Guest guest Posted April 8, 2007 Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 Hello- This is an essay I have been wanting to write for a while. I hope you enjoy it. There is something so pervasive and insidious that it has taken me quite a while to put my finger on it. It is something I see all around me, coming from others and coming from myself. It always has disturbed me and has begged to be understood as a reoccurring irritation. But now I think I can define it fairly well, even though it does not seem completely escapable. Basically it is making subjective experience into objective reality. That is turning internal experience into rules of how the universe manifests itself. This is ego inflation. It is making absolute out of what is particular to an individual. And in this there is an expectation of the other to accept what is now presented as the way the universe works. I see this kind of inflation very often in spiritually minded circles and its literature. However an example of this is the stated " Laws of Attraction. " If this behavioral approach is beneficial for individuals then that is fine, but it doesn't follow that now this approach must become " law " . I do not follow this behavioral model, not that this is important, but in many cases when I have stated this I find myself in a heated argument. And in other cases I have seen this model turned around and used to whip another, that they alone must take blame for all misfortunes that befall them. Another example is the assertion of " peace energy " . I do not really know how this energy manifest and spreads, if it in fact exists, but certainly the ability to manifest an experience of deep inner peace is now presented as an objective material of sorts. It becomes less of a personal responsibility of cultivation and is instead a baptism into an outside source. It seems to take away reliance of the self for reliance on something purely external, rendering internal search and volition obsolete. However the insidiousness of ego inflation is how it shows up in action. Behind it all is the assertion of a stated belief system, but in the moment it shows up as behavior that attempts to modify the behavior of others. I am reasonably sure we all do this kind of behavior modification. I am doing it right now. (I admit it!) It comes in assertions of authority, in words, tone or physical stance. It comes in using cultural cues that we are trained to respond to in a certain way, like flirting. This goes on most probably consistently in our interactions. I wonder if any of you start to look for this if you will begin to see it at all times as I often do. What they do often in Marin county, where I live, is to give an open eyed yearning and knowing look, to which the proper response is to give the same look back. However I do not think that this is really about sharing a real experience of knowing but a way of confirmation about beliefs of who we think we are. Now I think this confirmation is really what drives this ego inflation and behavior modification. I personally think that to be human is to risk disorientation. I think that the way our minds function entails a real sense of separation of ourselves from other. And although this is one of our evolutionary adaptations that helps us interact with the environment there is a constant risk of the anxiety and insecurity of separateness, disorientation and alienation, which means to us the risk of not surviving. (Of course this statement is most certainly my own ego inflation.) So because of this we what to unite with other people by the modification of other's behavior to confirm our own and thereby orientating ourselves. There is certainly something with being human about imitation. We seem to love what we can imitate and probably are driven to create things that others can easily imitate. And in this way we find orientation when we see ourselves reflected in others . This however creates a battle of internal resources. Someone is going to be better at asserting their own internal experience to others and others will have to modify their behavior to reflect consistency in thought and behavior in order to show belonging. This I would say is subjecting another, making them the subject of the objectification of a personal subjective experience. And perhaps this is actually great for some people, (but you can see I am in mode of resistance against this.) After all I have written I want to assert that many more things are situational rather than absolute. This is a message that I haven't seen to often (it probably won't sell.) Usually what I find is the pushing of something. Whether in books or from individuals it is as an effort to convince me of something, which usually comes down to a belief system that I am expected to accept as truth. I am not saying that there isn't truth, but that it is situational. So knowing truth requires a deep understanding of the situation which itself may be changing moment by moment. This makes understanding a great challenge, with the realization that most will probably remain a mystery. No this wouldn't sell. What sells is something with the guise of much more authority. I am sorry if this essay was disturbing to some of you. I decided to take the risk. I feel I am a dark horse of sorts, but I also want to be authentic to what is inside and accept the compulsion to express it. Thank you for reading. Kisses Bret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2007 Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 Dear Bret, I found your essay to be anything but disturbing. I like to keep an open mind and not to fix myself on this or that, but I do have beliefs that I hold to be truths, but I am aware that my truth is fluxtuating and that others truth is just as true as mine and may also be fluctuating. Sometimes reality was influx so much for me that I beacme a little dizzy and didn't know what was what, but then I just thought " who cares? " why do I need to know anyway? Why not be free and let what ever wants to be , be, but not to cling on to it too much. I like to imagine others ways of seeing things. It keeps my mind light. Even though at times I do feel a repelling of others thoughts, in my heart or gut. I think you made some very valid observations. Thankyou for sharing that, Always a pleasure to read your thoughts, love Elektra x x x _________ Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Mail - quick, easy and free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2007 Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 > Basically it is making subjective experience into objective > reality. That is turning internal experience into rules of > how the universe manifests itself. This is ego inflation. be careful here. the condition of existence (in which we find ourselves) means we cannot comprehend nor possess an absolute, only approximate it for ourselves. indeed we MUST turn internal experience into " rules " -- the problem comes into view when we fail to acknowledge the relative and necessarily limited and finite nature of those " rules " , which are in the end but our conceptualizations or those borrowed, imitated, or stolen outright from other sources. as the father of general semantics, Alfred Korsybski famously quipped, " the map is not the territory " ; the primitive mind cannot distinguish symbol and reality, so believes that, by controlling the symbol, it is actually controlling the reality. unfortunately we get trapped within our own and others' symbol-systems, then wonder why we can't - for example - eat a dollar bill, or live in a property deed. > It is making absolute out of what is particular to an individual. > And in this there is an expectation of the other to accept what > is now presented as the way the universe works. it's a peculiar position; if the individual is a pragmatist, all the justification that's required for acceptance of a " truth " or law, is that " it just works " . a philosopher, mystic, or research scientist (for example) would generally not be satisfied with that answer. the pragmatist's advantage is that belief isn't necessary and neither is knowledge, just the ability to use it and obtain a desired result. since we lack perfect knowledge of the situation pure objectivity is for us an impossibility, so our " truths " and " rules " must instead change and adapt themselves as our own understanding changes. > I see this kind of inflation very often in spiritually > minded circles and its literature. definitely. but you can also see it in practically any and every human enterprise that involves group dynamics of one or another sort. > It becomes less of a personal responsibility of cultivation > and is instead a baptism into an outside source. It seems to > take away reliance of the self for reliance on something > purely external, rendering internal search and volition obsolete. in general people need to feel that there is an " authority " outside themselves, be it an opinion leader or expert, a deity, advanced ET-lifeform, or 'higher self', who is really " calling the shots " . you hit the nail directly on the head, for even the subtlest form of this is shirking responsibility. we simply want the benefit merely by the fact of our participation in a group, and expect that to be given to us, freely and openly, with no work nor preparation required. a truly clever ET, deity, or 'higher self' would force us to fallback on our own resources before it deigned to interfere, so would a group from which we might truly " learn " something. > I am reasonably sure we all do this kind of behavior modification. > I am doing it right now. (I admit it!) It comes in assertions of > authority, in words, tone or physical stance. :-) it also comes in the nature of language itself. the mere fact that I am able to communicate with you is possible because of the countless distinctions and assumptions being made, about my existence and yours, and our separateness in time and space, among hundreds of other things. 'ego' is an implicit element of our written languages, and a very useful " tool " in that regard (in that it enables us to communicate in a way which we could not do otherwise)... but here again only a symbol or contrivance; an artifact of pragmatism in effect! and there is legitimate authority, but also swindler and swagger play a far larger role (and exemplify the possession of the symbols without the reality behind it). nonverbal communication and cues are paramount in conveying the hidden elements or agenda that are motivating what appears to be rational conversation, and yes it is EVERYWHERE that communication happens, if you are looking for it. > However I do not think that this is really about sharing a real > experience of knowing but a way of confirmation > about beliefs of who we think we are. a huge amount of cultural existence is pre-rational or unconscious. beliefs themselves may or may not be rational, verifiable, or culpable to the actions they produce. the 'knowing nod' and similar gestures are signalling an affinity with certain non- or pre-rational understanding/assumptions. > I think that the way our minds function entails a real sense of > separation of ourselves from other. yes, and again see the earlier comment about language and its implicit assumptions about egos and our separate existences etc. > this we what to unite with other people by the modification of > other's behavior to confirm our own and thereby orientating > ourselves. > There is certainly something with being human about imitation. yes, we imitate what obtained success in the past, in hopes of satiating our pre-existing desire and gaining a favorable result. > We seem to love what we can imitate and probably are > driven to create things that others can easily imitate. And in this > way we find orientation when we see ourselves reflected in others . in the end, the same can be said of reproduction from the standpoint of the genes! one way or another, we want to see ourselves reflected and remembered; a sort of material pseudo-immortality, be it of our genetic material/attributes, creative works, ideas, or legacy of whatever sort. ego is everywhere, is in fact the universe itself in a manner of speaking. > I am not saying that there isn't truth, but that it is situational. here's our first dilemma (look up the word dilemma btw). Truth which is only 'relative' or situational isn't Truth at all, merely a convenient assumption that attains a desired result at the time it is desired. though above we established the unknowable-ness of absoluteness (including that of absolute Truth), the fact that " truths " are situational doesn't allow us to conclude that truth itself is thus also situational; it is simply that one cannot perceive truth, nor even the mind within which truth is ascertained, except through its own imperfect mechanism. it should be obvious that one cannot perceive something transcending rational thought through the very mechanism of rational thought. we would require a higher level or faculty of perception in order to ascertain or apprehend Truth, but could never conclusively prove to ourselves or anyone else that this faculty did in fact exist. > No this wouldn't sell. What sells is something with the > guise of much more authority. absolutely (pun intended). but the beauty of the perception given herein is that 'selling' is necessary only to items of belief. apologies for the rather lengthy commentary, which is quite woefully incomplete compared to what could be said on the subject. -brian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 9, 2007 Report Share Posted April 9, 2007 Thank you Elektra for reading. I like " why do I need to know anyway? " God Bless- Bret , Elektra Fire < wrote: > > Dear Bret, > > I found your essay to be anything but disturbing. > I like to keep an open mind and not to fix myself on > this or that, but I do have beliefs that I hold to be > truths, but I am aware that my truth is fluxtuating > and that others truth is just as true as mine and may > also be fluctuating. Sometimes reality was influx so > much for me that I beacme a little dizzy and didn't > know what was what, but then I just thought " who > cares? " why do I need to know anyway? > Why not be free and let what ever wants to be , be, > but not to cling on to it too much. > I like to imagine others ways of seeing things. It > keeps my mind light. > Even though at times I do feel a repelling of others > thoughts, in my heart or gut. > I think you made some very valid observations. > Thankyou for sharing that, > Always a pleasure to read your thoughts, > love Elektra x x x > > > > _________ > Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Mail - quick, easy and free. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 9, 2007 Report Share Posted April 9, 2007 Hey 7- Thanks for all you well considerd comments. I wanted to comment on what you wrote one time about new science being understood by the layman becomes determininsm, but I never did. But I think of it from time to time. I think this post in part was in the same vein. God Bless- Bret , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote: A whole lot of stuff!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 9, 2007 Report Share Posted April 9, 2007 no problem - I needed this information at 19-20, in fact charted a course through a philosophy concentration in undergrad largely due to similar discontent. you would be welcome to take the topic to private email any time you want to revisit it, as I'm sure the topic isn't one of general interest here, I just wanted to give some nudges in a general direction for you and any other perceptive reader willing to wade through my stream-of-consciousness prose. -brian , " bretarenson " <bretarenson wrote: > > Hey 7- > > Thanks for all you well considerd comments. I wanted to comment on what you wrote one > time about new science being understood by the layman becomes determininsm, but I never > did. But I think of it from time to time. I think this post in part was in the same vein. > > God Bless- > > Bret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 9, 2007 Report Share Posted April 9, 2007 Yeah- I like all the philosphical stuff for its own, which I think you are right in saying may not be of general interest here. But I also wanted to discuss this to bring up how easy it is to be put upon by others beliefs and how easily I am prone to do the same. When my K first came up and if I shared it many were quite willing to tell me what it was, and I found I had to resist an insistent attitude when I knew what was proposed didn't fit even though I had not one better of my own. However when I started to compose my own thoughts around the thousands of questions I had asked myself I felt a need to progate this to others, I guess to defend my stance. But eventually I realized that I didn't need to defend it. If I knew it to be true for me there was no need to express it for confirmation. I was just externalizing my internal doubts which I also realized I didn't need. But I still feel the urge to express it just because it is my view point and there may be some that would get something from it who are experiencing a similar challenge even if what is stated is a bit off center. Bret , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote: > > no problem - I needed this information at 19-20, in fact charted a > course through a philosophy concentration in undergrad largely due to > similar discontent. you would be welcome to take the topic to private > email any time you want to revisit it, as I'm sure the topic isn't one > of general interest here, I just wanted to give some nudges in a > general direction for you and any other perceptive reader willing to > wade through my stream-of-consciousness prose. > > -brian > > , " bretarenson " > <bretarenson@> wrote: > > > > Hey 7- > > > > Thanks for all you well considerd comments. I wanted to comment on > what you wrote one > > time about new science being understood by the layman becomes > determininsm, but I never > > did. But I think of it from time to time. I think this post in part > was in the same vein. > > > > God Bless- > > > > Bret > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 9, 2007 Report Share Posted April 9, 2007 , " bretarenson " <bretarenson wrote: > > Yeah- I like all the philosphical stuff for its own, which > I think you are right in saying may not be of general interest the philosophical interpretation is of utmost importance in those to whom its utility is self-evident. that is to say, a path of philosophical inquiry can initiate as well as facilitate, the fully-conscious awakening of the intelligence of kundalini. it is then a path of jnanayoga, or gnosis. > When my K first came up and if I shared it many were quite > willing to tell me what it was, and I found I had to resist an > insistent attitude when I knew what was proposed didn't fit I can relate through similar experiences. it is a question of whether ultimately one values reality or convenient illusions higher. realized truth is self-evident, at least to the realizer. this is why we call it knowledge/jnana/gnosis as distinguished from belief or the corpus of artificial knowledge obtained through intellectual study. equally, the phenomena of unconscious psychism and mediumship are interesting in their own right but cannot give the mind the type of intuitive knowledge it requires in order to effect any leap of cognition past the inherent limitations of our perceptual mechanism. -brian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Hi Brian, and Brett. That was really well thought out and written, I am not as apt with words as you and Brett, but I really enjoyed this thread. I totally relate talking to the ego , at times I feel like a weirdo as I do not enjoy chatting, I find the sound of my own voice cringe inducing at times , just because it feels like it comes from a " low level " place, either talking about myself, or preaching, agreeing , not agreeing, talking about the weather, chatting about past events etc. It doesn't feel perfect.... Does that make sense? I only enjoy to talk fantasy, make believe , teletubby language!! I enjoy making jokes, stories, i enjoy talking about the kundalini online Sometimes I just don't want to talk at all. I always thought I was strange. Or maybe mental. I love silence, no voice only music or nature or perhaps the wind. We as humans are the only beings that chatter away and we think that makes us " better " then the animals, I find it more a set back. I don't even enjoy talking about my beliefs of spirit , it's a personal inward journey and when spoken about I feel it alsmost lessons it. Somethings cannot and should not be put into words. Anyway, enough blah blah blah, thats what i think...hee hee lots of love Elektra x x x because of the > countless distinctions and assumptions being made, > about my existence > and yours, and our separateness in time and space, > among hundreds of > other things. 'ego' is an implicit element of our > written languages, > and a very useful " tool " in that regard (in that it > enables us to > communicate in a way which we could not do > otherwise)... but here > again only a symbol or contrivance; an artifact of > pragmatism in > effect! and there is legitimate authority, but also > swindler and > swagger play a far larger role (and exemplify the > possession of the > symbols without the reality behind it). nonverbal > communication and > cues are paramount in conveying the hidden elements > or agenda that are > motivating what appears to be rational conversation, > and yes it is > EVERYWHERE that communication happens, if you are > looking for it. > _________ Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't settle for less, sign up for your free account today http://uk.rd./evt=44106/* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Elektra wrote: " At times I feel like a weirdo as I do not enjoy chatting, I find the sound of my own voice cringe inducing at times , just because it feels like it comes from a " low level " place, either talking about myself, or preaching, agreeing , not agreeing, talking about the weather, chatting about past events etc. It doesn't feel perfect.... Does that make sense? " =================================================================== Maybe conversational exchange can be a series of improvised rebounds starting from the first person's feelings. As each following conversational ball crosses the net, it has the spin or biases of the new striker's frames of perspective. We shuffle to and fro to meet each comment in that rally, using a remake of our preceding comment to get to a position ON THE ONE HAND matching our general thrust hitherto BUT ON THE OTHER in a form of compromised agreement or diplomatised disagreement with the striker's newly evolved position. Hey, suddenly we realise we're uncomfortable - the thread is wobbling off the trajectory of how we REALLY FELT, when we started or joined in the conversation. Chat can easily trail off like that and that's when, IMHO, respectful SILENCE makes great sense !! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 I think you hit the nail on the head!!! Love to you John, big hug Elektra x x x --- <...> wrote: > > =================================================================== > > Maybe conversational exchange can be a series of > improvised rebounds > starting from the first person's feelings. > > As each following conversational ball crosses the > net, it has the > spin or biases of the new striker's frames of > perspective. > > We shuffle to and fro to meet each comment in that > rally, using a > remake of our preceding comment to get to a position > ON THE ONE HAND > matching our general thrust hitherto BUT ON THE > OTHER in a form of > compromised agreement or diplomatised disagreement > with the striker's > newly evolved position. > > Hey, suddenly we realise we're uncomfortable - the > thread is wobbling > off the trajectory of how we REALLY FELT, when we > started or joined > in the conversation. > > Chat can easily trail off like that and that's when, > IMHO, respectful > SILENCE makes great sense !! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Wow, Elektra, you have also described me when you described yourself. Especially since I surrendered to the K, I love the silence more. Used to have the TV going in the background, now I hardly watch it and it is off most of the time. Very nice... As for nature, there is a stand of bamboo along our lot line on the bedroom side of our house. I love lying in bed with the window open on a windy night and hearing the wind moving through the bamboo. It's one of my favorite sounds. And, yes, when it comes to 'talking,' less is more. Claudia --- Elektra Fire < wrote: > Hi Brian, and Brett. > > That was really well thought out and written, I am > not > as apt with words as you and Brett, but I really > enjoyed this thread. > I totally relate talking to the ego , at times I > feel > like a weirdo as I do not enjoy chatting, I find the > sound of my own voice cringe inducing at times , > just > because it feels like it comes from a " low level " > place, either talking about myself, or preaching, > agreeing , not agreeing, talking about the weather, > chatting about past events etc. It doesn't feel > perfect.... Does that make sense? > I only enjoy to talk fantasy, make believe , > teletubby > language!! I enjoy making jokes, stories, i enjoy > talking about the kundalini online > > Sometimes I just don't want to talk at all. I always > thought I was strange. Or maybe mental. > I love silence, no voice only music or nature or > perhaps the wind. > We as humans are the only beings that chatter away > and > we think that makes us " better " then the animals, I > find it more a set back. > > I don't even enjoy talking about my beliefs of > spirit > , it's a personal inward journey and when spoken > about > I feel it alsmost lessons it. > > Somethings cannot and should not be put into words. > > Anyway, enough blah blah blah, thats what i > think...hee hee > lots of love Elektra x x x > > because of the > > countless distinctions and assumptions being made, > > about my existence > > and yours, and our separateness in time and space, > > among hundreds of > > other things. 'ego' is an implicit element of our > > written languages, > > and a very useful " tool " in that regard (in that > it > > enables us to > > communicate in a way which we could not do > > otherwise)... but here > > again only a symbol or contrivance; an artifact of > > pragmatism in > > effect! and there is legitimate authority, but > also > > swindler and > > swagger play a far larger role (and exemplify the > > possession of the > > symbols without the reality behind it). nonverbal > > communication and > > cues are paramount in conveying the hidden > elements > > or agenda that are > > motivating what appears to be rational > conversation, > > and yes it is > > EVERYWHERE that communication happens, if you are > > looking for it. > > > > > > > _________ > > Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't > settle for less, sign up for > your free account today > http://uk.rd./evt=44106/* > > ______________________________\ ____ Need Mail bonding? Go to the Mail Q & A for great tips from Answers users. http://answers./dir/?link=list & sid=396546091 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 > That was really well thought out and written, I am not > as apt with words as you and Brett, but I really > enjoyed this thread. thanks, I enjoyed contributing to it. > I totally relate talking to the ego , :-) yes, and what's novel about it to me is that we need the whole structure " ego " , to allow us to use written language to communicate. in other words, even if " ego " is illusory, the context and content of language require it to exist! > It doesn't feel perfect.... Does that make sense? yes. I'm on a different side though, having been involved with oration, theater and years of vocal music including a few years of private study, I find the human voice to be an amazing thing. and sure, the mechanism of language has its downsides but I for one would prefer not to exist without it. ironically from the time I started with meditation, it has always been with the intent to silence the mental chatter. remarkably, once this has been achieved to some degree, words seem to come easier and with greater fluency. I love the silence too - most talk is largely noise, ritual, or verbal emoting so you gain appreciation for what isn't. > We as humans are the only beings that chatter away and > we think that makes us " better " then the animals, I > find it more a set back. :-) actually animals communicate all the time, but not through verbal means... if you watch them, you find they are at least as active and responsive to the environment as any chattering monkey. > I don't even enjoy talking about my beliefs of spirit > , it's a personal inward journey and when spoken about > I feel it alsmost lessons it. likewise, this place aside (and Glenn's list before it). -brian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Know exactly what u mean. I'm finding the best way is to just stop filling gaps and asking yourself who you really are, what u really want and what u really want to say, then when it feels " perfect " , then speak. Otherwise don't mess up your channels trying to say something else. OK I've got something significant to say now. Since my awakening, I've been overly conscious of my " ego " and always try to subvert it, for example by not being charismatic or taking the lead in conversation when I could. This made me kinda awkward 4 a while. I just realised tho, that a big heart and a big spirit dont equal a big ego. I was so obsessed with the idea of ego that I created one!! Because the ego is just the compromised, or dammed, pure self. So now I'm having big fun and loving it, and being hypersocial like I used to be! I mean that's what lead me to awakening in the first place, so now I'm letting it flow again! My mistake was simply based on a misunderstanding of yoga and buddha, about the ego. The Bhagavad Gita talks about the " supreme yogic personality " , and I guess that that is all personality, our whole self, and we should let it shine rather than worrying about whether we sound egoic or not, because that, friends, is layered thought not PRESENCE, i.e. egoic, political thought. Haha, its so funny, I used to think, I oughtn't be happy because thats an egoic pursuit, when being happy is the goal of losing ego! I think sometimes I made myself weaker by undercutting what I thought was ego, when really I was compromising my full xpression (i.e. being egoic). Perhaps the bigger we make what some people might call our ego (our big presence), the closer we get to losing it, because we become more and more happy. So the more confident we become, which in some definitions is having an increasing ego, the closer the ego comes to annihilation, like a growing bubble, which gets closer to popping the larger it becomes. Love u all - Japo x , " " <...> wrote: > > Elektra wrote: " At times I feel like a weirdo as I do not enjoy > chatting, I find the sound of my own voice cringe inducing at times , > just because it feels like it comes from a " low level " place, either > talking about myself, or preaching, agreeing , not agreeing, talking > about the weather, chatting about past events etc. It doesn't feel > perfect.... Does that make sense? " > > =================================================================== > > Maybe conversational exchange can be a series of improvised rebounds > starting from the first person's feelings. > > As each following conversational ball crosses the net, it has the > spin or biases of the new striker's frames of perspective. > > We shuffle to and fro to meet each comment in that rally, using a > remake of our preceding comment to get to a position ON THE ONE HAND > matching our general thrust hitherto BUT ON THE OTHER in a form of > compromised agreement or diplomatised disagreement with the striker's > newly evolved position. > > Hey, suddenly we realise we're uncomfortable - the thread is wobbling > off the trajectory of how we REALLY FELT, when we started or joined > in the conversation. > > Chat can easily trail off like that and that's when, IMHO, respectful > SILENCE makes great sense !! > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 > Because the ego is just the compromised, or dammed, > pure self. that's just the ego's own conceptualization of itself. what it does when not thinking about itself as an ego is what's important, since that defines its actual presence. it's in fact the whole self, which in turn becomes the limited 'ego' when it thinks of itself as a self. sorry for the circular wordplay. great words btw -brian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Dear Japo, Thank you for sharing your thoughts about ego...I am giving ego a lot of thought, anticipating that is going to be my biggest obstacle, and yet I'm not sure I understand ego. What you have said here really helps me to put it into perspective. I especially love your last line: " So the more confident we become, which > in some > definitions is having an increasing ego, the closer > the ego comes to > annihilation, like a growing bubble, which gets > closer to popping the > larger it becomes. " Thanks, Claudia P.S. Don't let my praise go to your head, LOL! --- James <milliondegrees wrote: > Know exactly what u mean. > I'm finding the best way is to just stop filling > gaps and asking > yourself who you really are, what u really want and > what u really > want to say, then when it feels " perfect " , then > speak. Otherwise > don't mess up your channels trying to say something > else. > OK I've got something significant to say now. > Since my awakening, I've been overly conscious of my > " ego " and always > try to subvert it, for example by not being > charismatic or taking the > lead in conversation when I could. This made me > kinda awkward 4 a > while. I just realised tho, that a big heart and a > big spirit dont > equal a big ego. I was so obsessed with the idea of > ego that I > created one!! Because the ego is just the > compromised, or dammed, > pure self. So now I'm having big fun and loving it, > and being > hypersocial like I used to be! I mean that's what > lead me to > awakening in the first place, so now I'm letting it > flow again! My > mistake was simply based on a misunderstanding of > yoga and buddha, > about the ego. The Bhagavad Gita talks about the > " supreme yogic > personality " , and I guess that that is all > personality, our whole > self, and we should let it shine rather than > worrying about whether > we sound egoic or not, because that, friends, is > layered thought not > PRESENCE, i.e. egoic, political thought. Haha, its > so funny, I used > to think, I oughtn't be happy because thats an egoic > pursuit, when > being happy is the goal of losing ego! I think > sometimes I made > myself weaker by undercutting what I thought was > ego, when really I > was compromising my full xpression (i.e. being > egoic). Perhaps the > bigger we make what some people might call our ego > (our big > presence), the closer we get to losing it, because > we become more and > more happy. So the more confident we become, which > in some > definitions is having an increasing ego, the closer > the ego comes to > annihilation, like a growing bubble, which gets > closer to popping the > larger it becomes. > Love u all - Japo x > > --- In > , " John > Rooke " > <...> wrote: > > > > Elektra wrote: " At times I feel like a weirdo as I > do not enjoy > > chatting, I find the sound of my own voice cringe > inducing at > times , > > just because it feels like it comes from a " low > level " place, > either > > talking about myself, or preaching, agreeing , not > agreeing, > talking > > about the weather, chatting about past events etc. > It doesn't feel > > perfect.... Does that make sense? " > > > > > =================================================================== > > > > Maybe conversational exchange can be a series of > improvised > rebounds > > starting from the first person's feelings. > > > > As each following conversational ball crosses the > net, it has the > > spin or biases of the new striker's frames of > perspective. > > > > We shuffle to and fro to meet each comment in that > rally, using a > > remake of our preceding comment to get to a > position ON THE ONE > HAND > > matching our general thrust hitherto BUT ON THE > OTHER in a form of > > compromised agreement or diplomatised disagreement > with the > striker's > > newly evolved position. > > > > Hey, suddenly we realise we're uncomfortable - the > thread is > wobbling > > off the trajectory of how we REALLY FELT, when we > started or joined > > in the conversation. > > > > Chat can easily trail off like that and that's > when, IMHO, > respectful > > SILENCE makes great sense !! > > > > > ______________________________\ ____ Bored stiff? Loosen up... Download and play hundreds of games for free on Games. http://games./games/front Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2007 Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Yes I have known numerous situations when my thinking precepitated a very pronounced ecstatic response. Sometimes the thought will continue to give this response over a period of time, on one occasion over many weeks. So my thinking is consistent with my spirituality. However I have been accused of thinking too much, which returns the thread to the intent of the original post. Thinking is denegrated in some spiritual systems. Thinking is considered to make you less present or less in the now. Of course any activity can be a distraction from something else, but logically all action can only be in the now and one can be present to their thinking as to anything else. It is a matter of attention and appropriateness to the endeavor and circumstance. Bisous- Bret , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote: > the philosophical interpretation is of utmost importance in those to > whom its utility is self-evident. that is to say, a path of > philosophical inquiry can initiate as well as facilitate, the > fully-conscious awakening of the intelligence of kundalini. it is > then a path of jnanayoga, or gnosis. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2007 Report Share Posted April 11, 2007 Love it , love it , love it. Elektra x x x --- a_seventh_son <a_seventh_son wrote: > > > > Because the ego is just the compromised, or > dammed, > > pure self. > that's just the ego's own conceptualization of > itself. what it does > when not thinking about itself as an ego is what's > important, since > that defines its actual presence. it's in fact the > whole self, which > in turn becomes the limited 'ego' when it thinks of > itself as a self. > sorry for the circular wordplay. > > great words btw > -brian > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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