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Hi all,


Last time I got on this computer I had just got back

from Tibet, the K started to vibrate so much in my

body that I could hardly type. The buzzing in my head

was so intense it was like jolts of electricity

shooting upwards. Or an electric eel stuck in my head.

hee hee.


I have been experiencing full body kundalini rushes.

They are exstatic.

If I focus on sending out love , surrender and clear

my mind completely they increase in power.


I went to bed that evening after getting back from

Tibet, and they continued and then I felt as if my

whole body turned into energy, just vibrating energy,

I became aware that I was a transmitor of compassion,

if I just empty my ego and clear my channel I become

this anntenae of love. I felt that Shakti was pouring

her love straight through me, and for a moment I felt

no ego, I felt my higher self, and just let the love

flow through my heart and out to bless all life.


The next morning I had to get up early to fly out to

another show, on the plane I felt I could bring on

those waves of exstacy by just thinking about it. They

pump upwards and make my head go fizzy.

It's just like being on the drug " exstacy " . I even

feel that the reason I took drugs as a youngster would

be so that I wouldn't freak out at the sensations of

the K rising, as it feels exactly like that " e " I used

to take.


the Exstacy is pretty intense but I'm empowered by it

and feel invigorated.


I also felt that Shakti told me to sit back and enjoy

a very calm,blissful ascension into the Kundalini

energy, this made me very content. (with Chrism's

expert knowledge how can we go wrong? Thankyou



So, all in all, alot of buzzing and pleasure all

round, I'm sure that Tibet has had a lot to do with

it, it's so full of prayer and spirit. Every thing is

covered in prayers.

The mountains taught me , the air taught me, the

people taught me, I listened as best I could.


On the plane home I found a magazine, I opened it, I

found a picture of a perfectly coiled 3 and a half

times snake, and on another other page I found a

carduceous. Two signs of tibets gifts for me I

thought. I kept the snake picture for my alter.


Sorry to go on a bit long, so much to say,

Love to everyone x x x










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must make for some interesting experiences whilst DJ'ing, makes me

wish I could catch a show sometime, I'm sure it's a trip. " e "

similarity is a connection I can't relate to by experience but would

probably be worth exploring, since MDMA started its working life as a

psychotherapy tool for building " e " mpathy...




> The next morning I had to get up early to fly out to

> another show, on the plane I felt I could bring on

> those waves of exstacy by just thinking about it. They

> pump upwards and make my head go fizzy.

> It's just like being on the drug " exstacy " . I even

> feel that the reason I took drugs as a youngster would

> be so that I wouldn't freak out at the sensations of

> the K rising, as it feels exactly like that " e " I used

> to take.

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Hi Brian,


Yep, the drug exstacy felt like waves of bliss going

up your spine, making " rushes " that would make you

shiver a little, feelings of connectivity and

telepathy, and love.


I say that " devil's " pay for drugs, " angels " get them


Hee hee, LOL


That was just my little joke .....


Love Elektra x x x


--- a_seventh_son <a_seventh_son wrote:


> must make for some interesting experiences whilst

> DJ'ing, makes me

> wish I could catch a show sometime, I'm sure it's a

> trip. " e "

> similarity is a connection I can't relate to by

> experience but would

> probably be worth exploring, since MDMA started its

> working life as a

> psychotherapy tool for building " e " mpathy...


> -brian


> > The next morning I had to get up early to fly out

> to

> > another show, on the plane I felt I could bring on

> > those waves of exstacy by just thinking about it.

> They

> > pump upwards and make my head go fizzy.

> > It's just like being on the drug " exstacy " . I even

> > feel that the reason I took drugs as a youngster

> would

> > be so that I wouldn't freak out at the sensations

> of

> > the K rising, as it feels exactly like that " e " I

> used

> > to take.



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