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Questions about my take on the positions of good and evil from Droxine

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These question also appeared on the OBE list (Which I do reccomend)

from one of our beloved and esteemed Kundalini members Droxine!



Re: Beelzebuub/Belzebuub- from a K activated Christian point of view




Please see below interspersed by @@


> C.,


> I've been struggling with concepts of " evil " lately. It has been

> said that there are no " evil " souls, only maladapted ones, those

> contaminated or perverted in some way by many lifetimes worth of

> accumulating negative experiences/actions and not processing the

> energy adequately.


@@ Negatvity is here and so is positivity (not sure thats a word)

Goodness and evil are also present. All souls begin in goodness. In

my experience there are souls who have made specific choices that

have put them in the " damned " position by virtue of the choices they

have made. I mean " damned " in a dual format. Not only are they

suffering for those choices, and being forced to inflict, but they

are prevented from moving, like a dam holds water back, these souls

are in a form of stasis. Souls need to be tempted into the

negativity, they need to choose by action or by descision or by

allowing sins of commision and ommision biblically speaking. @@


Where do these " lower beings " come from?


@@ They come from us. Our darkest thoughts and deeds have much more

power than we realize. In the Tibetan culture purposeful thoughts

and intentions can form a " Tulku " a being made from the intention of

the person. I have done this. I destroyed it quickly. These entities

are often allowed to run loose and begin to take on all mannerisms

of behavior but mostly negative. And yes you can see them physically

as a real normal person appears but they are not. Then there are

those who are kept in fear by punishment. If they do not do as they

are told from a dark source they are punished with a re-experiencing

of a past trauma or a twisted inactment of a trauma on a loved one

or themselves. And it is all very real. So the fear goes deep and

they obey. These are the ones the Christian was talking about. They

are to be pitied. @@


Are they souls who hang

> around earth instead of passing on to the spirit world?


@@ Yes Ghosts and pieces of consciousness that are remnants of their

former selves. They are mostly emotional fragments that are governed

by what has occurred. Dark ones (inentionally dark) - who have

murdered or committed

deep problems for others,they are forced to stay. They are told that

they no longer have choice ( which isnt true) and this statement is

backed up by severe brutality inflicted upon them. And they stay and

do as they are told. @@


Or do you

to the " fallen angels " theory?


@@ Heh. I feel your sarcasm Droxine. Thats ok. Be very careful about

what you dismiss as real and not. If you havent experienced it

yourself then you do not know. It is my hope that you never know. I

have walked these paths and it is very unpleasant. This was due to

the unguided and difficult kundalini that happened for me. It is a

razors edge between goodness and evil and diligence is very

important and sometimes you fall because you do not know not to, and


you are hurt repeatedly. Wait until you go there before you unleash

your indcreduolity- but then after that you wont be incredulous.


Experience is worth more than conjecture. Yes the Fallen ones exist

I have seen them and they are very condescending towards people.

They call us " Apes " " Talking monkeys " etc. They are here to suffer

and they do what they can do to inflict pain upon the species of

humans. This is in the very low areas of the Astral. Dense. @@


Do you believe in a source

of evil?


@@ There are many sources from many cultures and time periods. It

all gets mixed up and used - on us. Or not. @@



Why are followers of Christ singled out for higher

> protection against such entities?


@@ The Christians feel that way, and there is an aspect of the Christ

Force that is of goodness. And because of this a protection is

given. But not because they are " Christians " more so because they


choices based in goodness towards others. Forgiveness and love and

compassion and honesty. These are not frivolous





> How do you know when you are facing such an entity and not simply

a manifestation of your own dark energy?


@@ You dont. It gets treated equally. Why would you expect to know?@@



What do you do for (daily)



@@ Right actions. Thoughts and deeds that are as loving as you can

make them. Forgivness, compassion, honesty and integrity,

truthfullness. These will attract what protection you need as long

as you are consistant. @@


And how do you combat them?


@@ Combat? No not that. You do what you can do to not attract them

in the first place. If they come then you bring love into yourself.

Feelings and memories of goodness and joy. Laughter and compassion

for them are hard frequencies to match as long as these are real

qualities for you and love based. Over and over. @@


What is the use of

polarity, as you say?


@@The distinction of choice. Understanding balance, Knowledge that

allows one to move away from duality. But it is the way things are

done in the physical. Polarity and duality same thing. It also

represents the cycles of experience, karma and the movement towards

what you choose. It contains the lessons we are learning , have

learned and have yet to learn. @@



I see the need for some bad in the world in

> order to have the choice, but have trouble justifying to myself


> need for the extent of bad we have when I consider the amount of

> damage and contamination it causes even to advanced souls.


@@ Advanced souls are here of their own free will and yes Karma will

occur. Both ends of karma will occur. @@



> The earth system is known as a difficult classroom. Wouldn't it


> similarly effective in producing robust souls with just a bit less

> influence from negative forces?


@@ It is important for people (souls) to make the choices that will

allow for evolution into the higher states. People are here burning

off karma, balancing the slate. They are here to taste physicality

or to help a soul group or to hurt and be hurt. Its all about the

choices we make, these will bring us back and color the quality of

the existance. Negative forces are strong teachers. Fire burns.

Shall we do with less fire? Our choices and our actions based in

those choices will determine our future learnings and how close we

get to the fire. @@


Interested in hearing your views and where they derive from. Thanks.


@@ These are my opinions based upon my experiences and my intuitions

you may not feel the same way. You havent walked my path nor I

yours, so you will just have to feel the truth or the lack of it for

yourself. A man running around calling himself Beelzebub is

advertizing his choices imho, I suggest you walk away. - blessings -

chrism @@

> x,

> Droxine




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