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Demonstrate your Surrender-Droxine

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Ahhh...Droxine and your infinite wisdom,

Your voice is like a sweet wind. What a pleasant surprise!

Love to you,



droxine5 <Droxine1 wrote: Hi,



This is a very interesting topic which cuts to the core of things.

When we talk of surrendering, we are ultimately talking about how to

dispense with the unnecessary in favour of getting at and embracing

the essential. We are looking at how to overcome the constraints of

ego in order to unleash and abide within the higher self, the next

*us* in the line of development.




Your entreaty reminded me so much of the spirit world and what I

remember as a completely open and honest environment for discussing

one's own shortcomings and " projects " we are all working on (within



That feeling of absolute lack of shame or need to guard

vulnerabilities, lack of conceit and self-deception is based on

absolute trust in self and others not to misuse this sacred

information. It simply falls under the heading of identity and quest

and is gravely respected by all on the higher levels.


There, the only thing disclosing our failures and weaknesses does is

to testify to self knowledge and some cognizance of where we are

meant to go, along with the desire to help others or be helped by our

sharing this information. There is no suffering, or negative

repercussion caused by this type of self-acknowledgment or



To the contrary, there is a wonderful and exhilarating freedom in

sharing our flaws and imperfections - the same benefits that come in

detaching from anything. They are made a subject of study with

personal dedication to their excision. We do not " own " as part of

us these flaws in the deepest sense, the only sense that holds

importance, but we are responsible for their eradication; we are

responsible for the refinement of our individual spark of light




I wish everyone here would take a moment to imagine such a place

where " weaknesses " take on a new, pure meaning. Where they mean

only " recognised opportunities for becoming, " where they are

discussed with the seriousness of sacred intent, and our

confrontation and mollification of them is met with the mirth of

celebration, individually and communally.


It is a far cry from how we handle these things on Earth, but I

commend you, Chrism, for intending to open up a safe space where that

same, " detached but seeing " attitude and regard for our spiritual

lack can take root and grow in memory of how it is viewed in the

spirit world.


It is ultimately Tom's post which inspired me to write, although I

have been thinking about ego impediments I need to shed lately and

thought your exercise was a great idea. I've enjoyed reading the

responses and think the honesty and humility exhibited has been a

beautiful thing.

Perhaps it is too much to ask for the *same* level of self scrutiny

and open disclosure as is demonstrated in the higher realms, but I

believe we can begin to do this on our own, at least, with ourselves

as witness. If we can discuss these things with a trusted friend or

with this group, all the better, but it is so important to create and

refine this all-accepting and all-acknowledging place within

ourselves that I would recommend it be begun and maintained here

regardless of the ability to share with others.




Self-honesty requires the type of detachment described, courage and

some brains, too. We are used to holding very dear most of the

things we need to shed, so we must be able to stand up to ourselves

and kindly steer our lower parts as a parent would a self-destructive



The parent knows the child will not be harmed - only helped - by

knowing himself and releasing unnecessary attitudes and habitual

responses, but the child will say " yes, but-, " " yes, but- " and make

his case until the sun goes down. The conscientious and devoted

parent will not waver or weaken because he knows what is best for the

child, even if it means taking away his favourite toy because it is

impeding his development. This is the role to assume with our egos,

that of loving, knowing, tireless parent, kind and authoritative

(never authoritarian).




We may be so accustomed to our impediments, they may be so much a

part of how we structure our reactions to self and the world, that we

may have difficulty remembering they are not needed or that they

impinge on the light we hold.


We may keep in mind in this case, the example of Michelangelo

Buonarroti, who is credited with having said: " The statue is already

inside the block of marble –all that is necessary is to work it out

by chipping off everything unnecessary. " We are all master artists

and craftsmen whose aim is to see the figure within the rock and

eliminate all the unnecessary bits so as to free it. Part of the

intention of Creation is that we give birth to ourselves.


We must condition ourselves to imagine ourselves in our highest

light, as a beautiful, ideal specimen to behold. Anything short of

this visual will not hold sway. We are loyal only to the figure

within, uphold only it's divine purpose, support only its cause.

Everything else will be chipped off and swept away at the end of the

day. The artist's hands must be prepared to deliver the sharp,

intrusive cut in order to expose the beauty and ideal within it's

confines. We must not settle for less.


So, in weeding out the unnecessary, I ask, are we prepared to see

ourselves first as a Michelangelo? Are we prepared to imagine that

perfection- not that to which we aspire, but which we already are?

Are we ready to commit to only the pure self and none of the

extraneous? Are we able to love ourselves now as we would our most

perfect version of ourselves?


In our realised state, we are radiant, pure and loving expressions,

brave and bold and wild and free. Our light is powerful and

consuming of darkness. It's scope is broad, it's view clear, it's

path unobstructed and self-determined. There is nothing but Love and

Integrity (respect of that Love). There is nothing but Being and

Emergence and Emanation. The Love-Power transmutes all in its path

to Its Way. There is no conflict it sees or knows. This is who we

really are.


(Living in knowledge of this fact is the first step to distinguishing

between essential, fundamental and structural and all the filler,

stand-ins, substitutes and superstitions, the dross of ego.)


But are we ready to face this truth about ourselves?


Or is it too hot to handle?




There is only one reason why we would not practise self-honesty, only

one reason to keep secrets from ourselves, and that is fear of not

being enough. Fear is ever behind lies or hiding from the truth, and

is itself a lie. We are beyond sufficient. That is the truth of

it. There is no failing or fault or blindness or incomprehension

that can alter that truth, because the truth is the ultimate reality

(UR) of who and what we are, and we must look to higher realities in

order to respect higher truths in our own lives as we lead them in

the physical.


In the perfect order of things, we fit beautifully and fully where we

are *right now.* It may seem paradoxical that our finest self-

modifications may be accomplished under the governance of supreme

self-acceptance, but given the broader idea and ideal of " self " as

described above, one can see how this is the only way possible to

make such refinements and amendments to character. We cling to

things only when we feel in need of them. Seeing that we are already

everything we need, already sufficient, frees us to release the



This respect for the essential requires self knowledge and self

recognition of a high order. This must become part of the regular

practise so that detachment to one's ego impediments may be

released. It is, as always, a matter of training focus (onto the

essential and the essential Self).




For those in more advanced stages of development who have been

blessed with glimpses of their power in what might be

considered " extraordinary " ways, a further impediment to self

recognition which may arise is fear of abusing that power. This can

also lead to denial of self. We all have the fear of our own power,

perhaps because we have yet to understand it.


We can spend a thousand lifetimes running from ourselves, our larger

selves, or we can finally get tired of the running, turn round and

face ourselves. That can mean an explosion of supernormal gifts and

manifestations (particularly as we accept that light) which simply

are not grounded contextually in available paradigms (with growing

exceptions such as this group, but still). Curiosity about our

identity can be a powerful catalyst to higher energies.


The journey is different for us all and for this reason, and, as it

has to do with traveling form unknowing to unknowing, in respect to

this process, those who have passed before us do not usually reveal

in detail what they have experienced or, perhaps that they have

experienced anything out of the ordinary. They have self-witnessed

and they now hold sacred knowledge on the lower levels of

consciousness of who they really are. In a sense, they have taken

the first real steps to falling in love with Themselves. It is a

private affair.


They are different from others only in this respect. But the

knowledge in itself refashions the man, so everything is ultimately

made different. But there comes a point along this journey of

knowing that the ego may panic that self is not to be trusted with

such grave power and responsibility or may be undeserving of it.


At every stage, even advanced ones, the issues of deserving and self-

trust will emerge until they, too, are healed and released. The

trust we must engage in (at this point and always) is one of respect

for Light and the System it created/creates and over which it

presides. If we place our trust in the Light we hold, it will not

allow us to stray into darkness. Even if we err and stray, we will

be reclaimed and find our way back to ourselves, back to an

expression of integrity.


Love at every step is our life preserver, bathing in self-Love in

itself will elevate us to a higher place which we may (from ego

standpoint) be able to see as " more deserving " of that love, so it is

a self-nourishing proposition.


These ills we all have can and will all be released through self-

acknowledgment, self-approval and unconditional self-love. We pray

and practice to give it to others, why not ourselves?




The obstacles to releasing the unnecessary are: 1. Failure to

distinguish it from the essential 2. Fear (of insufficiency, of

power and powerlessness, of change, of too much control, of loss of

control and a whole lot of other fearing lies and misunderstandings)

which equates to 3. Lack of trust (in Light, in Self, in the System,

in the operation of ultimate reality - UR).


So, a bit of self-examination and self-honesty, creating that safe

space within of no condemnation or retribution where we can bring to

light our own deficiencies, a bit of spiritual intelligence and

courage to pick out the muddy bits, and a self-ordering along higher

lines and according to higher definitions is a good start for the

process of surrendering the ego dross. These steps lead to self-

knowledge, and the more we know of the real us, the less attractive

and valued the cheap imitation becomes.


We surrender it to Shakti, to Shiva, to God, to all those who give us

the tools to participate in our own making, but we will reap the most

immediate rewards. We ultimately surrender these things to our own

Largeness, are honoured to sweep up after the master artist within

ourselves. Nothing is lost whose loss we, ourselves, haven't taken

part in designing and allowing for and executing as part of our own

becoming. In some respect it is a game of hide and go seek we play

with ourselves to allow the wonder and thrill of discovery and





For myself, I heard myself say the other day, out loud " I'm so sick

of the drama!! " My self-created drama, the misuse of my wonderful

and blessed imagination and intelligence to create negative

scenarios, suspicions and paranoia, which feed into a perfectionist,

too-exacting and insecure mind set.


I dishonour myself by creating a hundred distractions a day from the

recognition and being of my greater, sufficient self. I ask my own

forgiveness for this, and for allowing my happiness and serenity of

mind to be controlled by external forces (imaginary and otherwise).

Another distortion of how I am meant to emanate and express.


I don't live in recognition of my own power. I conditionalise my

emotional well-being, I doubt things I've been shown. Not always,

but too often. As with anyone who judges themselves, I judge others

as well, to my own detriment. Which is very paradoxical, because I

love and revere those same people more than they know. It is simply

a layer of judgement that covers and obscures everything that I'd

like to surrender, even if it means abiding in not knowing what

people think of me, who they are or what is going on, etc.


(I don't mind people knowing these shortcomings I have at ego level,

because I know it's all scraps. I've seen and experienced as the

capital " I, " and it's a natural fit. This other is like a shrunken,

Cirque du Soleil body suit that chafes in all the wrong places.)


We put in these extra steps to self acceptance and -acknowledgment

and in so doing limit greatly our experience of ourselves and others

in terms of reality and Reality. When we grow within ourselves, so

does our world, our realm. We see more within and without - without

all the lower mind editorializing, so I would love to live more

anchored to my light within and not care about cause and effect and

outside turbulence. I'd like to release the importance I give

unimportant things.






I know this exercise is not about commenting on other's stated self-

work, but I beg your forbearance to say what is in my heart about two

people here whom I love. I hope I know you well enough to presume to

grope my way through these statements, but if I miss the mark, please

forgive and know it was intended in love.


So, to Tom, I wish to say, know Who You Are, and feel the power of

everything you are *right now*. You will laugh at the foibles you

now consider such trespasses worthy to be hidden. You will see them

as scraps on the floor at the end of the day's work of creating -

mere sweepings. You have always shone as an undeniable light to me.

The best gift you can give to your son (beside your love in general,

of course) is your human weakness, and showing him how to laugh at

it. I have a feeling you already do this, because you have been

teaching me by your example how to do it.


And that's the right perspective to have. It can't touch you, no

matter what you do with it - reveal it to another, shout it from the

rooftops, engrave it on your tombstone. It's all scraps that nobody

in their right mind (heart) pays attention to. They see past it like

it's not there, and so should you. Creating that special space of

Self love, allowance and approval will lead you to an unshakable

centre where you know what you now might only suspect.


Your openness and honesty here (in response to this question) sort of

shows me that you won't be much hindered by ego. The mechanisms for

self examination and elimination are in place. You're looking at

your reflection in the mirror, which is no small feat, but I think

soon you will begin to really see all that is there, and it will

really wow you (if the wowing isn't already well underway). So,

just keep your eyes open.


And to Tara, I wish to say, stop trying to be what you already are.

Be your perfect self. Own that you are already perfect, and

perfectly placed, just as you are. Your effort is only an exercise

to convince yourself of your worthiness. It has no impact on the

worthiness itself, which is an immovable rock of a fact. You come

closest to your Self in your moments of abandon, your passion is a

road to yourself. So chase that bliss, in whatever form it presents



Just feel however you are now, and approve it without condition or

exception. Make yourself happy and continue to do so as a matter of

course, as you have already been doing. You are a powerful lover.

Continue to turn that power inward and romance yourself as you would

a lover. Tell yourself you are all you need. Ask nothing of

yourself, but give yourself everything you have and lease to fully

express yourself and all your extensions. You will feel full this

way. You will answer your own ache. Not everyone can do this, but

I believe you can.


Do everything in celebration of yourself and the journey, and nothing

out of obligation or need. You don't have to always " do " in order

to " be. " Simply watching Yourself being can work wonders.

Instead of saying a prayer, try for example *being* the prayer. Slip

into the music of silence and hear and be your own placid, expanding

heart enacting that feeling that the prayer evokes.


You have always been and continue to be a very heartening influence.

You keep surprising me with the ways in which you birth yourself into

existence, seemingly on a daily basis. :) You know your experiences

have always been validating to me, and I thank you for that blessing

and for being you.


Forgive the liberty taking; these were just little things of

appreciation I wanted to tell you both and not in any way meant as

corrective as I think you are both honouring your paths in very

inspiring and astounding ways! I see what is already there and

feel, once again, that seeing and recognising these advances and this

fundamental wonderfulness in ourselves is a large part of becoming.




Chrism, there was an inspired urgency in your recent exhortation.

You wanted this for us, this feeling of freedom, disencumberment,

release and realisation. Thanks for this selfless desire for our

well-being and our becoming, for seeing what is needed and acting on

it, for providing the safety bubble of self-disclosure, good and bad,

warts and all and imparting the use of it. Though our first

instinct may be to struggle, it is clear that your heart is pure and

your guidance well-founded in experience and to be respectfully and

carefully considered for all the facets of truth and direction it



I hope the confessions take the sting out of these things, as they

aren't deserving of any weight or anxiety. They will all be stripped

away or eroded in time through exposure to light. All is in perfect

order, waiting to be seen for what it is, inside and out.


I celebrate everyone here with the curiosity and the courage to look.


Sorry for the length,





" We are to be re-made. All the rabbit in us is to disappear - the

worried, conscientious, ethical rabbit as well as the cowardly and

sensual rabbit. . . .and then, surprisingly, we shall find underneath

it all a thing we have never yet imagined; a real Man, an ageless

god, a son of God, strong, radiant, wise, beautiful, and drenched in

joy. "








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