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Good morning and group,


I have completed my 3 day treatment. I am very curious to what each

step during this was intended for. I did not ask earlier, as I did

not want any expectations to cloud my outcome.


I ate only organic vegetarian food all day until I included the

chicken with my dinner. I found that I didn't even want the meat.

Never thought I could be vegetarian, but I did like it alot. Only

water for 3 days, my beverage of choice anyways, I crave it. First

bath almost knocked me out. my head and chest was vibrating so

hard, I felt an adjustment in my jaw. Could only lie on the bed and

enjoy it.


Looking forward to a massage and chiropractic adjustment today!!


Please let me know, if there are further instructions.


Thank you so much.




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I have been coming to you. So yes on the chiropractor wish it was Alphus or Dr.

John Vito but your DC will work I am sure. expect more movements and adjustments

and keep up an intensive practice of the safeties and service and excercise

Stick with the vegetarianism for the moment. Do the five Tibetans twice a day

with a 30 minute meditation right afterward.. Stay with the baths and the baking

soda three times a week but separated. ie Mon. Weds. Fri. or what grouping

works well for you . Keep the C complex active with in you and the grape seed

extract taken with the C. Another three days Lisa for a cumulative 9 days. -






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Dear Chrism,


I am confused about the C complex and grape seed extract. I may have missed a

post. I was doing honey, meat an hour later then the baking soda bath.


I am very irratible at times( I can just look at somebody and feel this with

no reason.) At other times I am feeling disconnected and in my own little world

and nothing affects me.


I like to do my thing at yoga and not socialize alot but on Thursday night 4

seperate people(I only knew one) were constantly talking to me, sitting beside

me, one girl even followed me into the bathroom. I tried to be polite but not

encourage conversation. It felt weird. They did not seem to notice I was

trying to " blow them off " . Any thoughts on this. Should I have tried harder

to be nice?






chrism <> wrote:

I have been coming to you. So yes on the chiropractor wish it was

Alphus or Dr. John Vito but your DC will work I am sure. expect more movements

and adjustments and keep up an intensive practice of the safeties and service

and excercise Stick with the vegetarianism for the moment. Do the five Tibetans

twice a day with a 30 minute meditation right afterward.. Stay with the baths

and the baking soda three times a week but separated. ie Mon. Weds. Fri. or what

grouping works well for you . Keep the C complex active with in you and the

grape seed extract taken with the C. Another three days Lisa for a cumulative 9

days. -



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Hello Lisa,

Part of this irritability is coming from the the withdrawal

from the SSRI. And part of it is coming from the reasons you began taking the

SSRI in the first place. Another part is coming from the withdrawal of the

nicotine. Three issues and four if you combine the 2 withdrawals into one. This

is a crux issue for you and one that needs to be understood and remedied daily.

The rage with in us all. This is where your qualities of discipline come

through. The exercising of will over ego, and will over addiction. Do your best!

I will help as will those who understand service for another. But you must make

the effort. We can assist.


As far as the vitamins go, no worries. I am looking at cellular restoration

and the alkalinity for your system is given by those supplements. Eat the meat

if you feel called to it but remember I said after your first contact with me

after the three sessions to go with the veg. foods if you are pulled that way or

are overly repulse by the meat. Looking for protein here but Kundalini holds the

last word here.


As far as interactions with others go be kindly direct. And back that up with

a demeanor of goodness and steadyness. - blessings Lisa - chrism






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