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Hindu chakra opinions

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One of the alleged ''energy centers'' of the yogic system. Chakra is

a Hindi term that literally means " wheel of energy. " Chakras are

visualized as wheels or vortices in the body's energy fields, and

are said to be important in " channeling conciousness " and linking

the physical and spiritual dimensions. They are located within the

body in front of the spinal column and are aligned vertically up and

down the spine in order to allow kundalini energy to travel from the

base of the spine to the top of the forehead.


Chakras play a role in many alternative healing therapies. Some say

chakras give off auras, the colors of which they claim can reveal

the status of one's spiritual and/or physical health.


Major Chakras

Base (or root) chakra, or muladhara


Abdominal chakra, or swadhistana


Solar Plexus chakra, or manipura


Heart chakra, or anahata


Throat chakra, or vishuddi


Command chakra, or ajna


Crown chakra, or sahasra




The Crown Chakra - Seventh Chakra


Top of the head. Knowledge of the Universe is drawn, sense of unity

and wholeness of all things


The Brow Chakra - Sixth Chakra


Forehead. The " Third Eye " future events, auras, penetrate higher



The Throat Chakra - Fifth Chakra


The throat.Communication, mental, written and oral skills.


The Heart Chakra - Fourth Chakra


The Chest. Wisdom, knowledge, love, let your heart guide you


The Solar Plexus Chakra - Third Chakra


The Navel. Movement, astral projection


The Spleen Chakra - Second Chakra


The Abdomen. Relations, identity, social interaction.


The Root Chakra - First Chakra


The Groin. Combines earthly and universal energies within the body.




Minor Chakras



The Hands Chakra


Located between the thumb and index fingers. Creative energy.


The Feet Chakra


Located at the arch of the foot. Connections to the Earth .

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