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on gentleness - Glen O

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Wow, Glen!!!

That's an AWESOME breakdown, I love it!

Thanks so much for sharing!

Love and peace,



Glen Olah <gleno wrote:

Thats a wonderful post Elizabeth. You raise some excellent points.


I always say that I have been blessed with a gentle awakening but in

actuality the life experiences that created the grounding for my

ascension have been most extreme. (as i imagine it has been for most

of our members).


I have never gone looking or seeking enlightenment or searched for

answers on my existence. Everything that has occurred within my

experience has been a very natural and fluid progression- hence the

uncomplicated aspects of my awakening.


It was through circumstance that I found myself with lots of personal

time trying not to " lose it " completely through extreme circumstance.

It was during this period that entities started visiting spurring a

desperate search for answers regarding their origins. I discovered

kundalini and realized it was already beginning to manifest through me

and everything has lead to now. But I have never sought from an ego

based perspective. I have just sought to do the right thing for the

right reasons. And that has allowed a gentleness to the entire experience.


This might sound corny (because i have never heard it explained this

way) but here is my simple mathematical formula for working with

energy produced through intension:


1. Do the right thing for the right reasons = positive energies

(ultimately can only lead to a positive result)


2. Do the right thing for wrong reasons (or) wrong thing for right

reasons = do the math according to circumstance

(the math here would be determined by karma and darma and universal



3. Do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons = negative energies

(ultimately can only lead to despair/negative result)


It is not what one does so much as the intent behind the action.


And although i'm often saddened/disappointed by the choices some

people make i am also content in the knowledge these are paths my

brothers and sisters must travel within their respective journeys.


love to you Elizabeth, glen o.



" elizabeth931665 " <cosmichealer1 wrote:


> I read your post about gentleness during shaktipat and it makes so

> much sense .Any fool can throw energy around if their ego is big

> enough and they have studied a little .As the unwitting recepient of

> this in the past right at the beginning i m here to warn the rest of

> you that its not in your best interests .This is not about the

> biggest and best experiences, becoming ungrounded or energy addicts

> or hitting your inner blocks with a sledgehammer im fairly certain

> its about helping us gracefully release them to heal ourselves. All i

> have learnt leads me to believe is offering us a gentle path

> upwards to maintain higher levels of inner freedom and peace with

> kundalini rising possibly at some stage when the system is strong

> enough .


> i am so grateful that you have learnt from your experiences to

> be concerned about safety more than anything else .In my own small

> way i have learnt the same and practise it although not at your

> level .I too think that teaching people to heal themselves is more

> important than sending healing energy and this is reflected in the

> way i work.


> I have learnt that some attunements or energy transmissions start at

> the crown and upper areas without checking out a firm foundation and

> its like being hit by lightning slowly .That is what happened to me

> and i have spent the last 7 years trying to put it right .I'm not

> saying i regret it as have learnt so much and helped others avoid my

> errors .

> Upshot of this post is PLEASE EVERYONE if says take it easy or

> rest , massage or whatever , DO listen to him , he really does have

> your best interests at heart .

> I have this theory that some of the experiences are energy blocks or

> energy finding blocky areas in the brain and the best way to get

> past is to ignore what is happening in a loving way so the neural

> pathway is not strenghtened and you move on .

> I end by thanking everyone for being here and hoping your shaktipat

> goes smoothly .Im grateful that im experiencing added inner flow and

> warmth , a little soreness under left ribs and right big toe

> crampiness .Chrism i for one salute your gentleness which shows you

> are letting go and letting god , i have a little further to travel in

> order to get completely out of my own way .Im more optimistic now

> that i can when i read your mails

> Love elizabeth









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