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This time around it's an entire planetary ascension,

we are all being altered daily and hourly, the maximum

cosmic law will allow.

This year our bodies are having their " solar light

bodies " activated.


Even though it seems hard to believe we will " all " be

ascending, everyone, I do not believe anyone will be

left behind, I feel it in my bones, I prayed for it in

2004 and felt a shift take place, the two earths

became one.

Anyone not capable of making the shift will die and

watch from the otherside......

so, pack a light lunch, and hold on



love elektra x x x



--- Jon Anderson <janders1957 wrote:


> Well, I think it's most interesting where life has

> led me this time...

> All this talk about massive changes in the near

> future coincide with my

> own poorly defined sense that something is coming,

> something unpleasant

> for many. First, this thread and the mention of

> ascension...


> Does one need to be working with, and have developed

> abilities with

> Kundalini to be part of the ascension?

> Are those working with lower forms of enlightenment

> such as OBE to be

> included?

> Is it more more about a person's spirituality, as in

> loving others, and

> spreading good will and good deeds?


> I've never quite believed the biblical version of

> the Rapture. I used to

> work for a family owned business, they were hard

> HARD far right wingers.

> Mere mention of anything psychic would have them

> checking me over for

> horns and a tail.... When I asked them about the

> trashing of the

> planet, the attitude was " so what, we'll be taken

> out in the Rapture and

> won't have to deal with it " I kid you not... I

> hardly believe a God

> that could create such a beautiful world is going to

> reward those with

> such a cavalier attitude toward it's upkeep. And

> these folks practiced

> goodwill mostly among themselves, while taking pot

> shots at those with

> differing beliefs.

> I cannot accept that's the measure by which the

> chosen few will ascend.


> As I mentioned in a previous post, I have trouble

> with my temper when

> wronged, and this is something I've been starting to

> work on. I don't

> like that aspect of myself.

> It would appear to be my biggest hurdle to overcome

> before attempting to

> activate Kundalini. I just went on another book

> buying spree (as if I

> don't have enough stacked up waiting to be read),

> Kundalini and the

> Chakras, A Practical Manual, Evolution in this

> Lifetime being one. Is

> this a good book? Any others anyone would like to

> recommend? I also got

> The Celestine Prophecy and The Celestine Vision.


> Astral Dynamics is one I've just started, I really

> REALLY want to

> experience an OBE. Danni can do this at will, and I

> would love to hook

> up with her on the astral, as a face to face meeting

> is unlikely before

> the end of the year.


> I seek growth, and perhaps Kundalini, not out of

> fear, as with people

> who go to church " just to be safe " , rather, it's a

> reawakening of

> interests that have lain dormant for a couple

> decades. Been too many

> things happening this last 18 months to ignore, and

> I believe I am being

> drawn toward something I should have been working on

> all along. I don't

> like where I see this world heading, and I've never

> felt a part of it,

> never felt I really belonged here.


> Danni and I had our weekly phone call today. She

> still has a lingering

> shadow in one lung, so will be on IV antibiotics for

> a few days. She

> says TA to everyone for the prayers. I was talking

> to her about the

> 11:11 phenomenon, and was not the least surprised

> that she's experienced

> this for years also! She thought it beyond

> coincidence, but didn't know

> the significance. I have ordered the Akashic

> Construct CD and look

> forward to working with that.


> So, would like to solicit suggestions for reading,

> and perhaps a general

> suggestion what aspects of spiritual growth I might

> best focus on right now.

> I do know where I don't want to be in a few years. I

> feel time is short

> and I have a long way to go....


> Thank you all,


> Jon







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