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Demonstrate your Surrender

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A very powerful post, Chrism, and full of deep beauty. Thank you.


There appeared to be much that needed to be surrendered. When I look

at it I see that the old awareness, which includes all the aspects of

my dreaming mind and its internal thought life (ego?), appeared to be

the root problem. To cut that root and be grafted into the Mind of

Christ, is where I want to go.


He speaks of the Vine and branches. I want to surrender everything

that keeps me from being a true branch in Him, allowing His Life and

Will to flow freely through me into the world without any

hindrances.... So, its the old way of living and perceiving life that

I want to completely surrender.


All the drama and motivations that go with living in the world system

on the ego level I surrender. It holds no attraction for me. This is

the direction I've been moving in. The intention to let it go and

allow space for His Life in me is very strong. This is Home to me.


Living in the Moment, surrendering to it without trying to control it

or project anything onto it, allowing it to unfold, and responding

from a place of Connection and Love is what life is to me now. Not

perfected yet, but the dominant intention. And if that is to be

surrendered as well, then so be it.


All the aspects of my humanity that have dealt with heartache, pain,

grief, sadness, regret, abandonment, loss, shame, have been

surrendered to Forgiveness and I feel release. There isn't much, if

anything, that I cling to anymore (that I am aware of). When issues

come up to be released, they are like doors that lead me into amazing

places. I'm beginning to love and embrace this process.


I surrender all to my higher Self, and serve the Highest as it is

revealed to me, holding nothing back.


In love and surrender,







, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Show me. Let me see what you are willing to surrender that you may

> come into a full and pure expression of Kundalini. Demonstrate

> this.....please. Let me see what you are willing to give up. What

> you are willing to leave. What you are willing to expose. Tell me,

> show me. Demonstrate what you will surrender. And how you will

> surrender it. Reveal yourself. I gave up everything and died seven

> times. What are you willing to let die inside yourself? Your

> conceit? Your honor? Your fears? Your pride? Your power?


> If you struggle and resist you will fail in your attempt and then be

> consumed by that which you refuse to let go of. Surrender it. Let it

> go. Is it guilt? Reveal it to me. Is it pain? Give it to me. Is it

> your truth? Serve it to me.


> Let me know what you can give in the deepest and most lighted to the

> rankest most depraved aspects of what you hide behind your eyes and

> behind your heart. Because I will go there and breathe deep of your

> sorrows and your accomplishments. I will help you clear your shames

> and your joys and loves and all of those experiences that you keep

> private, the exudate of your soul.


> It all gets exposed. Amplified and brought into the plain view. All

> with eyes to see will know and already do know. Nothing is private

> here and all these secrets are weighed for contents and intention

> and set aside as the useless dross of the ego. Let it go. Give it to

> me that I may help you.


> There is no shame. There is only release and surrender. Open

> yourself and allow all aspects of your soul to be given the room to

> breathe. By loosening the burden of what you hold dear, good or

> shameful, wretched or loving. Surrender it all and let the Divinity

> that is starting to express, breathe the new breath of existence

> inside the new space you have created with your surrender. -



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