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My Experience - Elyse

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Hello Again.


Sure, I suppose I should share my experience. I will give you a bit of

background and then write out the experience as written from my journal.


The experience happened exactly one month and six days before my 30th

birthday. My 30th was a dozy. I found myself laid up in bed for the

entire week before and during my 30th. The hardest thing for me was to

release the need for control of what was happening with my body on my

birthday, as my mind and spirit wanted to celebrate a passage into a

new phase of life in a very serious and real way. However my root

chakra was not having any of that. It was upset and unstable. It was

trying desperately to tell me something and needless to say my 30th

birthday was spent listening instead of celebrating. (maybe this

year!! :D )


My experience happened while I was sleeping. The next day and for

several days after I was filled with supreme divine energy and love. I

wrote this in my journal during that state:


There were several of us in the waiting, another female that I was

conscious of besides myself as well as the head master of the

function. The other female with me had jet black hair in somewhat of a

bob. I was aware that her and I had problems in the past and that we

didn't always see eye to eye but also acutely aware that at this

moment none of that mattered one bit. I knew and could feel that this

was going to be a life changing event that would be marked in history

for all of us that were present. There was an air that life as we knew

it was about to dramatically change in one of the most amazing and

magical ways, but no one really knew exactly how.


Everything was relatively dark inside as well as outside and there was

an air of ceremony present. We were in a sort of arena or auditorium

of some kind. It was extremely old. The building was open to the sky

and to nature with rafters holding it together, and there were

different levels to the building. We were all just sort of sitting

about, waiting. Then I hear my name called and I knew that it was my

turn, my time. So I walked down to the area where there was a being or

head master who was in charge of the proceedings of this event. The

funny thing was that she had the face of a woman who was my boss at

one time in real life but I am not certain that it was in fact a " she "

per say. It was a very strong and proud energy. One in which we both

felt equally confidant that whatever I was about to undergo, I was

completely and totally ready for. There was an air of excitement and



She motioned for me to sit in a chair that was curiously similar to

what you sit in when you go to a salon or barber and have your hair

washed. Where you lay back with a special sink equipped for your neck

and head. It looked nothing like that though, it was more ceremonial

earthy and wooden. Everything including our clothing and the settings,

were dark in color. I remember feeling as though I was part of some

secret society of something magical. As though we all had been through

many, many stories together and that this was one of our greatest and

most profound moments.


The woman motioned for me to sit down and lay my head back. She then

swiped my hair back with one hand as she simultaneously poured a

certain liquid over my forehead and head. My eyes were closed but I

could see, and as the liquid hit my head I could feel my body go into

what I can only describe as a full body orgasm. I remember feeling as

though light was pouring into my head and my body trembled to the

point of not being able to fully catch my breath but all the while

knowing that I was completely safe. I could see with my eyes closed,

my entire body being lit up from the inside and the feeling was pure

ecstasy. I can only describe it as pure love. I could feel it open my

heart and whatever else was to open. I was in a complete other

consciousness as soon as the drop hit my head. I was in total bliss.


I lost time after that and only remember myself next, standing with

the others on a sort of balcony looking down at the place where it

happened just chatting and waiting about. Suddenly the girl that I

mentioned in the beginning gets called and she starts trembling and is

becoming visibly frightened. I could tell that she was scared to go

down. She had to excuse herself to pull herself together. I remember

feeling like I wanted to tell her it was ok and how wonderful it is

and to not be afraid, but I somehow felt safe in the knowledge that

she was having her own experience.


Lastly, I remember after it was all said and done, everyone sort of

gathered to mingle and relax and share a bit. I remember walking up to

the head master being and in thinking she was my old boss, I gave her

the deepest heartfelt hug I could and as I did I let out tears of joy

and thanked her for the truly amazing experience. I knew that I didn't

need to explain because she knew exactly how I felt. I said to her -I

am so sorry, I had no idea that you had this in you (referring to her

magic and the gift of sight she had given me), and she said - it was

always there you just didn't know how to see it.


So there you have it.

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Amazing, Elyse...it's like you received Shaktipat in

your sleep alright! Thanks for sharing that and what

a blessing that you are here in our group...for both

you and us!




--- flamingbuddahgirl <flamingbuddahgirl



> Hello Again.


> Sure, I suppose I should share my experience. I will

> give you a bit of

> background and then write out the experience as

> written from my journal.







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That was very nice to read. It's amazing... you really can feel love or

energy when reading these stories. Thanks for writing it. :-)





> " flamingbuddahgirl " <flamingbuddahgirl



> My Experience - Elyse

>Thu, 31 May 2007 23:14:40 -0000


>Hello Again.


>Sure, I suppose I should share my experience. I will give you a bit of

>background and then write out the experience as written from my journal.


>The experience happened exactly one month and six days before my 30th

>birthday. My 30th was a dozy. I found myself laid up in bed for the

>entire week before and during my 30th. The hardest thing for me was to

>release the need for control of what was happening with my body on my

>birthday, as my mind and spirit wanted to celebrate a passage into a

>new phase of life in a very serious and real way. However my root

>chakra was not having any of that. It was upset and unstable. It was

>trying desperately to tell me something and needless to say my 30th

>birthday was spent listening instead of celebrating. (maybe this

>year!! :D )


>My experience happened while I was sleeping. The next day and for

>several days after I was filled with supreme divine energy and love. I

>wrote this in my journal during that state:


>There were several of us in the waiting, another female that I was

>conscious of besides myself as well as the head master of the

>function. The other female with me had jet black hair in somewhat of a

>bob. I was aware that her and I had problems in the past and that we

>didn't always see eye to eye but also acutely aware that at this

>moment none of that mattered one bit. I knew and could feel that this

>was going to be a life changing event that would be marked in history

>for all of us that were present. There was an air that life as we knew

>it was about to dramatically change in one of the most amazing and

>magical ways, but no one really knew exactly how.


>Everything was relatively dark inside as well as outside and there was

>an air of ceremony present. We were in a sort of arena or auditorium

>of some kind. It was extremely old. The building was open to the sky

>and to nature with rafters holding it together, and there were

>different levels to the building. We were all just sort of sitting

>about, waiting. Then I hear my name called and I knew that it was my

>turn, my time. So I walked down to the area where there was a being or

>head master who was in charge of the proceedings of this event. The

>funny thing was that she had the face of a woman who was my boss at

>one time in real life but I am not certain that it was in fact a " she "

>per say. It was a very strong and proud energy. One in which we both

>felt equally confidant that whatever I was about to undergo, I was

>completely and totally ready for. There was an air of excitement and



>She motioned for me to sit in a chair that was curiously similar to

>what you sit in when you go to a salon or barber and have your hair

>washed. Where you lay back with a special sink equipped for your neck

>and head. It looked nothing like that though, it was more ceremonial

>earthy and wooden. Everything including our clothing and the settings,

>were dark in color. I remember feeling as though I was part of some

>secret society of something magical. As though we all had been through

>many, many stories together and that this was one of our greatest and

>most profound moments.


>The woman motioned for me to sit down and lay my head back. She then

>swiped my hair back with one hand as she simultaneously poured a

>certain liquid over my forehead and head. My eyes were closed but I

>could see, and as the liquid hit my head I could feel my body go into

>what I can only describe as a full body orgasm. I remember feeling as

>though light was pouring into my head and my body trembled to the

>point of not being able to fully catch my breath but all the while

>knowing that I was completely safe. I could see with my eyes closed,

>my entire body being lit up from the inside and the feeling was pure

>ecstasy. I can only describe it as pure love. I could feel it open my

>heart and whatever else was to open. I was in a complete other

>consciousness as soon as the drop hit my head. I was in total bliss.


>I lost time after that and only remember myself next, standing with

>the others on a sort of balcony looking down at the place where it

>happened just chatting and waiting about. Suddenly the girl that I

>mentioned in the beginning gets called and she starts trembling and is

>becoming visibly frightened. I could tell that she was scared to go

>down. She had to excuse herself to pull herself together. I remember

>feeling like I wanted to tell her it was ok and how wonderful it is

>and to not be afraid, but I somehow felt safe in the knowledge that

>she was having her own experience.


>Lastly, I remember after it was all said and done, everyone sort of

>gathered to mingle and relax and share a bit. I remember walking up to

>the head master being and in thinking she was my old boss, I gave her

>the deepest heartfelt hug I could and as I did I let out tears of joy

>and thanked her for the truly amazing experience. I knew that I didn't

>need to explain because she knew exactly how I felt. I said to her -I

>am so sorry, I had no idea that you had this in you (referring to her

>magic and the gift of sight she had given me), and she said - it was

>always there you just didn't know how to see it.


>So there you have it.




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Thank you Paul, Claudia and Lex...


, Claudia

Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:


> Amazing, Elyse...it's like you received Shaktipat in

> your sleep alright! Thanks for sharing that and what

> a blessing that you are here in our group...for both

> you and us!


> Claudia


> --- flamingbuddahgirl <flamingbuddahgirl

> wrote:


> > Hello Again.

> >

> > Sure, I suppose I should share my experience. I will

> > give you a bit of

> > background and then write out the experience as

> > written from my journal.

> >







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