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Question on Service to Others--Tara

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Well Tara, I am happy for you that everything turned out nicely for you! As you

said sometimes anger rears it's ugly head when we least expect it sometimes and

as long as you realize it and you do something about it, it is okay! Being

forgiving of yourself and of others is the biggest thing and being grateful that

you are able to be forgiving. As I said I am very happy that all turned out

well. You are a wonderful and kind person and your co-workers know that!

Everyone has their moments, whether big or small!







tara jacoby <tjmassage7777


Friday, June 15, 2007 3:42:55 PM

Re: Re: Question on Service to Others


Well, you know how sometimes karma seems to come back around at the exact moment

when you've decided to make the 'right decision " ? Those times, it doesn't wait

for you to do it, it already knows you will, because of the change in your

energy vibrations as you make your conscious decision. Well, as soon as I made

up my mind that I would go to her and tell her I'd work her shift, my twin-soul

(past life daughter) who just came back to work right next to me (oh, my

bliss!!!) told me that she was scheduled to work the 1:45-9:45 shift, and she

really wished I was working next to her then. Of course, I felt like God and

Shakti were patting me on the head for doing the right thing. This counter

manager with whom I switched shift s was sooo thankful! She had tears in her

eyes, and tried to talk me out of it because she knew how I felt about working

that shift, but I hugged her and told her not to worry, just let me do it.


Then of course, the next day, my humanness came out when my dept.manager (also

my past life mother) asked me why I worked the late shift. I filled with

emotion, and began my sentence with an annoyed tone saying, " Well my little

BUDDY over there.... "

Then I felt sorrow for my anger which apparently bulit up over the last 4 or 5

times I've re-arranged my schedule to switch with her, but which was absolutely

unnecessary in this case, and I should've just let it go to begin with.

I felt her sadness (the counter manager) and looked up to see her walking away

from where she had apparently been listening, by the corner.

I don't know what possessed me to become angry. I was going to say that she

asked me to switch with her, and it turned out to be a wonderful treat for me as

well, because I got to work with my twin soul, but then the emotion over all the

times I've been put out of my way to accomodate her flooded me, and my good

intentions were torn, and it just came out all wrong.

I quickly changed my tone, and finished my sentence in a possitive tune.

Then when that counter manager came over to me, she asked me what she could do

for me in return, and she had tears in her eyes.

I could tell I made her feel bad, and I felt terrible about it. I gave her a big

hug, and told her that I was sorry, and that I really did do it because I wanted

to, and I'm really glad she got a chance to go out again, and I want her to be

happy. I told her I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't truly wanted to, with my

heart, and that I don't expect anything in return.

Then I told her that I actually had a great time working that shift because my

sweetest one (twin soul) was with me. She felt much better, and so did I.

My heart felt a million times lighter.

I also learned a lesson: forgive- reconcile any communication problems

peacefully, and make sure you let every greivance go at the end of the day, and

fill your heart back up with your good old lovin' thoughts, or even the most

secretive little grudges will make themselves known when you least expect it.

I guess it really does all come back to love.

Love..and love purely, and everything you say and do, will come out as love, and

peace will exist in your heart and in all your relationships. Even though I

don't LIKE to hurt, or to feel a confrontation, or a slight grudge toward

anyone's actions or words..I sure do love it when I am able to grow by way of


Thanks and blessings to you love,



vjvousden <vjvousden > wrote: That wasn't too long, that was a great

story (or stories)! I think

the example of giving a gift out of a feeling of obligation rather

than out of love is so very apt. I can totally see that and have on

other occaisions-- just didn't see it the way you just put it. Well

done. And you're doing a good thing for your co-worker is such a good

example of K working through us to make us more like LOVE. Awesome.

Just think how good you'll feel if this date she had is " The One " .

Because of you, she will have found her special someone. Even if it

isn't, you did a wonderful thing for someone who hadn't dated for a

while. Oh boy, do I remember THOSE days and the boost of feeling I

had when I went out again for the first time in a long time. Believe

me, dear Tara, you've done a good thing. (Besides, don't you get a

little shift differential when you work the later shift? ;-) )





Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , tara jacoby

<tjmassage7777@ ...> wrote:


> Wow, that's beautiful, Dhyana!

> What a great gage to use.

> It makes me think of a story;


> One of the cosmetics counter managers whom I work with asked me one


> if she should bother buying a gift for her part time beauty

adviser, who was leaving FOR New York, and the following day would be

her last with us.

> She said " Do you think I haaaaave to give her a gift? I mean,

she's only been here for three months, but some of the girls are

giving her gifts so maaaybe I'd better give her something. " I

started to tell her that it would be a nice gesture, and that if

money was an issue, she could even go to the dollar store. After all,

I thought, it's the thought that counts, and we ladies do love to

have scented candles and blocks of pretty paper, no matter where they

come from.

> Then I thought of it.....'The THOUGHT that counts', and I told her

to listen to her heart. That those who were giving gifts, were doing

it from the heart, not out of obligation or feelings of needing to

fit in, or any intentions other than love.

> She gave her a gift afterall, but with the wrong intentions, and

her part timer felt it.

> After all, it was was received with the same feeling in which it

was given.


> Last week, one of the other cosmetics counter managers asked me to

switch shifts with me..AGAIN..and not only that, but it was a 3p.m.

to 11:15 p.m. shift which I'd be picking up. and that would make the

second one that week.

> Well let me tell you a little something about this beautiful

Kundalini..after I kindly stated that I really felt as though I

didn't want to work two 3-11 shifts, and I was sorry, but no- I

walked away, and it ate me up inside for the rest of the day. I

thought of how she had a date with someone from a match site, and

she was so excited, and she hadn't gone on a date in a long time. I

turned and turned in me all afternoon, until I had to do the right

thing. I didn't do it because I might need her to work for me

someday, I did it out of pure love. But the funny thing is that it

was almost like it wasn't me at all. It was like this force which was

helping me to become more loving and more merciful..and making

me 'right' made the descision and spoke through me, and my humanness

just went along with it. I felt free after that.

> You are so right- do and say and be..with love, pure love..and let

the spirit guide you when your humanness wants to falter.

> Sorry so long.

> Blessings and love to all of you,

> Tara



> Hello Valerie. Your post reminded

me of Mother Teresa's words:

> We are not called to do great things, but small things with great



> I feel that when we serve and love from the heart, no matter what


> is, no matter how small or great, it is love...and that is the


> and greatest gift that can be given. imho. Hug. Love, dhyana


> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " vjvousden "

> <vjvousden@> wrote:

> >

> > I love the idea of volunteering to help others, it gives me joy


> > see a smile come to a sad face. But in practicality, I am the


> > of a 5 year old girl and wife to a busy husband. Does that count


> > service to others? I just don't feel I have the energy or time

to do

> > more at this point.

> >

> > When I'm out and about, like running errands, I remember to be


> > to those I'm in contact with, sending a silent flash of love


> > way or blessing something I hand to them to give them a bit of


> > as well. I try very hard to forgive and bless the rude driver,


> > rude sales clerk, the angry teen pushing past me in the store.


> > there are times I have trouble with my own anger surfacing. So


> > guilty as well, but the majority of the time I'm in a place of


> >

> > Just wondering if the K would be satisfied with the homemaker as


> > prime service. I just don't know that I can do more...I could

but it

> > would be stretching myself thin and my energy isn't that high to

> > begin with.

> >

> > I do see, as time goes on and I don't have to be Mother-on-the-


> > 24/7, that there will be time to help somehow but for the next


> > years I just don't see how I could do it and not harm myself,


> > emotionally but probably physically as well.

> >

> > Thoughts?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Valarie

> >

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