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Advice needed - Omar - Selena

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Ouch! Yes Omar,

Your body is telling you that there are some hard

blockages in your second. This is why the Hatha Yoga is working. As you do the

Yoga and I suggest that you do, really get into the postures and breath into

them holding the posture as long as possible and then resting briefly before

moving into the next posture. Selena is a Yoga instructor and her bright

inquisitive eye might possibly be turned to you with regard to the Yoga.


Please try not to mix the Yogi Bhajan techniques and what is approached here.

Feel if one or the other is helpful or not. Mixing can sometime cause

amplification as certain areas are double dosed. Stand up against a wall, back

to the wall, and gently bend over and try to touch your toes keeping your knees

straight, dont strain. Stay in this position and breathe as deeply as you can

you will feel yourself beginning to relax in the sacral areas. Also do the

forgiveness's, I know that because of the blockage certain anxieties and anger

and uncertainties are being amplified. And not being released. So do your best

to go into this area and relax it and release the emotions.


As far as the medications go. I am not an MD, so I cannot say do this or that.

I can tell you what I would do if it was happening to me.


I would stop all medications slowly and gently allowing my body a chance to

gently disengage those forces. I would feel that they were a large part of the

IBS problem, Chemical blockages induced to cover up a psychiatric issue by

smothering the symptom with chemical numbness but not treating for the actual

issue. Kind of like numbing the pain of a broken leg without setting it and

calling it " healed and released " because the pain is gone. No pain but hard to

walk with. So I would stop the medications and stop the energetic stimulation

for the moment all of them except the Yoga which is more of a preparation for

increased and spread out flows. Do you understand? This is what I would do.


Let me know if you feel this is appropriate for you and we will continue -








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From what you say, it sounds like both your root and second chakra

have blockages--and possibly your feet, too. Hatha yoga should help;

if you have a chance, go for walks in nature; keep your diet as

natural and organic as possible, and drink plenty of water. Meditating

on the earth energy in your first and the water energy in your second

can help a lot. Mula bandha should be avoided, since it might increase

the congestion between root and second chakra.


Here is a list of asanas that help with the kind of blockage you have:




Virabhadrasana I and II

Parivrtta Trikonasana

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana





You can find detailed descriptions of the poses in the yoga journal



Hope this helps,




, " Omar Ali "

<thenotperfect wrote:


> This is perfectly appropriate for me Chris, your guidance is most

appreciated and valued, a heartly thank you


> Om Shanti

> Omar Ali


> -



> Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:22 AM

> Re: Advice needed - Omar

- Selena



> Ouch! Yes Omar,

> Your body is telling you that there are some hard blockages in

your second. This is why the Hatha Yoga is working. As you do the Yoga

and I suggest that you do, really get into the postures and breath

into them holding the posture as long as possible and then resting

briefly before moving into the next posture. Selena is a Yoga

instructor and her bright inquisitive eye might possibly be turned to

you with regard to the Yoga.


> Please try not to mix the Yogi Bhajan techniques and what is

approached here. Feel if one or the other is helpful or not. Mixing

can sometime cause amplification as certain areas are double dosed.

Stand up against a wall, back to the wall, and gently bend over and

try to touch your toes keeping your knees straight, dont strain. Stay

in this position and breathe as deeply as you can you will feel

yourself beginning to relax in the sacral areas. Also do the

forgiveness's, I know that because of the blockage certain anxieties

and anger and uncertainties are being amplified. And not being

released. So do your best to go into this area and relax it and

release the emotions.


> As far as the medications go. I am not an MD, so I cannot say do

this or that. I can tell you what I would do if it was happening to me.


> I would stop all medications slowly and gently allowing my body a

chance to gently disengage those forces. I would feel that they were a

large part of the IBS problem, Chemical blockages induced to cover up

a psychiatric issue by smothering the symptom with chemical numbness

but not treating for the actual issue. Kind of like numbing the pain

of a broken leg without setting it and calling it " healed and

released " because the pain is gone. No pain but hard to walk with. So

I would stop the medications and stop the energetic stimulation for

the moment all of them except the Yoga which is more of a preparation

for increased and spread out flows. Do you understand? This is what I

would do.


> Let me know if you feel this is appropriate for you and we will

continue -






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This is perfectly appropriate for me Chris, your guidance is most appreciated

and valued, a heartly thank you


Om Shanti

Omar Ali



Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:22 AM

Re: Advice needed - Omar - Selena



Ouch! Yes Omar,

Your body is telling you that there are some hard blockages in your second.

This is why the Hatha Yoga is working. As you do the Yoga and I suggest that you

do, really get into the postures and breath into them holding the posture as

long as possible and then resting briefly before moving into the next posture.

Selena is a Yoga instructor and her bright inquisitive eye might possibly be

turned to you with regard to the Yoga.


Please try not to mix the Yogi Bhajan techniques and what is approached here.

Feel if one or the other is helpful or not. Mixing can sometime cause

amplification as certain areas are double dosed. Stand up against a wall, back

to the wall, and gently bend over and try to touch your toes keeping your knees

straight, dont strain. Stay in this position and breathe as deeply as you can

you will feel yourself beginning to relax in the sacral areas. Also do the

forgiveness's, I know that because of the blockage certain anxieties and anger

and uncertainties are being amplified. And not being released. So do your best

to go into this area and relax it and release the emotions.


As far as the medications go. I am not an MD, so I cannot say do this or that.

I can tell you what I would do if it was happening to me.


I would stop all medications slowly and gently allowing my body a chance to

gently disengage those forces. I would feel that they were a large part of the

IBS problem, Chemical blockages induced to cover up a psychiatric issue by

smothering the symptom with chemical numbness but not treating for the actual

issue. Kind of like numbing the pain of a broken leg without setting it and

calling it " healed and released " because the pain is gone. No pain but hard to

walk with. So I would stop the medications and stop the energetic stimulation

for the moment all of them except the Yoga which is more of a preparation for

increased and spread out flows. Do you understand? This is what I would do.


Let me know if you feel this is appropriate for you and we will continue -






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I am on it, I will do all the adviced practises until my body tells me I am

ready to start activating the Kundalini again, I don't think that will be soon,

but I don't care as long a I would have a safe one, I will also merge the asanas

you mentioned with a classic yoga program I learned in a local class, thanks a

lot and take good care.


Love And Respect

Omar Ali





Wednesday, September 13, 2006 2:15 AM

Re: Advice needed - Omar - Selena





From what you say, it sounds like both your root and second chakra

have blockages--and possibly your feet, too. Hatha yoga should help;

if you have a chance, go for walks in nature; keep your diet as

natural and organic as possible, and drink plenty of water. Meditating

on the earth energy in your first and the water energy in your second

can help a lot. Mula bandha should be avoided, since it might increase

the congestion between root and second chakra.


Here is a list of asanas that help with the kind of blockage you have:




Virabhadrasana I and II

Parivrtta Trikonasana

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana





You can find detailed descriptions of the poses in the yoga journal



Hope this helps,




, " Omar Ali "

<thenotperfect wrote:


> This is perfectly appropriate for me Chris, your guidance is most

appreciated and valued, a heartly thank you


> Om Shanti

> Omar Ali


> -



> Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:22 AM

> Re: Advice needed - Omar

- Selena



> Ouch! Yes Omar,

> Your body is telling you that there are some hard blockages in

your second. This is why the Hatha Yoga is working. As you do the Yoga

and I suggest that you do, really get into the postures and breath

into them holding the posture as long as possible and then resting

briefly before moving into the next posture. Selena is a Yoga

instructor and her bright inquisitive eye might possibly be turned to

you with regard to the Yoga.


> Please try not to mix the Yogi Bhajan techniques and what is

approached here. Feel if one or the other is helpful or not. Mixing

can sometime cause amplification as certain areas are double dosed.

Stand up against a wall, back to the wall, and gently bend over and

try to touch your toes keeping your knees straight, dont strain. Stay

in this position and breathe as deeply as you can you will feel

yourself beginning to relax in the sacral areas. Also do the

forgiveness's, I know that because of the blockage certain anxieties

and anger and uncertainties are being amplified. And not being

released. So do your best to go into this area and relax it and

release the emotions.


> As far as the medications go. I am not an MD, so I cannot say do

this or that. I can tell you what I would do if it was happening to me.


> I would stop all medications slowly and gently allowing my body a

chance to gently disengage those forces. I would feel that they were a

large part of the IBS problem, Chemical blockages induced to cover up

a psychiatric issue by smothering the symptom with chemical numbness

but not treating for the actual issue. Kind of like numbing the pain

of a broken leg without setting it and calling it " healed and

released " because the pain is gone. No pain but hard to walk with. So

I would stop the medications and stop the energetic stimulation for

the moment all of them except the Yoga which is more of a preparation

for increased and spread out flows. Do you understand? This is what I

would do.


> Let me know if you feel this is appropriate for you and we will

continue -






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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Selena and group,


>Selena wrote: Meditating on the earth energy in your first and the water energy

in your second can help a lot.


Omar: it is a very old message, but I have been doing your advice above, and I

am not sure I am doing it right since I have no reference to this kind of

meditation, can you explain how it is done please?, I appreciate your help



and hey!! I am finally stopping the meds by myself, Chrism, gradually and very

slowly, you were right, I don't feel I need psychiatry anymore, it was a big lie

to think I even needed it in the first place, I am hyper active a little, and I

don't concentrate in work, but over all I am much better than the date I sent

the original message for this subject.


however I don't advice everybody to stop psych-meds by himself, unless they have

an amount of what they call sensory intelligence, and to be able to feel and

understand what their body is trying to tell them.










Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1:15 AM

Re: Advice needed - Omar - Selena





From what you say, it sounds like both your root and second chakra

have blockages--and possibly your feet, too. Hatha yoga should help;

if you have a chance, go for walks in nature; keep your diet as

natural and organic as possible, and drink plenty of water. Meditating

on the earth energy in your first and the water energy in your second

can help a lot. Mula bandha should be avoided, since it might increase

the congestion between root and second chakra.


Here is a list of asanas that help with the kind of blockage you have:




Virabhadrasana I and II

Parivrtta Trikonasana

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana





You can find detailed descriptions of the poses in the yoga journal



Hope this helps,




, " Omar Ali "

<thenotperfect wrote:


> This is perfectly appropriate for me Chris, your guidance is most

appreciated and valued, a heartly thank you


> Om Shanti

> Omar Ali


> -



> Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:22 AM

> Re: Advice needed - Omar

- Selena



> Ouch! Yes Omar,

> Your body is telling you that there are some hard blockages in

your second. This is why the Hatha Yoga is working. As you do the Yoga

and I suggest that you do, really get into the postures and breath

into them holding the posture as long as possible and then resting

briefly before moving into the next posture. Selena is a Yoga

instructor and her bright inquisitive eye might possibly be turned to

you with regard to the Yoga.


> Please try not to mix the Yogi Bhajan techniques and what is

approached here. Feel if one or the other is helpful or not. Mixing

can sometime cause amplification as certain areas are double dosed.

Stand up against a wall, back to the wall, and gently bend over and

try to touch your toes keeping your knees straight, dont strain. Stay

in this position and breathe as deeply as you can you will feel

yourself beginning to relax in the sacral areas. Also do the

forgiveness's, I know that because of the blockage certain anxieties

and anger and uncertainties are being amplified. And not being

released. So do your best to go into this area and relax it and

release the emotions.


> As far as the medications go. I am not an MD, so I cannot say do

this or that. I can tell you what I would do if it was happening to me.


> I would stop all medications slowly and gently allowing my body a

chance to gently disengage those forces. I would feel that they were a

large part of the IBS problem, Chemical blockages induced to cover up

a psychiatric issue by smothering the symptom with chemical numbness

but not treating for the actual issue. Kind of like numbing the pain

of a broken leg without setting it and calling it " healed and

released " because the pain is gone. No pain but hard to walk with. So

I would stop the medications and stop the energetic stimulation for

the moment all of them except the Yoga which is more of a preparation

for increased and spread out flows. Do you understand? This is what I

would do.


> Let me know if you feel this is appropriate for you and we will

continue -






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Guest guest

Hi Omar,


I don't remember the context of my suggestion (usually it's a better

idea to work on all the chakras instead of just a couple of them).

Anyway, the technique consists in visualizing the appropriate colors

for each chakra while doing mental repetitions of the respective

bija-mantras ( " lam " for root and " vam " for second chakra) and

imagining/experiencing the qualities of the elemental energies

contained in each chakra.


Hope this helps,




, " Omar Ali "

<thenotperfect wrote:


> Hi Selena and group,


> >Selena wrote: Meditating on the earth energy in your first and the

water energy in your second can help a lot.


> Omar: it is a very old message, but I have been doing your advice

above, and I am not sure I am doing it right since I have no reference

to this kind of meditation, can you explain how it is done please?, I

appreciate your help again.


> and hey!! I am finally stopping the meds by myself, Chrism,

gradually and very slowly, you were right, I don't feel I need

psychiatry anymore, it was a big lie to think I even needed it in the

first place, I am hyper active a little, and I don't concentrate in

work, but over all I am much better than the date I sent the original

message for this subject.


> however I don't advice everybody to stop psych-meds by himself,

unless they have an amount of what they call sensory intelligence, and

to be able to feel and understand what their body is trying to tell them.



> Thanks

> Omar




> -

> selena230


> Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1:15 AM

> Re: Advice needed - Omar

- Selena



> Omar,


> From what you say, it sounds like both your root and second chakra

> have blockages--and possibly your feet, too. Hatha yoga should help;

> if you have a chance, go for walks in nature; keep your diet as

> natural and organic as possible, and drink plenty of water. Meditating

> on the earth energy in your first and the water energy in your second

> can help a lot. Mula bandha should be avoided, since it might increase

> the congestion between root and second chakra.


> Here is a list of asanas that help with the kind of blockage you have:


> Trikonasana

> Parsvakonasana

> Virabhadrasana I and II

> Parivrtta Trikonasana

> Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

> Parsvottanasana

> Twists

> Sarvangasana


> You can find detailed descriptions of the poses in the yoga journal

> website.


> Hope this helps,


> Sel


> , " Omar Ali "

> <thenotperfect@> wrote:

> >

> > This is perfectly appropriate for me Chris, your guidance is most

> appreciated and valued, a heartly thank you

> >

> > Om Shanti

> > Omar Ali

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> > Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:22 AM

> > Re: Advice needed - Omar

> - Selena

> >

> >

> > Ouch! Yes Omar,

> > Your body is telling you that there are some hard blockages in

> your second. This is why the Hatha Yoga is working. As you do the Yoga

> and I suggest that you do, really get into the postures and breath

> into them holding the posture as long as possible and then resting

> briefly before moving into the next posture. Selena is a Yoga

> instructor and her bright inquisitive eye might possibly be turned to

> you with regard to the Yoga.

> >

> > Please try not to mix the Yogi Bhajan techniques and what is

> approached here. Feel if one or the other is helpful or not. Mixing

> can sometime cause amplification as certain areas are double dosed.

> Stand up against a wall, back to the wall, and gently bend over and

> try to touch your toes keeping your knees straight, dont strain. Stay

> in this position and breathe as deeply as you can you will feel

> yourself beginning to relax in the sacral areas. Also do the

> forgiveness's, I know that because of the blockage certain anxieties

> and anger and uncertainties are being amplified. And not being

> released. So do your best to go into this area and relax it and

> release the emotions.

> >

> > As far as the medications go. I am not an MD, so I cannot say do

> this or that. I can tell you what I would do if it was happening

to me.

> >

> > I would stop all medications slowly and gently allowing my body a

> chance to gently disengage those forces. I would feel that they were a

> large part of the IBS problem, Chemical blockages induced to cover up

> a psychiatric issue by smothering the symptom with chemical numbness

> but not treating for the actual issue. Kind of like numbing the pain

> of a broken leg without setting it and calling it " healed and

> released " because the pain is gone. No pain but hard to walk with. So

> I would stop the medications and stop the energetic stimulation for

> the moment all of them except the Yoga which is more of a preparation

> for increased and spread out flows. Do you understand? This is what I

> would do.

> >

> > Let me know if you feel this is appropriate for you and we will

> continue -

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Congratulations Omar! Happy to read that. Yes a bit hyperactive doesn't mean

anything except you have a bit more energy to put into the pursuit of your life.

I too am a bit hyperactive. But only when driving long distances (heh). We are

blessed to have Selena with us are we not? She is a jewel in the lotus. We are a

very rich group to have such members - blessings Omar - chrism





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