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Healing responce to Alex

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Dear John,


In your reply to something I said about 'healing' you wrote:


" I believe that in your travels you have met what some may proclaim as saint

or sages. In that case you have been effected by them you then demonstrate those

properties in degrees to others if you don't then someone else will pick up on

it, but when I read you I know you have picked up on it. That you express it. So

how do you help yourself from sending out healing rays even if you are not in a

full meditative state, Although you and I know the full one pointed attention

does direct the energy flow. "


Well denial is not a river ... so yes, I concede it's possible I might

possibly have sat at the foot of a saint or a master or two over the millenia

(heck what serious student of Self realization/improvement wouldn't want to

think that about themselves eh : ... arggh 'self'-reference, in any context, is

such a mind trap!) ... but more to your question/comment about what we express

merely by being ... we are all simply energy fields, 'golden grids' as a friend

of mine expresses (and as she sees) it/us literally, and thus are unbounded, and

only limited by the 'radiance' we may emanate due as a consequence to being

'step-down' transformers for the Divine which we all are, and which is in all of

us, and which we have only to 'get out of the way' of to realize and enable.

So, there is 'no helping yourself from sending out healing rays, even if not in

a meditative state. If one's mind state is in equilibrium, generally peaceful,

that energy simply emanates into/through and

beyond one's field, which is part of the 'unified field' . As you note, ' full

one pointed attention does direct the energy flow' .. to the intended recipient'

.... or 'target'. This is the same whether one's mind is established

equanomously in the subtler estates, or still subject to the 'rip tides' ... but

the intensity and 'power' (vs. force) that may be directed by a calm mind, a

coherent mind (a k-awake/full open pipes enabled mind) has a vastly different

'effect' ... analagous to a laser (coherent and directed piercing array of light

rays) as compared to an incandescent light bulb (random/scattered weak

patterns). May we all walk, whether in our hearts, our dreams, meditative

visions, or in some future Self-realized 'reality', with the Saints and Sages

and their successors, who have blessed humanity, and continue to do so, with

their radiance, which is beyond time and space.










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