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how to handle pain - addendum

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I forgot to mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal I

had as a teenager with a scoliosis (curvature of the spine), a massive

spinal fusion and a near-death experience after the surgery.


, " Alexandria "

<ladyinsubstance wrote:


> Hi group!


> My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is (I think) involving

> some very specific pain and discomfort and I wanted to see if anyone

> had any ideas about what I can do about it.


> This is a little personal, but hey, you're all just little blips on my

> computer monitor, so what the hell...


> I've got a bladder condition that I've had since my teenage years

> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious condition that causes

> frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and sometimes pain. It started

> flaring up some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is much worse. I have

> the nagging sense it is related to the K... that it involves something

> I am blocking.


> I watch my diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that are

> alkalizing (like watermelon) and drink a lot of water. These things

> help. Occasionally, I take muscle relaxers which are the only meds

> that ever help, aside from pain-killers.


> My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues relate to the second

> Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently cleared a great deal

> of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I would have expected my

> symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but instead I am much

> worse. I think there may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing

> me.


> I had a lot of sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I

> do mean a lot) and some mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a

> LOT of work on those issues and have felt like I cleared the important

> stuff. But these symptoms seem to be telling me otherwise.


> I keep working on the psychological/emotional stuff myself, and

> somewhat with a coach and therapist but I was hoping someone here

> would have some insights into other ways of treating this.


> I've been trying kegels, but quite frankly, it feels a bit worse after

> I do those exercises. I also do a lot of visualizing and relaxing,

> all with little effect. Frankly, the more I work on it from whatever

> angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's also impossible to



> It can be a pretty maddening condition and it interferes with sleep

> terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes for hours at a time

> and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.


> Any ideas out there?


> Alex


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Lets see what we can come up with as a group maybe,for distance work,and perhaps

wait till answers.

I would have a couple of suggestions which may help.

First tho where do you live? Don't answer if you need to keep that info to



You have obviously tried everything and everyone,and don't need another



Depending on how this is managed here within the group, if you requested

''distance work'',i would offer and see what can be achieved.



Of course you have no clue who Igor is.......but does and we have met

each other.




ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:24:05 +0000Subject:

Re: how to handle pain - addendum





I forgot to mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal Ihad as a

teenager with a scoliosis (curvature of the spine), a massivespinal fusion and a

near-death experience after the surgery.--- In

, " Alexandria " <ladyinsubstance

wrote:>> Hi group!> > My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is (I

think) involving> some very specific pain and discomfort and I wanted to see if

anyone> had any ideas about what I can do about it.> > This is a little

personal, but hey, you're all just little blips on my> computer monitor, so what

the hell...> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since my teenage

years> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious condition that causes>

frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and sometimes pain. It started> flaring up

some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is much worse. I have> the nagging sense it

is related to the K... that it involves something> I am blocking. > > I watch my

diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that are> alkalizing (like

watermelon) and drink a lot of water. These things> help. Occasionally, I take

muscle relaxers which are the only meds> that ever help, aside from

pain-killers. > > My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues relate to

the second> Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently cleared a great

deal> of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I would have expected my>

symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but instead I am much> worse. I think

there may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing> me. > > I had a lot of

sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I> do mean a lot) and some

mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a> LOT of work on those issues and

have felt like I cleared the important> stuff. But these symptoms seem to be

telling me otherwise.> > I keep working on the psychological/emotional stuff

myself, and> somewhat with a coach and therapist but I was hoping someone here>

would have some insights into other ways of treating this.> > I've been trying

kegels, but quite frankly, it feels a bit worse after> I do those exercises. I

also do a lot of visualizing and relaxing,> all with little effect. Frankly, the

more I work on it from whatever> angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's

also impossible toignore.> > It can be a pretty maddening condition and it

interferes with sleep> terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes for hours

at a time> and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.> > Any ideas out

there?> > Alex>




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I live in Cleveland, Ohio.


, Igor Alphus

<Alphu-s wrote:


> Lets see what we can come up with as a group maybe,for distance

work,and perhaps wait till answers.

> I would have a couple of suggestions which may help.

> First tho where do you live? Don't answer if you need to keep that

info to yourself.


> You have obviously tried everything and everyone,and don't need

another aggravation.


> Depending on how this is managed here within the group, if you

requested ''distance work'',i would offer and see what can be achieved.

> Igor.


> Of course you have no clue who Igor is.......but does and we

have met each other.



> : ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17

May 2007 14:24:05 +0000 Re:

how to handle pain - addendum





> I forgot to mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal

Ihad as a teenager with a scoliosis (curvature of the spine), a

massivespinal fusion and a near-death experience after the surgery.---

In ,

" Alexandria " <ladyinsubstance@> wrote:>> Hi group!> > My recent

Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is (I think) involving> some

very specific pain and discomfort and I wanted to see if anyone> had

any ideas about what I can do about it.> > This is a little personal,

but hey, you're all just little blips on my> computer monitor, so what

the hell...> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since my

teenage years> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious

condition that causes> frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and

sometimes pain. It started> flaring up some 6 months ago or so but

suddenly is much worse. I have> the nagging sense it is related to the

K... that it involves something> I am blocking. > > I watch my diet,

avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that are> alkalizing (like

watermelon) and drink a lot of water. These things> help.

Occasionally, I take muscle relaxers which are the only meds> that

ever help, aside from pain-killers. > > My (limited) understanding is

that bladder issues relate to the second> Chakra and sexual/creative

issues. I've recently cleared a great deal> of those (and quite

powerfully I might add). I would have expected my> symptoms to get

better shortly thereafter, but instead I am much> worse. I think there

may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing> me. > > I had a lot

of sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I> do mean a

lot) and some mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a> LOT of

work on those issues and have felt like I cleared the important>

stuff. But these symptoms seem to be telling me otherwise.> > I keep

working on the psychological/emotional stuff myself, and> somewhat

with a coach and therapist but I was hoping someone here> would have

some insights into other ways of treating this.> > I've been trying

kegels, but quite frankly, it feels a bit worse after> I do those

exercises. I also do a lot of visualizing and relaxing,> all with

little effect. Frankly, the more I work on it from whatever> angle,

the more pain I seem to have. But it's also impossible toignore.> > It

can be a pretty maddening condition and it interferes with sleep>

terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes for hours at a time>

and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.> > Any ideas out

there?> > Alex>



> _______________

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I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have.


And what is distance work?




Igor Alphus <Alphu-s wrote: Lets

see what we can come up with as a group maybe,for distance work,and perhaps wait

till answers.

I would have a couple of suggestions which may help.

First tho where do you live? Don't answer if you need to keep that info to



You have obviously tried everything and everyone,and don't need another



Depending on how this is managed here within the group, if you requested

''distance work'',i would offer and see what can be achieved.



Of course you have no clue who Igor is.......but does and we have met

each other.



ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:24:05 +0000Subject:

Re: how to handle pain - addendum


I forgot to mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal Ihad as a

teenager with a scoliosis (curvature of the spine), a massivespinal fusion and a

near-death experience after the surgery.--- In

, " Alexandria " <ladyinsubstance

wrote:>> Hi group!> > My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is (I

think) involving> some very specific pain and discomfort and I wanted to see if

anyone> had any ideas about what I can do about it.> > This is a little

personal, but hey, you're all just little blips on my> computer monitor, so what

the hell...> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since my teenage

years> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious condition that causes>

frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and sometimes pain. It started> flaring up

some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is much worse. I have> the nagging sense it

is related to the K... that it involves something> I am blocking. > > I

watch my diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that are> alkalizing

(like watermelon) and drink a lot of water. These things> help. Occasionally, I

take muscle relaxers which are the only meds> that ever help, aside from

pain-killers. > > My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues relate to

the second> Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently cleared a great

deal> of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I would have expected my>

symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but instead I am much> worse. I think

there may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing> me. > > I had a lot of

sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I> do mean a lot) and some

mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a> LOT of work on those issues and

have felt like I cleared the important> stuff. But these symptoms seem to be

telling me otherwise.> > I keep working on the psychological/emotional stuff

myself, and> somewhat with a coach and therapist but I

was hoping someone here> would have some insights into other ways of treating

this.> > I've been trying kegels, but quite frankly, it feels a bit worse after>

I do those exercises. I also do a lot of visualizing and relaxing,> all with

little effect. Frankly, the more I work on it from whatever> angle, the more

pain I seem to have. But it's also impossible toignore.> > It can be a pretty

maddening condition and it interferes with sleep> terribly. Some nights I am up

every 15 minutes for hours at a time> and can only catch snippets of sleep in

between.> > Any ideas out there?> > Alex>



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Guest guest

Interesting Igor I also thought of putting it to the group on the

Healing List. But you go first and see what can be done. I am feeling

it is of an energetic origin. -

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Guest guest

Hi there well i will explain a little on distance work. I forget and think

everyone understands this term.

Basically it means i sit down and run thro everything i have learned,using

intuition about your condition.

Then make corrections for you. This then changes how your health manifests.


I do travel and lecture, and have my own private practise. (Complementary


People phone me all the time for distance work and it usually helps.


In terms of Quantum Physics ''we are all one'', ie concepts of time and space

may not be what we think.

Let me give you the results of an experiment.

Scientists took cells from a man who lived in Los Angeles.

They put these in a dish.....they flew this fellow to New York. In New York they

stressed him,the cells in the dish stressed at exactly the same time,every

time.Even tho those cells were still in L.A.


Therefore we are all interconnected..................

If you ask me to i will sit down and do some work from here. Lets see what

changes we can achieve,then hand it over to the group as suggests.

Now most of it i can do from here in Canada.............but it might need a

phone call to get some of the scar tissue work done right. Its something

i usually do hands on ...and i can say with confidence it works 99% of the time

on the instant to get rid of adhesions /scars etc.

Distance it may not be quite so effective,hence a phone call to tell you or your

partner what to do ''hands on''.


Other wise the rest i can do easily from here.





ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:31:06 -0700RE:

Re: how to handle pain - addendum





Igor:I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have.And what is distance

work?AlexIgor Alphus <Alphu-s wrote: Lets see what we can come up

with as a group maybe,for distance work,and perhaps wait till answers.I

would have a couple of suggestions which may help.First tho where do you live?

Don't answer if you need to keep that info to yourself.You have obviously tried

everything and everyone,and don't need another aggravation.Depending on how this

is managed here within the group, if you requested ''distance work'',i would

offer and see what can be achieved.Igor.Of course you have no clue who Igor

is.......but does and we have met each other.To:


ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:24:05 +0000Subject:

Re: how to handle pain - addendumI forgot to

mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal Ihad as a teenager with

a scoliosis (curvature of the spine), a massivespinal fusion and a near-death

experience after the surgery.--- In

, " Alexandria " <ladyinsubstance

wrote:>> Hi group!> > My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is (I

think) involving> some very specific pain and discomfort and I wanted to see if

anyone> had any ideas about what I can do about it.> > This is a little

personal, but hey, you're all just little blips on my> computer monitor, so what

the hell...> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since my teenage

years> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious condition that causes>

frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and sometimes pain. It started> flaring up

some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is much worse. I have> the nagging sense it

is related to the K... that it involves something> I am blocking. > > Iwatch my

diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that are> alkalizing (like

watermelon) and drink a lot of water. These things> help. Occasionally, I take

muscle relaxers which are the only meds> that ever help, aside from

pain-killers. > > My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues relate to

the second> Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently cleared a great

deal> of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I would have expected my>

symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but instead I am much> worse. I think

there may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing> me. > > I had a lot of

sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I> do mean a lot) and some

mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a> LOT of work on those issues and

have felt like I cleared the important> stuff. But these symptoms seem to be

telling me otherwise.> > I keep working on the psychological/emotional stuff

myself, and> somewhat with a coach and therapist but Iwas hoping someone here>

would have some insights into other ways of treating this.> > I've been trying

kegels, but quite frankly, it feels a bit worse after> I do those exercises. I

also do a lot of visualizing and relaxing,> all with little effect. Frankly, the

more I work on it from whatever> angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's

also impossible toignore.> > It can be a pretty maddening condition and it

interferes with sleep> terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes for hours

at a time> and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.> > Any ideas out

there?> > Alex> ________Invite

your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's

easy!http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx\

& mkt=en-us

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Yep just waiting for an answer then i will start.We can easily hand it back to

the group after.

I will start as soon as i get the go ahead,so this situation does not get left






: Thu, 17 May 2007 22:38:56 +0000Subject:

Re: how to handle pain - addendum





Interesting Igor I also thought of putting it to the group on the Healing List.

But you go first and see what can be done. I am feeling it is of an energetic

origin. -




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I'm game. This is all new to me but I am open-minded. I would appreciate

anything you can do to try and help.


A phone call is fine too.




Igor Alphus <Alphu-s wrote: Hi

there well i will explain a little on distance work. I forget and think everyone

understands this term.

Basically it means i sit down and run thro everything i have learned,using

intuition about your condition.

Then make corrections for you. This then changes how your health manifests.


I do travel and lecture, and have my own private practise. (Complementary


People phone me all the time for distance work and it usually helps.


In terms of Quantum Physics ''we are all one'', ie concepts of time and space

may not be what we think.

Let me give you the results of an experiment.

Scientists took cells from a man who lived in Los Angeles.

They put these in a dish.....they flew this fellow to New York. In New York

they stressed him,the cells in the dish stressed at exactly the same time,every

time.Even tho those cells were still in L.A.


Therefore we are all interconnected..................

If you ask me to i will sit down and do some work from here. Lets see what

changes we can achieve,then hand it over to the group as suggests.

Now most of it i can do from here in Canada.............but it might need a

phone call to get some of the scar tissue work done right. Its something

i usually do hands on ...and i can say with confidence it works 99% of the time

on the instant to get rid of adhesions /scars etc.

Distance it may not be quite so effective,hence a phone call to tell you or

your partner what to do ''hands on''.


Other wise the rest i can do easily from here.




ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:31:06 -0700RE:

Re: how to handle pain - addendum


Igor:I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have.And what is distance

work?AlexIgor Alphus <Alphu-s wrote: Lets see what we can come up

with as a group maybe,for distance work,and perhaps wait till answers.I

would have a couple of suggestions which may help.First tho where do you live?

Don't answer if you need to keep that info to yourself.You have obviously tried

everything and everyone,and don't need another aggravation.Depending on how this

is managed here within the group, if you requested ''distance work'',i would

offer and see what can be achieved.Igor.Of course you have no clue who Igor

is.......but does and we have met each other.To:


ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:24:05 +0000Subject:

Re: how to handle pain - addendumI forgot to

mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal Ihad as a teenager with

a scoliosis (curvature of the

spine), a massivespinal fusion and a near-death experience after the

surgery. ,

" Alexandria " <ladyinsubstance wrote:>> Hi group!> > My recent Kundalini

re-awakening, as I call it, is (I think) involving> some very specific pain and

discomfort and I wanted to see if anyone> had any ideas about what I can do

about it.> > This is a little personal, but hey, you're all just little blips on

my> computer monitor, so what the hell...> > I've got a bladder condition that

I've had since my teenage years> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious

condition that causes> frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and sometimes pain.

It started> flaring up some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is much worse. I

have> the nagging sense it is related to the K... that it involves something> I

am blocking. > > Iwatch my diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that

are> alkalizing (like watermelon) and drink a lot of water. These

things> help. Occasionally, I take muscle relaxers which are the only meds>

that ever help, aside from pain-killers. > > My (limited) understanding is that

bladder issues relate to the second> Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've

recently cleared a great deal> of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I

would have expected my> symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but instead I

am much> worse. I think there may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing>

me. > > I had a lot of sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I>

do mean a lot) and some mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a> LOT of

work on those issues and have felt like I cleared the important> stuff. But

these symptoms seem to be telling me otherwise.> > I keep working on the

psychological/emotional stuff myself, and> somewhat with a coach and therapist

but Iwas hoping someone here> would have some insights into other ways of

treating this.> > I've been trying kegels, but quite

frankly, it feels a bit worse after> I do those exercises. I also do a lot of

visualizing and relaxing,> all with little effect. Frankly, the more I work on

it from whatever> angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's also impossible

toignore.> > It can be a pretty maddening condition and it interferes with

sleep> terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes for hours at a time> and

can only catch snippets of sleep in between.> > Any ideas out there?> > Alex>

________Invite your mail

contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's

easy!http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx\

& mkt=en-us

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OK one session done...please give a report Friday if that is possible and i can

do more during the day,at some point.

Just tell me if the condition has changed.

Tune in to the abdominal cavity does it feel lighter now energetically,more

free more open? Less heavy!!!

Or call me 403 701 7149 i am mountain standard time so its 7-25pm here.






ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 16:56:25 -0700RE:

Re: how to handle pain - addendum





Igor:I'm game. This is all new to me but I am open-minded. I would appreciate

anything you can do to try and help.A phone call is fine too.AlexIgor Alphus

<Alphu-s wrote: Hi there well i will explain a little on distance

work. I forget and think everyone understands this term.Basically it means i sit

down and run thro everything i have learned,using intuition about your

condition.Then make corrections for you. This then changes how your health

manifests.I do travel and lecture, and have my own private practise.

(Complementary Health)People phone me all the time for distance work and it

usually helps.In terms of Quantum Physics ''we are all one'', ie concepts of

time and space may not be what we think.Let me give you the results of an

experiment.Scientists took cells from a man who lived in Los Angeles.They put

these in a dish.....they flew this fellow to New York. In New York they stressed

him,the cells in the dish stressed at exactly the same time,every time.Even tho

those cells were still in L.A.Therefore we are all

interconnected..................If you ask me to i will sit down and do some

work from here. Lets see what changes we can achieve,then hand it over to the

group as suggests.Now most of it i can do from here in

Canada.............but it might need a phone call to get some of the scar tissue

work done right. Its something i usually do hands on ...and i can say with

confidence it works 99% of the time on the instant to get rid of adhesions

/scars etc.Distance it may not be quite so effective,hence a phone call to tell

you or your partner what to do ''hands on''.Other wise the rest i can do easily

from here.Igor.:

ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:31:06 -0700RE:

Re: how to handle pain - addendumIgor:I'd

appreciate any suggestions you may have.And what is distance work?AlexIgor

Alphus <Alphu-s wrote: Lets see what we can come up with as a group

maybe,for distance work,and perhaps wait till answers.I would have a

couple of suggestions which may help.First tho where do you live? Don't answer

if you need to keep that info to yourself.You have obviously tried everything

and everyone,and don't need another aggravation.Depending on how this is managed

here within the group, if you requested ''distance work'',i would offer and see

what can be achieved.Igor.Of course you have no clue who Igor is.......but

Chrism does and we have met each other.To:


ladyinsubstance: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:24:05 +0000Subject:

Re: how to handle pain - addendumI forgot to

mention that my symptoms started shortly after an ordeal Ihad as a teenager with

a scoliosis (curvature of thespine), a massivespinal fusion and a near-death

experience after the surgery.--- In

, " Alexandria " <ladyinsubstance

wrote:>> Hi group!> > My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is (I

think) involving> some very specific pain and discomfort and I wanted to see if

anyone> had any ideas about what I can do about it.> > This is a little

personal, but hey, you're all just little blips on my> computer monitor, so what

the hell...> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since my teenage

years> called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious condition that causes>

frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and sometimes pain. It started> flaring up

some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is much worse. I have> the nagging sense it

is related to the K... that it involves something> I am blocking. > > Iwatch my

diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink things that are> alkalizing (like

watermelon) and drink a lot of water. Thesethings> help. Occasionally, I take

muscle relaxers which are the only meds> that ever help, aside from

pain-killers. > > My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues relate to

the second> Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently cleared a great

deal> of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I would have expected my>

symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but instead I am much> worse. I think

there may yet be issues I am not aware of influencing> me. > > I had a lot of

sexual and creative repression in my early life (and I> do mean a lot) and some

mild sexual abuse as a pre-teen. I've done a> LOT of work on those issues and

have felt like I cleared the important> stuff. But these symptoms seem to be

telling me otherwise.> > I keep working on the psychological/emotional stuff

myself, and> somewhat with a coach and therapist but Iwas hoping someone here>

would have some insights into other ways of treating this.> > I've been trying

kegels, but quitefrankly, it feels a bit worse after> I do those exercises. I

also do a lot of visualizing and relaxing,> all with little effect. Frankly, the

more I work on it from whatever> angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's

also impossible toignore.> > It can be a pretty maddening condition and it

interferes with sleep> terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes for hours

at a time> and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.> > Any ideas out

there?> > Alex> ________Invite

your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's

easy!http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx\

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Guest guest

Oh my God, I too have scoliosis and have suffered much

trauma in my early teens and also bladder problems,

womb problems, sexual problems.



Elektra x x x



--- Alexandria <ladyinsubstance wrote:


> I forgot to mention that my symptoms started shortly

> after an ordeal I

> had as a teenager with a scoliosis (curvature of the

> spine), a massive

> spinal fusion and a near-death experience after the

> surgery.


> --- In

> ,

> " Alexandria "

> <ladyinsubstance wrote:

> >

> > Hi group!

> >

> > My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is

> (I think) involving

> > some very specific pain and discomfort and I

> wanted to see if anyone

> > had any ideas about what I can do about it.

> >

> > This is a little personal, but hey, you're all

> just little blips on my

> > computer monitor, so what the hell...

> >

> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since

> my teenage years

> > called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious

> condition that causes

> > frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and

> sometimes pain. It started

> > flaring up some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is

> much worse. I have

> > the nagging sense it is related to the K... that

> it involves something

> > I am blocking.

> >

> > I watch my diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink

> things that are

> > alkalizing (like watermelon) and drink a lot of

> water. These things

> > help. Occasionally, I take muscle relaxers which

> are the only meds

> > that ever help, aside from pain-killers.

> >

> > My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues

> relate to the second

> > Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently

> cleared a great deal

> > of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I

> would have expected my

> > symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but

> instead I am much

> > worse. I think there may yet be issues I am not

> aware of influencing

> > me.

> >

> > I had a lot of sexual and creative repression in

> my early life (and I

> > do mean a lot) and some mild sexual abuse as a

> pre-teen. I've done a

> > LOT of work on those issues and have felt like I

> cleared the important

> > stuff. But these symptoms seem to be telling me

> otherwise.

> >

> > I keep working on the psychological/emotional

> stuff myself, and

> > somewhat with a coach and therapist but I was

> hoping someone here

> > would have some insights into other ways of

> treating this.

> >

> > I've been trying kegels, but quite frankly, it

> feels a bit worse after

> > I do those exercises. I also do a lot of

> visualizing and relaxing,

> > all with little effect. Frankly, the more I work

> on it from whatever

> > angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's

> also impossible to

> ignore.

> >

> > It can be a pretty maddening condition and it

> interferes with sleep

> > terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes

> for hours at a time

> > and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.

> >

> > Any ideas out there?

> >

> > Alex


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Guest guest



Another person I have so much in common with! This group is a real find. :]


I have been wondered if my awakening so early in life was due to all the

physical and emotional trauma. One can only guess.


Thank to everyone and all the support I have been receiving.






Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

Oh my God, I too have scoliosis and have suffered much

trauma in my early teens and also bladder problems,

womb problems, sexual problems.



Elektra x x x


--- Alexandria <ladyinsubstance wrote:


> I forgot to mention that my symptoms started shortly

> after an ordeal I

> had as a teenager with a scoliosis (curvature of the

> spine), a massive

> spinal fusion and a near-death experience after the

> surgery.


> --- In

> ,

> " Alexandria "

> <ladyinsubstance wrote:

> >

> > Hi group!

> >

> > My recent Kundalini re-awakening, as I call it, is

> (I think) involving

> > some very specific pain and discomfort and I

> wanted to see if anyone

> > had any ideas about what I can do about it.

> >

> > This is a little personal, but hey, you're all

> just little blips on my

> > computer monitor, so what the hell...

> >

> > I've got a bladder condition that I've had since

> my teenage years

> > called Interstitial Cystitis. It's a mysterious

> condition that causes

> > frequent urges to urinate, discomfort and

> sometimes pain. It started

> > flaring up some 6 months ago or so but suddenly is

> much worse. I have

> > the nagging sense it is related to the K... that

> it involves something

> > I am blocking.

> >

> > I watch my diet, avoid acidic foods, eat and drink

> things that are

> > alkalizing (like watermelon) and drink a lot of

> water. These things

> > help. Occasionally, I take muscle relaxers which

> are the only meds

> > that ever help, aside from pain-killers.

> >

> > My (limited) understanding is that bladder issues

> relate to the second

> > Chakra and sexual/creative issues. I've recently

> cleared a great deal

> > of those (and quite powerfully I might add). I

> would have expected my

> > symptoms to get better shortly thereafter, but

> instead I am much

> > worse. I think there may yet be issues I am not

> aware of influencing

> > me.

> >

> > I had a lot of sexual and creative repression in

> my early life (and I

> > do mean a lot) and some mild sexual abuse as a

> pre-teen. I've done a

> > LOT of work on those issues and have felt like I

> cleared the important

> > stuff. But these symptoms seem to be telling me

> otherwise.

> >

> > I keep working on the psychological/emotional

> stuff myself, and

> > somewhat with a coach and therapist but I was

> hoping someone here

> > would have some insights into other ways of

> treating this.

> >

> > I've been trying kegels, but quite frankly, it

> feels a bit worse after

> > I do those exercises. I also do a lot of

> visualizing and relaxing,

> > all with little effect. Frankly, the more I work

> on it from whatever

> > angle, the more pain I seem to have. But it's

> also impossible to

> ignore.

> >

> > It can be a pretty maddening condition and it

> interferes with sleep

> > terribly. Some nights I am up every 15 minutes

> for hours at a time

> > and can only catch snippets of sleep in between.

> >

> > Any ideas out there?

> >

> > Alex

> >







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