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Chrism asked me to post up an exchange of messages that was sent out privately. It starts with his response to me followed by the two messages sent in order followed by some of what happened later that day.


SJ (if I may call you that),

Would you please post your question to me to the group. Take out anything you would find uncomfortable in both my post and yours. These are issues that affect us all inside the Kundalini and posting will help others come to grips with their own personal issues. If this is ok with you-

>SJustin <stephanjustin

>Aug 19, 2006 10:40 AM


>Re: Re: First Post - safeties



>I'm a bit overwhelmed. It has started and I have been having doubts, not

what I want to say or what I should be feeling but it is true. There are some issues

in my life that where not resolved at the time I chose to start undertaking this

task. I was interested in the benefits of course, the promise

of powers and special abilities was alluring and I thought the balancing would occur

as the process came about. I was hoping to get my lower chakras in balance through

the process and use it to find my way higher upward. I have been blocked in accepting

myself and my place among people. Last night I felt some fear but action in the direction of my fears helpes calm me down and quell them. As I write this I do calm

down somewhat though I have begun to tremble quite a bit. the more honest I am the

better I seem to get. I beleive I have misunderstood this process. Please tell me how to help myself integrate this with me. I will follow your instructions to

the letter.


>Thank you. Second message sent before he responded to the first:It's getting alot better. The tremors have stopped. I needed to tell myself some powerful stuff. I apologize , if that's appropriate, if I burdened you

with this. I'm telling myself some stuff and it seems to be working. I'm

getting my grip back. You're right I have to look inside myself. I think God

brought me to you because I was in over my head, I just had to let myself beleive

that he/ she wanted to help me. I won't be naive and assume everything is perfect.

I would still appreciate your counsel on how to proceed.

The rest of the day:I went through the rest of the day being confronted by alot of bad emotions and feelings.If you're familiar with the way people "see" images in clouds I have been doing that for some time with random patterns on floors, walls etc. On Saturday there intensity and frequency increasedand I thought I was losing it. I didn't know what to do, all kinds of doubts ran through meabout whther I had made the right choice. I also felt trapped by the fact that once this thingis activated it does not go down. So I wandered around freaking out till I ended up asleep under a tree in central park. I don't know why but I did this and it was the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks. No dreams. And when I woke up I was still a bit funky but I resolved toseek out my sister. I was afraid to be in her proximity because I thought I might hurt her. Spread thepain around. But I didn't . It helped tremendously. I started to recognize that the things I felt from outside myself where really coming from me. I'm trying to focus now on dealing with some basic issues that seek out doubt, negativeity, etc.I was raised Catholic and for the first time in my life I really understood seek and you shall find.That and I am very interested in finding a place to live where I can safely sleep uner a tree at night.The issues are still there and I think I am being told how to confront them. While doing the Safeties I became more and more aware of where these focres where coming fromand that helped me be more confident and less afraid. It's a start though. I hope this helps.

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Thank you SJ,

Begin to bring joy into life immediately by helping

another person. Don't care how you do it as long as you respect

choice. As you are in the process now relax and know that I and

others have gone where you tread right now and it can be very scary,

and also extremely wonderful. I LOVED the different geometrics (and

still do) that would come together all around me and the faces and

other phenomena that would just.....happen!


I love the tingles that still come and the tremendous, huge,

incredible, BLISS that can bring me to tears and stop me in my

tracks. To see every rock and twig and blade of grass and really

know it and feel and merge with it to do this with life in all its

forms to know God in the billions of expressions that we have

available to us in our so called ordinary lives is so exhilarating.

For me.


I would like you to begin to enjoy yourself and do your

forgiveness's and your gratitude's for you have been given a gift

beyond all the treasures of the world that humans hold dear. This is

the one treasure all seekers seek. And you have found it and it has

found you. Explore it! - blessings and joy to you my friend - chrism

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Wow SJ,

Sounds to me like one hell of a journey.

Glad you found this list as I know that is the

perfect person to guide you through this amazing gift.

Being honest is so important, I also feel an immense

release when I'm honest with myself and others,

especially when the ego would have me do otherwise.

Thats why this list is so dear to me, I feel like I

can let it all out and no one will judge me, just love

me and bless me.


So glad to read about your experiences and know I have

learnt something from you x x x


Inlove Elektra x x x







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