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spiritual conflicts

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Dear Sarita,


I believe that 'new age' phenomena, such as psychic

ability, dream reading ability, OBE, communication

with spirits, etc., all flow from God. I also believe

that Kundalini awakening is a gift from God. So

nothing conflicts with Christianity except to a closed



It's likely that you and your father chose this life

situation together so that your divergent beliefs

would serve as a mutually beneficial counterpoint.

You have done well to weather your father's influence,

and perhaps in some way your father's mind has been

opened by the influence of a very spiritual Christian

daughter who simply expresses that spiritualism in a

manner that is different from his. He must be

impressed that you are such a loving and kind and

Christian person...that's evidence that your

'heretical' beliefs haven't perverted you in some way.


I'm lucky, I suppose, to have parents who are

Christian, who raised me a Christian, but who are

somewhat open to 'new age' concepts. They don't

understand why I would want to astral project (lol),

but they are not shocked or upset about it. I have

always been a little 'different'...more sensitive,

soft hearted, open to embrace and explore

unconventional spiritual concepts...so perhaps they

just chalk everything up to 'well, that's our

Claudia!!' I'm SURE they would not understand and

would probably be concerned about my Kundalini

awakening, but it's not important to me that they know

about it so I keep that to myself. Perhaps one day

they will see something different about me...something

very good and loving and peaceful and I might be able

to share it with them.


But I have no doubt in my heart and mind that what we

are doing here...surrendering to and encouraging the

awakening of our Kundalini...is another one of God's

perfect gifts. I know that you do, too!


Blessings & love,



--- Sarita <sarita1969 wrote:


> CC, you just keep making me chuckle! I haven't

> dusted off my Tarot

> cards in a looong time. This has reminded me of

> something that has

> been an issue for me too. It seems there are a

> number of Christians

> in this group, so I would love to hear your opinions

> on this.


> My father is what I call a " religious nut " . If he

> knew I had a set

> of Tarot cards, that I run a dream group and that my

> Kundalini is

> rising (gasp!) he would try to do an exorcism on me!

> He even thinks

> meditating by clearing your mind is bad. He says we

> should only

> meditate on the Lord. He drummed into my head that

> any kind of

> divination tools or anything not " of God " is evil.

> Naturally when I

> became born again it caused a great deal of anxiety

> and turmoil in

> me. I have had psychic experiences my whole life,

> have had

> precognitive feelings/dreams, read Tarot cards,

> experienced ghosts,

> seen auras, had OBEs etc. Here I was in my 20s,

> born again and

> feeling like a piece of taffy.


> I put away the Tarot cards and stopped pursuing

> anything " new age " as

> my father put it. But it was not my natural state

> and these things

> kept attracting me. I couldn't hide who I was or

> the psychic

> experiences I had.


> I finally gave in to this path. Surely I can

> believe in Jesus, be

> born again AND have other spiritual

> interests/experiences. One does

> not preclude the other.


> Sorry for the long post. I am wondering if any

> other Christians have

> had a similar conflict about these things or have a

> family member

> that causes problems.


> Sarita


> --- In

> ,

> " crazycats711 "

> <crazycats711 wrote:

> >

> > Thank God, it gave you chuckle! I was worried

> about what I said

> from

> > the moment I hit send. :)

> >

> > I have not had a chance to look at those links

> yet. My husband is

> home

> > taking aweeks vacation and we have been doing some

> much needed

> house

> > repairs. Thank God, he is too tired today and is

> taking a break

> from

> > it, I needed a break too. I will go here in a

> little while and

> check

> > them out. I have another dream to figure out. :) I

> have several

> dream

> > books, but there is only one that I really like of

> the bunch. I

> used

> > the others if this one doesn't " ring a bell " .

> This one is

> > tittle " Cloud Nine-A Dreamers Dictionary " by

> Sandra A. Thomson.

> > This is her website:

> >



> >

> > She is into tarot, big time.

> >

> > CC










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I view psychic ability as fundamentally amoral, essentially no

different than any other ability or technology, and applicable to ends

for good or ill. I also think it's dangerous to associate psychic

phenomena with either religious or moral connotations or colorings.


If the Kundalini is viewed as an outpouring or flow of grace (Greek

word is 'charis') from the divine, little conflict with the dogma of

Christianity or at least Protestant Christianity exists. Martin

Luther contributed the central notion that 'grace' was given freely by

the divine, hence the created order (including you and I) could

in no wise merit the reception thereof, thus the 'sacraments' were not

in themselves efficacious causes which could invoke divine favor, but

were the primary means or channels through which divine grace could be

bestowed. Though it's a bit of a stretch of theology, considering the

Kundalinisakti in this role of a 'divine grace' (similar in part to

the relation of siva to his 'consort' or active potency, sakti), can

somewhat reconcile with the awakening of Kundalini.


However the Christian MUST view the potential for 'grace' (which is

sine qua non the method by which the humanly-human is raised above its

created, animal, nature to partake of the uncreated divinely-human) to

have been bestowed to us through the singular " Christological event "

of the incarnate Logos, at once fully divine AND fully human savior.

Otherwise, whatever theology is left over can no longer be considered

Christianity except in a very superficial way.


I am sorry for the verbiage and somewhat confrontational tone, but it

is clear and precise as I can manage for now. At one time reconciling

a Christian religious faith and the advent of the kundalini became a

necessity for me.




, Claudia

Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:


> Dear Sarita,


> I believe that 'new age' phenomena, such as psychic

> ability, dream reading ability, OBE, communication

> with spirits, etc., all flow from God. I also believe

> that Kundalini awakening is a gift from God. So

> nothing conflicts with Christianity except to a closed

> mind.

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THANK YOU!! this dove tailing of beliefs with energy happenings has been

important to me. Finding persons solely committed to doctrine or human

authorities -where I would expect their human authorities would be so spiritual.

Knock yourself out convincing anyone who is politically adhered or dogmatically

committed to a specific religious heirachy - that you are experiencing some

energy flow & that now you might really have found God.

And why would you? or rather, why should you?


Within family or relationship it is so painfilled to havesome loved one deeply

into duality even POSSIBLY judge me as something or doing something they label

as bad somehow! all based on former shared religiousity.


First knowing my life & work why would they even judge me?

I stopped going to church when I feared my boss would notice me during high

energy jerking or moving my hands. so I didn't go.

I probably needed to spend time in meditation anyhow.

However I with held myself from moments of fellowship & inspiration knowing it

would not support me politically primarly because my boss would be there.


This is so complicated for me. Having always sought out approval while

fellowshipping it hasn't been so simple for me to say, well, this is personal.

and leave it at that.


I appreciate seeing essays or letters where people express this transformation

as a manifestation of god somehow and corelate it with love.


Love abound & surround you now & always

and in all ways.


a_seventh_son <a_seventh_son wrote:

I view psychic ability as fundamentally amoral, essentially no

different than any other ability or technology, and applicable to ends

for good or ill. I also think it's dangerous to associate psychic

phenomena with either religious or moral connotations or colorings.


If the Kundalini is viewed as an outpouring or flow of grace (Greek

word is 'charis') from the divine, little conflict with the dogma of

Christianity or at least Protestant Christianity exists. Martin

Luther contributed the central notion that 'grace' was given freely by

the divine, hence the created order (including you and I) could

in no wise merit the reception thereof, thus the 'sacraments' were not

in themselves efficacious causes which could invoke divine favor, but

were the primary means or channels through which divine grace could be

bestowed. Though it's a bit of a stretch of theology, considering the

Kundalinisakti in this role of a 'divine grace' (similar in part to

the relation of siva to his 'consort' or active potency, sakti), can

somewhat reconcile with the awakening of Kundalini.


However the Christian MUST view the potential for 'grace' (which is

sine qua non the method by which the humanly-human is raised above its

created, animal, nature to partake of the uncreated divinely-human) to

have been bestowed to us through the singular " Christological event "

of the incarnate Logos, at once fully divine AND fully human savior.

Otherwise, whatever theology is left over can no longer be considered

Christianity except in a very superficial way.


I am sorry for the verbiage and somewhat confrontational tone, but it

is clear and precise as I can manage for now. At one time reconciling

a Christian religious faith and the advent of the kundalini became a

necessity for me.




, Claudia

Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:


> Dear Sarita,


> I believe that 'new age' phenomena, such as psychic

> ability, dream reading ability, OBE, communication

> with spirits, etc., all flow from God. I also believe

> that Kundalini awakening is a gift from God. So

> nothing conflicts with Christianity except to a closed

> mind.








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