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A last word before I take a break - Betsy

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Hi Betsy,


I almost never post to internet groups, but for some reason I decided

to have a look this morning. I read your web article (link below),

and the various responses. As I read your article, I thought your

name sounded familiar, and, sure enough, we had some friendly

exchanges about sungazing about four years ago, back when some of us

were impressed by you-know-who (a certain lovable but fraudulent

sungazing guru, not to mention his smartalecky sidekick). And how

much has changed for both of us in those few years!

I don't want to sound like I'm taking sides, but I'll just say that I

agree with everything says, while the other comments seem

well-intended but relatively (and inevitably) uninformed, for reasons

that you mentioned (see below, again). Not many people are going to

understand your situation, and I think you know that you'll have to

accept that, and not look for confirmation where there can be none

(i.e. from those who haven't had your experiences). Although I

haven't been there myself, I presume to see both a silver lining and a

hurdle, the former based on your web article, and the latter on your

responses here. Maybe you can figure out what I mean. Sorry if I'm

sounding cryptic; I'm not in a position to give advice, but perhaps I

can offer encouragement. Will say more if you want to discuss it, but

would hardly blame you for staying away from the computer if that helps.


John E



, " betsy "

<ystebanar wrote:


> Betsy: This is so strange, why does this kind of statement come up?

> It has nothing to do with what I posted or wrote about.

> Nothing I wrote made any claim about awakening = k.

> transformation being only about a physical step. Did anybody

> ask me about my past history? No, there were no questions.

> The following article summarizes the steps I've taken:

> http://phoenixtools.org/articles/khistory.htm

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