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Kundalini and child birth

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Many women will experience the partial or full activation with the

birth process. Part of this may be the spiritual/emotional bonding

that will take place between mother and child. Energetic oxytocin so

to speak. This activation in many women will recede as this may not be

the path for them at this time, others though, will have much re-

adjustment to experience as the Kundalini forms the complete circuit.

This also may be a portion of the post - partum depression issue,

though I have not looked at it that close until now. The children are

not Shaktipat by this process except for the bonding and yet I feel

that in some ways it may occur. But that is the little chrism

speaking. -

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I agree whole heartily with what you describe with post partum depression


I had my first blast of K full force because of Trauma as you advised me, as

I was clueless then so I might have had different experiences in my past

that I was also clueless about.

What I'm about to say is a brief part of my life, but in all the history I

believe it validates what you say and if you decide to do the research I'm

more than happy to participate, as I will one day use my past to help others

What I can tell you is that will ALL of my pregnancies I have had TRAMA,

with my first I was 15 when I got pregnant 16 when I had Jackie (left home at


never been back for new comers reading this it’s a long story) but her

father was an abusive drug selling and using addict amongst other things but I


alone no one and in the hospital 7 days, where I found out that because of

past rape, incest, molestation that I would never be able to have natural

childbirth.. the birth was so painful as I had to have general, vs epidural

because of my condition I became homeless with my daughter after she was born.

With my son his father was a bit better but not much, but yet again I

experienced TRAMA after knowing I could not give child birth naturally almost 4

years later than my daughter I had a planned c-section to be brief I wasn't

numbed all the way. I was screaming they the doctors and assistants were

telling me I was ok, but yet I told them time and time again I could feel

everything even what they were doing to test my pain they were sticking needles

in my

legs to move on I was yet again homeless I didn't even know anyone to pick me

up from the hospital. I parked my car in the parking lot called a taxi,

then took another taxi to retrieve my car to go home to a hotel.

Now 9 years later I'm pregnant again, I haven't really told any body this

because who would believe me, it’s not the norm. after my son I was diagnosed

with cancer had one ovary and tube removed, told I might not have children

again.. I was ok and blessed with my two…

But I was in a bad relationships from that point on but I managed to become

a nurse practioner ( I'm leavening A LOT OUT because I want to be brief) and

have a 2 collage degrees, working on my masters… during all this time I

have lost two babies… but after I lost the second I was already activated

with K

to some degree and my abilities that were lost were coming back.. I could

see the energy of the twins ( GIRLS) even though one is very masculine, and

even though that pregnancy was a boy.. they would come to me. TRAUMA happened

with the lost of my baby boy ISIAH, but the energy of the came full force..

I didn't even know how I was to get pregnant as I am single, but it all


My twins were with me all through pregnancy, it was hard as I was very ill,

and Danae’ even after being born struggled with wanting to come on earth


she struggled and was in the hospital 4 months at times had no visitors,

surgeries all alone etc. no one besides me came to visit I did the best I

could.. as Sonsorey was in the hospital 2 months I was in a deep


the twins were born I was bleeding and clotting so much that I had to have a

DNC one month later because of it but I experienced another awakening via

my deep deep depression and I knew it, but I couldn't tell anyone because of

fear they would take my children because I was alone and have no support system


I of course became homeless again but before I did, I received power

energies even through post partum and I guess it was time for me to have it..


cleaning process was hard, and on top of that my gifts, bottom up and I was yet

again out for about 2 weeks on the sofa I remember the intense pain…at times

in different areas, I remember clearly my 3rd eye…the pain was so intense…

but now the little pains I get are joyful to experience..

Also after my son I had sever migraines and depression I was put on several

med's but I stopped them after a few years, I look back and think WOW look

at the med's they had me on!!

Sorry for the long email but I wanted to expand on what I do believe is a


Love T





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Your story really touched me T, what an amazing woman

you are, so brave.

It's interesting that this discussion is taking place

now as I've been getting the feeling I may have a

child coming to me soon, not sure if I'm imagining it,

but my angel cards keep telling me, children also.

I have wondered what the Kundalini would be like with

pregnancy etc.


Thankyou for sharing a little of your life , I'm happy

to get to know you a bit more....


Many blessings to you T,

Keep on shining that light,

Elektra x x x





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You are welcome my dear, any questions just ask.. I also had a lot of electrical issues smoke alarms went off all times of the night when I wasn't cooking even disconnected ones, computer, radio, ceiling leakages, and more issues, lucid dreams, and hard ships.. if you question I will answer it was hard, very hard, and I'm still working on some stuff situation wise.. regarding presence I felt them the twins , I seen them, and even when I was single, and told that I could not have more children, I knew they were coming ..even when I became pregnant, with the twins( to break it down) I had two sacks and one feeding cord..so Danae' was to die. even now after cancer one tube and ovary removed and after the twins being alone I had the other tube tied, and I have had a child spirit come to me>>WOW I'm all alone, with my kids, my dear Electra I respect and honor all that is presented to me, maybe it will be not be natural, but I will experience yet another child.

thank you and I look forward to your future child experiences





In a message dated 10/8/2006 10:04:12 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, elektra.fire writes:

Your story really touched me T, what an amazing womanyou are, so brave.It's interesting that this discussion is taking placenow as I've been getting the feeling I may have achild coming to me soon, not sure if I'm imagining it,but my angel cards keep telling me, children also.I have wondered what the Kundalini would be like withpregnancy etc.Thank you for sharing a little of your life , I'm happyto get to know you a bit more....Many blessings to you T,Keep on shining that light,Elektra x x x



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