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What is it that I see? AURAS

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I learned to see auras first with the celstine prophecy (the book).

After practicing in a class at school, i could see a white fog around

the head of the teacher. That was in the year 2000. Last week, i

started to see colors on the edge of the white fog. I wondered if it

was auras indeed or if it was my eyes that got a problem, because

when i looked at the auras and then looked somewhere else, i could

still see the aura's form wherever i may look.





" Anne " <annicole72 wrote:


> Thats really neat. I would love to learn how to see auras too. I


> books about it but nothing has happened yet.


> Thanks,

> Anne


> ,

> " i_ama_lighthouse " <i_ama_lighthouse@> wrote:

> >

> > I would like to share with you something that I see all the time,


> > perhaps someone in this group would be able to tell me what it

is, or

> > maybe if you see it as well? I've been seeing it for at least 5

> > months. (along with sparkles everywhere so bright they nearly


> > me)

> >

> > When looking at the sky, it pulsates. Within this pulsing, it


> > me of a kaleidescope with different colors...normally pink, gray,


> > blue...I could also describe it as one of those psychedelic 60's

> > screens with all of the swirling colors, if that makes sense.

> >

> > It is hard for me to describe to anyone else... my husband thinks


> > need to get my eyes checked. :)

> >

> > My father thinks its neat that I can see that. (I also taught him


> > to see aura's, and he was pretty amazed that he could see them)

> >

> > However, my daughter can see this as well.

> >

> > We don't know what we are looking at.

> >

> > Anyone?

> >

> > Blessings,

> >

> > Leslie

> >


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