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K-Addictions - Deb

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Hello Deb,

You are a child of God like all of us and you have every

right to be here and to experience the highs and the lows, like all of us.

Worthiness isn't an outside quality it is an inside quality and your sense of

unworthiness is only a distinction you place upon yourself in order to go at

your own speed. A governor of development. As you continue to practice your

feelings will change.


Everything that has occurred within you and around you had to occur to bring

you where you are at this moment. All the mistakes and achievements had to occur

just as they did. To bring you here to this point in your life. Now is the time

you are taking to asses the learning's and build a solid foundation for the next

level of changes coming your way.


Because you have been able to see the connections to actions before they

occurred doesn't mean you caused them to occur. So your guilt is there to teach

you through the example of misfortune for others with whom you have seen the

connections coming and yet did nothing to help them avert it. Well it wasn't

your decision to make. They have their lessons to learn to and they must also

choose their way through life with the death and the destruction as we all must

do. So yes, take the lessons that your guilt has taught and release the guilt as

having done its job and begin to move into balance with your life secure and

content in the knowledge that it could not have gone any other way than it did

and has.


You have done well and have survived to be able to experience other aspects of

your true nature and it is well that you begin to reach inside and begin to

appreciate and revel in the joys and beauties that are coming your way. They are

also worth your attentions. They are also teaching a valuable lesson. You spent

quite a bit of time learning the harsher aspects of life so perhaps now it is

time to learn the more sublime aspects and how they can balance you. Its really

about balance Deb.


Some corrections needed though. My ex-fiance's boy friends didn't die, they

were injured but live their lives as they see fit. I take no guilt for what

happened to them. I take correction and learn from the implications of my intent

upon another and for that education I am grateful, and that that education did

not cause any more damage than it did.


All my life I wondered what use all these skills were if you didn't use them

for personal gain. It was just my lack of understanding what real personal gain

was. The refinement of spirit of soul and the initiation into the truth behind

the veil of " sense organ " implied separation that doesn't really, at least for

me, exist. This is the real gain, the series of actions that prompt the person

to seek out enlightenment ( in- light- in - meant), is worth the darkness that

precedes it. The Yin chases the Yang who chases the Yin and so forth. All

becomes balanced as you begin to step off the wheel of incarnation and polarity.


So if you feel the need Deb to continue to mitigate your progress with

feelings of unworthiness then this is where you need to be. But You HAVE other

options as well! lol ! You can know that you are exactly where you need to be

at the exact time you need to be there and open and expand yourself into the

love that awaits. Or not. Its up to you. We are graced by your presence no

matter which way you choose to go and I personally look forward to your

continued journey. You are worthy and have proved it. -















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