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my awakening -first steps.-Bradly

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This is a wonderful, wonderful little coaching on belief.

It just just the spot for me, so thank you.

After one of my biggest out-of-body-experiences, I remember

coming back, and thinking 'Wow...we are all like little pieces of energy, who

are made whole by the one main source!..who are essentially drawn back to that

brightest source of radiance, and renewed!..Incredible! "

Then I began thinking that I guess we are all right. After all, I was taught

not to believe in many of the things I've been experiencing the past few years.

After experiencing them though, I knew that I wasn't bad...I knew that they had

taught me wrong. I knew that they taught me by their narrow minded and

controlling ways- whether by intent, or simple ignorance of all that is truly

out there.

I was always led to believe that astral projection and things of the sort, were

ways linked to the devil. Well, I had my first out-of-body-experience (which has

been named a near death experience) after praying, and asking to go to this

beautiful water that saint Bernadette had been in. After that, I found going

out-of-body to be my way of learning my purpose, and becoming renewed.

I also knew that it must have been a gift given to me by the spirits, because

they know I have at times, become dangerously depressed. It serves a great

purpose for me at those times, because I can get to the spirit world- and live

as I desire (purely spiritual), but still come back here when I feel renewed and


After that, I knew they were wrong...and that this is a good thing. It came to

me through intense prayer and longing, so I knew the source from which it came.

I cherish this gift, and I feel it brings me closer God, and helps me to become

more loving and merciful. I can become like a guiding light, through the gifts

I've been opening myself to. It makes me realize that we really are all one, and

it makes me proud to feel like someone's ray of light for the day. Every now and

then, however, I fall back into sceptisism and fear, when something new comes my

way. Thanks ever so much for shining a bit of light on that for me, Bradly.

Love and radiance,



curball2002 <curball2002 wrote: Hey



I catch myself calling on Jesus the Christ during times of stress a

little too often myself... Lol. (not sure if that is what you meant CC,

but i got a good giggle.) I say sorry afterwards though... I bet Jesus

gets a chuckle now and then out of it.


For me, I came from a Christian upbringing too. But I feel comfortable

now knowing/believing that we are all part of God, all one. So praying

to any one aspect of God is essentially the same. It's all God, we are

all expressions of God. It's all good!


Also I am in grateful appreciation for information offered by Chrism,

others in the group and other sources that allow me to use my

discretion. It's not very often that a representative of a Church gets

up and says " Today I'll share with you some information, but please use

your discretion and discard what doesn't work for you. " For the most

part it's been " Today I will tell you what you need to know to get to

heaven because we are the gatekeepers and you have to follow our rules

and go through us or burn baby burn... " (I'm just kidding a bit here to

make a point. I know it's not that harsh, but a subtle control or

infulence can be programmed into us.)


So please keep your free will and individual discernment active

everyone! Even in Church!


Grapefully yours,





> I have problems with it, as well. Big time! I was not one to even

> pray to Mary. Even Jesus, I call on him name in times of stress, but

> when I pray it's only to God the Father, which I think of as the

> source of All.


> CC








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Guest guest

Hey, Bradly, you really made me chuckle, oh 'grapeful'

one!! LOL!!!!!!!!! Especially this part:


It's not very often that a

> representative of a Church gets

> up and says " Today I'll share with you some

> information, but please use

> your discretion and discard what doesn't work for

> you. "


Good observation. And a good chuckle!


Blessings & love,



--- curball2002 <curball2002 wrote:


> Hey guys,


> I catch myself calling on Jesus the Christ during

> times of stress a

> little too often myself... Lol. (not sure if that is

> what you meant CC,

> but i got a good giggle.) I say sorry afterwards

> though... I bet Jesus

> gets a chuckle now and then out of it.


> For me, I came from a Christian upbringing too. But

> I feel comfortable

> now knowing/believing that we are all part of God,

> all one. So praying

> to any one aspect of God is essentially the same.

> It's all God, we are

> all expressions of God. It's all good!


> Also I am in grateful appreciation for information

> offered by Chrism,

> others in the group and other sources that allow me

> to use my

> discretion. It's not very often that a

> representative of a Church gets

> up and says " Today I'll share with you some

> information, but please use

> your discretion and discard what doesn't work for

> you. " For the most

> part it's been " Today I will tell you what you need

> to know to get to

> heaven because we are the gatekeepers and you have

> to follow our rules

> and go through us or burn baby burn... " (I'm just

> kidding a bit here to

> make a point. I know it's not that harsh, but a

> subtle control or

> infulence can be programmed into us.)


> So please keep your free will and individual

> discernment active

> everyone! Even in Church!


> Grapefully yours,


> bradly


> >

> > I have problems with it, as well. Big time! I was

> not one to even

> > pray to Mary. Even Jesus, I call on him name in

> times of stress, but

> > when I pray it's only to God the Father, which I

> think of as the

> > source of All.

> >

> > CC










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