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questions- - Claudia -A couple from me-CC

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I hope these are not silly questions.


I have been meaning to ask for a long time, but kept forgetting and

was reminded in a dream last night. What I am wanting to know is; if

the laying on of hands to recieve the baptism of the Holy Spirit is

the same thing as recieving a shaktpat? I recieved that from a

minister in the early 80's. From what I have experienced and read

these seem similar if not the same thing. A coincidence, (even if

there isn't such a thing,) I found out some time later that this man

who baptized me with the Holy Spirit was a cousin to my brother-in-

law. Even though they had the same name, I did not think to connect

them because he was from California and we all live way over here in



When you recieve shakipat from someone, is that when a scatterfield

is created? I hope I'm understanding scatterfield right. Is is like

a psychic connection made with intent, between the giver and



Another questions that has really bothered me since I first began

researching Kundalini. Do people who experience spontaneous

cumbustion; could this be Kundalini gone wrong?. I saw a program on

TV about spontaneous combustion some time ago and the way the steam

was coming from her back it made me question whether it could be

Kundalini that caused that. Maybe K spontaneously rising in a person

who was not prepared. Do you think that could be?


Thanks ahead of time for you time,chrism or who ever would like to

reply. You know, I am always willing and ready to give help where

ever and whenever I can, but it always seeems so strange to me to ask

anything of anyone, even if it is just an answer to a question. :)







, " crazycats711 "

<crazycats711 wrote:


> Yes, both the questions and the answers are very interesting,


> and and informative to me. Thanks both of you and blessings. Keep

> asking and keep answering. :)


> CC


> , chrism

> <@> wrote:

> >

> > No apologies - please -lol,

> > You re not bothering me.

> You ask questions others may feel shy about asking. So in asking,


> help others too. Please be advised that much of what occurs for me

> when I look at a person comes instantly and without my having to

> cogitate on it for long periods. Sometimes this " reasoning " process

> will defy a logical, deductive reasoning thought stream. So with



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As far as the Scatterfield goes I do not know of anyone else doing that at all

and yet there is precedence of a sort. The precedence is that of the teacher

always having an inkling as to what is going on with the student. Another guide

in the physical and spiritual conditions. The Scatterfield is a connection. But

I do not follow people around who have them. And I cannot say it is in the

precedent nature of the old style teaching arrangement.


I am not doing the type of teaching that I would do if I had the student in

person and could see them on a day to day basis. This isn't occurring at least

not that way though I do have interaction with some and this is beneficial. So I

come when needed and then only in as much as the individual requires at that

moment. Some here will have dreams where I show up. That can be an activity of

the scatterfield.


St Theresa of Avila didn't call her condition Kundalini. It was referred to as

the " Fire of God " or the " Fire of Christ " and as per another thread on this

subject with Dhyana I do feel that certain people who are predisposed to have

the Kundalini do come into the practice of religion where it will be most

accepted. They will then have interaction with those who they preach to or have

communication of a spiritual nature and they can indeed shaktipat the person.

Not always a blessing mind you as ignorance will still present and the " Kriya "

can become a sign of possession or other harmful qualities. Now the Shaktipat

given would quite different than what is being given here. And once again lack

of knowledge would play a significant role in what ever transpired.


Gopi Krishna received Shaktipat from " saint " , as holy people are referred to in

India who show gifts, when an infant as his mother sought a cure for his early

childhood ailments.


I cannot say with precision about you or your case. I am getting some still pics

in my mind but nothing that leaps out to me as anything definitive to your



Spontaneous Human Combustion or SHC can be a result of a short circuiting of the

entire human system. Usually when mixed with alcohols over a consistent period

of time. Some folks will short circuit and burn to the temperature of the

surface of the Sun. Leaving shoes and furniture unburned as the heat is so

intense it becomes very specific to the body physical.


Remember there are about seven trillion cells in a typical body, science goes

back and forth on this estimation but its there abouts. Each cell has been

measured to have the capacity of one volt of electricity. So that is a potential

of seven trillion volts! Think about that. There are agreements for this to

occur on other levels as well so it isn't an accident and it isnt common. So

have no worries and umm...could you pass me the Brandy? - (kidding!) - chrism








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This is a re-do because was hungry last night and ate my long

post. Maybe this one will be better said. I wish I could remember to

hit copy before I hit send, especially on a long one. Looks like I

would learn eventually. :)


Anyway, chrism, I do very much thank you for replying and giving me a

a more in depth interpretation of what scatterfield is all about.

Even though I have done much research on the kundalini and have even

read one Gopi Krishna book's " Kundalini For the New Age " , I don't

remember much what it was about. I need to read it again now that I

know a little more, I may could understand it a little better. It

just seemed to me to be a lot like what I had experience with the

baptism. All I know is that the baptism in the Holy Spirit changed me

forever. I could never go back to being the person I was before, nor

would I want to. When I look back on that it almost makes me believe

in what is called a " walk in " (Ruth Montgomery). I became a totally

different person it seemed, but still with all my old memories.


From that experience, I do have the understanding of what such a

thing can have on the family members. My marriage came close to

ending at that time, but it did survive. In fact, I have survived

through several crisis points. LOL! Life is a bumpy road!


I have been practicing the safeties everyday. Some of them I was

doing, such as the finger lock, tongue, and eyes up. I guess they

have just came naturally for me to do. The alternate breathing, I

have been doing that with the Centerpointe Meditation program. I'm on

my 5th year with that. Really the only thing I have not been doing is

the Tibetans, which I am now doing faithfully everyday. I started out

with 6 each. I was surprise that I did not get sore with doing them.

I have not been in any kind of exercise program now for about 10

years, except I do walk 30 minutes to an hour everyday come rain or

shine. My little dog refuses to let me set out, even one day. Anyway,

I moved it up to doing 10 of each the last few days and I will keep

it there for a little longer, even though I'm still not experiencing

much soreness, if any. I do have a very high pain tolerance level,

though, so I guess I should go easy rather there is pain or not.


I have never been one to watch much TV, but I do like a good movie

now and then. I am on this computer more than I should be at times,

at least my husband thinks so. Hehe!


When I went through menopause, unlike most people instead of

experiencing hot, I stayed soooo freezing cold all the time. I wish I

had known about that nostral breathing back then. My temp stayed

below normal all the time. I gained way too much weight during that

time. I think I was more like hibernating even though my body was up

doing things, a whole lots more so than now. No matter what I did I

could not stop my body from gaining. Now that menopause is over with,

I have lost some, but it is so slow going. Now I have these moment

where I get so burning hot inside (not sweating hot, but dry hot).

That is why I ask about the spontaneous combusting, (Hehe!) sometimes

it feels like I am going to burst into flames. :)


I've not had any medical problems except for having my appendex to

ruture a couple of years ago. I thought I was just having a bad

flu/virus thing. I really wasn't in that much pain. I came very close

to death with that. From what all that took place afterwards, it

seemed like I really should have died, for a lot of adjustments had

to me made because of my still being here, if that makes any sense.

Hard to explain.


I am working on making my diet better. I do have some bad eating

habits at times. With it just being me here most days, I get lazy

about cooking just for myself. I mostly snack eat, rather than have a

meal. I love fruit, but I have to go slow on those because of my low

tolerance to sugery food. I did go buy a watermelon to try since you

have stress that we should be eating that...yummm, I hope I can eat

it with no side effects. Snack eating is more the way I ate as a

child, but instead of going to the store and buy it, I went out and

plucked it right off the vine, bush, or tree. No chemicals added to

that makes one sick. Those were good days. Fresh spring water and

eating off the land. We were consider one of the poorer families

around, but we never went hungry, not even one day. There was always

something growing, even watermelons at times. Wow! I just saw my aura

when I looked down at my hands.


Well I guess I better end this, I don't know if this is a better

version, but it sure is a lot longer. LOL! I would pass you some

brandy, chrism, if I had it.


How about some more blessings sent your way.

I would not mind helping with the cost of a private forum. Surely as

many of us that are here, we could pitch in and share the cost of

forum. I know this one person who was using a free version of a

private forum and he upgraded to a paid version. I believe he said

the cost was about 60 or so a year. His forum is really nice. I do

not know anything about getting one and running it, but I could sure

help with the cost. The only thing about the free versions is the

advertisments and all.






, chrism

<> wrote:


> As far as the Scatterfield goes I do not know of anyone else doing

that at all and yet there is precedence of a sort. The precedence is

that of the teacher always having an inkling as to what is going on

with the student. Another guide in the physical and spiritual

conditions. The Scatterfield is a connection. But I do not follow

people around who have them. And I cannot say it is in the precedent

nature of the old style teaching arrangement.


> I am not doing the type of teaching that I would do if I had the

student in person and could see them on a day to day basis. This

isn't occurring at least not that way though I do have interaction

with some and this is beneficial. So I come when needed and then only

in as much as the individual requires at that moment. Some here will

have dreams where I show up. That can be an activity of the



> St Theresa of Avila didn't call her condition Kundalini. It was

referred to as the " Fire of God " or the " Fire of Christ " and as per

another thread on this subject with Dhyana I do feel that certain

people who are predisposed to have the Kundalini do come into the

practice of religion where it will be most accepted. They will then

have interaction with those who they preach to or have communication

of a spiritual nature and they can indeed shaktipat the person. Not

always a blessing mind you as ignorance will still present and

the " Kriya " can become a sign of possession or other harmful

qualities. Now the Shaktipat given would quite different than what is

being given here. And once again lack of knowledge would play a

significant role in what ever transpired.


> Gopi Krishna received Shaktipat from " saint " , as holy people are

referred to in India who show gifts, when an infant as his mother

sought a cure for his early childhood ailments.


> I cannot say with precision about you or your case. I am getting

some still pics in my mind but nothing that leaps out to me as

anything definitive to your question.


> Spontaneous Human Combustion or SHC can be a result of a short

circuiting of the entire human system. Usually when mixed with

alcohols over a consistent period of time. Some folks will short

circuit and burn to the temperature of the surface of the Sun.

Leaving shoes and furniture unburned as the heat is so intense it

becomes very specific to the body physical.


> Remember there are about seven trillion cells in a typical body,

science goes back and forth on this estimation but its there abouts.

Each cell has been measured to have the capacity of one volt of

electricity. So that is a potential of seven trillion volts! Think

about that. There are agreements for this to occur on other levels

as well so it isn't an accident and it isnt common. So have no

worries and umm...could you pass me the Brandy? - (kidding!) - chrism



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Hello CC,

Always good to read you. You bring up interesting points

that I have not stressed enough. Let's call them " activation

platforms " .


In the manifested state Kundalini is often a balance between two

platforms of experience and expression-


The Spiritual


The Physical


These two areas will share aspects of the expressing Kundalini. IE

the body will go through certain physical expressions at the same

time the conscious ego is also experiencing phenomena that is of a

spiritual nature. Likewise an activation can take place from a

strictly spiritual platform as well as a strictly physical platform.

Here we are combining these two platforms and adding a sacred third.

The Shaktipat.


This is why activations are often so strong here as people practice

the safeties and allow the Shaktipat. An experience with divinity as

in accepting the Holy Spirit, or the sacred Buddha, or the Lord

Krishna, or any of the divinities that are available can be very

much like an opening of the Kundalini and may very well lead one

into that area but without the fairly direct physical manifestations

that can happen with intentional Kundalini awakenings. At first it

can be more subtle but after a time the spiritual aspected platform

will very often emulate the intentional one.


So yes you may have been activated from a spiritual platform that

has lead you to another platform of intention. - God works in

mysterious ways -

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Thanks, chrism, that makes perfect sense.





, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Hello CC,

> Always good to read you. You bring up interesting points

> that I have not stressed enough. Let's call them " activation

> platforms " .


> In the manifested state Kundalini is often a balance between two

> platforms of experience and expression-


> The Spiritual


> The Physical


> These two areas will share aspects of the expressing Kundalini. IE

> the body will go through certain physical expressions at the same

> time the conscious ego is also experiencing phenomena that is of a

> spiritual nature. Likewise an activation can take place from a

> strictly spiritual platform as well as a strictly physical


> Here we are combining these two platforms and adding a sacred


> The Shaktipat.


> This is why activations are often so strong here as people practice

> the safeties and allow the Shaktipat. An experience with divinity


> in accepting the Holy Spirit, or the sacred Buddha, or the Lord

> Krishna, or any of the divinities that are available can be very

> much like an opening of the Kundalini and may very well lead one

> into that area but without the fairly direct physical


> that can happen with intentional Kundalini awakenings. At first it

> can be more subtle but after a time the spiritual aspected platform

> will very often emulate the intentional one.


> So yes you may have been activated from a spiritual platform that

> has lead you to another platform of intention. - God works in

> mysterious ways -


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