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The Emotions and the safeties

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When the Kundalini infuses the physical body, as many understand,

there some very interesting phenomena that can take place. The

swelling of the Kidneys, the sensations of heat and cold, the

manifestations of different forms of light inside and outside of the



The energy rushes inside and up the spine the sensations of

electricity in the scalp. the 360 degree vision, the energy coming

up the legs, the spontaneous movements(kriyas), the flaring

nostrils, the pressure changes in the ears, the bulge between the

eyebrows, the tongue tip burns, the smell of things that are not

present the hearing of music that isn't being played physically, the

healing of old and present illnesses or wounds, the sensation of a

bowl on the top of the head, the " hearing of others thoughts " , the

uncontrolled joy or the extra energies the indigestion, the

increased sexual interest and aptitudes, the ability go very deep in

meditation or prayer.


These are just a few, a very few, of the " physical " manifestations.

Many dealing directly with the five senses and some going beyond



It doesn't stop there. The Kundalini goes straight into the

individual personality and the centers of emotion and into the

person's sense of self. This is why there is such a focus on the

emotional balances.


Because of the practice of the safeties we haven't had very many

people imploding and exploding emotionally in this group. This has

given us a safe haven for the nurturing of the Kundalini without

some of these traumatic events. It does happen however.


People will activate alone and not have any idea what is occurring

and even if they do they are not aware of the occurrence of the

emotional overloading. It can be difficult. So know this and be

advised of how extremely important this aspect can be.


We are not practiced from a conscious standpoint of controlling our

emotions here in the western societies. imho. We turn to outlets of

the expression of emotions rather than using the tools of

forgiveness or tolerance in many cases. We are also compelled to

shove them inside and never allow them to be viewed or vented for

fear of others placing a judgment upon us at times. So we try to

smother them inside of ourselves and often they come out in ways

that are very damaging to us as individuals.


With Kundalini every aspect of the emotional body can become

inflamed. This isn't as bad as it may sound as the brighter

qualities are also expanded in conjunction with the darker

qualities. What can cause an issue is where a person is more

pronounced with regard to the expression of their emotions. Are they

depressed? Or are the a happy person? These qualities can become

very pronounced inside the Kundalini and it is here where people can

have problems relating to others.


The safeties allow us to choose a focus for the acceptance of these

qualities and also the conscious choice of what emotional feeling we

will give the most expression to. This is where the balancing is



Without this balance a person's sense of self and of pleasure and of

pain can become entangled into a mass of contradiction and confusion

and pain. Doesn't always stay this way but for some it does. So let

this be an FYI for you to practice the safeties with the same

interest and vigor that one would do the physical aspects of the

practice. Let yourself become healthy and strong in your

forgiveness, gratitude, love, tolerance, service for others,

surrender and patience.


Not saying you need to be perfect all the time just try to bring

these qualities into play more and more often in your daily life.

This will have a direct effect upon how the Kundalini expresses

through you and how you " feel " that expression and how you " feel "

about the expression. -

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