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What is it that I see?

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I would like to share with you something that I see all the time, and

perhaps someone in this group would be able to tell me what it is, or

maybe if you see it as well? I've been seeing it for at least 5

months. (along with sparkles everywhere so bright they nearly blind



When looking at the sky, it pulsates. Within this pulsing, it reminds

me of a kaleidescope with different colors...normally pink, gray, and

blue...I could also describe it as one of those psychedelic 60's

screens with all of the swirling colors, if that makes sense.


It is hard for me to describe to anyone else... my husband thinks I

need to get my eyes checked. :)


My father thinks its neat that I can see that. (I also taught him how

to see aura's, and he was pretty amazed that he could see them)


However, my daughter can see this as well.


We don't know what we are looking at.







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I have something like that, too, Leslie, but thought it was just my

eyes. I see sparkles in the periphery sometimes, too. I don't know

what it is and just thought perhaps MY eyes were going bad.


Oh, Oh!! Could you teach us how you see auras??? I'd love to know how

to do that. I've read a few books on it but nothing has worked. That

would be so awesome!


Hope someone has a more rational answer for the pulsing skies...





1 , " i_ama_lighthouse " <i_ama_lighthouse wrote:


> When looking at the sky, it pulsates. Within this pulsing, it

reminds me of a kaleidescope with different colors...normally pink,

gray, and blue...I could also describe it as one of those psychedelic

60's screens with all of the swirling colors, if that makes sense.


My father thinks its neat that I can see that. (I also taught him how

to see aura's, and he was pretty amazed that he could see them)

see this as well.


We don't know what we are looking at.






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Thats really neat. I would love to learn how to see auras too. I have

books about it but nothing has happened yet.






" i_ama_lighthouse " <i_ama_lighthouse wrote:


> I would like to share with you something that I see all the time, and

> perhaps someone in this group would be able to tell me what it is, or

> maybe if you see it as well? I've been seeing it for at least 5

> months. (along with sparkles everywhere so bright they nearly blind

> me)


> When looking at the sky, it pulsates. Within this pulsing, it reminds

> me of a kaleidescope with different colors...normally pink, gray, and

> blue...I could also describe it as one of those psychedelic 60's

> screens with all of the swirling colors, if that makes sense.


> It is hard for me to describe to anyone else... my husband thinks I

> need to get my eyes checked. :)


> My father thinks its neat that I can see that. (I also taught him how

> to see aura's, and he was pretty amazed that he could see them)


> However, my daughter can see this as well.


> We don't know what we are looking at.


> Anyone?


> Blessings,


> Leslie


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I can see these *sparkles* in the air and have always thought I'm

seeing energy in motion. I can see this best on a bright sunny day. I

also see auras if I'm looking for them. I don't really know how it

developed, but my first experience was seeing a green swirling light

above me after I went to bed at night about 10 years ago. My own

personal aurora borealis lol. That's really what sparked my interest

in all things metaphysical. Anyway, over time I also began to see a

bright light around people and things and one day I noticed that I can

see colors around people, mainly around the head. Most prominent when

the lighting is bright and they are in front of a light-colored or

white background. I worked at the time, and imagine my surprise when

people would walk up to me and a lovely bright color surrounding them

from the neck up would appear! Sometimes one color, sometimes two,

rarely three. This actually became commonplace to me, and the next

thing I recall becoming aware of was occasionally seeing a straight

rainbow flash into someone's head at an angle (seemed to always be

coming in from the right as I was looking at them, so really their

left). I noticed this while sitting in meetings, at the moment

directly before someone would speak. As if their thoughts were coming

to them from elsewhere... Higher Self perhaps. But enough about me!


I wanted to post a link that I found helpful when learning about

auras. There are many of course, but this one contains exercises which

I found helpful. I can't really speak for the rest of the content on

the site, but the aura exercises for sure helped me realize what I was

doing with my eyes. Without further ado, here it is:




I have a book that tells what the colors mean (Barbara Bowers, " What

Color Is Your Aura? " ) which seems like a good one, but I have to

wonder if what you see is subjective; i.e. would all of us see the

colors the same? And would they have the same meaning for all? As with

everything, the more answers I get the more questions I have!


love & light ~Jen~


* synchronicity * I just looked up at the TV and History Channel has

on a show about the sun, and describing the aurora borealis *


, " Anne "

<annicole72 wrote:


> Thats really neat. I would love to learn how to see auras too. I have

> books about it but nothing has happened yet.


> Thanks,

> Anne

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I also see my own aura,but I can not see anybody

else's.I would love to be taught this as well.I see

sparkling lights when I close eyes but not when

they're open yet.






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Wow! Thank all of you for your responses to this one!


I will post something on Aura's a little later. Sorry I haven't done

that yet. I got called home from work from my son's (he's 7) school


as he all of a sudden had a 102.9 fever and a headache..


He still has a bit of a fever this morning. I would love to have some

healing energy sent his way, if anyone would like to.





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You've got it Leslie! Hope he is feeling better soon.





1 , " i_ama_lighthouse " <i_ama_lighthouse wrote:


> Wow! Thank all of you for your responses to this one!


> I will post something on Aura's a little later. Sorry I haven't done

> that yet. I got called home from work from my son's (he's 7) school

> yesterday

> as he all of a sudden had a 102.9 fever and a headache..


> He still has a bit of a fever this morning. I would love to have some

> healing energy sent his way, if anyone would like to.


> Blessings,


> Leslie


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