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numbness in feet

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Hi Chrism,


I had an Acupuncture treatment (for nothing serious) on Friday

afternoon and a few hours later my feet went numb. Both feet are still

numb on the outside - blade part. It seems to be creeping up past my

ankle on my right leg a little but not to a huge extent yet. It hasnot

abated at all in two days and I cannot put it down to anything as

mundane as bad circulation as I am an extremely fit and healthy 35 year



I am just a little concerned as this is exactly how my spiritual

emergency started this time last year, when I lost sensation in my

entire body. I have read extensively, trying to find out more and only

came across a small mention by Dr. Lee Sannella of this being a typical

symptom of a Kundalini awakening. My 'third eye' is also throbbing a

lot lately. While I am open to my spirit bringing me to a higher level

of consciousness and existence, I have no wish to spend another term in



Have you any thoughts or advice on this?



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First I do not suggest a hospital stay for this as it is a gift and

yes it is strange and may be frightening but this is why you are

here. The numbness may be replaced by tingles and pins and needles

sensations as well. Do some good and steady cardio excercise, dont go

overboard with it but do some running if you can and some climbing if

you can, like up the bleachers at the school track - be careful and

do not injure yourself. This isnt to take the numbness away as much

as it is to open certain conduits for its expansion. No more

acupuncture for a time.


Do not fear this. Continue with the five Tibetans and do some yoga

that stretches both sides of the body i.e. leg stretches and on the

back getnle spinal twists (gentle!) and begin to change your mindset

from a fear based scenario to a welcoming scenario. Keep the tongue

tip to the roof your mouth behind the upper front teeth unless a

force other than your will pulls it down. Keep your fingers locked

and your eyes inward(slightly) and up. Welcome this experience it

isnt permanent and it will pass but only as long as you do not go

into resistance against it.


Go barefoot on bare Earth or grass and observe how this affects the

feeling. Do the alternate nostril breathing as described in the

safeties and observe how this feels to your feet. Have a look at the

big toe on the left foot. See if any discoloration is appearing and

let me know when you have done each one of these suggestions.


You may have convulsions but they are not painful and are short

lived. Dont let that scare you and you may have kriyas which will

compel you to assume certain yoga positions - go with them. Allow

the visions and sounds to come, insect sounds or a humming or chirps

or bells and flutes. Allow this it is OK. The visions of sparkles or

Holy Persons becomeing clear to you this is normal and you are fine.

Allow this. The sensations of electricity coursing through your body

and spreading everywhere. You will actually hear the " Fizzing and

Zipping " of the energy - no worries this is normal. Allow it. Hot or

Cold sensations are also normal no worries.


The third eye activity is a clear indication that this is an

energetic infusion and that there is nothing wrong. Keep me apprissed

of you results. My thoughts and presence are with you. - blessings -


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Hi Chrism. I appreciate the quick reply, thank you for that.


I am typing this a second time as I managed to delete my slowly typed

response from earlier before sending it! So I will try to remember

everything that was clear in my mind the last time.


I mentioned the hospital stay in reference to my experience last year

when I lost my balance and motor function and that was the safest

place for me, in that it allowed me get the rest, care and

supervision I needed to recover (my wife was pregnant at the time –

as always, ha, ha - and could not lift a twelve stone man!). It was a

compromise (being in an environment where the doctors there had never

seen a case like mine before!) and if I had a choice I would have

gone for a natural environment with a guru type for company who had

been through the same process himself. Unfortunately, if I were to

lose my arms and legs again I would probably have to go back there

for a week or two.


I am aware that we live in a fear-based society but try not to

to it myself. However, I think it would be naive of me not

to be concerned about the risks, i.e. Kundalini can kill you, cure

you or drive you mad, and the timing could also be a lot better from

a daily life point of view. However, I may not have any choice in the

matter and might reluctantly have to welcome the process, as you say.

To go through your recommendations, I already cycle and run most days

so that knocks that one on the head. I had endeavoured to start the

tibetans but haven't yet got around to it. So I will start today.

I started Budo Taijutsu two months ago and it has improved my

flexibility immensely - something out of the blue which I now love

doing. This is a clear case of following my intuition and it working

for me. :-) Interestingly, it released a lower back injury which I

have had for the last two years and this could well be connected with

my latest experiences.


The safeties you mention I already habitually do having learnt them

from Qigong practice, except for the alternate nostril breathing

which has always caused me to separate from my body. Instinctively,

this feels unsafe for me as I do not feel strong enough to ensure

that I will come back. However, I will have another go at it and play

it by ear. I like your idea of walking barefoot on the ground and

will do so at every opportunity. There is no discolouration on any of

my toes.


I had convulsions a lot as a child and a full seizure three years

ago, so I know what to expect and you are right - they are not

painful (unless you bite your tongue!) and short lived. Even as I

type this I can see a pattern emerging and I suspect my evolution may

have started earlier than I previously thought. However, again, there

is a downside to convulsions and the like - no driving a car or

operating machinery for a year, worrying family members, etc. I am

not comparing the ability to drive a car with achieving spiritual

enlightenment, but am highlighting the fact that I don't want my life

(and everyone else's) turned upside down again. A smooth transition

is the way to go, if possible.


It is interesting to note that this numbness seems to occur whenever

I am feeling fit and healthy, i.e not feeling completely depleted as

per normal. This happened before about 3 months ago in the same

circumstances and the numbness went up past my knees on both legs,

with my third eye almost jumping off my forehead (also coinciding

with a full moon). Then the sensations abated after a few weeks when

I became worn out again, and nothing more happened. Subconsciously,

perhaps I wore myself out on purpose to prevent the process. My life,

such as it is, is well occupied with the demands, and highs and lows

of three small children, so I find it difficult to find much time and

space for myself. This is just timing, of course, and the cycle will

come around full swing eventually. It is also partly why I could

probably do without a full-on kundalini awakening at the moment. I

now think I may have to change my perspective on things and this

change I seem to be putting off forever is going to force me to drop

a lot of materiality and rubbish in my life. So I will try and

welcome it and smooth the flow as much as practicable. I think that

if I allow this, my life will be unrecognisable in maybe five years

time from what it is today. Will I be the first spiritual guru-

Accountant - show you the way and do your tax returns as well?

Anyway, the longer I put it off, subconsciously or otherwise, the

harder it may be and, if you believe the predictions for 2012,

everyone will have to go through this anyway.


As far as the other experiences go, I do often feel energy gently

moving up my spine and down to my abdomen and hear it as a ringing

sound (it's hard to describe), but it is not yet the powerful surging

and bubbling that I had last year. I haven't experienced any of the

others but will keep your reassurances in mind. I will let you know

more when I do the alternate nostril breathing and Tibetans.


Many thanks,


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Tom, you have my sympathy. I have a 2 year old and was recovering

from a terrible accident when the K decided to make it's appearance.

I fought it and threw a little tantrum " I just can't do THIS right

now on top of everything else!! " . But, it comes when it comes. This

is when it is supposed to come, even if our egos don't agree. Best

to surrender to it and follow Chrism's wise guidance. If there was

anywhere that could help smooth things out and make life liveable

while going through this, it is right here.


Big hug,





1 , " biggesttom2003 " <tconroy wrote:


> Hi Chrism. I appreciate the quick reply, thank you for that.


> I am typing this a second time as I managed to delete my slowly


> response from earlier before sending it! So I will try to remember

> everything that was clear in my mind the last time.


> I mentioned the hospital stay in reference to my experience last


> when I lost my balance and motor function and that was the safest

> place for me, in that it allowed me get the rest, care and

> supervision I needed to recover (my wife was pregnant at the time –

> as always, ha, ha - and could not lift a twelve stone man!). It was


> compromise (being in an environment where the doctors there had


> seen a case like mine before!) and if I had a choice I would have

> gone for a natural environment with a guru type for company who had

> been through the same process himself. Unfortunately, if I were to

> lose my arms and legs again I would probably have to go back there

> for a week or two.


> I am aware that we live in a fear-based society but try not to

> to it myself. However, I think it would be naive of me


> to be concerned about the risks, i.e. Kundalini can kill you, cure

> you or drive you mad, and the timing could also be a lot better


> a daily life point of view. However, I may not have any choice in


> matter and might reluctantly have to welcome the process, as you


> To go through your recommendations, I already cycle and run most


> so that knocks that one on the head. I had endeavoured to start the

> tibetans but haven't yet got around to it. So I will start today.

> I started Budo Taijutsu two months ago and it has improved my

> flexibility immensely - something out of the blue which I now love

> doing. This is a clear case of following my intuition and it


> for me. :-) Interestingly, it released a lower back injury which I

> have had for the last two years and this could well be connected


> my latest experiences.


> The safeties you mention I already habitually do having learnt them

> from Qigong practice, except for the alternate nostril breathing

> which has always caused me to separate from my body. Instinctively,

> this feels unsafe for me as I do not feel strong enough to ensure

> that I will come back. However, I will have another go at it and


> it by ear. I like your idea of walking barefoot on the ground and

> will do so at every opportunity. There is no discolouration on any


> my toes.


> I had convulsions a lot as a child and a full seizure three years

> ago, so I know what to expect and you are right - they are not

> painful (unless you bite your tongue!) and short lived. Even as I

> type this I can see a pattern emerging and I suspect my evolution


> have started earlier than I previously thought. However, again,


> is a downside to convulsions and the like - no driving a car or

> operating machinery for a year, worrying family members, etc. I am

> not comparing the ability to drive a car with achieving spiritual

> enlightenment, but am highlighting the fact that I don't want my


> (and everyone else's) turned upside down again. A smooth transition

> is the way to go, if possible.


> It is interesting to note that this numbness seems to occur


> I am feeling fit and healthy, i.e not feeling completely depleted


> per normal. This happened before about 3 months ago in the same

> circumstances and the numbness went up past my knees on both legs,

> with my third eye almost jumping off my forehead (also coinciding

> with a full moon). Then the sensations abated after a few weeks


> I became worn out again, and nothing more happened. Subconsciously,

> perhaps I wore myself out on purpose to prevent the process. My


> such as it is, is well occupied with the demands, and highs and


> of three small children, so I find it difficult to find much time


> space for myself. This is just timing, of course, and the cycle


> come around full swing eventually. It is also partly why I could

> probably do without a full-on kundalini awakening at the moment. I

> now think I may have to change my perspective on things and this

> change I seem to be putting off forever is going to force me to


> a lot of materiality and rubbish in my life. So I will try and

> welcome it and smooth the flow as much as practicable. I think that

> if I allow this, my life will be unrecognisable in maybe five years

> time from what it is today. Will I be the first spiritual guru-

> Accountant - show you the way and do your tax returns as well?

> Anyway, the longer I put it off, subconsciously or otherwise, the

> harder it may be and, if you believe the predictions for 2012,

> everyone will have to go through this anyway.


> As far as the other experiences go, I do often feel energy gently

> moving up my spine and down to my abdomen and hear it as a ringing

> sound (it's hard to describe), but it is not yet the powerful


> and bubbling that I had last year. I haven't experienced any of the

> others but will keep your reassurances in mind. I will let you know

> more when I do the alternate nostril breathing and Tibetans.


> Many thanks,

> Tom…


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Hello Tom,

Please see below separated by @@



1 , " biggesttom2003 " <tconroy wrote:


> Hi Chrism. I appreciate the quick reply, thank you for that.


> I am typing this a second time as I managed to delete my slowly


> response from earlier before sending it! So I will try to remember

> everything that was clear in my mind the last time.


> I mentioned the hospital stay in reference to my experience last


> when I lost my balance and motor function and that was the safest

> place for me, in that it allowed me get the rest, care and

> supervision I needed to recover (my wife was pregnant at the time –

> as always, ha, ha - and could not lift a twelve stone man!). It was


> compromise (being in an environment where the doctors there had


> seen a case like mine before!) and if I had a choice I would have

> gone for a natural environment with a guru type for company who had

> been through the same process himself. Unfortunately, if I were to

> lose my arms and legs again I would probably have to go back there

> for a week or two.


@@ The Tibetans may help with this. It also may be an indication that

for you a form of caccooning is required. @@


> I am aware that we live in a fear-based society but try not to

> to it myself. However, I think it would be naive of me


> to be concerned about the risks, i.e. Kundalini can kill you, cure

> you or drive you mad, and the timing could also be a lot better


> a daily life point of view.


@@ These actions are present typically when fear replaces

understanding and resistance replaces surrender @@



However, I may not have any choice in the

> matter and might reluctantly have to welcome the process, as you


> To go through your recommendations, I already cycle and run most


> so that knocks that one on the head.


@@ Have a massage at least three times a week (even if you give it to

yourself) Use nthe extra virgen olive oil. Deep and strong clockwise

motions on your quads and calves, knees, your navel and both arms and





I had endeavoured to start the

> tibetans but haven't yet got around to it. So I will start today.

> I started Budo Taijutsu two months ago and it has improved my

> flexibility immensely - something out of the blue which I now love

> doing. This is a clear case of following my intuition and it


> for me. :-) Interestingly, it released a lower back injury which I

> have had for the last two years and this could well be connected


> my latest experiences.


@@ Be advised that this practice will encourage more of a flow but as

it is a choice of your intuition it is as it should be. The low back

release is an example, I agree. @@


The safeties you mention I already habitually do having learnt them

> from Qigong practice, except for the alternate nostril breathing

> which has always caused me to separate from my body. Instinctively,

> this feels unsafe for me as I do not feel strong enough to ensure

> that I will come back. However, I will have another go at it and


> it by ear.


@@Qigong will initiate this experience if done consistantly. Please

do your best to continue to forgive and practice the attitudes of

graciousness and tolerance and love based service for others. If you

are indeed emotionally balanced then you will have a smooth

awakening. I say awakening because you have already had the

activation. Now is the time to " allow " it to fully infuse you. So I

suggest you " set " the pattern by intentioned love, forgiveness and

tolerance and helpfulness, daily - no matter what has occurred for

you in this regard by past practices.


If you want to explain to the kids use the " For the Kids " posters as

a guide. I will repost those for you. You do not need to go faster

this is certain and if you feel the alternate nostril breathing is

causing you to split, then decline that practice.


Please do a consistant prayer for your personal guidance to become

manifest in a tangible way for you. This would be your High Self or

the deity that you have come to use for spiritual matters if any.

Keep the tongue up and the eyes up and the fingers locked if you can.

If not keep the tongue up as much as possible - it can get burned on

the tip if it isnt. @@




I like your idea of walking barefoot on the ground and

> will do so at every opportunity. There is no discolouration on any


> my toes.


@@ Yes barefoot as much as possible and bare sitting ( bottom of body

to top of earth) is also recommended. Somewhere wild and private (as

best as can be) and meditate or pray. Or just feel.@@




> I had convulsions a lot as a child and a full seizure three years

> ago, so I know what to expect and you are right - they are not

> painful (unless you bite your tongue!) and short lived. Even as I

> type this I can see a pattern emerging and I suspect my evolution


> have started earlier than I previously thought.


@@ Yes this is your life for this to occur and others are waiting for

you to come into this consciousness to learn and be guided by you. Do

not rush it though, slow and steady. If " Kundalini " decides that is

to be the case, she may have other ideas - lol. Surrender as much

control as you are " given " to feel is necessary.@@




However, again, there

> is a downside to convulsions and the like - no driving a car or

> operating machinery for a year, worrying family members, etc. I am

> not comparing the ability to drive a car with achieving spiritual

> enlightenment, but am highlighting the fact that I don't want my


> (and everyone else's) turned upside down again. A smooth transition

> is the way to go, if possible.


@@ Then no resistance in any way. Complete surrender of your


self and guidance. Step outside of your self conditioning. IE sports

practices, work practices, home practices. Before engaging in any of

these, go within and feel whether or not this is an appropriate

action. Go with what is given.@@


It is interesting to note that this numbness seems to occur whenever

> I am feeling fit and healthy, i.e not feeling completely depleted


> per normal. This happened before about 3 months ago in the same

> circumstances and the numbness went up past my knees on both legs,

> with my third eye almost jumping off my forehead (also coinciding

> with a full moon). Then the sensations abated after a few weeks


> I became worn out again, and nothing more happened. Subconsciously,

> perhaps I wore myself out on purpose to prevent the process. My


> such as it is, is well occupied with the demands, and highs and


> of three small children, so I find it difficult to find much time


> space for myself. This is just timing, of course, and the cycle


> come around full swing eventually. It is also partly why I could

> probably do without a full-on kundalini awakening at the moment. I

> now think I may have to change my perspective on things and this

> change I seem to be putting off forever is going to force me to


> a lot of materiality and rubbish in my life. So I will try and

> welcome it and smooth the flow as much as practicable.


@@ A wise choice. Your responses feel to me as of a person who,

though he may have to make some adjustments, will do very well inside

an awakening. @@


I think that

> if I allow this, my life will be unrecognisable in maybe five years

> time from what it is today. Will I be the first spiritual guru-

> Accountant - show you the way and do your tax returns as well?


@@ " The Enlightend Accountant " @@


> Anyway, the longer I put it off, subconsciously or otherwise, the

> harder it may be and, if you believe the predictions for 2012,

> everyone will have to go through this anyway.


@@ Yes no one misses this boat. @@


> As far as the other experiences go, I do often feel energy gently

> moving up my spine and down to my abdomen and hear it as a ringing

> sound (it's hard to describe), but it is not yet the powerful


> and bubbling that I had last year. I haven't experienced any of the

> others but will keep your reassurances in mind. I will let you know

> more when I do the alternate nostril breathing and Tibetans.


@@ Stay in touch my friend - chrism @@


> Many thanks,

> Tom…


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It sounds to me Tom like your higher self is pushing

you onwards where as the physical " YOU " who has to

provide material things and live in the " REAL " world

is a bit hesitant, I would say the higher self is

winning.......hee hee.


Lots of love

Elektra x x x





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Hi Chrism,


You certainly gave me plenty to think about. Just as an update to

last week, the sensations faded away from my feet and 'third eye'

after a few days and I am now back to normality (my version of

normal, as opposed to most others'!!). It seems to be cyclical to

some extent, is affected by environmental factors such as the weather

and the phase of the moon and I know it will come around again.


The timing didn't feel right to me anyway.








, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Hello Tom,

> Please see below separated by @@


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