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My thoughts to Claudia

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Hi Claudia,

Thank you so much for your kind words.

I am 31. I just turned 31 on Feb. 15th.

As far as profession is concerned, I feel the need to be a great help, not just

a help of some sort. What I mean is, I would like to be able to really touch

people's lives and give them hope and healing and comfort and light their way.

One thing I think I'd really love would be caring for the elderly.

I really love doing facial massage, although it can hurt my back a little,

leaning over the person who's sitting in front of me in the chair.

However, I don't feel as though I am serving my purpose, at Macy's. I feel I

need to be in an atmosphere where my 'gifts' are truly needed, not just where

they promote the sale of skin treatment products.


I love working with children, but I had to leave childcare because without a

college education, I can't make enough money to survive in the childcare



I might like to be a massage therapist, and either work with the elderly or

volunteer my time to them on the side. I'm not entirely sure. I feel like the

more in touch with my spiritual side I get, the more completely I will know what

my true calling is.


Right now, I feel as though my stay at Macy's has and is serving 3 purposes:

First of all, I had a rough childhood and as a result of that, I spent my

teenage years in to my twenties, very uneasy around people. I always felt

stupid, and judged myself harshly, thinking that's how others saw me. I couldn't

stand being around a lot of people at once, and would often give a cold shoulder

to those around me because of my social discomfort and self conscious nature.


I was forced to deal with large groups of people when I began working at

Macy's, so I learned tolerance. Of course, I had begun to teach myself tolerance

at previous jobs - but this felt much more hard core to me, so I had to adjust


When I began to work in cosmetics, I had to get used to touching a person's

skin, and giving advice and listening. That was hard, because I was a little

uneasy, wondering how the person would react to what I was telling her. I had to

get over my discomfort, and eventually I did.


Along the way, and much due to the love and openness of a dear friend who worked

close by me for over a year, I became more open and giving and was no longer

afraid to let my true nature shine through. One day I stood close to her to hear

what she was saying to me over her loud music, and I suddenly felt her wonderful

energy, which reminded me of home.I thought I would cry, it was like I had

stumbled upon something dear to my heart which I had lost a long time ago.

I remember hearing the words 'I have you back' come to my mind. I recognized her

wonderful energy from at least one passed life, and I loved it so much that I

always wanted to be near her. Because of her and her wonderful remembered

energy, I was able to learn her loving and open ways. It was really after she

left - and I missed her so much that I knew I would have to take on some of her

aspects to comfort myself and be able to feel like she was still close by.

I began to be more caring, and more outgoing then before[it was a great

improvement]..then I began to soar.


Now I feel I have pretty much gotten to where I need to be in order to move with

the flow of the spirit [wherever the spirit leads me], however, there is one

more task I am trying to achieve while at Macy's. There is someone whom I

really, really love, whom I've known in at least one past life. There are things

I have to show her, lessons she either hasn't learned yet, or else she did, but

became cold due to hurt, and shut down. I have to love her, and let her trust

me, so that she can use that to build herself back up to where she needs to be.

There is so much that I want to show her, I don't want her to get lost in the

game of life. I don't want her to forget that she is also spiritual, and I don't

want to lose her. She is so beautiful. Such a beautiful spirit..I can feel all

her love when I am near her. She has lived many lives. She holds a lot of

wisdom. She remembers me, also.

I feel it, and when I think of her - she looks at me. We connect. I feel the

need to be a shelter for her and a beautiful rain which helps her soul to grow

to a higher state of living.

That is my reason for staying, besides being in the state where I'm not sure

where I would go after this.


Love and blessings,




Claudia Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:

Dear Tara,


You are really special. I have never 'met' anyone who

had so much psychic energy emanating from her; it is a

natural gift, and you are indeed blessed. Especially

because your heart is so good and you are naturally

using it for good and not perverting the gift by using

it for your own gains or to dominate/manipulate



I must say, I would like to be a fly on your wall once

your begin your K awakening!!! Your energy field will

be like a million Macy's Christmas trees... or perhaps

more like a sustained nuclear explosion! Seriously,

you are probably well advised to take things slowly

because the K will surely exacerbate your natural

energy field.


I have a feeling that you would be incredible in ANY

of the helping fields. I don't know what you have

planned or wished for your profession, but it is

obvious that you are extremely gifted in working with

children. I can see you running your own 'special'

school for children like Sarita's and Jen's and

Nicole's to help them nurture and bring their gifts to

fruition outside of the traditional school system. I

can see you working in health care, with the indigent,

the homeless. I can see you in counseling. You've

already done some energy work with massage clients,

isn't that correct? Your special gifts should be

shared with others, even more than you already do.


It is not my place to advise you about marriage and

children, but since you asked me, I will tell you what

I would do it I were you. I would follow my own

heart, ignoring my well-meaning friends who are

speaking from their own socialization in thinking that

just because a woman reaches a particular age, she

should 'get married and have children.' Age is

irrelevant in that decision. If I were in love and

KNEW that the man I loved was in love with me, it

would be assumed that we already knew each other's

spiritual goals; and if we both want to get married,

he would know as well as I that the spiritual path is

a priority for me and that it would have to take an

important position in my future marriage and family



As for your spiritual quests and wanting to break them

down and focus on them so that you can hurry up and

get to your soul's destination...I and everyone here

in this group will tell you that a spiritual quest is

a JOURNEY, not a destination. It's all about the

journey. So many wonderful things happen along the

way, don't rush by them...cherish and enjoy each one.

I'm not sure what your spiritual quests are, but I

know astral projection is one...and perhaps healing?

What else are you questing for? More likely than not,

they are all a part of one main quest, so that they

can dovetail and enhance each other. It may not be as

complicated as you are seeing it.


How old are you, Tara? I was 3 weeks shy of being 28

when I had my first (and only) child; that was not the

norm in 1977 but now women are waiting till their late

20s and 30s to start a family; some don't have a child

till their 40s (my boss's wife was 45 and he was 50

when they had a child!). You will make a wonderful

mother, whenever it happens. If I were you, I would

want to focus right now on who I am and what I want to

do with my life. Create your perfect life and go for

it. If and when it's time for your get married, you

and your future husband will design your married life

around the two perfect lives that you bring to the

union. Your spiritual journey is just beginning and

it's the core of your life. Let the rest of your life

fall in place around it.


You've come a long way since you were being hounded by

the nonphysical presence...you've got a very bright

life ahead of you and I'm so glad to be a part of it!

And so glad you're here in this group.


Blessings and love to you,



--- tara jacoby <tjmassage7777 wrote:


> Dearest Claudia,

> I will never forget your comforting words

> on reply to

> my visit by some non physical presence in my house

> which frightened me.

> It's nice to 'hear your voice again', I'm happy to

> have bumped into you again on

> this Kundalini site. BTW, I discovered that the

> objects floating through my house were caused by my

> own energy, so I was no longer afraid of 'scary

> spirits' haunting me. lol I'll tell you something

> funny that will make you laugh: I haven't told

> anyone about this yet, because it sounded so silly:


> One night I was sleeping, and through my sleep, I

> began [i think subconsciously] thinking that I

> wanted to try on the dress I wore to my mom's second

> wedding.

> I was tired though, and my body wanted to remain in

> bed to rest.

> I say subconsciously because, when I got a strange

> 'energy feeling' and looked up to see the very

> dress, still inside the garment bag, seemingly

> dancing [swaying as if being held up by an unseen

> wind-like force] in front of my bed, I immediately

> froze in terror, thinking at the moment, that some

> frightening spirit was trying to scare me by

> embodying the dress, and forgot that I had just been

> subconsciously wanting to try it on. lol


> Thank you for your sweet reply to my 'toddler

> therapy' post.

> It was a beautiful experience for me, I loved ever

> minute of my time with those little ones. They were

> so loving and eager to learn. I potty trained them

> using a method that I dreamed up, and I got amazing

> results. The method I used bulit their confidence,

> and helped take the fear out of the potty. It also

> gave them a a sense of pride, and they cheered each

> other on. It allowed them to work together and

> support each other, as they were all trying to learn

> the same thing. I loved it, because it taught them

> to not only believe in themselves, but to rely on

> and nurture each other as well. I loved teaching

> them to light each other's way, and to

> know that each one of them is a true blessing, and

> to know how to be a blessing to each other. Being in

> charge of their little souls for eight hours a day,

> was

> a beautiful gift in my life, and I'll never forget

> it.


> Many of my friend are bugging me to hurry up and

> get married to my wonderful, longtime boyfriend and

> have a baby already - but I know that I must reach

> my spiritual destination first, so that I will be

> able to instruct it to live in the spirit, and to do

> everything through love. I want to be fully

> understand my purpose first, so

> that I'll have no problem teaching someone else,

> through my self learned wisdom.


> I don't know if I am meant to have a child in this

> life, but if I am, I want to be worthy of the honor

> of it's charge. I would want it to feel so

> comfortable in knowing it's direction, and

> understanding that there is more to life than what

> meets the eye. I would want it to be able to

> overcome any obstacle, by way of this knowledge, and

> to never feel oppressed by this life - to be able to

> go out-of-body as needed, and to reach out to others

> and light their way.


> Right now, I do this for everyone around me, which

> makes me think that maybe my life purpose is just

> that - to give new life and new purpose to those

> who've forgotten theirs - or who have lost their

> way. I do however, tend to feel so wrapped up my

> current life situation that I don't see outside the

> box, so I be supposed to mother a child, and not

> know it. All I know right now, is that I need to

> discover and fully understand the soul's purpose,

> and my strengths, and the truth in religion or

> belief. Everything is coming together in my mind. I

> have to find a way to break down all of my quests,

> and focus more perfectly on them, so that I can

> hurry up and get to my soul's destination. Do you

> have any advice for this, by any chance?

> Love and blessings to you as well,

> Tara



> Claudia Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:

> Ah, yes...Tara, I'm so

> glad that asked you to

> share this beautiful story with this group; it's

> wonderful to read it again! It brings tears to my

> eyes!!


> Blessings & love to you, dear Tara!


> Claudia


> --- tara jacoby <tjmassage7777 wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > tara jacoby <tjmassage7777 wrote:

> >

> > The thought of the body quieting down, and the

> > process of going out of the body always bring to

> my

> > mind, a time when I worked with young toddlers

> > [13-24mnths] in a day care.

> > I remember patting them to sleep at nap time, and

> it

> > was as if they were noticing, feeling..their

> bodies

> > begin to fall asleep.

> > They would at first, be kicking or wiggling

> their

> > legs;

> > their bodies still wanting to be awake and alert,

> > not wanting to become still.

> > I would tell them softly,

> > " I'm going to pat you softly, and help you to

> quiet

> > down. This is quiet time - and at quiet time, the

> > body becomes still. Tell these kicking legs " Be

> > still, legs. " Tell these wiggling fingers " Be

> still

> > now, fingers- this is quiet time. " Tell these

> > moving, curious eyes, " Be still now, eyes. Slow

> down

> > and close and rest. " This is quiet time, and at

> > quiet time, the body rests. It's okay to be still

> > and quiet, I will pat you and stay with you until

> > your body falls asleep, and when it wakes up, I

> will

> > be here, and it will be time to finish the day -

> but

> > for now, it is time to be still. "

> >

> > It was so cute, watching these innocent ones, so

> > young that they were still grasping the concept

> of

> > allowing them selves to fall asleep.

> > They normally only fell asleep at night time,

> and

> > their parents cared for them however they

> normally

> > did, to make them sleepy.

> > It was hard for them to understand that they

> could

> > control their bodies, and allow themselves to

> sleep

> > - even at mid-day.

> > They were wide awake, playing with the other

> kids,

> > all rowdy, and although they knew that quiet time


> > was coming, *it was the same time every day!* lol

> > it was interesting to see them kind of -have to

> > learn all over again, to allow the body to quiet

> > down. I would see the gradual process of a wide

> > awake body with darting eyes, and a babbling

> mouth -

> > slowly begin to quiet down, a little at a time.

> > When the whole body became still, and the eyes

> > closed, after a minute

> > or so, the muscles all relaxed at once. I would

> see

> > tightly bended elbows and curled fists suddenly

> > relax and let go. That feeling would startle some

> of

> > them, and when it did, they would 'jump', with

> eyes

> > wide open and exclaim.

> > I would take the arms with the bended elbows, in

> my

> > hands and massage them gently and say softly,

> " Be

> > still now, arms. It's okay if you fall asleep. "

> > And I'd do the same with the fingers and the

> legs,

> > if the legs were moving and kicking again. It

> really

> > helped them to allow themselves to fall asleep.

> > They were still so new to the process, that the

> > feeling of letting go frightened them . It was

> so

> > cute when they began memorizing my instructions.

> > I would at that point ask them to lie down, and

> tell

> > them to try to quiet down on their own, and if

> they

> > needed help, I would come help them. Of course, I

> > stalled for time, while observing, hoping they'd

> be


=== message truncated ===



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