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Help with my kundalini -Safeties

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Tongue up – This completes the cranial circuit allowing excess energy to


down the sides of the neck. Cultivate the position of the tip of the tongue

resting on the fleshy mound right behind your upper front teeth . Make this a

new habit.


Water – As the Kundalini rises it will stimulate and activate the kidneys


the adrenal glands. The adrenals and the kidneys can become hot. Really hot and

feel as if they are expanding. The adrenals will release amounts of

adrenachrome, or the bodies version of speed. This can be very disconcerting,

and can help you to fear. So plenty of living water i.e. water that is from a

spring or another source that isn’t chlorinated or from the tap of a city, but

if the city water is what youve got - drink it.


Programming (TV, movies, books, music, friends, family, church) – In our

culture we are seeing and reading and hearing, from various sources, many

negative and fear evoking forms of entertainment, news and communications. This

is not helpful when a person is newly activated with the Kundalini. Fear,

excessive lust, hateful attitudes, can be quite painful and damaging to the new

Kundalyn energies and many unfortunate events can be created by the Kundalini

exposed to such energies. So, no scary movies, or books or radio shows unless

you want to experience them in real-time with you as the unwitting star. Music

that is angry or hateful or hurtful even if the melody is sweet need to be

curtailed. Interfamilial problems are sometimes hard to dismiss. Try as much as

possible to bring love and peace and forgiveness into your daily and nightly

life. I know this sounds difficult but just make it a priority and it will be

extremely beneficial to you and your Kundalini, setting the best

pattern for the energy to follow in its transformation of your life.


Food choices – Pay attention to the new tastes and desires your body begins


have. If you have been a vegetarian and you start having an interest in beef…

well, try to find some organic beef and eat it, love it and bless the animal

that has given the ultimate gift for you. The Kundalini needs what is in that

meat in order to advance your activation. It wants and needs that kind of

protein, surrender to this. Or if the opposite is true you’re a meat eater and

the Kundalyn Energies wish for you to become vegetarian – don’t hesitate! Find

yourself a great organic market or farmers market and make like a rabbit!

Really, you will be much happier I promise. This is only for a short time and

then it may switch back as your activation progresses into an awakening. The

Kundalini will let you know in no uncertain terms.




Emotional blockages are a main cause of pain and instability within the

Kundalini awakening process. Issues of grief, guilt, loss, abandonment and fear

can and do manifest within the context of the Kundalini as pain. It is also an

attachment for energies that feed off of these conditions. Resolving these

difficulties after many years or a lifetime of experience is often difficult and

seemingly impossible. First you need to develop the intent and then to follow

that intention with action. However many years and in many cases lifetimes that

a person has been wracked with pain and anguish there is and has been a way

towards resolution. Its called forgiveness. Not always towards a perceived

assailant or of another person but also for ones own self. Forgiveness is a

Divine aspect of love.

Realizing that we are all here on this physical plane

to learn and to come into direct contact with others who have qualities

different from our own, forgiveness gives us a platform for tolerance, another

Divine aspect of love. In the context of the Kundalyn energies, this is a

tantamount practice that must be done daily and with the most sincere and

heartfelt _expression. It lays the foundation for most if not all of the special

powers and skills that come with an awakening.


Recapitulate all peoples who have done harm to you. All

people whom you have harmed think back upon your life experiences and for the

moment pick out the highlights of hurts that have been inflicted upon you and by

you. Now consciously forgive them and you. There may still be Karmic

repercussions but this will go a long way towards ameliorating them so practice

this daily and new remembrances will come to mind getting in line for the

forgiveness. This requires an honest acknowledgment of activity from both the

receiving and of the inflicting aspects of our experiences with others. Honesty

towards ones self is another ingredient that must be attained in order for this

to work.


Regardless of where the blame is, forgiveness must be

reached for and given. Not a small task to be sure but an essential one. As the

forgiveness encounters the heavy vibrational construct of the emotional blockage

Divine love is seeped into the matrix causing, in many instances an emotional

outburst of relief and release of burden. The blockage is relieved and the

Kundalini continues its invigoration throughout the body.


For optimal results this must be done daily and

constantly throughout your conscious periods. For example, someone cuts you off

on the freeway forgive them as quickly as you condemn them. Do this immediately

and it will begin to smooth your condemnations to the point where you will be

happy to let them in and wish them well upon their way. Take this in stages and

don’t force too much upon yourself all at once but keep the intent strong and

healthy in your heart and mind. This will have an almost immediate effect in

your life passage as well as being an energetic snowplow for the Kundalini. As

in most things practice makes it become second nature, so practice. This

concept applies to all of your human interactions. Love and forgiveness are the





Inner Joy – When you experience a situation in which you find yourself in


unfamiliar territory the first impulse is to go into fear. I want you to begin

to cultivate a memory of when you have been joyous. Exuberantly joyous. I would

have you practice this during the day when you experience something frightening.

Immediately supplant this reaction with the inner joy, just the memory of it

will change your perception and therefore the energy of the situation. Put a

“post it” in your car on the dash if that’s where these events happen for you or

at work somewhere. Or on the refrigerator at home where you can remind yourself

of this new reversal that you are incorporating. You can write “I J “on it

just as a reminder. This is to begin a new form of acceptance of different mind

states that will help you on the Kundalini path.


Trust – Trust the process that is happening to you. Know and understand


God is watching everything. Spirit is watching everything. You are safe in the

arms of the Divinity as long as you practice the love and forgiveness that are

part of what we teach. If you stray into areas of negativity, willfully, and

with malice afore thought, well, then that is what you will receive. In real

time. So trust the Kundalini.


Honesty – As you feel the energy work its way within you be honest with

yourself about what is happening. Watch out for denial. If you start falling

into denial you can miss information the Kundalini is trying to impart to you


be aware of how you are honestly feeling. Watch yourself closely without

becoming obsessed. When you feel sensations of a presence or object traveling

inside your spine do not chalk it up to a sore back or that last tennis match or

the tight clothing. Unless of course it is. Be clear and honest and see if it

fits the descriptions of what you have learned here and if you have questions go

on the web and ask the seminar chat room or list to clarify it with you. We will

be monitoring and responding to any such inquiries.


Love – Actively love what is happening. Express this active love by being

actively forgiving and interested in being of service to others. Not in a

slavish or demeaning way but in a confidant and strength based, loving way. Help

that kid or senior citizen or fellow mortal without endangering yourself

preferably. This allows the Kundalini to activate your systems much cleaner and

more quickly. I know it sounds hokey but love is the strongest quality and just

as the negative can turn around and bite so does the love turn around and

embrace - even faster!


Love causes the energy to move rapidly and as you practice this quality you

will find that negativity just doesn’t seem to come your way as much and then

almost never. Service to others or for others is an essential practice for the

Kundalini of this lineage. Others who have activated without these teachings

have and are suffering terribly and my heart goes out to them. They will learn

though in their own good or bad time. They will learn what you are learning

right now. This is one of the best safeties you can practice because as I

mentioned before you are being observed, really, and those who are observing

will not allow you, who are a part, now, of their lineage to be harmed for the

practice of love. A protection has been placed around you for the purpose of

giving you the opportunity to take this evolutionary step called the Kundalini.

As you practice, communications and assurances will be given by this source to

help you on the path. Remember your”thank you’s”.



Gratitude – Be grateful for the ideas and thoughts and wisdoms that begin


flow into your mind sometimes like a flood. Be grateful for the Kundalini as it

is bringing you to a new and greater understanding of the “All that is “. Be

grateful to your family and friends and perfect strangers for what they bring to

your life and the opportunities that come your way. Say to yourself in your mind

and heart that you are grateful for these gifts and even greater ones will come

your way. This is the nature of the path you are walking. Diligence and

integrity are richly rewarded.



Prayer – This can be one of the more difficult of the safeties to practice.

Especially if you were not raised in an environment respectful or embracing of

prayer – like myself. There are many misconceptions about it but I won’t go into

those here. I will only say that it is very important and must be practiced.

Christ is real, Mary is real, Yahweh, Krishna, Shakti, Shiva, Buddha, Allah,

Zeus, Cybele, to name a

few. All of them are real. And yes, I know this is a “real” stretch for some of

you and it was for me too. However we feel about this culturally this is just

how it is behind the veil. I’m not saying to pray to all of them but if you

don’t already have one – Pick one that you like or pick GOD and pray. Pray for

healing for a friend or a stranger or a family member. Pray for yourself. Pray

for the Kundalini to take you where it is you want to go or to become what it is

you want to be. These folks can be very, very helpful. Do not disregard this

because you are unaccustomed to it. Stretch yourself and

make this a part of your practice.



Movement – Dance or do Tai Chi or Yoga. These activities nurture the energy


your body, filling the cells and stretching the muscles. Actively practice hands

on healing, volunteer, be active, and move! Play or walk but do not sit and be a

couch potato. That can lead to a stagnant energy response, and you don’t want

that – trust me.


Single nostril breathing – If you get to hot place your thumb or finger over

your right nostril and breathe through the left continuously and with medium

force. This activates the Lunar channel (Ida) and will immediately cool your

heat. If you get to cold cover your left nostril breath in a similar fashion and

you will warm up. This activating your Solar channel (Pingala).



Compression Prayer / Alternate nostril. breathing


Breathe in through he left nostril with

right nostril covered or blocked


Breathe in with the mantra for example " The love of Christ " Or Allah or

Buddha or Krishna who ever works for you that is love based, or " I am one


the all that I am " Find one that works for you but do not leave out a

recognition of God however God is to you.


Use the Law of Trinity. Say the mantra three times upon the intake of the

breath through the left nostril. At the top of the breath, Hold and say the

mantra three times again.


At the beginning of the exhale switch nostrils by covering the left and

opening the right and exhaling through the right with the mantra " the love of

god " three times, timing the sequence with a " love of God " at the beginning of

the exhale and the third one at the end of the exhale. This also applies to the



Now with the left nostril covered and the right nostril open, inhale with


mantra three times through the right nostril. Hold say to your self the mantra

three times and then switch nostrils and cover the right and exhale with the

mantra through the left nostril. This equals one cycle.


Looks like this:

(right nostril blocked)

" The love of Christ.......The love of

Christ........Thelove of Christ "


( Holding at top of breath)

" The love of Christ...The love of Christ...The love


Christ... "

( Switching nostrils and covering left and exhaling


the right)

" The Love of God...The love of God...The love of

God... "


( Keeping the left nostril blocked inhale through

the right)


" The love of Christ...The love of Christ...The

love of

Christ "


( Holding at top of breath)


Repeat " The love of Christ " x 3

( Switching nostrils and exhaling through the left)


" The love of God " x 3


And so forth for 15 cycles to start.


Blessings -chrism










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