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Shiatsu and blockages

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Warm wishes of the evening to you...


I haven't posted anything for a few days up until today because I have

been quite off balance and preoccupied not only with my dear friend

Rachel's health but with my own stuff too and now I have come to the

place where I am able and wanting to share it with you all and humbly

ask for your support.


I have been continuing with the Shiatsu sessions on a weekly basis and

at the start of this week I had another session during which as the

therpist was working around my shoulder blades I had very very loud

music in my ears/head. So loud and real to me it was like the stereo

on in the room. The specific piece of music is part of my personal

history. It is connected to a very old, painful and difficult memory.

At the time I was in that situation long ago, my spirit fled into that

music to escape from the reality around me. Now I heard it again, many

years after I felt I had dealt with all those old issues and hurts.

Along with the music came emotions, not picture visual memories but

moments of emotion. And then the therapist moved onto another point on

my back and the music and feelings subsided.


After the session, I felt really quite shaken. It was so vivid and

here, and very unsettling. And in the days afterwards I have felt

other little pieces of the same blockage freeing up. This has come

either as bursts of feeling or tactile sensations, or like today when

I started to have twitches and shakes and was forced to sit down,

reality doubled itself and I was simultaneously sitting on my friend's

staircase and also sitting on an old leather sofa that I could smell

and feel as was as real to me as the stairs of the consensus reality

'here and now'.


All in all, I am feeling more vulnerable and unsettled than I have for

quite a while. I know and understand that I need to free these

blockages, that the k energy is doing this in a loving and gentle way

but it is still very hard to be thrust back into those painful and

fearful past moments. I am frequently on the edge of tears and I have

started to experience really strong kriyas again after some weeks

where it had settled down.


I ask to be remembered in your thoughts as a fellow traveller along

the way. I am doing my best to stay open to the k energy and to

surrender to it and this divine process. I am trying to allow in and

breathe through all these old moments of sensation and emotion as I

know the only way to release them is to feel them, to let them flow

through me. I pray that I have the courage and strength to do this. I

am following the safeties, all but the breathing which is causing me

some issues.


love and peace to you all, thanks for letting me share this with you,


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Ruari, You have incredible inner strength and you will work through what needs to be worked through! You will always have my support and my shoulder! I don't know if crying when you feel you need to is the correct thing to do, because I myself have been struggling with that same emotion, one minute fine, perfect, next minute down, depressed and wanting to cry. I wish I knew what the correct suggestion would be for that other than do your best at surrendering to K. K is obviously helping in a way that is suitable for your emotions, so as the saying goes "go with the flow". If you need me, I will be here, I might not be much of a help, but I am still here for you! I am sending your love Ruari...Much Love and Peace...KatherineRuari <spirit wrote: Warm wishes of the evening to you...I haven't posted anything for a few days up until today because I havebeen quite off balance and preoccupied not only with my dear friendRachel's health but with my own stuff too and now I have come to theplace where I am able and wanting to share it with you all and humblyask for your support.I have been continuing with the Shiatsu sessions on a weekly basis andat the start of this week I had another session during which as thetherpist was working around my shoulder blades I had very very loudmusic in my ears/head. So loud and real to me it was like the stereoon in the room. The specific

piece of music is part of my personalhistory. It is connected to a very old, painful and difficult memory.At the time I was in that situation long ago, my spirit fled into thatmusic to escape from the reality around me. Now I heard it again, manyyears after I felt I had dealt with all those old issues and hurts.Along with the music came emotions, not picture visual memories butmoments of emotion. And then the therapist moved onto another point onmy back and the music and feelings subsided.After the session, I felt really quite shaken. It was so vivid andhere, and very unsettling. And in the days afterwards I have feltother little pieces of the same blockage freeing up. This has comeeither as bursts of feeling or tactile sensations, or like today whenI started to have twitches and shakes and was forced to sit down,reality doubled itself and I was simultaneously sitting on my friend'sstaircase and also sitting on an

old leather sofa that I could smelland feel as was as real to me as the stairs of the consensus reality'here and now'.All in all, I am feeling more vulnerable and unsettled than I have forquite a while. I know and understand that I need to free theseblockages, that the k energy is doing this in a loving and gentle waybut it is still very hard to be thrust back into those painful andfearful past moments. I am frequently on the edge of tears and I havestarted to experience really strong kriyas again after some weekswhere it had settled down.I ask to be remembered in your thoughts as a fellow traveller alongthe way. I am doing my best to stay open to the k energy and tosurrender to it and this divine process. I am trying to allow in andbreathe through all these old moments of sensation and emotion as Iknow the only way to release them is to feel them, to let them flowthrough me. I pray that I have the courage

and strength to do this. Iam following the safeties, all but the breathing which is causing mesome issues.love and peace to you all, thanks for letting me share this with you,RuariLove and Peace for Eternity,Katherine

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Bless you Ruari, Yes you are having the inner highways and byways cleared and restored - congratulations! - I understand it may feel disconcerting and sometimes even painful to have the past break into your present. It is just the releasing as you correctly stated. No worries just surrender to this clearing and go at the speed you and your Kundalini are most comfortable. Please keep the tongue up when you can. Eyes up will pull the Kundalini up so let that be as you determine. The K mudra on both hands helps for balance. Plenty of fresh clean spring water if you can find it and barefoot on earth walking for the negative /positive polaric balance. No head coverings. These are only suggestions you will do what you must as the Kundalini will give you instruction. Be steady in the reality

splits, this is temporary. Find a place to sit, if you need to. Find time to rejoice in this process Ruari, you are becoming! -

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Bless you Katherine, and thank you. Your words and thoughts are an

immense help. I know I have to follow and trust the k flow, having

reassuring and loving thoughts from you helps me to do this and stops

me from feeling alone. We are fellow travellers on the way!


Blessings, peace,




, Katherine Miller

<katsam19 wrote:


> Ruari,


> You have incredible inner strength and you will work through what

needs to be worked through! You will always have my support and my

shoulder! I don't know if crying when you feel you need to is the

correct thing to do, because I myself have been struggling with that

same emotion, one minute fine, perfect, next minute down, depressed

and wanting to cry. I wish I knew what the correct suggestion would be

for that other than do your best at surrendering to K. K is obviously

helping in a way that is suitable for your emotions, so as the saying

goes " go with the flow " . If you need me, I will be here, I might not

be much of a help, but I am still here for you! I am sending your love

Ruari...Much Love and Peace...Katherine

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Thank you so much chrism for this, it put a whole different spin on

things and helped me to look at it from another perspective. It's easy

for me to lose sight of the joy and wonder of the process when I am in

the middle of an uncomfortable part of it. Thank you for reminding me.


And I have to thank the universe to for as I was sitting here this

evening, deciding to try and deal with some of the stuff that came up,

my closest friend (and shaman) telephoned me and offered her support

and to sit with me if I needed company whilst I am going through the

harder moments. I feel so blessed to have such friends and thank the

Divine for them, and all of the kind sharing hearts here, daily.


in love and peace,





, chrism

<> wrote:


> Bless you Ruari,

> Yes you are having the inner highways and

byways cleared and restored - congratulations! - I understand it may

feel disconcerting and sometimes even painful to have the past break

into your present. It is just the releasing as you correctly stated.

No worries just surrender to this clearing and go at the speed you and

your Kundalini are most comfortable. Please keep the tongue up when

you can. Eyes up will pull the Kundalini up so let that be as you

determine. The K mudra on both hands helps for balance. Plenty of

fresh clean spring water if you can find it and barefoot on earth

walking for the negative /positive polaric balance. No head coverings.

These are only suggestions you will do what you must as the Kundalini

will give you instruction.


> Be steady in the reality splits, this is temporary. Find a place

to sit, if you need to. Find time to rejoice in this process Ruari,

you are becoming! -


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Dwear Rauri,


Thankyou for sharing your experience with us all, I am with you 100%.

I felt the tears as I read your mail, let them flow , tears are amazing

healers, every drop of water carrying away emotions that need to move and flow.


I know you will feel so free when this part of the process is concluded.


Much love to you,

Elektra x x x




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