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Joint pain / stagnant energy response

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Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then

it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic

kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so

helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a

place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will

allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a

persons joints. -

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For those who are new at yoga poture and suffer with such blockages

please try Pawanmuktasana series


John M


, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move


> it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic

> kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so

> helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a

> place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga


> allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at


> persons joints. -


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Thank you that might explain the stiffness in my spine right at the level of my shoulders. The last few weeks I have been having some stiffness and told my husband that I felt like it might be arthritis like I have in my right shoulder. As it is I have a very high chance of getting arthritis because of rheumatoid being in my family and I have psoriasis so that increases it even higher so that is why I thought it might be. Once again thank you and have a wonderful and Blessed day. Love, Hugs, and Smiles, Katherinechrism <> wrote: Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a persons joints. -

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Thanks for the information John. I will check it out. Love, Hugs, and Smiles, Katherinejohndplumber <jaganath wrote: For those who are new at yoga poture and suffer with such blockages please try Pawanmuktasana series http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/yoga/asanas/pawanmuktasana1.aspJohn M , "chrism" <> wrote:>> Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then > it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic > kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so > helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a > place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will > allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a > persons joints. - > All-new Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

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Hi Katherine J I will tell u some curative Asanas for arthritis of the shoulder joints. I got relief frm some of asanas for my back pain. I am confident that these asanas cud help u a lot. The asanas Utthita and parivrtta trikonasana Utthita and parivrtta parsvakonasana virabhadrasana salabmba sirsasana salabmba sarvangasana halasana dhanurasana virasana parvatasana ardha baddha paschimottanasana gomukhasana baddha padmasana bakasana mandalasana I got this information from a book titled “light on yoga” by B K S Iyengar Get rid of pain as soon as possible by practicing these good luck Good wishes Shiva k Katherine Miller <katsam19 wrote: Thank you that might explain the stiffness in my spine right at the level of my shoulders. The last few weeks I have been having some stiffness and told my husband that I felt like it might be arthritis like I have in my right shoulder. As it is I have a very high chance of getting arthritis because of rheumatoid being in my family and I have psoriasis so that increases it even higher so that is why I thought it might be. Once again thank you and have a wonderful and Blessed day. Love, Hugs, and Smiles, Katherinechrism wrote: Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga

can be so helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a persons joints. - Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail.

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Thank you Shiva! I will look up information on how to do them to see if it helps. I am sure it will because yoga helps the entire body, thus any ailment it may have. Love, Hugs, and Smiles, KatherineShiva k <shiva_mek wrote: Hi Katherine J I will tell u some curative Asanas for arthritis of the shoulder joints. I got relief frm some of asanas for my back pain. I am confident that these asanas cud help u a lot. The asanas Utthita and parivrtta trikonasana Utthita and parivrtta parsvakonasana virabhadrasana salabmba sirsasana salabmba sarvangasana halasana dhanurasana virasana parvatasana ardha baddha paschimottanasana gomukhasana baddha padmasana bakasana mandalasana I got this information from

a book titled “light on yoga” by B K S Iyengar Get rid of pain as soon as possible by practicing these good luck Good wishes Shiva k Katherine Miller <katsam19 > wrote: Thank you that might explain the stiffness in my spine right at the level of my shoulders. The last few weeks I have been having some stiffness and told my husband that I felt like it might be arthritis like I have in my right shoulder. As it is I have a very high chance of getting arthritis because of

rheumatoid being in my family and I have psoriasis so that increases it even higher so that is why I thought it might be. Once again thank you and have a wonderful and Blessed day. Love, Hugs, and Smiles, Katherinechrism wrote: Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a persons joints. - Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail. How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Also if you can get a deep tissue massage. Probably morfe than once. Ask them to use peanut oil and organic virgen olive oil. let the oils stay on the body after the massage about five minutes then wipe of with vodka cut with water about 50/50. - keep with the Hatha Yoga - If you take a class it is generally advisable not to mention the Kundalini -

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For some of you who are new to the Kundalini development ie haven't been working or clearing to bring it out for much time, your pain may well be from a certain condition you have acquired in your life. Still continue to do the Yoga and most importantly breathe while you are in the position or what is called the "asana" breathe through the nose long and deep and for as long as you can. Tongue up eyes up (if you can dont struggle) Fingerslocked if it is appropriate to the position. Always do both sides of the body equally ie if you twist one way and hold the position, breathing into the twist, be sure to do it the other way with equal breathing. Selena is a yoga instructor she may be able to advise those of you who may have questions on this matter. -

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Dear Katherine




part 3 is very beneficial you might want to try that


the climbing of the rope and boat rowing I have always found great


The crow walk is very good heart pumper.and is great for the lower

circularly system


John M


, Katherine

Miller <katsam19 wrote:


> Thanks for the information John. I will check it out.


> Love, Hugs, and Smiles,

> Katherine


> johndplumber <jaganath wrote:

> For those who are new at yoga poture and suffer with

such blockages

> please try Pawanmuktasana series

> http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/yoga/asanas/pawanmuktasana1.asp

> John M



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Dear Katherine




part 3 is very beneficial you might want to try that


the climbing of the rope and boat rowing I have always found great


The crow walk is very good heart pumper.and is great for the lower circularly system


John M


, Katherine Miller <katsam19 wrote:


> Thanks for the information John. I will check it out.


> Love, Hugs, and Smiles,

> Katherine


> johndplumber <jaganath wrote:

> For those who are new at yoga poture and suffer with such blockages

> please try Pawanmuktasana series

> http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/yoga/asanas/pawanmuktasana1.asp

> John M


Dear Katherine

The immune system is linked to the Thyroid gland and Vishudi Chakra

I have edited and highlighted the following discussion as to it's significance towards a yogic remedy

Apple cider Vinegar in baths and taken orally is said to be a great cleanser


The following and original text is from



Psoriasis Broadcast Monday 30 June 1997 with

Summary:Discoveries about the role of the immune system in psoriasis.


Psoriasis is a skin condition we don't often cover on The Health Report, despite lots of requests to do so. The reason for the requests is that people who have psoriasis are often really troubled by the disease and desperate for news of any advances. But advances come slowly - partly because dermatology is not a well-funded area of research.

A few days ago though, a researcher who's made discoveries about the role of the immune system in psoriasis was in Australia for an international dermatology conference.

He's Dr Kevin Cooper, of Case Western Reserve University in the United States.

Kevin Cooper: Psoriasis is quite common: in the US, 6-million individuals; it travels in families, and many people have the susceptibility for it, but haven't been challenged by the environment appropriately yet to have their psoriasis.

Kevin Cooper: Yes, the chemotherapy agents probably - we don't use them very much any more - but they probably were acting either through the immune system or by slowing down the growth of the cells in the skin.

Norman Swan: Now years ago, they used to treat people with psoriasis slapping on coal tar, lying under ultraviolet lights so that you become quite tanned and so on, and risk in fact skin cancer, and it was always one of those skin diseases that was fairly intractable to therapy, that people didn't really know what to do.

Kevin Cooper: Yes, that's right. We still use those therapies. We use tars and we use ultraviolet treatments, or we use ultraviolet treatments in special booths where we give patients a special pill - psoralen is actually a very ancient pill, the ancient Egyptians used it - to make people more sensitive to the ultraviolet A rays. So we still use those kinds of therapies, and they are still fairly effective.

Norman Swan: Do we know why?

Kevin Cooper: Well we actually now think that they're probably acting on the immune system. In fact one of our current studies we just presented was showing that ultraviolet treatments probably work in psoriasis by knocking out the lymphocytes of the immune system, that are driving the psoriasis.

Norman Swan: So ozone layer depletion effects - in a kind of way - on the skin?

Kevin Cooper: Well yes, and the thing we worry about with ozone depletion is the more intense UVB which we know is very immuno-suppressive. We worry about that in relation to how we handle infections and how our immune system handles cancers. On the other hand for the psoriasis patient, those same mechanisms of how we cause immuno-suppression in the skin actually is to the psoriasis patient's benefit.

Norman Swan: And how strongly is it inherited?

Kevin Cooper: Well the inheritance is extremely complex. It's probably like diabetes, in which there are so far, at least five different chromosomes in which there are genes that give you a higher risk, or alter your risk for psoriasis. So you probably have to have several of these genes all come together in order for you to get psoriasis.

Norman Swan: And do you need a trigger? In other words, can you have the genes without the disease?

Kevin Cooper: You can have the genes without the disease, yes. Some patients will be triggered for instance the first time they get psoriasis might be as an adolescent after a sore throat - a strep. throat in particular. They get a very particular kind of psoriasis called guttate psoriasis, or drop-like psoriasis, where they have these small patches of psoriasis all over the body.


Kevin Cooper: Well this is controversial also in the dermatology world. And we've seen fish oil diets kind of come and go, and we've seen gluten free diets come and go, and it may be efficacious for some very small percentage of patients who have identified in themselves that certain things trigger their disease, but for the majority of patients, there is no one piece of advice that I can give.

Norman Swan: Kevin Cooper is Professor of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve University in the United States.

John M.: If my suspicions are correct the additive of chorine and aluminum fluoride in the water supply is the main reason for the breaking down of the correct function of the immune system. Chlorine is affected and made ineffective by sunlight and UV rays, however fluoride is not.

One of the main elements needed for the immune system is iodine, Iodine and other fluorocarbons will be absorbed through the thyroid gland via cal manganese.

Manganese is found in natural salt so is iodine, how both elements are usually removed in the refinement process.


Iodine, Chorine, fluorine then Bromine, Make up the elements lightest to heaviest in atomic structure of the fluorocarbons. A function of the thyroid gland is to dose the blood supply with iodine, however the thyroid gland alone can not distinguish between one fluorocarbon from the other.


Although foods have been contaminated by fluoride I would like to suggest for you to try a water filter for your baths and drinking you also may want to try natural sea salt in it also

All the beast

John M. , Katherine Miller <katsam19 wrote:>> Thank you that might explain the stiffness in my spine right at the level of my shoulders. The last few weeks I have been having some stiffness and told my husband that I felt like it might be arthritis like I have in my right shoulder. As it is I have a very high chance of getting arthritis because of rheumatoid being in my family and I have psoriasis so that increases it even higher so that is why I thought it might be. Once again thank you and have a wonderful and Blessed day.> > Love, Hugs, and Smiles,> Katherine> > chrism wrote:> Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then > it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic > kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so > helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a > place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will > allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a > persons joints. - > > > > > > > > > Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail.>

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John, Thank you so much for providing these helpful sites for me to plunder through. I gratefully and lovingly appreciate your help. I will go through them and see what I might be able to use. I also appreciate you giving me an insight of what you enjoy as well. Thank A-Billion. Love, Hugs, and Smiles, Katherinejohndplumber <jaganath wrote: Dear Katherinehttp://www.healthandyoga.com/html/yoga/asanas/pawanmuktasana2.asphttp://www.healthandyoga.com/html/yoga/asanas/pawanmuktasana3.asppart 3 is very beneficial you might want to try thatthe climbing of the rope and boat rowing I have always found greatThe crow walk is very good heart pumper.and is great for the lower circularly systemJohn M , Katherine Miller <katsam19 wrote:>> Thanks for the information John. I will check it out. > > Love, Hugs, and Smiles,> Katherine> > johndplumber <jaganath wrote:> For those

who are new at yoga poture and suffer with such blockages > please try Pawanmuktasana series > http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/yoga/asanas/pawanmuktasana1.asp> John M> Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the new .com


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The way to heal joint pain is to read Dr. Sarno's books and get his

video so you can learn about the true cause of joint pain. He has the

real scoop on joint pain. I can give more detail. The cure involves

psychological work which is also helpful to spiritual well-being as

well. The unconscious in this case has nasty tricks to keep one from

growing in my opinion. Basically it gives you joint pain to keep you

from feeling emotions you don't even know about yet because they are

repressed. Luckily Dr. Sarno has found a way out. And you still

don't need to feel all of the repressed emotions, just become aware of



This also includes back pain, neck pain etc... for me it was hip pain.



, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then

> it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic

> kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so

> helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a

> place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will

> allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a

> persons joints. -


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