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Hello group..Emotional Balancing

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Hello Yoga Lisa, The best way I have found is to sincerely forgive past hurts and traumas inflicted on you by others, first. Forgive them completely, and then forgive yourself for being part of the equation and see it both receiver and inflicter as part of a path of learning. Forgive yourself, for give others over and over and really let it sink in. A one time shot is not enough to undo years of hurt. So make it a habit in your daily business and personal life. This isn't easy. But it is what is needed. So begin slow or fast but begin, and take it in small steps that lead you to larger steps no need to over whelm yourself. Choose to express yourself emotionally in a certain way. Like in a loving way or a patient way. This is training for the part of yourself that has in the past

expressed explosively. Train this aspect to express from a different base or perspective. Easier said than done I know but this is the way you will want to go as the Kundalini comes. I also know that you are in the step down mode with the medications and you should understand that emotional issues will be come hypersensitive for you so be aware of this and keep going. Work out or do some type of activity that will allow you to channel the hyper emotions in a different way as opposed to venting on yourself or others. Allow this change in you to occur as fast as the body (emotional) and your intellect will allow and do not be discouraged by setbacks, this will happen. Just make the corrections, learn from them, and continue the balancing. - Retraining of your emotional self. - Continue your yoga and realize that alot of things are being put on your plate at this time so be aware of this and go as fast or slow as you need to. If you need

to back off of the breathing or the meditation do so but do not back off of the emotional balancing. The pay off is huge Lisa so keep as happy and joyful as you can be remember the IJ from the safeties and really choose to be there as much as possible . Syat in touch with us here we are your Kundalini family and we can help you as you can help us. No worries or fears. You will do well - P:S This time of year can be a strain for many in the emotional areas so know this and make adjustments that allow you to be you without going into a overburdening scenario.

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