobring love and peace and forgiveness into your daily and nightlylife. I know this sounds difficult but just make it a priority andit will be extremely beneficial to you and your Kundalini, settingthe best pattern for the energy to follow in its transformation ofyour life.FOOD CHOICES - Pay attention to the new tastes and desires yourbody begins to have. If you have been a vegetarian and you starthaving an interest in beef. well, try to find some organic beef andeat it, love it and bless the animal that has given the

ultimategift for you. The Kundalini needs what is in that meat in order toadvance your activation. It wants and needs that kind of protein,surrender to this. Or if the opposite is true you're a meat eater andthe Kundalyn Energies wish for you to become vegetarian - don'thesitate! Find yourself a great organic market or farmers market andmake like a rabbit! Really, you will be much happier I promise. Thisis only for a short time and then it may switch back as youractivation progresses into an awakening. The Kundalini will let youknow in no uncertain terms.FORGIVENESS - Emotional blockages are a main cause of pain and instabilitywithin the Kundalini awakening process. Issues of grief, guilt, loss,abandonment and fear can and do manifest within the context of the Kundalini aspain. It is also an attachment for energies that feed off of these conditions.Resolving these difficulties after many years or a

lifetime of experience isoften difficult and seemingly impossible. First you need to develop the intentand then to follow that intention with action. However many years and in manycases lifetimes that a person has been wracked with pain and anguish there isand has been a way towards resolution. It’s called forgiveness. Not alwaystowards a perceived assailant or of another person but also for ones own self.Forgiveness is a Divine aspect of love.Recapitulation - Realizing that we are all here on this physical plane tolearn and to come into direct contact with others who have qualities differentfrom our own, forgiveness gives us a platform for tolerance, another Divineaspect of love. In the context of the Kundalyn energies, this is a tantamountpractice that must be done daily and with the most sincere and heartfeltexpression. It lays the foundation for most if not all of the special powers andskills that come with an

awakening.Recapitulate all peoples who have done harm to you. All people whom you haveharmed. Think back upon your life experiences and for the moment pick out thehighlights of hurts that have been inflicted upon you and by you. Nowconsciously forgive them and you. There may still be Karmic repercussions butthis will go a long way towards ameliorating them. So practice this daily andnew remembrances will come to mind getting in line for the forgiveness. Thisrequires an honest acknowledgment of activity from both the receiving and of theinflicting aspects of our experiences with others. Honesty towards ones self isanother ingredient that must be attained in order for this to work.Regardless of where the blame is, forgiveness must be reached for and given.Not a small task to be sure but an essential one. As the forgiveness encountersthe heavy vibrational construct of the emotional blockage, Divine love is seepedinto

the matrix causing, in many instances an emotional outburst of relief andrelease of burden. The blockage is relieved and the Kundalini continues itsinvigoration throughout the body.For optimal results this must be done daily and constantly throughout yourconscious periods. For example, someone cuts you off on the freeway forgive themas quickly as you condemn them. Do this immediately and it will begin to smoothyour condemnations to the point where you will be happy to let them in and wishthem well upon their way. Take this in stages and don’t force too much uponyourself all at once but keep the intent strong and healthy in your heart andmind. This will have an almost immediate effect in your life passage as well asbeing an energetic snowplow for the Kundalini. As in most things practice makesit become second nature, so practice. This concept applies to all of your humaninteractions. Love and forgiveness are the

rules.INNER JOY - When you experience a situation in which you findyourself in very unfamiliar territory the first impulse is to gointo fear. I want you to begin to cultivate a memory of when youhave been joyous. Exuberantly joyous. I would have you practice thisduring the day when you experience something frightening.Immediately supplant this reaction with the inner joy, just thememory of it will change your perception and therefore the energy ofthe situation. Put a "post it" in your car on the dash if that'swhere these events happen for you or at work somewhere. Or on therefrigerator at home where you can remind yourself of this newreversal that you are incorporating. You can write "I J "on itjust as a reminder. This is to begin a new form of acceptance ofdifferent mind states that will help you on the Kundalini path.TRUST - Trust the process that is happening to you. Know andunderstand that God is

watching everything. Spirit is watchingeverything. You are safe in the arms of the Divinity as long as youpractice the love and forgiveness that are part of what we teach. Ifyou stray into areas of negativity, willfully, and with malice aforethought, well, then that is what you will receive. In realtime. So trust the Kundalini. It has your best interests as part ofits agenda or you would not have been allowed to activate or even tohave known about these seminars. Our advertising is minimal.HONESTY - As you feel the energy work its way within you behonest with yourself about what is happening. Watch out for denial.If you start falling into denial you can miss information theKundalini is trying to impart to you so be aware of how you arehonestly feeling. Watch yourself closely without becoming obsessed.When you feel sensations of a presence or object travelinginside your spine do not chalk it up to a sore back

or that lasttennis match or the tight clothing. Unless of course it is. Be clearand honest and see if it fits the descriptions of what you havelearned here and if you have questions go on the web and ask theseminar chat room or list to clarify it with you. We willbe monitoring and responding to any such inquiries.LOVE - Actively love what is happening. Express this activelove by being actively forgiving and interested in being of serviceto others. Not in a slavish or demeaning way but in a confidant andstrength based, loving way. Help that kid or senior citizen orfellow mortal without endangering yourself preferably. This allowsthe Kundalini to activate your systems much cleaner and morequickly. I know it sounds hokey but love is the strongest qualityand just as the negative can turn around and bite so does the loveturn around and embrace - even faster!Love causes the energy to move rapidly and as you

practice thisquality you will find that negativity just doesn't seem to come yourway as much and then almost never. Service to others or for othersis an essential practice for the Kundalini of this lineage. Otherswho have activated without these teachings have and are sufferingterribly and my heart goes out to them. They will learn though intheir own good or bad time. They will learn what you are learningright now. This is one of the best safeties you can practice becauseas I mentioned before you are being observed, really, and those whoare observing will not allow you, who are a part, now, of theirlineage to be harmed for the practice of love. A protection has beenplaced around you for the purpose of giving you the opportunity totake this evolutionary step called the Kundalini. As you practice,communications and assurances will be given by this source tohelp you on the path. Remember your"thank

you's".GRATITUDE - Be grateful for the ideas and thoughts and wisdomsthat begin to flow into your mind sometimes like a flood. Begrateful for the Kundalini as it is bringing you to a new andgreater understanding of the "All that is ". Be grateful to yourfamily and friends and perfect strangers for what they bring toyour life and the opportunities that come your way. Say to yourselfin your mind and heart that you are grateful for these gifts andeven greater ones will come your way. This is the nature of the pathyou are walking. Diligence and integrity are richly rewarded.PRAYER - This can be one of the more difficult of the safetiesto practice. Especially if you were not raised in an environmentrespectful or embracing of prayer - like myself. There are manymisconceptions about it but I won't go into those here. I will onlysay that it is very important and must be practiced. Christ is real,Mary is

real, Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, Zeus, Cybele, to name a few.All of them are real. And yes, I know this is a "real" stretch forsome of you and it was for me too. However we feel about thisculturally this is just how it is behind the veil. I'm not saying topray to all of them but if you don't already have one - Pick onethat you like or pick GOD and pray. Pray for healing for a friend ora stranger or a family member. Pray for yourself. Pray for theKundalini to take you where it is you want to go or to become whatit is you want to be. These folks can be very, very helpful. Do notdisregard this because you are unaccustomed to it. Stretch yourselfand make this a part of your practice.MOVEMENT - Dance or do Tai Chi or Yoga. These activities nurturethe energy in your body, filling the cells and stretching themuscles. Actively practice hands on healing, volunteer, be active,and move! Play or walk but do not sit and be a

couch potato. Thatcan lead to a stagnant energy response, and you don't want that -trust me.SINGLE NOSTRIL BREATHING - If you get to hot place your thumb orfinger over your right nostril and breathe through the leftcontinuously and with medium force. This activates the Lunar channel(Ida) and will immediately cool your heat. If you get to cold coveryour left nostril breath in a similar fashion and you will warm up.This activating your Solar channel (Pingala).COMPRESSION PRAYER/ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATINGBreathe in through he left nostril with right nostril covered orblocked Breathe in with the mantra for example "The love of Christ"or " I am one with the all that I am" Find one that works for youbut do not leave out a recognition of God however God is to you.Use the Law of Trinity. Say the mantra three times upon theintake of the breath through the left nostril. At the top of thebreath, Hold and

say the mantra three times again.At the beginning of the exhale switch nostrils by covering theleft and opening the right and exhaling through the right with themantra "the love of god" three times, timing the sequence witha "love of God" at the beginning of the exhale and the third one atthe end of the exhale. This also applies to the inhales.Now with the left nostril covered and the right nostril open,inhale with the mantra three times through the right nostril. Holdsay to your self the mantra three times and then switch nostrils andcover the right and exhale with the mantra through the left nostril.This equals one cycle.Looks like this: (right nostril blocked)"The love of Christ.......The love of Christ......The love of Christ"( Holding at top of breath)" The love of Christ...The love of Christ...The love of Christ..."( Switching nostrils and covering left and exhaling out the right)" The Love

of God...The love of God...The love of God..."( Keeping the left nostril blocked inhale through the right)" The love of Christ..The love of Christ..The love of Christ"( Holding at top of breath)Repeat "The love of Christ"x 3 ( Switching nostrils and exhalingthrough the left) The love of God" x 3And so forth for 15 cycles to start."Please begin to eat root vegetables.Carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, jicama, potato's, onions,celery root, garlic, ginseng, ginger. Plenty of waterand watermelon to ease the strain on the kidneys.Juices of the roots are also good.For the more serious among you who can safely do so,please begin a three day fast -First day -nothing but water + prayer and meditation as much as possiblewith breaksSecond day -nothing but juices of theseroots + prayer and meditation as much as possible, with breaksThird day -same blessings -

chrismThe Practice – Every day or night or both.Forgiveness’s (recapitulations, forgiveness of self and others)Gratitude’s (For the good and the bad as teachings are acquired with both)Surrendering (opening completely to the energy with love and joy and thedesire to be at one with the kundalini as it is revealed to you)Prayers or medittions to the Shakti (goddess energy), and personal divinity for awakening.5 Tibetans (start slow with no more than 6 repetitions for each Tibetan)Compression Prayer with alternate nostril breathing 15 cycles no more (tongueup).Meditation The Five Tibetan Rites is a yoga routine based on a ritual of exercises discovered in the early 1900s by a British army colonel, Colonel Bradford, who was living in a Himalayan monastery. They are practiced around the world and are said to prevent aging. In 1939, Peter Kelder published The Original Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, which helped spread the rites in the western world. Mr. Kelder has since updated the book The Eye of Revelation - The Original Five Rites of Rejuvenation, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1989, ISBN 0-945685-04-1. The rites are comprised of five different movements (with a sixth added for good measure), with each movement performed up to 21 times (Tibetans believe 21 is a perfect, mystical number). It is best to start with 3 repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase the repetitions. The entire routine can be completed in

less than 10 minutes. For thousands of years, medical practitioners have maintained that the body has seven principal energy centers which correspond to the seven endocrine glands, also known as chakras. Chakras are essentially energies within spinning vortexes. As a vortex is increased, the life force becomes stronger and more directed. Recent medical research has uncovered convincing evidence that the aging process is hormone-regulated. The five ancient Tibetan rites are said to normalize hormonal imbalances in the body, thereby holding the key to lasting youth, health, and vitality. The rites stimulate the energy system in the body, wake up the chakras, and get energy moving from your core outward to your extremities. The theory behind the rites is that your kundalini (spiritual energy) is stored and lies at the base of your spine and that

these rites access that energy in a very efficient, fast, and user-friendly way. An important part of the Tibetan exercises is a conscious synchronization of breathing while performing physical activity. Before beginning the exercises, practice the basic 4 -stage breathing technique ( inhale, hold, exhale, hold empty lungs). No exercise should be so intense that it makes you feel exhausted. For example, if you are "loosing your breath", it indicates that your body is in an anaerobic (low oxygen) condition and that you should slow down. If you can not talk normally after performing an exercise, you should slow down. When performing the exercises, the main emphasis should be on breath synchronization and fluency, rather than on speed and number of repetitions. Some call these rites isometric exercises.

Although they are helpful in stretching muscles and joints and improving muscle tone, this is not their primary purpose. A slow vortex causes that part of the body to deteriorate, while a faster one cause nervousness, anxiety, and exhaustion. Abnormal vortexes produces abnormal health, deterioration, and old age. The rites normalize the speed of the spinning vortexes by keeping them spinning at the same rate and working in harmony. Here are the Five Tibetan Rites and how they work on the body (remember to breathe deeply using the diaphragm during the movements). Rite 1 The first rite is the practice of spinning, which effects the emotional body by speeding up the vortexes. Children naturally

spin while playing. As one spins clockwise, Lamas say that negative residues are flung out of the body and the bridge is strengthened between the left and right hemispheres. Spinning stimulates the body's energy system and wakes up the chakras. Spinning. Extend your arms out to the sides and spin (in a clockwise direction). Go as fast as you can without losing control (slow down or stop if you get dizzy). Try to do 21 revolutions. Follow your right arm so that you spin around to your right. As you begin to spin, focus your vision on a single point straight ahead and continue holding your vision on that point as long as possible. Eventually you have to let it leave your field of vision as your head spins with the body. As this occurs, turn your head around quickly and refocus on your reference point as soon as possible.

Using a reference point helps prevent dizziness. Stop spinning as soon as you feel slightly dizzy. Lie on the floor and breathe deeply before you begin the next rite. Raise your hands above your head to stretch the back. In India, the Maulawiyah, or whirling dervishes, spin unceasingly in a religious frenzy. They always spin clockwise. The older dervishes are virile, strong, and robust, far more so than most men of their age. Lamas say that this excessive spinning may be detrimental as it over-stimulates some of the vortexes, which first accelerates the flow of energy but then blocks it. This building up and tearing down action causes the dervishes to experience a kind of "psychic rush," which they mistake for something spiritual . Lamas do not carry the whirling to an excess. While the whirling dervishes may spin hundreds of times, the Lamas only do it 21 times, just enough to stimulate the

vortexes into action. Rite 2 Rite two is similar to Western abdominal exercises. By raising the head to the chest, you create an extra stimulus to the solar plexus chakra and the conception vessel moving through the center of the truck. Use a thick rug or pad to protect your back as you lie on the floor. Lamas perform the rites on what Westerners call a prayer rug, which is about two feet wide and six feet long. The rug is fairly thick and is made of wool and a natural fiber. It is used solely to insulate

the body from the cold floor, but since religious significance is attached to everything the Lamas do, it is called a "prayer rug." Leg Raises. First lie flat on the floor, face up. Fully extended your arms along your sides, and place the palms of your hands against the floor, keeping the fingers close together. Then, raise your head off the floor, tucking the chin against the chest. As you do this, lift your legs, knees straight, into a vertical position. If possible, let the legs extend back over the body, toward the head; but do not let the knees bend. Then slowly lower both the head and the legs, knees straight, to the floor. Allow all the muscles to relax, continue breathing in the same rhythm. Breathe in deeply as you lift your legs and breathe out as you lower your legs. Upon sitting up, stretch your legs out in front of you.

Starting at the thigh area, stroke down the outside of your legs with your hands until you reach your feet. Grab your feet on the outside, pulling your head as close to your straight knees as possible. Rite 3 Rite three opens the solar plexus and heart. We begin life by drawing energy in through the umbilical area. Lamas believe we continue the habit of sucking into the solar plexus, which is the seat of the emotional body, without being aware of what we are taking in. All kinds of emotional energies enter in this way. Psychically, we attract negative emotions that relate to those we ourselves are

carrying. Thus, fear or anger inside us acts as a magnet to people who are carrying the same kind of energies. Contraction interferes with the functioning of the solar plexus ganglion that relays messages to the brain relevant to our sense of safety and stimulates the "fight or flight" reflex. This rite provides an extension and a powerful lifting of the entire trunk, which is the opposite of a defensive, contractive stance. By performing this motion, you are reversing the energy flow and raising the energy to the heart area. Camel. This is a classic back bend. Kneel on the floor, knees under your hips, toes flat, with the body erect. Place hands on back of legs just under the buttocks. Tilt the head and neck forward, tucking the chin against the chest. Then, tilt the head and neck backward,

arching the spine backward, and look upward. After arching, return to the original position, and repeat 21 up to times. Inhale deeply as you arch the spine, exhale as you return to an erect position. This rite opens up the front of the body and spine. Establish a rhythmic breathing pattern. Breathe in deeply as you arch the spine. Breathe out as you return to an erect position. When you are finished with this series of motions, extend your arms at shoulder level straight out in front of you and lean back without arching your back. You will feel this stretching the facia lata at the outer thighs. Rite 4 This rite causes a pleasant stimulation throughout the sacral area which stirs the meridians and the energies going to and from the groin and down the legs. This rite strengthens and tones the legs and glutes. Tabletop. Sit on floor with your legs extended, body erect, feet flexed and about 12 inches apart, palms flat on floor next to your hips, fingers pointed toward your feet. Tuck the chin forward against the chest. Now, tilt the head backward as far as it will go. At the same time, bend your knees and push up to a "tabletop" position, arms straight. Let your head fall back gently. The trunk of the body will be in a straight line with the upper legs, horizontal to the floor. Then, tense every muscle in the body. Finally, relax your

muscles as you return to the original sitting position. Rest before repeating the procedure. Breathe in as you raise up, hold your breath as you tense the muscles, breathe out completely as you come down. Continue breathing in the same rhythm as long as you rest between repetitions. Rite 5 Rite five brings an immediate change in the energy currents of the body. It makes one feel strong and invigorated and brings a happy glow to the face. This is the most powerful rite in terms of speeding up the chakric vortexes. Up Dog and Down Dog. Begin on all fours, toes flexed, palms on floor, weight distributed evenly among your knees, your palms, and the balls of your feet. Throughout this rite, your hands and feet should be kept straight. Start with your arms perpendicular to the floor, and the spine arched downward, so that the body is in a sagging position. Slowly lift your buttocks toward the sky, with a flat back, lowering your head, so your body makes an inverted "V." Tuck your chin to your chest. Pause, then lower your buttocks while pressing your palms into the floor, until your legs are in a plank position (parallel to the ground), moving your chest out and shoulders back. Inhale on your way up; exhale on your way down. Repeat, up to 21 times. In the rite, your body is moving in concert, moving energy up the spine. Follow the deep breathing pattern used in the previous rites. Breathe in deeply as

you raise the body, breathe out fully as you lower it. Rite 6 Tibetans say that this special sixth rite will make you into a super-being. Deep Breathing. Stand comfortably and exhale as you bend from the waist, placing your hands on your knees. Expel the last bit of air from your lungs and without taking in new breath, return to an erect position. Place your hands on your hips, with fingers to the front and press as hard as you can while sucking in the abdomen. This will raise your shoulders and chest.

While holding in the abdomen, also squeeze the pubococcygeal muscle up to emphasize the upward thrust. Hold this position and bring your closed eyeballs to the point between the eyebrows so that all this lower chakric energy will rise up to the highest centers. When you must take a breath, breathe in through your nose and then exhale through the mouth as you drop your arms down to your sides to relax. Take in several normal breaths through the nose and mouth before beginning again.

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