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Do we have to go through this? - Sartia

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Yes the lessons have been interesting since the Shaktipat. From

discarnate entities, to those who get a small taste of the Kundalini

and begin to express. To those who come as they are, active inside the

Kundalini for over a year. A broad swath of experience in a short time.


This is the nature of what is experienced here. It is strong. The

magnification can be overwhelming. The need to place it in a

contextual understanding based upon pre activation experience is also

strong and yet cannot easily help you unless you ground yourself in

the intentions as espoused in the safeties.


There are other paths. There are men and women who have walked this

way. Sometimes they call themselves Gurus or masters or teachers or

what have you. Many of them have activated and are into the awakening

and some haven't but say they have or are mistaking other phenomena

for Kundalini. There are other options.


I do not know of a group online or not that does what we do here. It

is very fast and concentrated but with the advantage of safeties and

protocols. We do not espouse a certain belief system. We do not force

a structure of devotion to a master. You are the Master. You make the

choices and decisions.


It isn't going to be easy all the time. There will and have been some

rough waters. There need to be these events that we can learn and use

what we learn in practice inside real events. Training for

discernment. The activities have been geared towards assaulting

certain integrities. They have been often focused towards a form of

dependency outside of your own self. Entities for example. Using them

or interacting with them as a way of accessing your own personal

energies. Or criticisms towards me and what I do here. These issues

will reoccur. This is the second or third set of them since this group

was founded.


It gets your attention because it is a relatively rare event. But it

will happen again and again as we become larger and larger. Kundalini

isn't a lightweight situation and brings out the strongest and

sometimes the harshest aspects of who we are and also what we as

individuals have experienced. Not all good things. Not all bad things.

But some folks have had experiences that the K will bring to the fore

that can have the dynamic of negativity or a yearning for one thing or

another. These folks may not even know that this is occurring. But it

can be disorienting to those of us who have not and most likely will

not go into those experiences.


So In answer to your question Sarita. No it isn't a guarantee that you

will go into an unbalanced series of psychosis if you don't do the

safeties. But you might. And if you do it can be hard and hurtful to

you and those around you. Same with the entities. They are not " all "

out to leach and feed off of us and control us into becoming little

restaurants on legs but some do.


I have tried to use the experiences I had in my early activation as

filters for helping people into this condition and awareness with out

having to go through these traumas. Trying to make the pathway more

clear and with a better chance of you're walking it without coming

into the jungle blindfolded. As I and i continue it gets better and

better. So the challenges get harder and harder.


The safeties are part of this preparation. As they are practiced a

high frequency or vibration of love based qualities are sent out from

you via the Kundalini and this attracts guidance that is above and

beyond what comprises the lower areas of the next existence, the

feeders and dominators, the recently departed, or those who are in

their own form of Hell and would like you to join them.


Your high self will take over where the safeties leave off. It is that

simple. In the time between then and now, we learn, we practice, and

we help each other. - my take -


















, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> Are we all doomed to go through ego problems or is this for those


> do not follow the Safeties? I am certain that it has nothing to do

> with our beloved Linda (silly girl! Love ya!) but it does seem as if

> this group has been " under fire " recently. Any thoughts as to why?

> There must be lessons in this for all of us. If only to make us see

> that the methods employed here are extremely effective.


> Sarita


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