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Severe headaches--migraines=Gratitude/Surrender-Kat

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OMG, Kat, I'd never read your accident story

before...what a horrible crash!! It's amazing that

you and your father weren't hurt worse than you were.

And your ordeal with migranes...it's a nightmare. I

know the headache you had a couple of days ago must

have scared you, thinking that the migranes were

starting back again!


I don't know WHAT you experienced the other day. But

I do know that I am impressed by the manner in which

you handled it. Surrendering to a killer headache has

to be a most difficult thing to do. If it was some

sort of test, you passed with flying colors!


I would really like to fast prior to the SSS (summer

shaktipat), but now I'm a bit wary! I tend towards

hypoglycemia, so I will question as we draw

closer to the start of the SSS as to suggestions for a

'modified' fast. Perhaps there is something I can eat

to keep my blood sugar at a steady level.


All I can say is 'wow,' Kat.


Love, Claudia


--- Katherine Miller <katsam19 wrote:


> Hello Stephen,


> Thanks for the tip, I will send this to my sisters

> who suffer from migraines almost daily or weekly, it

> may help them. All three of them are on meds for

> their migraines.


> I know what you mean about migraines being intense

> to the point of nausea! What a Yukky feeling, huh! I

> was diagnosed with migraines in the 11Th grade. I

> had fallen backwards on my back onto the ground

> hitting my head really hard and that spawned my

> having headaches every day all day continuously for

> just over a year and because of it I missed 67 days

> of school and was hospitalized for about 3 weeks.

> Most days my headache was so intense that I was

> literally sick to my stomach. Even the most powerful

> of medications used for pain wouldn't get rid of it,

> most of the time wouldn't even ease it. Other days,

> very few, I would have moderate headaches where the

> meds would help some. Sometimes it would feel like

> my right eye was being played tug of war with and

> that any moment my eye would literally pop out of my

> head. Sometimes I would wish it would. I had nose

> bleeds off and on throughout the days and nights

> because of my headaches and sometimes would wake up

> in the night with my

> pillow drenched in blood, having to change my

> pillows and sheets. I had problems with my right arm

> falling to sleep if left still for just a moment or

> two. Many nights I would wake up in the night

> because of being slapped in the face and thinking it

> was my sister who shared a bed with me. I would tell

> her to " Stop Hitting Me " , only to realize it wasn't

> her but me. I would be slapping my own face with the

> arm that was asleep. It would be asleep from my

> shoulder down to my fingers tips. I would have to

> shake my arm with my left hand vigorously to get it

> to wake up, sometimes feeling like it was taking

> forever and I would call my mom in fear of not being

> able to wake it up. The doctors said that it was my

> occipital nerve being pinched and suggested surgery,

> but my mom wouldn't let them. I found out later

> after my youngest son was hit by a truck and was

> seeing a brain specialist to make sure he didn't

> have damage from the crack in his parietal bone that

> your arm falling to

> sleep like that is a classic sign of migraines.


> After almost a year of many tests, physical therapy,

> and being accused of using drugs, which at the time

> I hadn't even experimented with them, I was sent to

> Duke Medical University to a specialist. After

> several questions, the reviewing of my tests that I

> had had done over the year, and learning of my

> family history, I was diagnosed with classic

> migraines. I was told because of the fall and having

> migraines in the family that the fall triggered them

> at an earlier stage in life and that I would have

> had them eventually anyway. They prescribed me an

> anti-depressant to break the cycle of the headaches,

> which did work eventually. After that I had

> headaches more often than not.


> That was in 1983 that I was diagnosed. In 1988 my

> dad and I were in a horrible accident the day before

> Thanksgiving and my dad and I were actually very

> lucky because we were wearing our seat-belts. We

> were hit from behind, his truck a little Nissan, by

> a transfer truck pulling a trailer with a heavy

> load. The truck ran up onto the bed of my dad's

> truck catapulting us over 500 yards across another

> lane of traffic into an open field. My dad was

> knocked unconscious and his upper body yanked out of

> his seat-belt (he is 6'3 " or was, yet was somehow

> still trying to drive the truck ending us in a

> 10-foot incline. I remained conscious throughout it

> all. That was my first experience being out of body.

> I saw and heard myself from behind me screaming as

> we were approaching the 10-foot incline moving in

> what seemed like slow motion toward it. I was

> screaming " Oh My God! " over and over again! As we

> hit the wall of the incline I saw myself jerk

> forward towards the dashboard, that jerk

> seemed to put me back in my body! I came out of it

> with a HUGE knot on the back of my head, a fractured

> sternum, and a huge whelp across my chest where the

> seat belt caught me and stopped my lunging

> completely against the dashboard. The police officer

> told my dad and me that we would have been more then

> likely thrown from the truck through the front

> window had we not been wearing our seat-belts. My

> dad and I had just put on our seat-belts. My dad

> hated wearing seat-belts, but that day just before

> we were hit he had put his on. Might have been

> because about an hour before the accident I saw us

> getting in the accident and I told him about it. I

> had my seat-belt on, but had taken it off to get

> something from behind the seat and had literally

> just put it back on when the accident occurred.

> Anyhow, the tailgate of my dad's truck was only

> being held on by a bolt and that was barely holding

> it on. One corner of the tailgate had hit up against

> the back window and had shattered the

> glass that ended up in the back of my dad's head. I

> didn't have any glass near me at all! I didn't even

> have a scratch from it. Anyway, we were told that we

> were very lucky because had the bolt been knocked

> just a fraction more it would have come out of the

> tailgate and one or both of us would have been

> decapitated.


> From that point until now I rarely have migraine

> headaches. The headache I had yesterday was far more

> intense then I ever remember any migraine from the

> past being. Could it have been a migraine? Yes, I

> suppose so! Was it K? I don't know! Was it for some

> reason? Sure, every thing is! All I know is that I

> felt like I taken a really deep nostril breath and

> it got trapped and it was trying to find it's way

> back out through the front of my head and out of my

> ears.


> I am grateful for the the experience, yes, I did say

> grateful as crazy as that might sound. Why? Because

> the day before I had fasted and I told God and Jesus

> that I didn't know how long I would or needed to

> fast, that I was sure They would be of better

> judgment than I. Well when I woke up yesterday, I

> didn't have any plans on fasting, but I guess They

> thought I needed to continue. I didn't do the

> complete fasting, did eat a very small amount, but

> for the most part water and juice! I spent the day

> sleeping, meditating, praying, and being thankful,

> surrendering, and doing forgiveness. I talked to

> Shakti thanking her and asking for guidance and

> surrendering. As hard as it was, yes, I did finally

> surrender to the headache. I think that God and

> Jesus had other plans for me, They weren't done and

> They knew I needed Them to help me stay focused even

> if that meant literally bringing me down to my

> knees. I put me, my headache and my growth into

> God's hands and let it go.


> This morning when I woke up, I felt like a new

> person with a sense of renewal, I felt I had a new

> head and I was very grateful for my experience as

> painful as it was.


> Anyway, thank you so much Stephen for your tip. If I

> ever have another one I will use your advise.


> Love,

> Katherine




> Stephen O. <stephen_1952


> Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:37:43 PM

> Re: Severe

> Headache--Chrism


> That is exactly the way I used to be when I had a

> migraine headache. I

> used to also see lights and spots in front of my

> eyes if they were open

> or not.


> I found a method where you press your fingers around

> on your scalp. When

> you find a spot that makes your headache feel worse.

> You keep pressure

> there and then release it quickly. I used to find

> lots of spots and

> after I was finished my headache was very much

> lessened, and the nausea

> was gone.


> I don't know if it will work for your headache or

> not. Every one is

> unique and if this headache is from activated k

> there are many other

> here who are better qualified to give advice.


> Some times it is good to get things checked out by a

> MD. Just don't tell

> them about your K or any abilities you have. IE

> telepathy, obe,

> clairvoyance, or such.


> Love and Peace;

> Stephen O.


> Katherine wrote:

> >

> > I have a severe headache that is making me

> extremely nauseated. I tried

> > the putting thumbs in the corner of eyes and

> fingers on forehead and

> > vigorously shaking, helped for about 5 seconds.

> The

=== message truncated ===







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Yes, Claudia you were absolutely correct, my dad and I were lucky! Very lucky!

One thing did come out good from it, very little migraines, although I don't

advise anyone to get into an accident to cure migraines though! LOL!


When I fast again I will probably eat just fruit to get me through the day

instead of going completing without food and drink plenty of water and juice. I

found this organic carrot juice at Wal-Mart in the produce section. I think I

will drink that as well. I love carrots, don't like beets!


I have to know that everything that happens, happens for some reason, a test of

some sort! Anyway, I haven't had a headache since so that is great! Hopefully I

can resume my practices. I want to go to a yoga class next Tuesday, Hatha yoga!

The instructor donates the money to local charities and so I can help her and

she can help me. I have DVD's but I want someone who can make sure I am doing

everything correctly. I am so excited.


I hope we can fast together! You can eat fruits if you need to.








Claudia Lambright <newtfoodbowl


Friday, May 11, 2007 11:00:02 AM

Re: Severe



OMG, Kat, I'd never read your accident story

before...what a horrible crash!! It's amazing that

you and your father weren't hurt worse than you were.

And your ordeal with migranes...it' s a nightmare. I

know the headache you had a couple of days ago must

have scared you, thinking that the migranes were

starting back again!


I don't know WHAT you experienced the other day. But

I do know that I am impressed by the manner in which

you handled it. Surrendering to a killer headache has

to be a most difficult thing to do. If it was some

sort of test, you passed with flying colors!


I would really like to fast prior to the SSS (summer

shaktipat), but now I'm a bit wary! I tend towards

hypoglycemia, so I will question as we draw

closer to the start of the SSS as to suggestions for a

'modified' fast. Perhaps there is something I can eat

to keep my blood sugar at a steady level.


All I can say is 'wow,' Kat.


Love, Claudia


--- Katherine Miller <katsam19 > wrote:


> Hello Stephen,


> Thanks for the tip, I will send this to my sisters

> who suffer from migraines almost daily or weekly, it

> may help them. All three of them are on meds for

> their migraines.


> I know what you mean about migraines being intense

> to the point of nausea! What a Yukky feeling, huh! I

> was diagnosed with migraines in the 11Th grade. I

> had fallen backwards on my back onto the ground

> hitting my head really hard and that spawned my

> having headaches every day all day continuously for

> just over a year and because of it I missed 67 days

> of school and was hospitalized for about 3 weeks.

> Most days my headache was so intense that I was

> literally sick to my stomach. Even the most powerful

> of medications used for pain wouldn't get rid of it,

> most of the time wouldn't even ease it. Other days,

> very few, I would have moderate headaches where the

> meds would help some. Sometimes it would feel like

> my right eye was being played tug of war with and

> that any moment my eye would literally pop out of my

> head. Sometimes I would wish it would. I had nose

> bleeds off and on throughout the days and nights

> because of my headaches and sometimes would wake up

> in the night with my

> pillow drenched in blood, having to change my

> pillows and sheets. I had problems with my right arm

> falling to sleep if left still for just a moment or

> two. Many nights I would wake up in the night

> because of being slapped in the face and thinking it

> was my sister who shared a bed with me. I would tell

> her to " Stop Hitting Me " , only to realize it wasn't

> her but me. I would be slapping my own face with the

> arm that was asleep. It would be asleep from my

> shoulder down to my fingers tips. I would have to

> shake my arm with my left hand vigorously to get it

> to wake up, sometimes feeling like it was taking

> forever and I would call my mom in fear of not being

> able to wake it up. The doctors said that it was my

> occipital nerve being pinched and suggested surgery,

> but my mom wouldn't let them. I found out later

> after my youngest son was hit by a truck and was

> seeing a brain specialist to make sure he didn't

> have damage from the crack in his parietal bone that

> your arm falling to

> sleep like that is a classic sign of migraines.


> After almost a year of many tests, physical therapy,

> and being accused of using drugs, which at the time

> I hadn't even experimented with them, I was sent to

> Duke Medical University to a specialist. After

> several questions, the reviewing of my tests that I

> had had done over the year, and learning of my

> family history, I was diagnosed with classic

> migraines. I was told because of the fall and having

> migraines in the family that the fall triggered them

> at an earlier stage in life and that I would have

> had them eventually anyway. They prescribed me an

> anti-depressant to break the cycle of the headaches,

> which did work eventually. After that I had

> headaches more often than not.


> That was in 1983 that I was diagnosed. In 1988 my

> dad and I were in a horrible accident the day before

> Thanksgiving and my dad and I were actually very

> lucky because we were wearing our seat-belts. We

> were hit from behind, his truck a little Nissan, by

> a transfer truck pulling a trailer with a heavy

> load. The truck ran up onto the bed of my dad's

> truck catapulting us over 500 yards across another

> lane of traffic into an open field. My dad was

> knocked unconscious and his upper body yanked out of

> his seat-belt (he is 6'3 " or was, yet was somehow

> still trying to drive the truck ending us in a

> 10-foot incline. I remained conscious throughout it

> all. That was my first experience being out of body.

> I saw and heard myself from behind me screaming as

> we were approaching the 10-foot incline moving in

> what seemed like slow motion toward it. I was

> screaming " Oh My God! " over and over again! As we

> hit the wall of the incline I saw myself jerk

> forward towards the dashboard, that jerk

> seemed to put me back in my body! I came out of it

> with a HUGE knot on the back of my head, a fractured

> sternum, and a huge whelp across my chest where the

> seat belt caught me and stopped my lunging

> completely against the dashboard. The police officer

> told my dad and me that we would have been more then

> likely thrown from the truck through the front

> window had we not been wearing our seat-belts. My

> dad and I had just put on our seat-belts. My dad

> hated wearing seat-belts, but that day just before

> we were hit he had put his on. Might have been

> because about an hour before the accident I saw us

> getting in the accident and I told him about it. I

> had my seat-belt on, but had taken it off to get

> something from behind the seat and had literally

> just put it back on when the accident occurred.

> Anyhow, the tailgate of my dad's truck was only

> being held on by a bolt and that was barely holding

> it on. One corner of the tailgate had hit up against

> the back window and had shattered the

> glass that ended up in the back of my dad's head. I

> didn't have any glass near me at all! I didn't even

> have a scratch from it. Anyway, we were told that we

> were very lucky because had the bolt been knocked

> just a fraction more it would have come out of the

> tailgate and one or both of us would have been

> decapitated.


> From that point until now I rarely have migraine

> headaches. The headache I had yesterday was far more

> intense then I ever remember any migraine from the

> past being. Could it have been a migraine? Yes, I

> suppose so! Was it K? I don't know! Was it for some

> reason? Sure, every thing is! All I know is that I

> felt like I taken a really deep nostril breath and

> it got trapped and it was trying to find it's way

> back out through the front of my head and out of my

> ears.


> I am grateful for the the experience, yes, I did say

> grateful as crazy as that might sound. Why? Because

> the day before I had fasted and I told God and Jesus

> that I didn't know how long I would or needed to

> fast, that I was sure They would be of better

> judgment than I. Well when I woke up yesterday, I

> didn't have any plans on fasting, but I guess They

> thought I needed to continue. I didn't do the

> complete fasting, did eat a very small amount, but

> for the most part water and juice! I spent the day

> sleeping, meditating, praying, and being thankful,

> surrendering, and doing forgiveness. I talked to

> Shakti thanking her and asking for guidance and

> surrendering. As hard as it was, yes, I did finally

> surrender to the headache. I think that God and

> Jesus had other plans for me, They weren't done and

> They knew I needed Them to help me stay focused even

> if that meant literally bringing me down to my

> knees. I put me, my headache and my growth into

> God's hands and let it go.


> This morning when I woke up, I felt like a new

> person with a sense of renewal, I felt I had a new

> head and I was very grateful for my experience as

> painful as it was.


> Anyway, thank you so much Stephen for your tip. If I

> ever have another one I will use your advise.


> Love,

> Katherine




> Stephen O. <stephen_1952@ sympatico. ca>

> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

> Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:37:43 PM

> Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Severe

> Headache--Chrism


> That is exactly the way I used to be when I had a

> migraine headache. I

> used to also see lights and spots in front of my

> eyes if they were open

> or not.


> I found a method where you press your fingers around

> on your scalp. When

> you find a spot that makes your headache feel worse.

> You keep pressure

> there and then release it quickly. I used to find

> lots of spots and

> after I was finished my headache was very much

> lessened, and the nausea

> was gone.


> I don't know if it will work for your headache or

> not. Every one is

> unique and if this headache is from activated k

> there are many other

> here who are better qualified to give advice.


> Some times it is good to get things checked out by a

> MD. Just don't tell

> them about your K or any abilities you have. IE

> telepathy, obe,

> clairvoyance, or such.


> Love and Peace;

> Stephen O.


> Katherine wrote:

> >

> > I have a severe headache that is making me

> extremely nauseated. I tried

> > the putting thumbs in the corner of eyes and

> fingers on forehead and

> > vigorously shaking, helped for about 5 seconds.

> The

=== message truncated ===


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