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Trance Rhythms - Elektra

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Hello Elektra,

I know you are quite into music, rhythms, etc.

I am as well, especially into rhythms, being a drummer.

So, I was wondering if you could relate your favorite artists of

this type of music and any others that you really like?

I want to take this opportunity to let each of you know about this

neat web-based thingy called Pandora. You get to it thru


Anyway, what it is is a web-based radio that you can totally

program . . . and it's free.

You just type in the name of an artist and it goes through and

compares the artist's music using between 100 and 400 points of

reference (depending on the type of music) and comes up w/ other

artists of the same ilk. You can also rate each song as it's

played. If you like it, more like it will play, if you don't like

it, the song will not be played again, and other songs like it won't


For instance, I have a station that I started by typing in Frank

Steiner, Jr. and it's great! I don't have a lot of celestial music

(on CD) so I listen to this and I have unlimited celestial music to

listen to. It's really great!

I know, I know, I tend to ramble, so, to recap, Elektra can you

please tell us the types of music you like related to the trance

rhythms and related music you like? I want to start a pandora

station for this.


Grace and Peace to you Elektra,



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Pandora is very cool : )





, " raazor1 "

<raazor wrote:


> Hello Elektra,

> I know you are quite into music, rhythms, etc.

> I am as well, especially into rhythms, being a drummer.

> So, I was wondering if you could relate your favorite artists of

> this type of music and any others that you really like?

> I want to take this opportunity to let each of you know about this

> neat web-based thingy called Pandora. You get to it thru

> pandora.com.

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Hi Ray,

The tracks I listen to are just called " medecine

trance " and were given to me by my friend felicia but

I can email her and see if I can find out more.

She may only know as much as me also.

They are drum tracks about 20 minutes long each.

I would gladly send you the tracks :)


also, algerian drumming is very impressive.


If you can search by genre search world music and see

what you find.


I will do some more research though, and see if I can

come up with some names for you Ray.


Much love and funky rhythms

Elektra x x x





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Oh, as I mentioned to Ana, Pandora is the name of the

cat that visited me last night in my dream x x x

Funny Synchronicity,

Love E x x x


--- dallyup52 <dallyup52 wrote:


> Ray,


> Pandora is very cool : )


> BlessU

> Sam


> --- In

> ,

> " raazor1 "

> <raazor wrote:

> >

> > Hello Elektra,

> > I know you are quite into music, rhythms, etc.

> > I am as well, especially into rhythms, being a

> drummer.

> > So, I was wondering if you could relate your

> favorite artists of

> > this type of music and any others that you really

> like?

> > I want to take this opportunity to let each of you

> know about this

> > neat web-based thingy called Pandora. You get to

> it thru

> > pandora.com.




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Speaking of radio stations and music, try http://somafm.com

(choose Groove Salad,for starters), this is electronic music that is

not dumb, right-brained sounds, it helps me concentrate and be



there is also http://www.di.fm/ (restrict your choice to chillout)








, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Oh, as I mentioned to Ana, Pandora is the name of the

> cat that visited me last night in my dream x x x

> Funny Synchronicity,

> Love E x x x


> --- dallyup52 <dallyup52 wrote:


> > Ray,

> >

> > Pandora is very cool : )

> >

> > BlessU

> > Sam

> >

> > --- In

> > ,

> > " raazor1 "

> > <raazor@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Elektra,

> > > I know you are quite into music, rhythms, etc.

> > > I am as well, especially into rhythms, being a

> > drummer.

> > > So, I was wondering if you could relate your

> > favorite artists of

> > > this type of music and any others that you really

> > like?

> > > I want to take this opportunity to let each of you

> > know about this

> > > neat web-based thingy called Pandora. You get to

> > it thru

> > > pandora.com.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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