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" A worker is worthy of his hire. " You serve us, and

if we are moved to contribute to your work, it is a

high honor to do so. It gladens the heart to be able

to express in a material way the gratitude for help

given. I would be crushed if you turned away any gift

I would think of sending. So thank you in advance for

receiving. I love having a caveman in my life. ! Love,


--- chrism <> wrote:


> There are those here in the group who wish to give

> gifts to me. There are those who have given gifts to

> me and I have not sought for them to do so. It is a

> difficulty for me to accept them. Yet the gifts that

> have come like the phone line and the artwork and

> the other gifts have come at times of need and my

> options were very limited in my ability to not

> accept them and so I did and am still grateful. But

> I must stree this is NOT required or expected.


> I do not want this group to feel that gifts must

> be given. It is not about gifts or aggrandizement or

> anything other than a person coming into the group

> and making discovery about their potentials. And

> perhaps acting upon those discoveries.


> So many groups can become infected with greed and

> the concept of getting what you pay for and other

> similarly aspected scenarios. I will not allow that

> to happen here. This is free to everyone who comes.

> Millionaire or street person I do not care, it is

> free. Kundalini doesnt care either, it will come

> regardless.


> And yet there are operating costs. This computer I

> use and the electricity to run it on and the

> broadband to send it on costs money. I have one

> light and live in a trailer, in someones backyard,

> no sewage or water or refrigeration. So my overhead

> is limited.


> When I began this group I was on my way to the

> mountains to find a cave and to go where I was

> directed to go from the awareness that expresses

> through me via the Kundalini Awakening. I sold

> almost everything and was living in a car for a time

> as I wrapped up my earthly affairs (by earthly I

> mean monetary attachments) and began to leave.

> Before I could do so the vision of service was

> introduced to me. I at first thought it was seminars

> so I put that together with help from friends. Then

> from that this group was created and I have felt my

> Kundalini grow very strong and have experienced

> waves and waves of intense joy and happiness from

> being gifted with the ability to help others inside

> this process.


> Kundalini came very strong during seminars as

> well. But the long distance aspects have really

> developed here on this small but growing free group.

> I have paid attention to the intuitions that have

> guided me with the morals required and the surrender

> required to have this group recieve productive

> results for those with in it. Not meaning to say

> that chrism has done all these things, just saying

> that I have had the honor of assisting. So perhaps I

> was indeed led to a cave, it just has wheels under

> it.


> Here is the picture. I have to work to eat and

> live and pay the limited bills that I have like all

> of us do. This takes some time away from being here

> with the group though I ponder upon the issues here

> as I do work. I am no different than you. As

> is a free service I can afford it. wants to

> collect information I only wish they could collect

> it all! And maybe use it!


> Gifts are not required or expected or sought.

> Everything here is free. if you wish to give to the

> group, that is acceptable. If you wish to give to

> me..... as I have allowed to it to occur, then I

> must accept it. I cannot deny that it has helped,

> but in no way is this to be considered a necessity

> or a requirement or a duty or that it will somehow

> purchase a step up the Kundalini ladder as it just

> doesnt work that way. These are my thoughts on this

> issue. -




> kaliese wrote:

> Good thought, Sarita. Please, Chrism, let those of

> us moved to do so be in service to you, continuing

> this list and all that you give to us. You know I

> wish to support you and to honor the tradition of

> giving gifts to ones teacher.


> In gratefulness,


> Sherri


> --

> The high destiny of the individual is to serve

> rather than rule-Albert Einstein


> -------------- Original message --------------

> " Sarita "

> What a wonderful thing to do! Are there other things

> that the group

> needs? Perhaps if they are listed, those who have

> gifts in those

> particular areas will be able to help.


> Sarita


> --- In

> ,

> " chrism "

> wrote:

> >

> > One of the group members here has gifted this toll

> free line to the

> > group. She would like to remain anonymous. My

> thanks and gratitude

> go

> > to her. - chrism





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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I don't think you will find one person on this group who believes that

you are " seeking " anything but the best for everyone here! When I

joined this group and had to decide to follow this path or not, I

asked myself a question. " What is in it for Chrism? " Monetarily or

otherwise - absolutely nothing! You always make suggestions, leaving

the choice up to the person. You don't act as though you know what is

best for everyone. That is why I decided that I felt comfortable here.


There is an author and spiritualist that I used to admire and try to

read all the materials I could. I signed up for an email list and

when I realized the exorbitant prices for everything, for things that

should be FREE I was appalled! Obviously this person uses their gifts

for their own personal gain in a big way. I understand that everyone

needs to make a living and put food on the table, but ripping people

off is another story. Needless to say, I lost respect for this person

and removed myself from the email list.


Anyone who offers anything here does it for the sake of community and

for furthering the bond we all share. Out of gratefulness for having

a place to grow where they are not having their bank account emptied!

I agree with Paul, spiritual pursuits should be open to all and not

depend on if you can " afford " it. Many of us could not pay to be on

this path, I know I couldn't right now. What a loss to the world that

would be!


Thank you for always being there for everyone and helping us to

be in service as well.


Just my 10 cents!




, chrism

<> wrote:


> There are those here in the group who wish to give gifts to me.

There are those who have given gifts to me and I have not sought for

them to do so. It is a difficulty for me to accept them.

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I totally agree with Sarita!

What if people charged for salvation!

That would be like being in church and the priest asking for money

all the time!





, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> EDITED FOR SPACE> I agree with Paul, spiritual pursuits should be

open to all and not depend on if you can " afford " it. Many of us

could not pay to be on this path, I know I couldn't right now. What

a loss to the world that would be!


> Thank you for always being there for everyone and helping us


> be in service as well.


> Just my 10 cents!


> Sarita



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Thank you from the entirety of my heart for your humble gratitude.

Please appreciate that if I offer something, to yourself or the group,

it is with selfless intent. Maybe the warm fuzzy feeling is aspects of

my ego and to counteract this I would (ideally) prefer any

contributions to be anonymous. Generally this isn't always practical

or possible but nonetheless please understand any contribution is and

would be for the betterment of us all and not for any personal

gratification or gain.

sincerely and humbly, glen olah.



, chrism

<> wrote:


> There are those here in the group who wish to give gifts to me.

There are those who have given gifts to me and I have not sought for

them to do so. It is a difficulty for me to accept them. Yet the gifts

that have come like the phone line and the artwork and the other gifts

have come at times of need and my options were very limited in my

ability to not accept them and so I did and am still grateful. But I

must stree this is NOT required or expected.


> I do not want this group to feel that gifts must be given. It is

not about gifts or aggrandizement or anything other than a person

coming into the group and making discovery about their potentials. And

perhaps acting upon those discoveries.


> So many groups can become infected with greed and the concept of

getting what you pay for and other similarly aspected scenarios. I

will not allow that to happen here. This is free to everyone who

comes. Millionaire or street person I do not care, it is free.

Kundalini doesnt care either, it will come regardless.


> And yet there are operating costs. This computer I use and the

electricity to run it on and the broadband to send it on costs money.

I have one light and live in a trailer, in someones backyard, no

sewage or water or refrigeration. So my overhead is limited.


> When I began this group I was on my way to the mountains to find a

cave and to go where I was directed to go from the awareness that

expresses through me via the Kundalini Awakening. I sold almost

everything and was living in a car for a time as I wrapped up my

earthly affairs (by earthly I mean monetary attachments) and began to

leave. Before I could do so the vision of service was introduced to

me. I at first thought it was seminars so I put that together with

help from friends. Then from that this group was created and I have

felt my Kundalini grow very strong and have experienced waves and

waves of intense joy and happiness from being gifted with the ability

to help others inside this process.


> Kundalini came very strong during seminars as well. But the long

distance aspects have really developed here on this small but growing

free group. I have paid attention to the intuitions that have guided

me with the morals required and the surrender required to have this

group recieve productive results for those with in it. Not meaning to

say that chrism has done all these things, just saying that I have had

the honor of assisting. So perhaps I was indeed led to a cave, it just

has wheels under it.


> Here is the picture. I have to work to eat and live and pay the

limited bills that I have like all of us do. This takes some time away

from being here with the group though I ponder upon the issues here as

I do work. I am no different than you. As is a free service I

can afford it. wants to collect information I only wish they

could collect it all! And maybe use it!


> Gifts are not required or expected or sought. Everything here is

free. if you wish to give to the group, that is acceptable. If you

wish to give to me..... as I have allowed to it to occur, then I must

accept it. I cannot deny that it has helped, but in no way is this to

be considered a necessity or a requirement or a duty or that it will

somehow purchase a step up the Kundalini ladder as it just doesnt work

that way. These are my thoughts on this issue. -




> kaliese wrote:

> Good thought, Sarita. Please, Chrism, let those of us moved to do

so be in service to you, continuing this list and all that you give to

us. You know I wish to support you and to honor the tradition of

giving gifts to ones teacher.


> In gratefulness,


> Sherri


> --

> The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than

rule-Albert Einstein


> -------------- Original message --------------

> " Sarita "

> What a wonderful thing to do! Are there other things that the group

> needs? Perhaps if they are listed, those who have gifts in those

> particular areas will be able to help.


> Sarita


> , " chrism "

> wrote:

> >

> > One of the group members here has gifted this toll free line to the

> > group. She would like to remain anonymous. My thanks and gratitude

> go

> > to her. - chrism






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Well said, Glen! Yes! Love, dhyana

, " Glen Olah "

<glen_olah wrote:


> Thank you from the entirety of my heart for your humble gratitude.

> Please appreciate that if I offer something, to yourself or the group,

> it is with selfless intent. Maybe the warm fuzzy feeling is aspects of

> my ego and to counteract this I would (ideally) prefer any

> contributions to be anonymous. Generally this isn't always practical

> or possible but nonetheless please understand any contribution is and

> would be for the betterment of us all and not for any personal

> gratification or gain.

> sincerely and humbly, glen olah.



> , chrism

> <@> wrote:

> >

> > There are those here in the group who wish to give gifts to me.

> There are those who have given gifts to me and I have not sought for

> them to do so. It is a difficulty for me to accept them. Yet the gifts

> that have come like the phone line and the artwork and the other gifts

> have come at times of need and my options were very limited in my

> ability to not accept them and so I did and am still grateful. But I

> must stree this is NOT required or expected.

> >

> > I do not want this group to feel that gifts must be given. It is

> not about gifts or aggrandizement or anything other than a person

> coming into the group and making discovery about their potentials. And

> perhaps acting upon those discoveries.

> >

> > So many groups can become infected with greed and the concept of

> getting what you pay for and other similarly aspected scenarios. I

> will not allow that to happen here. This is free to everyone who

> comes. Millionaire or street person I do not care, it is free.

> Kundalini doesnt care either, it will come regardless.

> >

> > And yet there are operating costs. This computer I use and the

> electricity to run it on and the broadband to send it on costs money.

> I have one light and live in a trailer, in someones backyard, no

> sewage or water or refrigeration. So my overhead is limited.

> >

> > When I began this group I was on my way to the mountains to find a

> cave and to go where I was directed to go from the awareness that

> expresses through me via the Kundalini Awakening. I sold almost

> everything and was living in a car for a time as I wrapped up my

> earthly affairs (by earthly I mean monetary attachments) and began to

> leave. Before I could do so the vision of service was introduced to

> me. I at first thought it was seminars so I put that together with

> help from friends. Then from that this group was created and I have

> felt my Kundalini grow very strong and have experienced waves and

> waves of intense joy and happiness from being gifted with the ability

> to help others inside this process.

> >

> > Kundalini came very strong during seminars as well. But the long

> distance aspects have really developed here on this small but growing

> free group. I have paid attention to the intuitions that have guided

> me with the morals required and the surrender required to have this

> group recieve productive results for those with in it. Not meaning to

> say that chrism has done all these things, just saying that I have had

> the honor of assisting. So perhaps I was indeed led to a cave, it just

> has wheels under it.

> >

> > Here is the picture. I have to work to eat and live and pay the

> limited bills that I have like all of us do. This takes some time away

> from being here with the group though I ponder upon the issues here as

> I do work. I am no different than you. As is a free service I

> can afford it. wants to collect information I only wish they

> could collect it all! And maybe use it!

> >

> > Gifts are not required or expected or sought. Everything here is

> free. if you wish to give to the group, that is acceptable. If you

> wish to give to me..... as I have allowed to it to occur, then I must

> accept it. I cannot deny that it has helped, but in no way is this to

> be considered a necessity or a requirement or a duty or that it will

> somehow purchase a step up the Kundalini ladder as it just doesnt work

> that way. These are my thoughts on this issue. -

> >

> >

> >

> > kaliese@ wrote:

> > Good thought, Sarita. Please, Chrism, let those of us moved to do

> so be in service to you, continuing this list and all that you give to

> us. You know I wish to support you and to honor the tradition of

> giving gifts to ones teacher.

> >

> > In gratefulness,

> >

> > Sherri

> >

> > --

> > The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than

> rule-Albert Einstein

> >

> > -------------- Original message --------------

> > " Sarita "

> > What a wonderful thing to do! Are there other things that the group

> > needs? Perhaps if they are listed, those who have gifts in those

> > particular areas will be able to help.

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > , " chrism "

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > One of the group members here has gifted this toll free line to the

> > > group. She would like to remain anonymous. My thanks and gratitude

> > go

> > > to her. - chrism

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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LOL! That was a good one. I won't even get started on my personal

experiences with THAT issue!




, " Stephen AKA

Master Condrey " <stephencondrey wrote:


> I totally agree with Sarita!

> What if people charged for salvation!

> That would be like being in church and the priest asking for money

> all the time!


> :)

> SC


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Reminds of a story I once heard about the church

" selling " tickets to heaven somewhere back in time.

Bizarre, but I'm sure they sold a load.

Hugs Elektra x x


thanx for all you offer and do, I know that I

have always " judged " so called spiritual teachers by

the prices they charge. How can you put a price on

God's free gifts?

Obviously we all gotta eat but when you are in service

all is provided for you.

Lots of gratitude Elektra x x x



--- Stephen AKA Master Condrey

<stephencondrey wrote:


> I totally agree with Sarita!

> What if people charged for salvation!

> That would be like being in church and the priest

> asking for money

> all the time!


> :)

> SC


> --- In

> ,

> " Sarita "

> <sarita1969 wrote:

> >

> > EDITED FOR SPACE> I agree with Paul, spiritual

> pursuits should be

> open to all and not depend on if you can " afford "

> it. Many of us

> could not pay to be on this path, I know I couldn't

> right now. What

> a loss to the world that would be!

> >

> > Thank you for always being there for

> everyone and helping us

> to

> > be in service as well.

> >

> > Just my 10 cents!

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> >






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