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fire the grid? - Kundalini

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My thoughts on this Bradly are that as you have Kundalini " fire your

own personal grid " so does the earth grid become activated. The body

is the earth. It cannot be helped but to have this happen.


As Kundalini courses through your system the earth cannot help but to

be fired and awakened. It is an internal event that doesn't just

happen one day and not the next. It is every day for the rest of your

life. As it is internal so is it then external. As above so below. As

within so with out.


So these grand examples of grouped intention are a great and

wonderful way for those who are not infusing with Kundalini to get

together and accomplish a loving and helpful intention.


Kundalini makes this type of activity an everyday imperative.


So go for it and add your juice to the mix! Keep your intention as

you wish it to be and realize that this is part of the Kundalini

process that is on going. No fear, no energy drain, no praying to a

discarnate entity or a group of them, just a fun and helpful way to

interact with those who have a shared interest. And as they go back

to work and forget about what has been induced, you keep going and

infusing and experience the Kundalini fire your grid inside and the

grid you walk upon outside. - my take - chrism

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Cool answer! Igor.




: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 21:46:48 +0000Subject:

Re: fire the grid? - Kundalini





My thoughts on this Bradly are that as you have Kundalini " fire your own

personal grid " so does the earth grid become activated. The body is the earth.

It cannot be helped but to have this happen. As Kundalini courses through your

system the earth cannot help but to be fired and awakened. It is an internal

event that doesn't just happen one day and not the next. It is every day for the

rest of your life. As it is internal so is it then external. As above so below.

As within so with out.So these grand examples of grouped intention are a great

and wonderful way for those who are not infusing with Kundalini to get together

and accomplish a loving and helpful intention. Kundalini makes this type of

activity an everyday imperative.So go for it and add your juice to the mix! Keep

your intention as you wish it to be and realize that this is part of the

Kundalini process that is on going. No fear, no energy drain, no praying to a

discarnate entity or a group of them, just a fun and helpful way to interact

with those who have a shared interest. And as they go back to work and forget

about what has been induced, you keep going and infusing and experience the

Kundalini fire your grid inside and the grid you walk upon outside. - my take -





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I think that anything that joins humans together in thought and meditation is a

good thing. When we think about something outside of ourselvs in a desire to be

of service only good things happen. If it boosts peoles morale to feel like they

are doing something positive for the earth, all the better.

I do believe in group power , and seeing alot of time and group power is spent

in fear based manifestation it is great to counteract it with some uplifting

group power.


Whether the earth needs us to do anything specific to her is up for debate as

like said, I think that everything I do is connected to the earth at all

times, as I activate she activates, when she activates I do......


so, it's all good, happy firing all, have fun

many blessings

Elektra x x x




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I'm with you, Elektra. Whether we need to do anything or not, it will

be good to have this group dynamic. I will try to feel you all on the

day. And I will meditate either quietly or in a walking meditation

and hope my beginnings of K will be there to enhance the experience.

I think there is an energy building up to the 17th just from our

intention, excitement and love for each other that is really

inspiring to me. Its like we've done something already and the day

isn't even here yet. I'm very excited that tens of thousands, maybe

even millions of souls will be in sync with one mind. How awesome.

Something will have to come of it, good of course. Evil can't use it

because it only feeds on fear. There is no fear here.


I'm all in favor of " firing the Kundalini " , too! =-) It's been a

little quiet of late. LOL!


Nice to read all of you, if briefly. All is well. Hope to " feel " you

on the 17th.


Love and virtual hugs,



, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> I think that anything that joins humans together in thought and

meditation is a good thing. When we think about something outside of

ourselvs in a desire to be of service only good things happen. If it

boosts peoles morale to feel like they are doing something positive

for the earth, all the better.

> I do believe in group power , and seeing alot of time and group

power is spent in fear based manifestation it is great to counteract

it with some uplifting group power.


> Whether the earth needs us to do anything specific to her is up

for debate as like said, I think that everything I do is

connected to the earth at all times, as I activate she activates,

when she activates I do......


so, it's all good, happy firing all, have fun

many blessings

Elektra x x x

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