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I also refer to these as " energy eggs " as they have (at least for me)

a rather oblong shape at times. These are concentrations of energy

traveling up the spine. Sometimes a prelude to a more auspicious



They are part of the process and nothing is wrong should you feel them

and they are tactile. As if there is a round or oblong " object "

traveling up your spine, these energy eggs will stop or exit out a

specific chakra. This is usually accompanied by tingles and waves of

pleasure extending throughout various regions of the body far from

where this energy stops.


It is indicative of subtle Kundalini movement. Not anything to be

concerned with and more to be enjoyed as there are definite pleasures

associated with them. -

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I have been feeling them a lot lately. I felt them rise around my head

.... it feels very relaxing. I felt my tail bone/buttock area vibrate

while at work. I think I developed a cold sore on the tip of my tongue

from doing the tongue lock. I love these energy eggs.




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> I also refer to these as " energy eggs " as they have (at least for me)

> a rather oblong shape at times. These are concentrations of energy

> traveling up the spine. Sometimes a prelude to a more auspicious

> infusion.


> They are part of the process and nothing is wrong should you feel them

> and they are tactile. As if there is a round or oblong " object "

> traveling up your spine, these energy eggs will stop or exit out a

> specific chakra. This is usually accompanied by tingles and waves of

> pleasure extending throughout various regions of the body far from

> where this energy stops.


> It is indicative of subtle Kundalini movement. Not anything to be

> concerned with and more to be enjoyed as there are definite pleasures

> associated with them. -


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Ahh...good! A connection at last...


I had some K activity finally today. Slight headache in the temples, not

debilitating but annoying. I laid down for a nap at 3ish and as I often do as I

lie down in bed, went into finger, tongue, eye locks and did prayers, mantra. I

got a sudden intense aching in my tail and sit bones! It subsided about 2 mins.

later to be replaced by an egg going up my spine and lodging just between my

shoulder blades which is where it stayed. It became numb in a ring around it

then sent alternating pins-and-needles and cold shivers down both arms and my

back. It was very interesting. Fell asleep with this. Had a short dream of light

coming through seams or cracks in panels in the walls of my room. But what was

outside in that sunny place was eternity or space only it was light. And I

thought the room I thought I was in was only a shell, not real. Good, eh? I woke

up about 5 (!) refreshed and the egg is gone.


Fun stuff. No sensations in my teeth yet. I like these little tidbits you are

giving us, Chrism. Nothing surprises me now but I am very interested in these.

Ever hear of anyone growing new teeth in the place where the old ones fell out?

In adults, I mean? Thanks for sharing.


Love to all,



P.S. Elektra, how is your trip? Are you still in the UK?




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Valarie: " I had some K activity finally today.

I got a sudden intense aching in my tail and sit bones! It

subsided about 2 mins. later to be replaced by an egg going up

my spine and lodging just between my shoulder blades which is

where it stayed. It became numb in a ring around

it then sent alternating pins-and-needles and cold shivers down both arms

and my back. It was very interesting. Fell asleep with this.

Had a short dream of light coming through seams or cracks in panels

in the walls of my room. But what was outside in that sunny place

was eternity or space only it was light. And I thought the room I thought

I was in was only a shell, not real. "


Hi Valarie and everyone else in the group.

My name is Betsy and I've just recently joined your group.

My K. activated around 18 months ago and it has never let

up -- not even for one day. I've been doing 'spontaneous' stretching

sessions -- there is no technique involved, when I surrender

my mind, emotions and body (=personality) then my body

responds and moves -- and I move with it, being carried

by the increasing stronger vibration due to nervous system

changes which happen each day. My average amount of

time of doing these sessions has been 10 hours per day,

and this has not been by choice. I do what needs to be done,

otherwise I suffer increasing discomfort from the building tension

- like the eggs you speak about. I call these eggs a

bolus of energy which has cumulated at a certain point

in the body and it is doing work in that area, to open and stretch

out ligaments, tendons, muscles and bone. They often

accumulate at the base of the skull and in the neck and

they are there because they are working to go up into the skull.

There is a 'human' blockage there and the energy in your body is

cumulating there as a super energy, thus the ball, to

work on or pummel that area of restriction. I seem to recall

there was work on T1 vertebra then the chest, just before

the energy went fully into the skull strongly. Just before this

there were also many neck cracks and stretching

of the neck to all sides with long holds of one position.


Your dream was interesting. From it I got the sense that

you were being given the message that the sutures on your

skull will start to open. Perhaps that was happening while

you slept and you made your interpretation of it, unconsicously.?

Anyways from what you describe and if my experience is similar

then I expect that you might experience that soon. ( I am convinced

that authentic k. process will follow the same path in all humans

because it is a latent growing process. Just like an oak seed when

it unfolds will follow certain patterns, all the same lifeforms grow the

same. However, because we are going into an unknown field, there

exists very little vocabulary for what we experience and so everyone's

experience seems so different. I look for the commonalities...)

When the sutures first started opening in my skull, i thought my head was

cracking open and it was scary to me. I thought I was going to be

transformed into a new body instantly in a flash. Turned out this was

not the case... In case this happens, I just want to assure anybody

reading that there is nothing to be afraid of, it is simply the start

to open the cranial bones to move towards full articulation of all

the bones in the skull. As far as I can tell I'm nearly done with

this skull work, which has taken many hours. I will be so glad

when it is done. As I'm new to this list, I'm not sure if others

have been through this, so I apologize if this is redundant.


Valarie: " Ever hear of anyone growing new teeth in the place where the

old ones fell out? In adults, I mean? "


I also would like to know if anyone has grown new teeth where

the old ones fell out. And have people experienced old teeth falling

out? I've had several dreams about it happening, but so far

I have all my teeth after many hours of skull work. I would love

to get a new set of teeth...




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Hello Betsy and welcome,

Yes the cranial realignments. They are a

feature of the Kundalini and do come and go in my experience. It is

nice to read of your continuing infusion and the surrender you

demonstrate to the process. 10 hours a day is a wonderful way of

embracing the Kundalini and how fortunate you are to be able to

devote that much time. Not everyone can so congratulations!


This is a phenomenon of the Kundalini that can be surprising. As you

say it is for a purpose and what that may be will be different for

the individual as far as what needs to be aligned and where. As well

as your spontaneous movements and stretches. Those stretches and

movements you describe sound alot like a kriyas. The automatic poses

and stretches and movements that are induced by Kundalini, are not

always experienced by a person inside of Kundalini.


I have found that there are few rules regarding the symptoms that a

person can experience with regards to the Kundalini though I agree

that there are certain " seed elements " to use your analogy, that do

tend to manifest for almost everyone I have encountered inside the

process. These elements guide us through the process by allowing us

a reference for comparison.


These symptoms will present and yet the way a person processes them

and how they are able to experience the expression of these

phenomena will vary in my experience. We all come to the Kundalini

potluck with different dishes! But it is the same potluck so your

Seed analogy also holds!


Not all Kundalini people experience all the phenomena another will

experience yet they are still inside the process.


Though I do agree with your oak tree analogy - nice! I have found

that we evolve inside the Kundalini expression individually. We

bring individual Karmic influence and experience to the table and

though the propensity for the action of the Kundalini may be there

in seed form, its expression may not need to be the same as

another's expression. Hence the difference.


As far as the dental reconstitution, this is a known phenomenon

though not tightly associated with the Kundalini in the way of the

infusion upon the body but an aspect of regeneration that Kundalini

can help to induce.


Spinal injury, fractured bones, disease, dental imbalances, cancer

do remain phenomena that can experience change with the specific

expression of the Kundalini in conjunction with the " High Self "

imho. This cannot be " proven " scientifically as the idea of a " High

Self " isn't available for many in the west at this time. But there

are some on this list who have experienced change because of it.


The old Hawaiian Kahunas have experience in this area. Max Freedom

Long has some excellent books on this subject.


All I can say is what I have experienced with regards to dental

redaction. My teeth have had a challenging existence! Yet they are

still there and when I eat or smile it isn't as bad as I perhaps

make it sound.


The phenomena in dreams of having the teeth fall out is also

indicative of having your life completely changed. Nothing of the

old remains. As the child looses his/her teeth and others come in to

replace them, perhaps your new teeth are on the way. And in this

case the teeth may or may not be needed. Certainly from a Kundalini

stand point there are other ways of communicating and taking in

nourishment. - just my take - blessings and welcome - chrism

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