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RE: and SJ's recent postings

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Hello, Group!


Just reading through these last postings...


SJ at first seemed like he was having a hard time, but as I read his post all the way through I see he was going through a beautiful growth process.


Some things that went through my mind as I read this interchange between him and Chrism:


1. It seems all 'religions' are seeking the same thing-and FINDING the SAME TRUTHS, unfortunately too many people of "different religions" DON'T realize this (that leads to too many feeling they should hate or kill these "other people").

*I always KNEW that.....the recent postings just reminded me of that.*

Gopi Krishna said once "The fanatics that claim that all of the universal truths are in one book, I just walk away from" (Many years ago that statement would have really made me mad, now I have grown some-I understand exactly what that means!).


2. The "seeing faces (geometrics?etc) in patterns on walls". I thought that was just ME (silly-huh?). This has been going on my entire life. ** Please expand on this and possible meanings!**


3. I see that ONENESS is universally accepted in "Eastern Religions" and 'Native American Religion' with ALL THINGS in Nature....just seems us "westerners" have forgotten or choose to ignore this...though 'salvation' in Christiananity is TELLING us this, we are told by our peers things that make us feel it is 'wrong'.


4. I have felt more at "home" in nature than in a house all my life! I thought it was just the "little bit of Cherokee in my bloodline'...guess it must be the "oneness' in us all! SJ...go camping! :)


5. I DO get thoughts telling me to not read these interchanges anymore (sorry--I am a human being -it would appear)...Then the Ultimate Truth will come out of one of these interchanges and kind of "grab my soul and bite it on the ass"...so to speak!

These tender Love bites keep me reading!


:) :) :)

Blessings from Stephen!





Monday, August 21, 2006 2:32 AM

Re: Saturday



Thank you SJ,Begin to bring joy into life immediately by helping another person. Don't care how you do it as long as you respect choice. As you are in the process now relax and know that I and others have gone where you tread right now and it can be very scary, and also extremely wonderful. I LOVED the different geometrics (and still do) that would come together all around me and the faces and other phenomena that would just.....happen! I love the tingles that still come and the tremendous, huge, incredible, BLISS that can bring me to tears and stop me in my tracks. To see every rock and twig and blade of grass and really know it and feel and merge with it to do this with life in all its forms to know God in the billions of expressions that we have available to us in our so called ordinary lives is so exhilarating. For me. I would like you to begin to enjoy yourself and do your forgiveness's and your gratitude's for you have been given a gift beyond all the treasures of the world that humans hold dear. This is the one treasure all seekers seek. And you have found it and it has found you. Explore it! - blessings and joy to you my friend - chrism

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I do seesaw. I'm going back and forth. Sometimes I'm sure, sometimes I am not

but I have only been doing this a few days so I guess that should be expected. I

go from feeling like this is crazy, I don't know who is on the other end of the

line on the copmputer and this is nuts to laughing or recognizing the things

I'm reading.


The geometrics I used to think where just my brain trying to create patterns. I

thought it was an expression of things going on inside.




stephen condrey

Monday, August 21, 2006 8:58 AM

RE: and SJ's recent postings




Hello, Group!


Just reading through these last postings...


SJ at first seemed like he was having a hard time, but as I read his post all

the way through I see he was going through a beautiful growth process.


Some things that went through my mind as I read this interchange between him

and Chrism:


1. It seems all 'religions' are seeking the same thing-and FINDING the SAME

TRUTHS, unfortunately too many people of " different religions " DON'T realize

this (that leads to too many feeling they should hate or kill these " other

people " ).

*I always KNEW that.....the recent postings just reminded me of that.*

Gopi Krishna said once " The fanatics that claim that all of the universal

truths are in one book, I just walk away from " (Many years ago that statement

would have really made me mad, now I have grown some-I understand exactly what

that means!).


2. The " seeing faces (geometrics?etc) in patterns on walls " . I thought that

was just ME (silly-huh?). This has been going on my entire life. ** Please

expand on this and possible meanings!**


3. I see that ONENESS is universally accepted in " Eastern Religions " and

'Native American Religion' with ALL THINGS in Nature....just seems us

" westerners " have forgotten or choose to ignore this...though 'salvation' in

Christiananity is TELLING us this, we are told by our peers things that make us

feel it is 'wrong'.


4. I have felt more at " home " in nature than in a house all my life! I thought

it was just the " little bit of Cherokee in my bloodline'...guess it must be the

" oneness' in us all! SJ...go camping! :)


5. I DO get thoughts telling me to not read these interchanges anymore

(sorry--I am a human being -it would appear)...Then the Ultimate Truth will come

out of one of these interchanges and kind of " grab my soul and bite it on the

ass " ...so to speak!

These tender Love bites keep me reading!


:) :) :)

Blessings from Stephen!



Monday, August 21, 2006 2:32 AM

Re: Saturday



Thank you SJ,

Begin to bring joy into life immediately by helping

another person. Don't care how you do it as long as you respect

choice. As you are in the process now relax and know that I and

others have gone where you tread right now and it can be very scary,

and also extremely wonderful. I LOVED the different geometrics (and

still do) that would come together all around me and the faces and

other phenomena that would just.....happen!


I love the tingles that still come and the tremendous, huge,

incredible, BLISS that can bring me to tears and stop me in my

tracks. To see every rock and twig and blade of grass and really

know it and feel and merge with it to do this with life in all its

forms to know God in the billions of expressions that we have

available to us in our so called ordinary lives is so exhilarating.

For me.


I would like you to begin to enjoy yourself and do your

forgiveness's and your gratitude's for you have been given a gift

beyond all the treasures of the world that humans hold dear. This is

the one treasure all seekers seek. And you have found it and it has

found you. Explore it! - blessings and joy to you my friend - chrism








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