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YM Conference on K, Healing, Yantra, and other topics

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Hi all:


As i mentioned in the last post, Here is the conf between Chrism, Eko and me

today morning (my time in India), and i couldnt wait to post to all of us. Some

issues we have discussed are interesting. chrism suggested that we post it on

the group, and here it goes.


love and blessings - keshav




chrism Mitchell has joined the conference.

Eko O: welcome back

chrism Mitchell: Ah there we are sorry for the interruption

Eko O: no problem

escapi247: Chrism.. jsut a clarification.. pls answer it when u are online.

YOu had instructed me to not write about this. We planned for a week's time to

heal Shiva. I wanted to ask you to let me post it to the Group. Pls clarify on


Eko O: didnt u asked us about not to talk about it to anyone?

escapi247: i just lfet this message.. seeing u offline

escapi247: right, Sarce, Eko and I had planned for a week's healing.. 10-15

minutes of each day's session... and we started on monday, and plan to finish it

by next monday.

chrism Mitchell: As this has occurred there is no more reason to keep this a

secret. I wanted it kept quiet so that he could recieve the healing without

expectation, but now there is no point unless he has extreme difficulty

Eko O: sarce hurt yeseterday and might not be able to send energy for awhile

Eko O: forgot to tell u that kesh

Eko O: he pulled his back

chrism Mitchell: yes this is true he is still quite energetifc and k active


Eko O: aye he still does ...

chrism Mitchell: It may have been your healings that took him into an

activation heh

Eko O: mine?

chrism Mitchell: all three of you

Eko O: tell u the truth i dont know how to ...all i sent is healing energy

chrism Mitchell: the reason I do the threes is that this is a sacred

combination and it is very potent

Eko O: ahh

chrism Mitchell: Sometimes this is all it takes what you call healing energy

has your Kundalini signature on and in it]

chrism Mitchell: This may be traumatic for him so we must be compassionate and


Eko O: never realize that til now...thank you

chrism Mitchell: no worries

chrism Mitchell: kesh how do you feel?

Eko O: please guide us so we dont make mistake chris

chrism Mitchell: None has been made

escapi247: sorry, was on phone, just back

chrism Mitchell: catch up

Eko O: aye lol

escapi247: i did catch up

escapi247: chrism, i m grateful for the opportunity provided

chrism Mitchell: How are your feelings?

Eko O: not fast enough buddy hehe

escapi247: its been a very beautiful and warm experience

Eko O: P

escapi247: to have healed Shiva K


escapi247: my heart is overwhelmed with love.. i m expereicing a warmth that i

had not expereicned before

Eko O: how can we reduce his difficulties?

chrism Mitchell: Your help may needed but it is important that he begin to

understand and take responsibility for his awakening

Eko O: any advise?

Eko O: ah understand

Eko O: let it progress naturally?

escapi247: suggestion: i will do the first posting, to be followed by Eko/sarc

and chrism so that Shiva can handle himself with responsibility

Eko O: can u do the posting ? my english sux kesh

chrism Mitchell: Both of you have traveled your paths in a way that was

possibly dangerous and had to come to terms with your divine nature I know Eko

your still new but you are recieving the information as we speak

Eko O: yes..thank you

escapi247: thanks for that loving reprimand ..... chrism..............

chrism Mitchell: Did I reprimand?

escapi247: pardon my grammer

escapi247: hahah, i was kidding

chrism Mitchell: Heh! No no reprimand I love you both

escapi247: i take advice from you chrism, you are the Guru and the leading

beacon......... we definitely look upto u for the LIGHT......

Eko O: what is reprimand? i dont know

chrism Mitchell: Yes Keshav I like the organization of the postings and let

this be a WIN for your first attempt at healing and helping!

Eko O: see my english sux..told ya


chrism Mitchell: Now we must learn to differentiate the Kundalini from the

healing energy that you dont shaktipat everyone you would heal!

Eko O: can you ask shiva to post his picture in group photo section??

escapi247: chrism, in the grand leela of GOD, as an observer, it is extremely

overwhelming to see how noble souls come together to help each other...

chrism Mitchell: Im not sure he can an MSN thing right?

escapi247: Chris can u elaborate on this ?

escapi247: did we send K energy to him instead of healing energy ?

chrism Mitchell: yes Keshav it is..

Eko O: i asked earlier ..he said he doesnt have any

chrism Mitchell: You sent both

escapi247: oh, oops

chrism Mitchell: The healing ewas riding on the Kundalini which was the

carrier wave form'

Eko O: last nite i sent K...2 days eaarlier i sent healing to his spine and

his right feet

escapi247: aha,

chrism Mitchell: are no real accidents here as the intentions were noble

escapi247: i guess i sent healing as far my knowledge goes, but may be i did

send K . pondering.... about myself.....

Eko O: chris can i ask you how we measure how much energy for certain people

because i am afraid that i overshot it

chrism Mitchell: If he was not meant to have and to hold this he would nt have

made it to the group

chrism Mitchell: The group is all about what this is

Eko O: overload = dangerous?

escapi247: true

chrism Mitchell: No I feel he recieved through his guidance the appropriate

amount which is why it is best for us to stand back and let the Goddess do her

work and we can be blessed to ebev be in her divine presence

escapi247: i will keep your advice in mind, and discern K from Healing

energy..... one question.. to sending healing, should one have a raised K ? or

not necessary ? would a raised K get mixed up with healing energy ?

chrism Mitchell: Its best to have a raised K but it can be given other ways

Eko O: ok got it ...hx

escapi247: i m blessed

chrism Mitchell: we are!

escapi247: yes, we are !!

chrism Mitchell: shiva k is now blessed

chrism Mitchell: I have spoken with himtoday and asked himto keep us up to

date on his developments

chrism Mitchell: So we will be watching - Do not be afraid if things get

nervous for him

Eko O: ok

chrism Mitchell: Par tof the process is coming face to face with your fears

escapi247: alright, good that u told us, i was on a guilt trip....

escapi247: chrism, first day, i did his healing using a maha-mrytyunjaya

yantra.. was that ok ?

chrism Mitchell: No, No guilt now we are his freinds and if - if it is

appropriate we can intervene and I will help you know how that works

escapi247: alright.. i feel better....... we need ur guidence on this..

chrism Mitchell: Kesh your K- awakened You are a giant energetically so

remember this and be gentle, thank God your a loving soul!

chrism Mitchell: The yantra is fine

chrism Mitchell: How do you feel ab0out posting this conversation?

escapi247: hahahahah. i m blessed....... thanks for letting me know my

potential and my path......

escapi247: ok.. i use the yantra and the mahamantra 'om room jum sa' for

myself and healing..

chrism Mitchell: good!

Eko O: back sorry...

chrism Mitchell: Are you guys on headsets?

escapi247: i feel excited about posting to the group... i feel like a child

who has succeeding in his first assignment, and when the teacher says 'Hey you

have got Grade A', so go on top of the building and shout...... i m


escapi247: nope, i m not on headset


escapi247: Eko has just left to relieve himself i guess

Eko O: i can hear but dont have microphone

chrism Mitchell: me neither and yes you all get A's!

escapi247: chris i have a question for u..

Eko O: chris can i ask u something about my path?

chrism Mitchell: yes

Eko O: lol

Eko O: ill wait

Eko O: go ahead kesh

escapi247: in the mahamantra i just spoke to u about, if i change 'room' to

'roum', the power changes immediately to something very potent and full... any

light that u can shed on this... may be the roum beeja-akshara is not soft...

this change was an accident as i didnt remember the original...

chrism Mitchell: Is this the correct Sankrit pronounciation?

escapi247: the one that i was given to the pronounciation should have been

'room'... i changed it to 'roum', since i didnt remember that it was room. i

dont know what the correct sanskrit pronounciation..

chrism Mitchell: It isnt the mantra so much as it is the person who is saying

it and the intentions thereof. So be ok with what occurred.

escapi247: alright...

chrism Mitchell: did you change it or did your Shacti change it for you?

chrism Mitchell: Something to ponder

escapi247: i dont know... it just happened ..... i was given the yantra, and i

chanted the mantra for half hr in a satsang and meditated as well, but when i

came home, i had forgotten the whole mantra, and i think what came out was only

'om' 'roum'..... and i wa happy chanting it as well

chrism Mitchell: So I would suggest to you that you ARE saying it correctly

and that you can thank the Goddess for the help!

Eko O:

escapi247: roum is so much more beautiful and comes from insides all the way

from the root, and fills me competely......

chrism Mitchell: And shiva K!

chrism Mitchell: Eko?

Eko O: yes... can i ask u?

chrism Mitchell: yes

escapi247: now i m silent observer

Eko O: everytime i raised my k ..i always have this tapping in the middle of

my right neck... any advise?

Eko O: only if i focus and put my tongue up that its path correct to my crown


Eko O: and i feel the snakes thickens on my neck and its visible for naked eye


Eko O: aye its doing like what i wrote now

chrism Mitchell: Your neck channels will be widening dont be afraid to hear

the bones cracking and clicking. Let the snake be herslf. She has your best

interests at heart there are going to be some changes - physically for both of

you - blessings!

Eko O: ah ok


chrism Mitchell: Just dont rush things be ok with the pace thge Kundalini

chooses for you to follow

chrism Mitchell: both of you

Eko O: aye... i felt it widening actually since last week .. thx much

chrism Mitchell: Your welcome

Eko O: please dont get bother with my weird questions

chrism Mitchell: No bother

Eko O: i do ask stupid things also

escapi247: Great... i will follow your advice........ I have wating for so

many lifetimes... i guess i can wait for as long as SHe takes !!! I m in hurry,

i love the roller-coaster process that SHe is taking me through, and every

moment is exhilerating, and enjoyable

Eko O: chris u always online around tis time?

chrism Mitchell: Not stupid important to know what is happening and what can

happen i wish i had known

chrism Mitchell: No

escapi247: actullay, typo.. i m in no hurry

Eko O: u sure u not in a hurry kesh?

chrism Mitchell: Ah good my friend

escapi247: Eko, doubts are never stupid...

Eko O: kidding

chrism Mitchell: Shall we post this convewrsation to the list sometime?

escapi247: i will do that.....

Eko O: can kesh post it instead of me chris?

chrism Mitchell: good then my friends I will be going. To everyone on the list

i love you all and there is more....blessings gentlemen

Eko O: thx chris... OMPH for u

chrism Mitchell has left the conference.






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Fantastic that was so so so excelent there is nothing like being a fly

on the wall :-)

Thankyou guys




On Behalf Of

keshav prasad

Thursday, 21 September 2006 6:58 PM


YM Conference on K, Healing,

Yantra, and other topics




Hi all:


As i mentioned in the last post, Here is the conf between Chrism, Eko

and me today morning (my time in India), and i couldnt wait to post to

all of us. Some issues we have discussed are interesting. chrism

suggested that we post it on the group, and here it goes.


love and blessings - keshav



chrism Mitchell has joined the conference.

Eko O: welcome back

chrism Mitchell: Ah there we are sorry for the interruption

Eko O: no problem

escapi247: Chrism.. jsut a clarification.-. pls answer it when u are

online. YOu had instructed me to not write about this. We planned for a

week's time to heal Shiva. I wanted to ask you to let me post it to the

Group. Pls clarify on this.

Eko O: didnt u asked us about not to talk about it to anyone?

escapi247: i just lfet this message.. seeing u offline

escapi247: right, Sarce, Eko and I had planned for a week's healing..

10-15 minutes of each day's session... and we started on monday, and

plan to finish it by next monday.

chrism Mitchell: As this has occurred there is no more reason to keep

this a secret. I wanted it kept quiet so that he could recieve the

healing without expectation, but now there is no point unless he has

extreme difficulty

Eko O: sarce hurt yeseterday and might not be able to send energy for


Eko O: forgot to tell u that kesh

Eko O: he pulled his back

chrism Mitchell: yes this is true he is still quite energetifc and k

active though

Eko O: aye he still does ...

chrism Mitchell: It may have been your healings that took him into an

activation heh

Eko O: mine?

chrism Mitchell: all three of you

Eko O: tell u the truth i dont know how to ...all i sent is healing


chrism Mitchell: the reason I do the threes is that this is a sacred

combination and it is very potent

Eko O: ahh

chrism Mitchell: Sometimes this is all it takes what you call healing

energy has your Kundalini signature on and in it]

chrism Mitchell: This may be traumatic for him so we must be

compassionate and helpful

Eko O: never realize that til now...thank you

chrism Mitchell: no worries

chrism Mitchell: kesh how do you feel?

Eko O: please guide us so we dont make mistake chris

chrism Mitchell: None has been made

escapi247: sorry, was on phone, just back

chrism Mitchell: catch up

Eko O: aye lol

escapi247: i did catch up

escapi247: chrism, i m grateful for the opportunity provided

chrism Mitchell: How are your feelings?

Eko O: not fast enough buddy hehe

escapi247: its been a very beautiful and warm experience

Eko O: P

escapi247: to have healed Shiva K


escapi247: my heart is overwhelmed with love.. i m expereicing a warmth

that i had not expereicned before

Eko O: how can we reduce his difficulties?

chrism Mitchell: Your help may needed but it is important that he begin

to understand and take responsibility for his awakening

Eko O: any advise?

Eko O: ah understand

Eko O: let it progress naturally?

escapi247: suggestion: i will do the first posting, to be followed by

Eko/sarc and chrism so that Shiva can handle himself with responsibility

Eko O: can u do the posting ? my english sux kesh

chrism Mitchell: Both of you have traveled your paths in a way that was

possibly dangerous and had to come to terms with your divine nature I

know Eko your still new but you are recieving the information as we


Eko O: yes..thank you

escapi247: thanks for that loving reprimand ..... chrism......-........

chrism Mitchell: Did I reprimand?

escapi247: pardon my grammer

escapi247: hahah, i was kidding

chrism Mitchell: Heh! No no reprimand I love you both

escapi247: i take advice from you chrism, you are the Guru and the

leading beacon......-... we definitely look upto u for the LIGHT......

Eko O: what is reprimand? i dont know

chrism Mitchell: Yes Keshav I like the organization of the postings and

let this be a WIN for your first attempt at healing and helping!

Eko O: see my english sux..told ya


chrism Mitchell: Now we must learn to differentiate the Kundalini from

the healing energy that you dont shaktipat everyone you would heal!

Eko O: can you ask shiva to post his picture in group photo section??

escapi247: chrism, in the grand leela of GOD, as an observer, it is

extremely overwhelming to see how noble souls come together to help each


chrism Mitchell: Im not sure he can an MSN thing right?

escapi247: Chris can u elaborate on this ?

escapi247: did we send K energy to him instead of healing energy ?

chrism Mitchell: yes Keshav it is..

Eko O: i asked earlier ..he said he doesnt have any

chrism Mitchell: You sent both

escapi247: oh, oops

chrism Mitchell: The healing ewas riding on the Kundalini which was the

carrier wave form'

Eko O: last nite i sent K...2 days eaarlier i sent healing to his spine

and his right feet

escapi247: aha,

chrism Mitchell: are no real accidents here as the intentions were noble

escapi247: i guess i sent healing as far my knowledge goes, but may be i

did send K . pondering...-. about myself.....

Eko O: chris can i ask you how we measure how much energy for certain

people because i am afraid that i overshot it

chrism Mitchell: If he was not meant to have and to hold this he would

nt have made it to the group

chrism Mitchell: The group is all about what this is

Eko O: overload = dangerous?

escapi247: true

chrism Mitchell: No I feel he recieved through his guidance the

appropriate amount which is why it is best for us to stand back and let

the Goddess do her work and we can be blessed to ebev be in her divine


escapi247: i will keep your advice in mind, and discern K from Healing

energy..... one question.. to sending healing, should one have a raised

K ? or not necessary ? would a raised K get mixed up with healing energy


chrism Mitchell: Its best to have a raised K but it can be given other


Eko O: ok got it ...hx

escapi247: i m blessed

chrism Mitchell: we are!

escapi247: yes, we are !!

chrism Mitchell: shiva k is now blessed

chrism Mitchell: I have spoken with himtoday and asked himto keep us up

to date on his developments

chrism Mitchell: So we will be watching - Do not be afraid if things get

nervous for him

Eko O: ok

chrism Mitchell: Par tof the process is coming face to face with your


escapi247: alright, good that u told us, i was on a guilt trip....

escapi247: chrism, first day, i did his healing using a maha-mrytyunjaya

yantra.. was that ok ?

chrism Mitchell: No, No guilt now we are his freinds and if - if it is

appropriate we can intervene and I will help you know how that works

escapi247: alright.. i feel better......-. we need ur guidence on this..

chrism Mitchell: Kesh your K- awakened You are a giant energetically so

remember this and be gentle, thank God your a loving soul!

chrism Mitchell: The yantra is fine

chrism Mitchell: How do you feel ab0out posting this conversation?

escapi247: hahahahah. i m blessed.....-.. thanks for letting me know my

potential and my path......

escapi247: ok.. i use the yantra and the mahamantra 'om room jum sa' for

myself and healing..

chrism Mitchell: good!

Eko O: back sorry...

chrism Mitchell: Are you guys on headsets?

escapi247: i feel excited about posting to the group... i feel like a

child who has succeeding in his first assignment, and when the teacher

says 'Hey you have got Grade A', so go on top of the building and

shout...... i m euphoric....-....

escapi247: nope, i m not on headset


escapi247: Eko has just left to relieve himself i guess

Eko O: i can hear but dont have microphone

chrism Mitchell: me neither and yes you all get A's!

escapi247: chris i have a question for u..

Eko O: chris can i ask u something about my path?

chrism Mitchell: yes

Eko O: lol

Eko O: ill wait

Eko O: go ahead kesh

escapi247: in the mahamantra i just spoke to u about, if i change 'room'

to 'roum', the power changes immediately to something very potent and

full... any light that u can shed on this... may be the roum

beeja-akshara is not soft... this change was an accident as i didnt

remember the original...

chrism Mitchell: Is this the correct Sankrit pronounciation?

escapi247: the one that i was given to the pronounciation should have

been 'room'... i changed it to 'roum', since i didnt remember that it

was room. i dont know what the correct sanskrit pronounciation.-.

chrism Mitchell: It isnt the mantra so much as it is the person who is

saying it and the intentions thereof. So be ok with what occurred.

escapi247: alright...

chrism Mitchell: did you change it or did your Shacti change it for you?

chrism Mitchell: Something to ponder

escapi247: i dont know... it just happened ..... i was given the yantra,

and i chanted the mantra for half hr in a satsang and meditated as well,

but when i came home, i had forgotten the whole mantra, and i think what

came out was only 'om' 'roum'..... and i wa happy chanting it as well

chrism Mitchell: So I would suggest to you that you ARE saying it

correctly and that you can thank the Goddess for the help!

Eko O:

escapi247: roum is so much more beautiful and comes from insides all the

way from the root, and fills me competely...-...

chrism Mitchell: And shiva K!

chrism Mitchell: Eko?

Eko O: yes... can i ask u?

chrism Mitchell: yes

escapi247: now i m silent observer

Eko O: everytime i raised my k ..i always have this tapping in the

middle of my right neck... any advise?

Eko O: only if i focus and put my tongue up that its path correct to my

crown centre

Eko O: and i feel the snakes thickens on my neck and its visible for

naked eye lol

Eko O: aye its doing like what i wrote now

chrism Mitchell: Your neck channels will be widening dont be afraid to

hear the bones cracking and clicking. Let the snake be herslf. She has

your best interests at heart there are going to be some changes -

physically for both of you - blessings!

Eko O: ah ok


chrism Mitchell: Just dont rush things be ok with the pace thge

Kundalini chooses for you to follow

chrism Mitchell: both of you

Eko O: aye... i felt it widening actually since last week .. thx much

chrism Mitchell: Your welcome

Eko O: please dont get bother with my weird questions

chrism Mitchell: No bother

Eko O: i do ask stupid things also

escapi247: Great... i will follow your advice......-.. I have wating for

so many lifetimes... i guess i can wait for as long as SHe takes !!! I m

in hurry, i love the roller-coaster process that SHe is taking me

through, and every moment is exhilerating, and enjoyable

Eko O: chris u always online around tis time?

chrism Mitchell: Not stupid important to know what is happening and what

can happen i wish i had known

chrism Mitchell: No

escapi247: actullay, typo.. i m in no hurry

Eko O: u sure u not in a hurry kesh?

chrism Mitchell: Ah good my friend

escapi247: Eko, doubts are never stupid...

Eko O: kidding

chrism Mitchell: Shall we post this convewrsation to the list sometime?

escapi247: i will do that.....

Eko O: can kesh post it instead of me chris?

chrism Mitchell: good then my friends I will be going. To everyone on

the list i love you all and there is more....blessings gentlemen

Eko O: thx chris... OMPH for u

chrism Mitchell has left the conference.





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I agree with you John. Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!


Much Love and Peace for all Eternity,



John Mathieson <jaganath wrote:

Fantastic that was so so so excelent there is nothing like being a fly

on the wall :-)

Thankyou guys




On Behalf Of

keshav prasad

Thursday, 21 September 2006 6:58 PM


YM Conference on K, Healing,

Yantra, and other topics


Hi all:


As i mentioned in the last post, Here is the conf between Chrism, Eko

and me today morning (my time in India), and i couldnt wait to post to

all of us. Some issues we have discussed are interesting. chrism

suggested that we post it on the group, and here it goes.


love and blessings - keshav



chrism Mitchell has joined the conference.

Eko O: welcome back

chrism Mitchell: Ah there we are sorry for the interruption

Eko O: no problem

escapi247: Chrism.. jsut a clarification.-. pls answer it when u are

online. YOu had instructed me to not write about this. We planned for a

week's time to heal Shiva. I wanted to ask you to let me post it to the

Group. Pls clarify on this.

Eko O: didnt u asked us about not to talk about it to anyone?

escapi247: i just lfet this message.. seeing u offline

escapi247: right, Sarce, Eko and I had planned for a week's healing..

10-15 minutes of each day's session... and we started on monday, and

plan to finish it by next monday.

chrism Mitchell: As this has occurred there is no more reason to keep

this a secret. I wanted it kept quiet so that he could recieve the

healing without expectation, but now there is no point unless he has

extreme difficulty

Eko O: sarce hurt yeseterday and might not be able to send energy for


Eko O: forgot to tell u that kesh

Eko O: he pulled his back

chrism Mitchell: yes this is true he is still quite energetifc and k

active though

Eko O: aye he still does ...

chrism Mitchell: It may have been your healings that took him into an

activation heh

Eko O: mine?

chrism Mitchell: all three of you

Eko O: tell u the truth i dont know how to ...all i sent is healing


chrism Mitchell: the reason I do the threes is that this is a sacred

combination and it is very potent

Eko O: ahh

chrism Mitchell: Sometimes this is all it takes what you call healing

energy has your Kundalini signature on and in it]

chrism Mitchell: This may be traumatic for him so we must be

compassionate and helpful

Eko O: never realize that til now...thank you

chrism Mitchell: no worries

chrism Mitchell: kesh how do you feel?

Eko O: please guide us so we dont make mistake chris

chrism Mitchell: None has been made

escapi247: sorry, was on phone, just back

chrism Mitchell: catch up

Eko O: aye lol

escapi247: i did catch up

escapi247: chrism, i m grateful for the opportunity provided

chrism Mitchell: How are your feelings?

Eko O: not fast enough buddy hehe

escapi247: its been a very beautiful and warm experience

Eko O: P

escapi247: to have healed Shiva K


escapi247: my heart is overwhelmed with love.. i m expereicing a warmth

that i had not expereicned before

Eko O: how can we reduce his difficulties?

chrism Mitchell: Your help may needed but it is important that he begin

to understand and take responsibility for his awakening

Eko O: any advise?

Eko O: ah understand

Eko O: let it progress naturally?

escapi247: suggestion: i will do the first posting, to be followed by

Eko/sarc and chrism so that Shiva can handle himself with responsibility

Eko O: can u do the posting ? my english sux kesh

chrism Mitchell: Both of you have traveled your paths in a way that was

possibly dangerous and had to come to terms with your divine nature I

know Eko your still new but you are recieving the information as we


Eko O: yes..thank you

escapi247: thanks for that loving reprimand ..... chrism......-........

chrism Mitchell: Did I reprimand?

escapi247: pardon my grammer

escapi247: hahah, i was kidding

chrism Mitchell: Heh! No no reprimand I love you both

escapi247: i take advice from you chrism, you are the Guru and the

leading beacon......-... we definitely look upto u for the LIGHT......

Eko O: what is reprimand? i dont know

chrism Mitchell: Yes Keshav I like the organization of the postings and

let this be a WIN for your first attempt at healing and helping!

Eko O: see my english sux..told ya


chrism Mitchell: Now we must learn to differentiate the Kundalini from

the healing energy that you dont shaktipat everyone you would heal!

Eko O: can you ask shiva to post his picture in group photo section??

escapi247: chrism, in the grand leela of GOD, as an observer, it is

extremely overwhelming to see how noble souls come together to help each


chrism Mitchell: Im not sure he can an MSN thing right?

escapi247: Chris can u elaborate on this ?

escapi247: did we send K energy to him instead of healing energy ?

chrism Mitchell: yes Keshav it is..

Eko O: i asked earlier ..he said he doesnt have any

chrism Mitchell: You sent both

escapi247: oh, oops

chrism Mitchell: The healing ewas riding on the Kundalini which was the

carrier wave form'

Eko O: last nite i sent K...2 days eaarlier i sent healing to his spine

and his right feet

escapi247: aha,

chrism Mitchell: are no real accidents here as the intentions were noble

escapi247: i guess i sent healing as far my knowledge goes, but may be i

did send K . pondering...-. about myself.....

Eko O: chris can i ask you how we measure how much energy for certain

people because i am afraid that i overshot it

chrism Mitchell: If he was not meant to have and to hold this he would

nt have made it to the group

chrism Mitchell: The group is all about what this is

Eko O: overload = dangerous?

escapi247: true

chrism Mitchell: No I feel he recieved through his guidance the

appropriate amount which is why it is best for us to stand back and let

the Goddess do her work and we can be blessed to ebev be in her divine


escapi247: i will keep your advice in mind, and discern K from Healing

energy..... one question.. to sending healing, should one have a raised

K ? or not necessary ? would a raised K get mixed up with healing energy


chrism Mitchell: Its best to have a raised K but it can be given other


Eko O: ok got it ...hx

escapi247: i m blessed

chrism Mitchell: we are!

escapi247: yes, we are !!

chrism Mitchell: shiva k is now blessed

chrism Mitchell: I have spoken with himtoday and asked himto keep us up

to date on his developments

chrism Mitchell: So we will be watching - Do not be afraid if things get

nervous for him

Eko O: ok

chrism Mitchell: Par tof the process is coming face to face with your


escapi247: alright, good that u told us, i was on a guilt trip....

escapi247: chrism, first day, i did his healing using a maha-mrytyunjaya

yantra.. was that ok ?

chrism Mitchell: No, No guilt now we are his freinds and if - if it is

appropriate we can intervene and I will help you know how that works

escapi247: alright.. i feel better......-. we need ur guidence on this..

chrism Mitchell: Kesh your K- awakened You are a giant energetically so

remember this and be gentle, thank God your a loving soul!

chrism Mitchell: The yantra is fine

chrism Mitchell: How do you feel ab0out posting this conversation?

escapi247: hahahahah. i m blessed.....-.. thanks for letting me know my

potential and my path......

escapi247: ok.. i use the yantra and the mahamantra 'om room jum sa' for

myself and healing..

chrism Mitchell: good!

Eko O: back sorry...

chrism Mitchell: Are you guys on headsets?

escapi247: i feel excited about posting to the group... i feel like a

child who has succeeding in his first assignment, and when the teacher

says 'Hey you have got Grade A', so go on top of the building and

shout...... i m euphoric....-....

escapi247: nope, i m not on headset


escapi247: Eko has just left to relieve himself i guess

Eko O: i can hear but dont have microphone

chrism Mitchell: me neither and yes you all get A's!

escapi247: chris i have a question for u..

Eko O: chris can i ask u something about my path?

chrism Mitchell: yes

Eko O: lol

Eko O: ill wait

Eko O: go ahead kesh

escapi247: in the mahamantra i just spoke to u about, if i change 'room'

to 'roum', the power changes immediately to something very potent and

full... any light that u can shed on this... may be the roum

beeja-akshara is not soft... this change was an accident as i didnt

remember the original...

chrism Mitchell: Is this the correct Sankrit pronounciation?

escapi247: the one that i was given to the pronounciation should have

been 'room'... i changed it to 'roum', since i didnt remember that it

was room. i dont know what the correct sanskrit pronounciation.-.

chrism Mitchell: It isnt the mantra so much as it is the person who is

saying it and the intentions thereof. So be ok with what occurred.

escapi247: alright...

chrism Mitchell: did you change it or did your Shacti change it for you?

chrism Mitchell: Something to ponder

escapi247: i dont know... it just happened ..... i was given the yantra,

and i chanted the mantra for half hr in a satsang and meditated as well,

but when i came home, i had forgotten the whole mantra, and i think what

came out was only 'om' 'roum'..... and i wa happy chanting it as well

chrism Mitchell: So I would suggest to you that you ARE saying it

correctly and that you can thank the Goddess for the help!

Eko O:

escapi247: roum is so much more beautiful and comes from insides all the

way from the root, and fills me competely...-...

chrism Mitchell: And shiva K!

chrism Mitchell: Eko?

Eko O: yes... can i ask u?

chrism Mitchell: yes

escapi247: now i m silent observer

Eko O: everytime i raised my k ..i always have this tapping in the

middle of my right neck... any advise?

Eko O: only if i focus and put my tongue up that its path correct to my

crown centre

Eko O: and i feel the snakes thickens on my neck and its visible for

naked eye lol

Eko O: aye its doing like what i wrote now

chrism Mitchell: Your neck channels will be widening dont be afraid to

hear the bones cracking and clicking. Let the snake be herslf. She has

your best interests at heart there are going to be some changes -

physically for both of you - blessings!

Eko O: ah ok


chrism Mitchell: Just dont rush things be ok with the pace thge

Kundalini chooses for you to follow

chrism Mitchell: both of you

Eko O: aye... i felt it widening actually since last week .. thx much

chrism Mitchell: Your welcome

Eko O: please dont get bother with my weird questions

chrism Mitchell: No bother

Eko O: i do ask stupid things also

escapi247: Great... i will follow your advice......-.. I have wating for

so many lifetimes... i guess i can wait for as long as SHe takes !!! I m

in hurry, i love the roller-coaster process that SHe is taking me

through, and every moment is exhilerating, and enjoyable

Eko O: chris u always online around tis time?

chrism Mitchell: Not stupid important to know what is happening and what

can happen i wish i had known

chrism Mitchell: No

escapi247: actullay, typo.. i m in no hurry

Eko O: u sure u not in a hurry kesh?

chrism Mitchell: Ah good my friend

escapi247: Eko, doubts are never stupid...

Eko O: kidding

chrism Mitchell: Shall we post this convewrsation to the list sometime?

escapi247: i will do that.....

Eko O: can kesh post it instead of me chris?

chrism Mitchell: good then my friends I will be going. To everyone on

the list i love you all and there is more....blessings gentlemen

Eko O: thx chris... OMPH for u

chrism Mitchell has left the conference.




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First I thank lord for placing me in between people who love me very much, care

me, think about my well being. I am truly blessed.

I thank all members of group and in particular chis, eko, keshav, and sarce

for their healing, which is working so magnificently for me.

I will for ever remain indebted to them for their unconditional love and help

to me.

I once again thank them.

I pray to lord to bless chis, eko, keshav, and sarce to help others who are in


Love to All. Light to All. Peace to All.

Shiva k


keshav prasad <escapi247 wrote: Hi all:


As i mentioned in the last post, Here is the conf between Chrism, Eko and me

today morning (my time in India), and i couldnt wait to post to all of us. Some

issues we have discussed are interesting. chrism suggested that we post it on

the group, and here it goes.


love and blessings - keshav



chrism Mitchell has joined the conference.

Eko O: welcome back

chrism Mitchell: Ah there we are sorry for the interruption

Eko O: no problem

escapi247: Chrism.. jsut a clarification.. pls answer it when u are online. YOu

had instructed me to not write about this. We planned for a week's time to heal

Shiva. I wanted to ask you to let me post it to the Group. Pls clarify on this.

Eko O: didnt u asked us about not to talk about it to anyone?

escapi247: i just lfet this message.. seeing u offline

escapi247: right, Sarce, Eko and I had planned for a week's healing.. 10-15

minutes of each day's session... and we started on monday, and plan to finish it

by next monday.

chrism Mitchell: As this has occurred there is no more reason to keep this a

secret. I wanted it kept quiet so that he could recieve the healing without

expectation, but now there is no point unless he has extreme difficulty

Eko O: sarce hurt yeseterday and might not be able to send energy for awhile

Eko O: forgot to tell u that kesh

Eko O: he pulled his back

chrism Mitchell: yes this is true he is still quite energetifc and k active


Eko O: aye he still does ...

chrism Mitchell: It may have been your healings that took him into an activation


Eko O: mine?

chrism Mitchell: all three of you

Eko O: tell u the truth i dont know how to ...all i sent is healing energy

chrism Mitchell: the reason I do the threes is that this is a sacred combination

and it is very potent

Eko O: ahh

chrism Mitchell: Sometimes this is all it takes what you call healing energy has

your Kundalini signature on and in it]

chrism Mitchell: This may be traumatic for him so we must be compassionate and


Eko O: never realize that til now...thank you

chrism Mitchell: no worries

chrism Mitchell: kesh how do you feel?

Eko O: please guide us so we dont make mistake chris

chrism Mitchell: None has been made

escapi247: sorry, was on phone, just back

chrism Mitchell: catch up

Eko O: aye lol

escapi247: i did catch up

escapi247: chrism, i m grateful for the opportunity provided

chrism Mitchell: How are your feelings?

Eko O: not fast enough buddy hehe

escapi247: its been a very beautiful and warm experience

Eko O: P

escapi247: to have healed Shiva K


escapi247: my heart is overwhelmed with love.. i m expereicing a warmth that i

had not expereicned before

Eko O: how can we reduce his difficulties?

chrism Mitchell: Your help may needed but it is important that he begin to

understand and take responsibility for his awakening

Eko O: any advise?

Eko O: ah understand

Eko O: let it progress naturally?

escapi247: suggestion: i will do the first posting, to be followed by Eko/sarc

and chrism so that Shiva can handle himself with responsibility

Eko O: can u do the posting ? my english sux kesh

chrism Mitchell: Both of you have traveled your paths in a way that was possibly

dangerous and had to come to terms with your divine nature I know Eko your still

new but you are recieving the information as we speak

Eko O: yes..thank you

escapi247: thanks for that loving reprimand ..... chrism..............

chrism Mitchell: Did I reprimand?

escapi247: pardon my grammer

escapi247: hahah, i was kidding

chrism Mitchell: Heh! No no reprimand I love you both

escapi247: i take advice from you chrism, you are the Guru and the leading

beacon......... we definitely look upto u for the LIGHT......

Eko O: what is reprimand? i dont know

chrism Mitchell: Yes Keshav I like the organization of the postings and let this

be a WIN for your first attempt at healing and helping!

Eko O: see my english sux..told ya


chrism Mitchell: Now we must learn to differentiate the Kundalini from the

healing energy that you dont shaktipat everyone you would heal!

Eko O: can you ask shiva to post his picture in group photo section??

escapi247: chrism, in the grand leela of GOD, as an observer, it is extremely

overwhelming to see how noble souls come together to help each other...

chrism Mitchell: Im not sure he can an MSN thing right?

escapi247: Chris can u elaborate on this ?

escapi247: did we send K energy to him instead of healing energy ?

chrism Mitchell: yes Keshav it is..

Eko O: i asked earlier ..he said he doesnt have any

chrism Mitchell: You sent both

escapi247: oh, oops

chrism Mitchell: The healing ewas riding on the Kundalini which was the carrier

wave form'

Eko O: last nite i sent K...2 days eaarlier i sent healing to his spine and his

right feet

escapi247: aha,

chrism Mitchell: are no real accidents here as the intentions were noble

escapi247: i guess i sent healing as far my knowledge goes, but may be i did

send K . pondering.... about myself.....

Eko O: chris can i ask you how we measure how much energy for certain people

because i am afraid that i overshot it

chrism Mitchell: If he was not meant to have and to hold this he would nt have

made it to the group

chrism Mitchell: The group is all about what this is

Eko O: overload = dangerous?

escapi247: true

chrism Mitchell: No I feel he recieved through his guidance the appropriate

amount which is why it is best for us to stand back and let the Goddess do her

work and we can be blessed to ebev be in her divine presence

escapi247: i will keep your advice in mind, and discern K from Healing

energy..... one question.. to sending healing, should one have a raised K ? or

not necessary ? would a raised K get mixed up with healing energy ?

chrism Mitchell: Its best to have a raised K but it can be given other ways

Eko O: ok got it ...hx

escapi247: i m blessed

chrism Mitchell: we are!

escapi247: yes, we are !!

chrism Mitchell: shiva k is now blessed

chrism Mitchell: I have spoken with himtoday and asked himto keep us up to date

on his developments

chrism Mitchell: So we will be watching - Do not be afraid if things get nervous

for him

Eko O: ok

chrism Mitchell: Par tof the process is coming face to face with your fears

escapi247: alright, good that u told us, i was on a guilt trip....

escapi247: chrism, first day, i did his healing using a maha-mrytyunjaya

yantra.. was that ok ?

chrism Mitchell: No, No guilt now we are his freinds and if - if it is

appropriate we can intervene and I will help you know how that works

escapi247: alright.. i feel better....... we need ur guidence on this..

chrism Mitchell: Kesh your K- awakened You are a giant energetically so remember

this and be gentle, thank God your a loving soul!

chrism Mitchell: The yantra is fine

chrism Mitchell: How do you feel ab0out posting this conversation?

escapi247: hahahahah. i m blessed....... thanks for letting me know my potential

and my path......

escapi247: ok.. i use the yantra and the mahamantra 'om room jum sa' for myself

and healing..

chrism Mitchell: good!

Eko O: back sorry...

chrism Mitchell: Are you guys on headsets?

escapi247: i feel excited about posting to the group... i feel like a child who

has succeeding in his first assignment, and when the teacher says 'Hey you have

got Grade A', so go on top of the building and shout...... i m euphoric........

escapi247: nope, i m not on headset


escapi247: Eko has just left to relieve himself i guess

Eko O: i can hear but dont have microphone

chrism Mitchell: me neither and yes you all get A's!

escapi247: chris i have a question for u..

Eko O: chris can i ask u something about my path?

chrism Mitchell: yes

Eko O: lol

Eko O: ill wait

Eko O: go ahead kesh

escapi247: in the mahamantra i just spoke to u about, if i change 'room' to

'roum', the power changes immediately to something very potent and full... any

light that u can shed on this... may be the roum beeja-akshara is not soft...

this change was an accident as i didnt remember the original...

chrism Mitchell: Is this the correct Sankrit pronounciation?

escapi247: the one that i was given to the pronounciation should have been

'room'... i changed it to 'roum', since i didnt remember that it was room. i

dont know what the correct sanskrit pronounciation..

chrism Mitchell: It isnt the mantra so much as it is the person who is saying it

and the intentions thereof. So be ok with what occurred.

escapi247: alright...

chrism Mitchell: did you change it or did your Shacti change it for you?

chrism Mitchell: Something to ponder

escapi247: i dont know... it just happened ..... i was given the yantra, and i

chanted the mantra for half hr in a satsang and meditated as well, but when i

came home, i had forgotten the whole mantra, and i think what came out was only

'om' 'roum'..... and i wa happy chanting it as well

chrism Mitchell: So I would suggest to you that you ARE saying it correctly and

that you can thank the Goddess for the help!

Eko O:

escapi247: roum is so much more beautiful and comes from insides all the way

from the root, and fills me competely......

chrism Mitchell: And shiva K!

chrism Mitchell: Eko?

Eko O: yes... can i ask u?

chrism Mitchell: yes

escapi247: now i m silent observer

Eko O: everytime i raised my k ..i always have this tapping in the middle of my

right neck... any advise?

Eko O: only if i focus and put my tongue up that its path correct to my crown


Eko O: and i feel the snakes thickens on my neck and its visible for naked eye


Eko O: aye its doing like what i wrote now

chrism Mitchell: Your neck channels will be widening dont be afraid to hear the

bones cracking and clicking. Let the snake be herslf. She has your best

interests at heart there are going to be some changes - physically for both of

you - blessings!

Eko O: ah ok


chrism Mitchell: Just dont rush things be ok with the pace thge Kundalini

chooses for you to follow

chrism Mitchell: both of you

Eko O: aye... i felt it widening actually since last week .. thx much

chrism Mitchell: Your welcome

Eko O: please dont get bother with my weird questions

chrism Mitchell: No bother

Eko O: i do ask stupid things also

escapi247: Great... i will follow your advice........ I have wating for so many

lifetimes... i guess i can wait for as long as SHe takes !!! I m in hurry, i

love the roller-coaster process that SHe is taking me through, and every moment

is exhilerating, and enjoyable

Eko O: chris u always online around tis time?

chrism Mitchell: Not stupid important to know what is happening and what can

happen i wish i had known

chrism Mitchell: No

escapi247: actullay, typo.. i m in no hurry

Eko O: u sure u not in a hurry kesh?

chrism Mitchell: Ah good my friend

escapi247: Eko, doubts are never stupid...

Eko O: kidding

chrism Mitchell: Shall we post this convewrsation to the list sometime?

escapi247: i will do that.....

Eko O: can kesh post it instead of me chris?

chrism Mitchell: good then my friends I will be going. To everyone on the list i

love you all and there is more....blessings gentlemen

Eko O: thx chris... OMPH for u

chrism Mitchell has left the conference.





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Blessed be Shiva K :)

Please express your gratitude to Mother Shakti :)

She loves you :)


Light and Love




, Shiva k k

<shiva_mek wrote:


> First I thank lord for placing me in between people who love me

very much, care me, think about my well being. I am truly blessed.

> I thank all members of group and in particular chis, eko,

keshav, and sarce for their healing, which is working so

magnificently for me.

> I will for ever remain indebted to them for their unconditional

love and help to me.

> I once again thank them.

> I pray to lord to bless chis, eko, keshav, and sarce to help

others who are in need.

> Love to All. Light to All. Peace to All.

> Shiva k


> keshav prasad <escapi247 wrote: Hi all:


> As i mentioned in the last post, Here is the conf between Chrism,

Eko and me today morning (my time in India), and i couldnt wait to

post to all of us. Some issues we have discussed are interesting.

chrism suggested that we post it on the group, and here it goes.


> love and blessings - keshav


> -------------------------

> chrism Mitchell has joined the conference.

> Eko O: welcome back

> chrism Mitchell: Ah there we are sorry for the interruption

> Eko O: no problem

> escapi247: Chrism.. jsut a clarification.. pls answer it when u

are online. YOu had instructed me to not write about this. We

planned for a week's time to heal Shiva. I wanted to ask you to let

me post it to the Group. Pls clarify on this.

> Eko O: didnt u asked us about not to talk about it to anyone?

> escapi247: i just lfet this message.. seeing u offline

> escapi247: right, Sarce, Eko and I had planned for a week's

healing.. 10-15 minutes of each day's session... and we started on

monday, and plan to finish it by next monday.

> chrism Mitchell: As this has occurred there is no more reason to

keep this a secret. I wanted it kept quiet so that he could recieve

the healing without expectation, but now there is no point unless he

has extreme difficulty

> Eko O: sarce hurt yeseterday and might not be able to send energy

for awhile

> Eko O: forgot to tell u that kesh

> Eko O: he pulled his back

> chrism Mitchell: yes this is true he is still quite energetifc and

k active though

> Eko O: aye he still does ...

> chrism Mitchell: It may have been your healings that took him into

an activation heh

> Eko O: mine?

> chrism Mitchell: all three of you

> Eko O: tell u the truth i dont know how to ...all i sent is

healing energy

> chrism Mitchell: the reason I do the threes is that this is a

sacred combination and it is very potent

> Eko O: ahh

> chrism Mitchell: Sometimes this is all it takes what you call

healing energy has your Kundalini signature on and in it]

> chrism Mitchell: This may be traumatic for him so we must be

compassionate and helpful

> Eko O: never realize that til now...thank you

> chrism Mitchell: no worries

> chrism Mitchell: kesh how do you feel?

> Eko O: please guide us so we dont make mistake chris

> chrism Mitchell: None has been made

> escapi247: sorry, was on phone, just back

> chrism Mitchell: catch up

> Eko O: aye lol

> escapi247: i did catch up

> escapi247: chrism, i m grateful for the opportunity provided

> chrism Mitchell: How are your feelings?

> Eko O: not fast enough buddy hehe

> escapi247: its been a very beautiful and warm experience

> Eko O: P

> escapi247: to have healed Shiva K


> escapi247: my heart is overwhelmed with love.. i m expereicing a

warmth that i had not expereicned before

> Eko O: how can we reduce his difficulties?

> chrism Mitchell: Your help may needed but it is important that he

begin to understand and take responsibility for his awakening

> Eko O: any advise?

> Eko O: ah understand

> Eko O: let it progress naturally?

> escapi247: suggestion: i will do the first posting, to be followed

by Eko/sarc and chrism so that Shiva can handle himself with


> Eko O: can u do the posting ? my english sux kesh

> chrism Mitchell: Both of you have traveled your paths in a way

that was possibly dangerous and had to come to terms with your

divine nature I know Eko your still new but you are recieving the

information as we speak

> Eko O: yes..thank you

> escapi247: thanks for that loving reprimand .....


> chrism Mitchell: Did I reprimand?

> escapi247: pardon my grammer

> escapi247: hahah, i was kidding

> chrism Mitchell: Heh! No no reprimand I love you both

> escapi247: i take advice from you chrism, you are the Guru and the

leading beacon......... we definitely look upto u for the LIGHT......

> Eko O: what is reprimand? i dont know

> chrism Mitchell: Yes Keshav I like the organization of the

postings and let this be a WIN for your first attempt at healing and


> Eko O: see my english sux..told ya


> chrism Mitchell: Now we must learn to differentiate the Kundalini

from the healing energy that you dont shaktipat everyone you would


> Eko O: can you ask shiva to post his picture in group photo


> escapi247: chrism, in the grand leela of GOD, as an observer, it

is extremely overwhelming to see how noble souls come together to

help each other...

> chrism Mitchell: Im not sure he can an MSN thing right?

> escapi247: Chris can u elaborate on this ?

> escapi247: did we send K energy to him instead of healing energy ?

> chrism Mitchell: yes Keshav it is..

> Eko O: i asked earlier ..he said he doesnt have any

> chrism Mitchell: You sent both

> escapi247: oh, oops

> chrism Mitchell: The healing ewas riding on the Kundalini which

was the carrier wave form'

> Eko O: last nite i sent K...2 days eaarlier i sent healing to his

spine and his right feet

> escapi247: aha,

> chrism Mitchell: are no real accidents here as the intentions were


> escapi247: i guess i sent healing as far my knowledge goes, but

may be i did send K . pondering.... about myself.....

> Eko O: chris can i ask you how we measure how much energy for

certain people because i am afraid that i overshot it

> chrism Mitchell: If he was not meant to have and to hold this he

would nt have made it to the group

> chrism Mitchell: The group is all about what this is

> Eko O: overload = dangerous?

> escapi247: true

> chrism Mitchell: No I feel he recieved through his guidance the

appropriate amount which is why it is best for us to stand back and

let the Goddess do her work and we can be blessed to ebev be in her

divine presence

> escapi247: i will keep your advice in mind, and discern K from

Healing energy..... one question.. to sending healing, should one

have a raised K ? or not necessary ? would a raised K get mixed up

with healing energy ?

> chrism Mitchell: Its best to have a raised K but it can be given

other ways

> Eko O: ok got it ...hx

> escapi247: i m blessed

> chrism Mitchell: we are!

> escapi247: yes, we are !!

> chrism Mitchell: shiva k is now blessed

> chrism Mitchell: I have spoken with himtoday and asked himto keep

us up to date on his developments

> chrism Mitchell: So we will be watching - Do not be afraid if

things get nervous for him

> Eko O: ok

> chrism Mitchell: Par tof the process is coming face to face with

your fears

> escapi247: alright, good that u told us, i was on a guilt trip....

> escapi247: chrism, first day, i did his healing using a maha-

mrytyunjaya yantra.. was that ok ?

> chrism Mitchell: No, No guilt now we are his freinds and if - if

it is appropriate we can intervene and I will help you know how that


> escapi247: alright.. i feel better....... we need ur guidence on


> chrism Mitchell: Kesh your K- awakened You are a giant

energetically so remember this and be gentle, thank God your a

loving soul!

> chrism Mitchell: The yantra is fine

> chrism Mitchell: How do you feel ab0out posting this conversation?

> escapi247: hahahahah. i m blessed....... thanks for letting me

know my potential and my path......

> escapi247: ok.. i use the yantra and the mahamantra 'om room jum

sa' for myself and healing..

> chrism Mitchell: good!

> Eko O: back sorry...

> chrism Mitchell: Are you guys on headsets?

> escapi247: i feel excited about posting to the group... i feel

like a child who has succeeding in his first assignment, and when

the teacher says 'Hey you have got Grade A', so go on top of the

building and shout...... i m euphoric........

> escapi247: nope, i m not on headset


> escapi247: Eko has just left to relieve himself i guess

> Eko O: i can hear but dont have microphone

> chrism Mitchell: me neither and yes you all get A's!

> escapi247: chris i have a question for u..

> Eko O: chris can i ask u something about my path?

> chrism Mitchell: yes

> Eko O: lol

> Eko O: ill wait

> Eko O: go ahead kesh

> escapi247: in the mahamantra i just spoke to u about, if i

change 'room' to 'roum', the power changes immediately to something

very potent and full... any light that u can shed on this... may be

the roum beeja-akshara is not soft... this change was an accident as

i didnt remember the original...

> chrism Mitchell: Is this the correct Sankrit pronounciation?

> escapi247: the one that i was given to the pronounciation should

have been 'room'... i changed it to 'roum', since i didnt remember

that it was room. i dont know what the correct sanskrit


> chrism Mitchell: It isnt the mantra so much as it is the person

who is saying it and the intentions thereof. So be ok with what


> escapi247: alright...

> chrism Mitchell: did you change it or did your Shacti change it

for you?

> chrism Mitchell: Something to ponder

> escapi247: i dont know... it just happened ..... i was given the

yantra, and i chanted the mantra for half hr in a satsang and

meditated as well, but when i came home, i had forgotten the whole

mantra, and i think what came out was only 'om' 'roum'..... and i wa

happy chanting it as well

> chrism Mitchell: So I would suggest to you that you ARE saying it

correctly and that you can thank the Goddess for the help!

> Eko O:

> escapi247: roum is so much more beautiful and comes from insides

all the way from the root, and fills me competely......

> chrism Mitchell: And shiva K!

> chrism Mitchell: Eko?

> Eko O: yes... can i ask u?

> chrism Mitchell: yes

> escapi247: now i m silent observer

> Eko O: everytime i raised my k ..i always have this tapping in the

middle of my right neck... any advise?

> Eko O: only if i focus and put my tongue up that its path correct

to my crown centre

> Eko O: and i feel the snakes thickens on my neck and its visible

for naked eye lol

> Eko O: aye its doing like what i wrote now

> chrism Mitchell: Your neck channels will be widening dont be

afraid to hear the bones cracking and clicking. Let the snake be

herslf. She has your best interests at heart there are going to be

some changes - physically for both of you - blessings!

> Eko O: ah ok

> Eko O: OMPH

> chrism Mitchell: Just dont rush things be ok with the pace thge

Kundalini chooses for you to follow

> chrism Mitchell: both of you

> Eko O: aye... i felt it widening actually since last week .. thx


> chrism Mitchell: Your welcome

> Eko O: please dont get bother with my weird questions

> chrism Mitchell: No bother

> Eko O: i do ask stupid things also

> escapi247: Great... i will follow your advice........ I have

wating for so many lifetimes... i guess i can wait for as long as

SHe takes !!! I m in hurry, i love the roller-coaster process that

SHe is taking me through, and every moment is exhilerating, and


> Eko O: chris u always online around tis time?

> chrism Mitchell: Not stupid important to know what is happening

and what can happen i wish i had known

> chrism Mitchell: No

> escapi247: actullay, typo.. i m in no hurry

> Eko O: u sure u not in a hurry kesh?

> chrism Mitchell: Ah good my friend

> escapi247: Eko, doubts are never stupid...

> Eko O: kidding

> chrism Mitchell: Shall we post this convewrsation to the list


> escapi247: i will do that.....

> Eko O: can kesh post it instead of me chris?

> chrism Mitchell: good then my friends I will be going. To everyone

on the list i love you all and there is more....blessings gentlemen

> Eko O: thx chris... OMPH for u

> chrism Mitchell has left the conference.

> -------------------------




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