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Theresa - all

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As permission has been given I would encourage all the triads to focus your

love/helpfulness upon her, in whatever way that she can hold and have. Make this

a special service to one who is teaching such important lessons for us all. Send

to her comfort and clarity. If she can hold it she will, you should not be tied

to the results just to the quality of your intention. I will join you in this

matter. If you are not in a triad please feel free to offer your considerations.






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I am keying in here Chrism, to the concept of triad. That is, in another

context, the very k-awake friend I referred to, and his wife (who has access

to/is channel for maha energy but is not k-awake as yet) and I have meditated

together, and on one occasion where the field was very very very strong ... like

a vortex, moreso a portal appeared to pen ... both he and she are also very

visual ... whereas I am not (I'm more like this glowing dumb door post:) ...

anyway, at one point I tuned in to realize something else was going on when his

wife started to freak, calling help get him off me ... as she was having the

tactile sense of a discarnate entity/being holding onto her before it slipped

into the stream of the portal ... later as he/they explained it to me with a few

prompts from their guides, our triad meditation had opened a portal for

discarnate beings to return to the light, and many had done just that. Any

insights or similar experiences where you dwell?


metta. Alex


chrism <> wrote:

As permission has been given I would encourage all the triads to focus

your love/helpfulness upon her, in whatever way that she can hold and have. Make

this a special service to one who is teaching such important lessons for us all.

Send to her comfort and clarity. If she can hold it she will, you should not be

tied to the results just to the quality of your intention. I will join you in

this matter. If you are not in a triad please feel free to offer your

considerations. -



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You are so full of pleasant surprises! I havent thought of that in years! I used

to do that. Create a light and suck them up into it as a releasing I too, can

see them easily. I am more circumspect now though, asking and recieving

permission and then only as it pertains to what they can hold inside their own

karmic envelope.


The triads are for the expanded aspect of Kundalini development. The law of

three's. The trinity and its effectiveness as a unit of cohesive expressed

intention. Very strong with motivated individuals. You are welcome to be part of

one if you wish.


As far as what you said you were doing, well it is certainly an aspect of the

trinity but perhaps high self(ves) had more in mind than they let you know or

that you and they were open to knowing at the time. When creating doorways

though its best to know that what goes out can allow others to come in. I dont

reccomend it here as it isnt part of what this mission is about, but it is part

of what can occur. Trinitys are strong thats why I use them. blessings Alex -







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Thank you so much for this.I wont say anything to her so as not to raise




Monday, August 21, 2006 7:22 PM

Re: Theresa - all



As permission has been given I would encourage all the triads to focus your

love/helpfulness upon her, in whatever way that she can hold and have. Make this

a special service to one who is teaching such important lessons for us all. Send

to her comfort and clarity. If she can hold it she will, you should not be tied

to the results just to the quality of your intention. I will join you in this

matter. If you are not in a triad please feel free to offer your considerations.



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Thanks for that verification in your experience Chris. Certainly the 'event' of

creating a portal wasn't by 'by design' of our conscious selves, rather

seemingly an event arranged by our higher selves, as at the time, my friend and

his wife were standing opposite one another centering and 'connecting' before

doing some applied kinesiology, while I was just sitting

meditating/contemplating enjoying 'the field', and preparing some statements of

arising knowingnesses that we had wished to consult with the Divine about, and

next thing, there was a slip stream of exiting souls (again I mostly have access

to knowingnesses within certain seemingly proscribed, as in agreement with my

higher self, content areas and do not 'see' these things, rather I just glow

like a dumb doorpost :) The thought that such a portal is potentially a two

way swinging door had not occurred, and is serious cause for pause. My friend

has asked me recently if I would join them again in this endeavour,

as his angelic guides have asked it. Do you think specific earnest

invocations of protection, to oh say, Archangel Michael, would be sufficient to

keep the flow one way?


metta. Alex


chrism <> wrote:

You are so full of pleasant surprises! I havent thought of that in

years! I used to do that. Create a light and suck them up into it as a releasing

I too, can see them easily. I am more circumspect now though, asking and

recieving permission and then only as it pertains to what they can hold inside

their own karmic envelope.


The triads are for the expanded aspect of Kundalini development. The law of

three's. The trinity and its effectiveness as a unit of cohesive expressed

intention. Very strong with motivated individuals. You are welcome to be part of

one if you wish.


As far as what you said you were doing, well it is certainly an aspect of the

trinity but perhaps high self(ves) had more in mind than they let you know or

that you and they were open to knowing at the time. When creating doorways

though its best to know that what goes out can allow others to come in. I dont

reccomend it here as it isnt part of what this mission is about, but it is part

of what can occur. Trinitys are strong thats why I use them. blessings Alex -




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