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Re:Entities - Sam & Stephanie

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I did expect some backlash when (after hesitating for some time) I

eventually replied with the intention of assisting Sel in her plight.

By 'backlash' I infer some individuals pigeon-holing me within their

realities then attempting to push that conceived reality on me. I have

worked very hard on softening and conditioning my ego and I guess it

is very vulnerable at this stage.


From my perspective Stephanie has put a 'filter' on me without

discussion or entertaining my notions. This is very much a judgemental

appraisal and something I hope she might rise above. She clouds her

own discernment as a result.


As far as me recommending Robert Bruce, the sole reason was so that I

might concentrate on more loving aspects of our respective journeys

rather than revisit areas that I have learnt from already. Please do

not direct your commentary at Robert Bruce's writings and knowledge -

everything I had to say in the way of advice was drawn on experience

and knowledge that I personally have accrued; I would guess for a

reason? I could probably give you some pertinent incidents and

experiences (together with other peoples confirmations) that would

validate my experiences and probably leave you quite surprised but I

do not feel as though I should have to. My word should be sufficient

and your heart ought to be sufficient judge of my honesty.


You also seem to consider this all from an 'evil' perspective? For the

first six months of my encounters I was unsure whether my visitors

were good or bad. Not until I began reading relevant literature (such

as Bruce's) did I discover the 'negative' connotations. That

'negativeness' is again just a perception. The truth of the matter is

these influences are just base/elemental/lower order/raw. They are

devoid of higher order attributes.


Something else - I am so bored with people imagining that anything

that others say that doesn't directly fit into their own perception of

reality, is obviously just a manifestation of the others reality. What

a silly presumption. Its just another excuse for intolerance without

making the perpetrator feel guilty. Fair enough if I think something

and nobody else does- then obviously it is just my manifestation, But

do not assume this if there are many millions that think the same.

That's like me saying I don't believe in your family because I have no

proof they exist- they are your manifestation- part of your universe.


Sorry to rant - I couldn't get to sleep as this was playing on my

mind. Thank you Sam for poking me, I obviously needed to contemplate

these things. You are a kind hearted soul who only said something in

the first place because you had peoples best interests at heart.


Once more let me state categorically: I am not personally offended, I

currently just have a fragile disposition. And aside from Sel I

honestly hope I have made both Sam and Stephanie consider aspects of

their selves and others realities and where these realities tie in

with universal truths.


with lots of love and lashings of light, glen o.




, " Stephanie Lyon "

<stephann wrote:


> Hi Sam! This is the conclusion I came to after witnessing some

extremes in filters in men that I have dated over the last several

years. One was a conspiracy theorist with a bit of a substance

problem, and his filters were about the bad aliens and the good

aliens, the evil and corrupt government, and had lost hope in

humankind, so of course he brought forth these events in his life and

was victim to them on a personal and a global level. I also dated a

Catholic Exorcist whose apparent sole reality was of Good vs. Evil,

Angels and Demons, and anything that I reported to him that was

happening to me energetically was translated into the Catholic world.

He had a demon trap in his house. Upon learning this, my first

thought was " If you build it, they will come. " He seemed to have an

ability to create some really bizarre things that I witnessed, but

wouldn't have necessarily interpreted the way in which he did. There

are a few others, and that is why I am writing a book! Thankfully,

currently, I am seeing a wonderful man who is normal, and just has a

few of the " regular " man issues, fear of a broken heart and whatever

else is going on with him. It is really refreshing to have an

opportunity to say " yes " to someone, and address my own fears in the



> I have been reading as much as I can, life is continually shifting

and changing. I am so blessed!


> Thank you blessed beings!

> Stephanie



> Folks,


> Remember that this is just one prospective of many. Not every reality

> has the need for psychic defense. I know Robert Bruce and respect him

> but his reality is a bit paranoid/dual compared to mine. I have been

> traveling these realms for over 50 years and my experience is that you

> only need defenses if you come from that prospective. Demons are only

> a reality if you create them. Remember .... you create your own

> reality. There is nothing out there that can destroy you.


> If you like to have " entities " and such attacking you. Then great,

> have them and develop defenses and employ wizards to protect you.

> Just realize that it is only a choice of prospective that you can

> change. Not better or worse ... just a choice.


> The change comes from the prospective of singularity/Love.




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Hello Glen. I just want to say that I am very grateful

that you are here with us. I enjoy you so much, and

learn a great deal from you. When I first came into

the group I had a few " sleepless " nights, and a couple

of times I was ready to leave. Looking back on it I

see it was Shakti testing my determination to follow

this path. Forgiveness released me to continue. But it

was not an easy time for me. So, just wanted to let

you know it happens. Tender hug. Love, dhyana

--- Glen Olah <glen_olah wrote:


> I did expect some backlash when (after hesitating

> for some time) I

> eventually replied with the intention of assisting

> Sel in her plight.

> By 'backlash' I infer some individuals pigeon-holing

> me within their

> realities then attempting to push that conceived

> reality on me. I have

> worked very hard on softening and conditioning my

> ego and I guess it

> is very vulnerable at this stage.


> From my perspective Stephanie has put a 'filter' on

> me without

> discussion or entertaining my notions. This is very

> much a judgemental

> appraisal and something I hope she might rise above.

> She clouds her

> own discernment as a result.


> As far as me recommending Robert Bruce, the sole

> reason was so that I

> might concentrate on more loving aspects of our

> respective journeys

> rather than revisit areas that I have learnt from

> already. Please do

> not direct your commentary at Robert Bruce's

> writings and knowledge -

> everything I had to say in the way of advice was

> drawn on experience

> and knowledge that I personally have accrued; I

> would guess for a

> reason? I could probably give you some pertinent

> incidents and

> experiences (together with other peoples

> confirmations) that would

> validate my experiences and probably leave you quite

> surprised but I

> do not feel as though I should have to. My word

> should be sufficient

> and your heart ought to be sufficient judge of my

> honesty.


> You also seem to consider this all from an 'evil'

> perspective? For the

> first six months of my encounters I was unsure

> whether my visitors

> were good or bad. Not until I began reading relevant

> literature (such

> as Bruce's) did I discover the 'negative'

> connotations. That

> 'negativeness' is again just a perception. The truth

> of the matter is

> these influences are just base/elemental/lower

> order/raw. They are

> devoid of higher order attributes.


> Something else - I am so bored with people imagining

> that anything

> that others say that doesn't directly fit into their

> own perception of

> reality, is obviously just a manifestation of the

> others reality. What

> a silly presumption. Its just another excuse for

> intolerance without

> making the perpetrator feel guilty. Fair enough if I

> think something

> and nobody else does- then obviously it is just my

> manifestation, But

> do not assume this if there are many millions that

> think the same.

> That's like me saying I don't believe in your family

> because I have no

> proof they exist- they are your manifestation- part

> of your universe.


> Sorry to rant - I couldn't get to sleep as this was

> playing on my

> mind. Thank you Sam for poking me, I obviously

> needed to contemplate

> these things. You are a kind hearted soul who only

> said something in

> the first place because you had peoples best

> interests at heart.


> Once more let me state categorically: I am not

> personally offended, I

> currently just have a fragile disposition. And aside

> from Sel I

> honestly hope I have made both Sam and Stephanie

> consider aspects of

> their selves and others realities and where these

> realities tie in

> with universal truths.


> with lots of love and lashings of light, glen o.




> --- In

> ,

> " Stephanie Lyon "

> <stephann wrote:

> >

> > Hi Sam! This is the conclusion I came to after

> witnessing some

> extremes in filters in men that I have dated over

> the last several

> years. One was a conspiracy theorist with a bit of

> a substance

> problem, and his filters were about the bad aliens

> and the good

> aliens, the evil and corrupt government, and had

> lost hope in

> humankind, so of course he brought forth these

> events in his life and

> was victim to them on a personal and a global level.

> I also dated a

> Catholic Exorcist whose apparent sole reality was of

> Good vs. Evil,

> Angels and Demons, and anything that I reported to

> him that was

> happening to me energetically was translated into

> the Catholic world.

> He had a demon trap in his house. Upon learning

> this, my first

> thought was " If you build it, they will come. " He

> seemed to have an

> ability to create some really bizarre things that I

> witnessed, but

> wouldn't have necessarily interpreted the way in

> which he did. There

> are a few others, and that is why I am writing a

> book! Thankfully,

> currently, I am seeing a wonderful man who is

> normal, and just has a

> few of the " regular " man issues, fear of a broken

> heart and whatever

> else is going on with him. It is really refreshing

> to have an

> opportunity to say " yes " to someone, and address my

> own fears in the

> process.

> >

> > I have been reading as much as I can, life is

> continually shifting

> and changing. I am so blessed!

> >

> > Thank you blessed beings!

> > Stephanie

> >

> >

> > Folks,

> >

> > Remember that this is just one prospective of

> many. Not every reality

> > has the need for psychic defense. I know Robert

> Bruce and respect him

> > but his reality is a bit paranoid/dual compared to

> mine. I have been

> > traveling these realms for over 50 years and my

> experience is that you

> > only need defenses if you come from that

> prospective. Demons are only

> > a reality if you create them. Remember .... you

> create your own

> > reality. There is nothing out there that can

> destroy you.

> >

> > If you like to have " entities " and such attacking

> you. Then great,

> > have them and develop defenses and employ wizards

> to protect you.

> > Just realize that it is only a choice of

> prospective that you can

> > change. Not better or worse ... just a choice.

> >

> > The change comes from the prospective of

> singularity/Love.

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >










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I found your suggestion very helpful. I increased the amount of light

during my meditation the other day, and the guys seem to be gone. But

your advice made me take a more reflexive approach to how spiritual

tests help one realize areas of improvement.


I don't live in a world of paranoid fears and conspiracy theories, and

neither do you. The occasional pesky entity can happen to anyone--it's

not dualistic to assume that not all beings are as close to the light

as we k folks strive to be. However, this is really not a big deal

until one becomes obsessed with it and allows fear to take over his or

her life.


In a sense, entities are helpful reminders of the need to watch our

own mental and energetic processes. For some, they are manifestations

of our own emotions, and that might as well be the case: after all

nothing exists outside of our minds. Bottom line: how does it matter?





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Glen O,


I am glad that you are here. I realize that there are many who share

parts if not all of your prospective and will get comfort and healing

from you. Thank-you for your thoughtful and honest posts.






, " Glen Olah "

<glen_olah wrote:


> I did expect some backlash when (after hesitating for some time) I

> eventually replied with the intention of assisting Sel in her plight.

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