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Welcome Ana/More thorough introduction

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Here is an email that I sent to a friend who was trying to determine whether or

not I was awakening Kundalini. I've just copied and pasted it since it is long

and thorough...lol.


The intense heat thing I have definitely been experiencing, I have noticed this

all the more because I usually have a tendency to be cold. There have been

alterations in sleeping patterns and energy surges as well. Furthermore, there

have been on occasion, chest pains (but nothing resembling heart failure, as I

am pretty healthy and used to be an EMT so I know what to look for). Also,

intense and detailed dreams, visions, a certain " peacefulness " , and the ability

to " read " people upon meeting them or being around them.


Here's when it started. Pretty much all of my life I have been " searching "

religiously. In the Spring of this year, I started practicing Wicca as a

solitary. I have read numerous books and studied hard to figure out if this

spiritual path is right for me. I am still in that process, and am currently

trying to determine whether Egyptian Wicca or Kemetic Reconstructionism is the

way to go. But anyways, with this newfound practice (both the " religious "

aspects and the " magickal " ones), I discovered meditation and ways of connecting

with the energy that is inherent within myself and the world around me. VERY

SHORTLY after I picked all this up, I was able to " read " people upon initial

contact, I was waking up after about 4 hours of sleep at night and not feeling

the need for more sleep, and it felt during certain periods of the day and night

that I was burning inside--I couldn't cool off and no amount of external cooling

would bring about the desired relief. The chest pains

happen every now and then, briefly. One time I was doing that breathing thing

where you envision light going into your chakras one at a time from the bottom

up, and when I got to the throat chakra, I started hyperventilating and

panicking a bit. It calmed down after a while and I was able to finish this



When I started practicing the " magickal " aspects of this newfound path, I was

working on myself--trying to bring about positive changes in attitude,

self-esteem, and the like. It has been extremely successful. So successful, that

instead of the self-hating cynic I was a mere 5-6 months ago, I pretty much feel

a strange peace with everyone and everything--even stuff that used to really

piss me off and stress me out. Don't get me wrong--I still get angry and

stressed from time to time, but much, much less frequently.


Bast, who has since become my patron Goddess, has visited me in dreams and

visions quite frequently. If I look for her in mundane life, she is usually

there (i.e. I have a great picture of her in the clouds). If I seem to have any

doubts or questions concerning her validity, she's there reassuring me before I

can even think to ask. Maybe this has nothing to do with the Kundalini

phenomenon, but felt it was significant as all of this seems to sort of go

together, and has all happened so quickly and intensely.


....I don't know what your religious practices are, but I don't want you to think

I'm some sort of cheeseball. I'm into my 30's and not just doing the Wicca thing

because it's " cool " . I seriously have felt that I needed to be somewhere

spiritually all of my life, but never really could find where, if that makes any

sense. Maybe I'm still searching--who knows?


Why are so many people spontaneously awakening? And what do we do now?


....LOL, there it all is in a nutshell. Any feedback would be appreciated. And if

anyone needs any dream interpretation, I'm pretty good at it.


Bright Blessings,



chrism <> wrote: If you

are having an experience with the Kundalini please feel free to

write of it. There is no waiting period for posting - blessings -









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