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Hello dear Electra,


Please see what I found and perhaps could help you-


" The Base chakra

The base chakra (sometimes called the root chakra) is a bright red

energy centre located at the perineum, half way between the anus and

the genitals. The base chakra is ruled by the element of earth and

the planet Earth. It is the lowest of our major chakras and is

connected with the base issues of life, largely about our physical

selves. The chakra is connected with the skin, muscles and bones and

any physical problems that have a general effect upon these areas

may be related to a base chakra issue.


The base chakra is about our physical survival – having food and

shelter. All chakras are psychic and this chakra may warn us of

impending physical danger and when we are in danger it will send

immense amounts of energy to our body for fight or flight. As the

base chakra is related to survival, money may also be a base chakra



Common problems in the base chakra may be because of our deep

feelings of security or lack of it. An obvious example of this would

be someone who lives constantly in the face of danger for their base

chakra would be constantly enlarged and would suffer problems if

this were a long-term problem. People who live or have lived with

the threat of violence or with uncertainty about their survival

would have security issues and would suffer with base chakra



The most common base chakra problems may be more subtle than this

and are often related to how we feel that our physical environment

is safe and welcoming or otherwise. We are greatly affected by those

around us in our formative years so if parents believe that the

world is an uncomfortable place their children will often take on

this view. Parents who grew up in war years may retain the belief

that there is a lack of food and that they are constantly in

physical danger and these attitudes may be passed to children unless

they successfully let those attitudes go with changing times and



People who have the feeling that there is never enough money for

them to have a satisfactory life may have base chakra issues; they

may be their own issues or taken on from parents.


A child who was not fed when they were hungry or changed when they

had soiled themselves or who were not given attention to their basic

physical needs may grow up with retained base chakra issues.


The base chakra is about foundation, purpose and grounding. The base

chakra reflects our feelings about our right to have a life on Earth

with all of our basic requirements met. The base chakra is also

connected down the legs, to chakras in each foot and this further

reflects the human connection to the Earth.


Someone with well balanced base chakra attitudes sees the Earth as

their Mother, the source of their physical bodies and the supplier

of their physical needs. The Earth truly has an abundance of what we

need to live and thrive here and well balanced base chakra people

will gratefully accept the abundance of the Earth, knowing that they

are worthy of it. Well balanced base chakra people have strong and

balanced legs and a straight gait and can see themselves walking

through their life with ease, happy to be on this beautiful planet

with everything that they need given to them.


Symptoms of an unbalanced base chakra are the feeling that life is a

constant battle for survival, feeling that the earth is a place of

danger, with dangerous creatures waiting to hurt them. People who

feel that others are threatening and that they can do nothing about

it may have base chakra issues.


Another base chakra issue is the need to procreate and people who

can respond to the base chakra need of occasional unemotional sex,

without feeling guilty about it or denying the urge are connecting

with their base chakra.


Ungrounded people may feel nervous, twitchy or feel constantly light

headed. They may have problems with their feet or legs and

disconnected to their body or life.


Base chakra healing comes with realising the truth about our

physical security, or if we are genuinely physically uncomfortable,

changing our circumstances. Leaving behind a constant or

intermittent threat of physical harm is essential. The next phase is

realising the truth about our physical selves and the world around

us and this is slightly more difficult. It takes a big effort to

really change the way we feel about the Earth, our physical selves

and environment but it is well worth the effort. Sorting out base

chakra issues will make us feel physically stronger and more secure

as people.


Looking at the base chakra issues that I mentioned above and really

thinking about them and you is a good place to start. Think about

what false attitudes your parents and mentors may have had and how

you may have erroneously taken them on. See how the things that have

happened in your life have changed or compounded your base chakra

issues. Know that you can change your mind (you are the only person

who can) and see things in a different way. Gardening, walking,

eating and wearing red underwear are generally quite grounding

things to do, but they will not sort out embedded mental attitudes

or beliefs that are false. A concerted effort to realise the truth

and move on, together with doing grounding things that you enjoy

will help to heal base chakra problems. "




But again it is you who knows better than anyone what the issue is :)


" Snowflake Obsidian

Typical coloring: black with white specks

Related chakras: root


Used for grounding and protecting, this stone helps us to recognize

and reprogram unnecessary patterned responses.


It has been used to smooth the skin and clear the eyes. "



" 4. Heart chakra (associated color: green (secondary color: pink);

related parts of the body: thymus gland, heart, lower lungs,

circulatory system, skin, hands) " <~~ That was my original thought

when I read your post but then I found some relate base center to

skin too...so who knows :))))



Sir Artur Avalon relates touch with the Heart center too.

Alice Bailey relates touch with the Solar Plexus center.


So different personality different perceptions. We are all different

yet the same :)

At the end of the day it is YOU who knows better than anyone else.

Sit down quietly and " look " what is going on in " Electra " :))

Sorry,just some thoughts :)


Sending you Love


Light and Love










, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Hi Shen, thanks for your concern :)

> But, I have seen nearly every doctor you could

> imagine...

> the only person who can heal this is me.

> I went through some severe trauma when I was 17/18

> which closed down my sacral chakra and this chakra

> governs sexuality and also removal of toxins from the

> body and when it is out of balance or closed as tight

> as a nut (as in my case) all kinds of skin problems

> can occur.

> I have to detox and remove deep feelings of guilt from

> my system and then I'll be better...

> But, I'm only just understanding this, it's taken me a

> long time.


> So, no it's nothing like scabies. But thankyou for the

> thought x x x


> Inlove Elektra x x x


> --- shen we <shen_we wrote:


> > Have you seen a dermatologist? Sounds suspiciously

> > like scabies. Shen

> >





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Hi A, Thanks for all the info, and for taking the time to think of me :) And yes, my base chakra and heart and solar plexus were all involved, but I feel that the heart is open now, then the solar plexus opened, and then the base chakra opened in bangkok only recently when I had some very strange death related issues coming out and a very high fever. As I now feel very secure and grounded I think the base is doing well. I can feel that the sacral is the last nut to crack and then all will fall into place. It's linked with feelings of guilt and shame about my creativity and sexuality. I will certainly have a look at the sites you recommended though, thankyou again , x x x Inlove Elektra x x x

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