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How to see Auras - From Leslie

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Everything has an aura, whether living or not. Since everything

carries a vibration, everything has an energy field around it. With

living things, an aura can change very quickly, as it carries

information about that person, animal, plant, tree…etc. If someone is

in a bad mood, if someone is sick, or is about to be sick, if someone

is happy, you get the point, your aura will change.


For inanimate objects..there is always a specific color you will see:

If you are looking at an orange object, the aura will be pale green.

If you are looking at a yellow object, the aura will be pale blue.

Green object: orange aura

Blue object: yellow aura

Indigo object: gold aura

Violet object: pale gold aura

Pink object: iridescent green


How do I do it?


Ha, I'm not really sure of the specifics, but I can teach you some

things. I know that all people can see aura's, it's just that, I

think that some of that fades away as you get older, especially if

you were taught that certain things just didn't exist when you were



My son and daughter both can see them. My son's was a natural thing.

He sees `colors' all the time. I found this out when we were walking

upstairs one night, and he looked at me and said, `um, mommy, there's

someone behind you. " I asked him who it was..and he said, " she looks

just like you, but she's full of colors. " I told him that was really

neat! He said. . " whew! I never wanted to tell anyone the things I see

cuz I thought I was crazy " . I assured him he was NOT crazy, and this

is a really neat thing that he can see.

My daughter learned right after that.


I think that forcing yourself to see them could actually block

yourself from seeing them. However, practicing seeing them everyday

is important, if you want to see them, just like exercising a muscle,

you have to exercise this ability. Some can do it right off, and with

some it takes a lot of practice.


Start with this:

I found out that I could look at someone's picture and connect with

their energy and get an intuitive feel for the colors around them.

This is how I taught my daughter, and after doing it this way a few

times, she began to see them around people. I can see an aura around

a person with my eyes, but not a full blown aura like I can when I do

it intuitively. I have seen a full blown aura just once a couple of

months ago at my daughters singing recital. I was watching the piano

player, and all of these beautiful colors were just pouring out of

her chakras. Beautiful sight!


So, I would suggest that for those of you who are interested in this,

talk to each other and see if they would like you to read their aura

intuitively at first. Just think of them, and whatever colors pop

into your mind, say them. Don't second guess yourself.


Now, you can find out all about what different aura colors mean in

books and on the internet, but, I think that it may be different for

everyone. It's what `you' feel when you see a color that matters



As for seeing them with your physical eyes, again, it just has to be

practiced. I always ask the living thing I am wanting to read,

mentally, " may I see your aura? " If it appears, I know I'm meant to

see it. If it doesn't appear, I assume I'm not supposed to see it.

That's just me though.


I taught my dad at night, the moonlight lit up the sky, and I told

him to pick a tree to look at. Then, look above that tree, and just

as if you are daydreaming, soften your gaze (don't try too hard, just

relax). After a while, you will begin to see a movement of energy

swaying above the tree. This is its aura.


You can do this with all things: birds, flowers, people (if they want

you to see)..etc.


The sparkles I see all over are seen the same way. I go outside and

soften my gaze, and they are instantly there. At this point, I don't

have to soften my gaze anymore, they are just there. They fill up all

of the space around me and in the sky, everywhere…they are very

bright, blinding almost!


Hope this helps?




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Thanks for sharing these. A month ago, I was looking at some photos

of my friend and her family. I wasn't really looking to see their

aura. Just looking at the pictures. I was surprised when I could see

their auras throught the pictures. I thought I'm just seeing things.

I asked my friend if she could see what I was seeing and she said

no. So, that must have been their auras. I guess some people are

very open and would not mind others to see their auras. While others

are hidden.


Thanks again,




1 , " i_ama_lighthouse " <i_ama_lighthouse wrote:


> Aura's


> Everything has an aura, whether living or not. Since everything

> carries a vibration, everything has an energy field around it.


> living things, an aura can change very quickly, as it carries

> information about that person, animal, plant, tree…etc. If someone


> in a bad mood, if someone is sick, or is about to be sick, if


> is happy, you get the point, your aura will change.


> For inanimate objects..there is always a specific color you will


> If you are looking at an orange object, the aura will be pale


> If you are looking at a yellow object, the aura will be pale blue.

> Green object: orange aura

> Blue object: yellow aura

> Indigo object: gold aura

> Violet object: pale gold aura

> Pink object: iridescent green


> How do I do it?


> Ha, I'm not really sure of the specifics, but I can teach you some

> things. I know that all people can see aura's, it's just that, I

> think that some of that fades away as you get older, especially if

> you were taught that certain things just didn't exist when you


> little.


> My son and daughter both can see them. My son's was a natural


> He sees `colors' all the time. I found this out when we were


> upstairs one night, and he looked at me and said, `um, mommy,


> someone behind you. " I asked him who it was..and he said, " she


> just like you, but she's full of colors. " I told him that was


> neat! He said. . " whew! I never wanted to tell anyone the things I


> cuz I thought I was crazy " . I assured him he was NOT crazy, and


> is a really neat thing that he can see.

> My daughter learned right after that.


> I think that forcing yourself to see them could actually block

> yourself from seeing them. However, practicing seeing them


> is important, if you want to see them, just like exercising a


> you have to exercise this ability. Some can do it right off, and


> some it takes a lot of practice.


> Start with this:

> I found out that I could look at someone's picture and connect


> their energy and get an intuitive feel for the colors around them.

> This is how I taught my daughter, and after doing it this way a


> times, she began to see them around people. I can see an aura


> a person with my eyes, but not a full blown aura like I can when I


> it intuitively. I have seen a full blown aura just once a couple


> months ago at my daughters singing recital. I was watching the


> player, and all of these beautiful colors were just pouring out of

> her chakras. Beautiful sight!


> So, I would suggest that for those of you who are interested in


> talk to each other and see if they would like you to read their


> intuitively at first. Just think of them, and whatever colors pop

> into your mind, say them. Don't second guess yourself.


> Now, you can find out all about what different aura colors mean in

> books and on the internet, but, I think that it may be different


> everyone. It's what `you' feel when you see a color that matters

> most.


> As for seeing them with your physical eyes, again, it just has to


> practiced. I always ask the living thing I am wanting to read,

> mentally, " may I see your aura? " If it appears, I know I'm meant


> see it. If it doesn't appear, I assume I'm not supposed to see it.

> That's just me though.


> I taught my dad at night, the moonlight lit up the sky, and I told

> him to pick a tree to look at. Then, look above that tree, and


> as if you are daydreaming, soften your gaze (don't try too hard,


> relax). After a while, you will begin to see a movement of energy

> swaying above the tree. This is its aura.


> You can do this with all things: birds, flowers, people (if they


> you to see)..etc.


> The sparkles I see all over are seen the same way. I go outside


> soften my gaze, and they are instantly there. At this point, I


> have to soften my gaze anymore, they are just there. They fill up


> of the space around me and in the sky, everywhere…they are very

> bright, blinding almost!


> Hope this helps?


> Blessings!

> Leslie


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