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Bad, Bad, Dreams-VERY LONG, pass over if you would like

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I have to put this in writing somewhere, these bad dreams I had this

morning...from 4:30am on. I knew it was this time when they must have

begun because my husband had just left from work.


The first one seemed as if I was watching a movie, as I was nowhere

in it and did not know the people in it. There was a little blonde

girl, about 4 or 5 yelling.. " that man! that man! " and pointing. I see

her mom rush in and say " oh, is he at it again? " ..and she rushes

swiftly over to it looks like a large laundry hamper, and here is

this man..scary looking man, coming out of it...his hands waving in

the air, and she pushes him back down into some abyss, and then

mother and daughter leave the room. Then, I see a guy walk into that

same room, wondering what was going on...and he opened the hamper and

said " what were they doing? " and as he bent over to look in, he was

grabbed and pulled down into the abyss. UGH! I then was looking

through some clothes in a closet, and then all of a sudden, I'm

looking at ... ME! I know this sounds morbid, but I was lying there,

and it seemed that my body parts were not connected. I was staring at

my own face, to see if I was still alive. I touched my leg and did

not feel anything. I looked at my face, and the eyes were rolling

around, as if in dream state, so I knew that I was alive, somehow.


Then, in real life, something woke me up abruptly. It was 5am. I

heard this banging on a door, and sounded like my sliding glass door

downstairs was sliding back and forth! I got up and locked my bedroom

door. My husband was at work and the kids were at their dads, so I

was all alone. I could hear soft footsteps outside the hallway of my

room. I sat there very afraid for the next hour when sleep just

OVERCAME me. I thought I was going to have an OBE because when I get

that REALLY sleepy feeling, that is usually what happens. Instead, I

went into another weird and scary dream.


My grandfather had come back from the dead! All of my extended family

was around to help us (my family) move out of some house that I've

never seen in real life. All of us knew my grandfather had come back!

He was not picking up heavy things as he was still frail from being

dead physically. So, he was helping to guide everything where it

needed to go. I look up at a window, and standing on this window sill

was a half person/half something else that was about 3 feet tall. At

first, I was afraid, but then, I started to laugh when I realized he

had a huge Elvis haircut, and I LOVE Elvis. He hopped down, and asked

me if I wanted him to sing me a song..so I picked some Elvis song for

him to sing, and he started to sing, and I got down on my knees and

danced with him while my entire family was there..it was like a

party. Then, I'm moving some stuff around, and start to come back

into this house when I notice out front all of a sudden is like a

lake area, very close to the house.. I see a PANDA BEAR. Cute, but

it's a bear all the same. So, I run to my front door, go in and tell

my kids and everyone to lock everything up, as there is a PANDA BEAR

outside. I was about to shut the front door, when I hear loud

thumping..look over to where the PANDA BEAR is, and see a brown bear,

a young one, running towards the panda bear, and then I hear a ROAR,

and I see a grizzly bear roaring at the black bear. I was scared. I

shut the door and locked it.Then, something is tryiing to get in our

front door, and my 7 year old son and I are holding the door with all

of our might to keep it from getting in, and I see claws coming under

the door.


I NEVER, ever ever have scary dreams. What's up?



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